Weekend Yea Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

the-conservatory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Yea Forumsnservatory_Wiki

Past threads:
desuarchive.org/co/search/text/the-conservatory wiki/type/op/

Attached: co colette 1390751190732.jpg (760x880, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something during the weekdays:

Last time:

-Spooky skeletons
-Spooky comic
-Cape leaks plot
-Other stuff I didn't mention maybe

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Jesus Christ, this is a slow weekend.

who is the most happy for Halloween?

I didn't have anything new from last thread to start this thread with. That comic from last thread wouldn't be visible as an OP I mean.

The spooks of course.

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Sell me on Motion, anons. How does she work?

Last week I said I was making something that /coc/ might like. Here it is.

If mods 404 the image (because furry), here’s a link: files.catbox.moe/bxxwrf.jpeg

Say hello to my half-finished crap.

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Hmm. I'd say to make it so they all retreat to one body when sleeping. Makes for a good dose of memory dump into the prime personality.

You mean like the others’ experience are replayed to Prima?
That could go somewhere.

Yeah. It would only make sense that she'd be aware of what "herself" has been up to.

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She can store and redistribute kinetic energy. This allows her to stop moving objects without any sort of whiplash, and impart movement to herself or other objects. Because she's inherently advantaged against purely physical combat, most of her notable enemies have elemental or chemical powers.

In terms of personality, she's been described as being a "disappointed optimist". She genuinely wants to believe in the best of people, but has been shown contrary evidence far too many times. She's emotionally guarded because her self-doubt makes her dismissive of positive reinforcement. She's very reliant on humor to interact with people, which gives her a charismatic and friendly air but also leads to having very shallow social connections, and she has difficulty engaging in serious conversations.

She's initially very reluctant to operate as a hero, but having a relatively high tier superpower makes her feel guilty about not using it constructively, especially following the death of a very prominent superhero in her city that had a fairly low level power comparatively. Ultimately, she finds the persona of Motion to be extraordinarily liberating, contrasting all the anxiety and low self-esteem she has as "Alexandra" with the exhilaration and freedom she feels as "Motion", to the point it becomes a detriment to her personal life.

Attached: MotionCast.png (5200x1200, 2.6M)

Salt levels on Yea Forums are astronomically high today.

Salty Motherfucking needs a promotion in the Sageworthy Society's hierarchy.

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What does she do after her sister finds her?

Going old school for the OP, huh? Well how about this for a Save Bump:
Now don't you go calling me Boo Boo the Fool but I saw this on the drawthread, and it got me raising some eyebrows, if you know what I mean.

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>Salt levels on Yea Forums are astronomically high today.
Do I even want to ask from what?

The Ms.Yea Forums compeittion went down in flames.
Personally I lost interest when Yea Forumslette and Golden Girl didn't even get nominated. If we can't show love for our daughterus we don't deserve waifus.

Middle pic is best pic

I prefer to start the threads with an image from the previous thread, but I didn't have any real options this time.

Sometimes /coc/ stuff does end up being requested in the drawthreads, uncommon, but not unheard of.

Ms. Yea Forums has been generating salt all week. The OP hosting it had a breakdown because of anons being anons and gave up his trip during the semi-finals. Now everyone is in a state of confusion over which poll is the actual poll to continue the tournament.

I'd considered adding the tournaments to the wiki since they are annual events (apparently), but right now I feel it'd result in edit wars due to the massive rivers of salt oozing everywhere right now.

I know this could be discouraging particularly when I'm posting it in this thread but it's Yea Forums. Did you literary expected anything else from Yea Forums? It's text-book for this board. Even putting aside the "Yea Forums can't finish anything" stigma, there's also the "Hit gold once, then shit all over it trying to duplicate it.". You see it in random threads with good OC being made for them.
No one should be surprised.

Attached: Motion ICS.png (602x567, 37K)

Nuked. Both post and poster count dropped considerably. Not surprising since it's Saturday, so I guess our fellow /coc/-Yea Forumsmrade was a cat lover.

Speaking of Bounce and probably the only good thing that came out of those awful threads, a few months ago I was being cheeky and got this made on a /tg/ thread.
It's Adinkra, the only other character concept I liked from that. This the-collection.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=64033 is the only other image of her.

Thoughts on both for development in the /coc/ universe?

Attached: Adinkra.png (2048x1483, 2.07M)

Progress on boneboi

Attached: Gabriel.png (2400x2408, 76K)

Not good, honestly.

So what's her powerset?

Design looks like her robot parts transformed from a car.

Changing it up a bit.

Are you doing that thing where you're confusing the WOYA threads, or even the How's Your Webcomic? threads, when posting that?

Fuck. I'll have to hunt down THOSE threads to see, but I think it's either just your typical genius engineer type hero, your Tony Stark and the like, or something like with Forge from the X-Men. Give me a minute and I'll dive in the archives to see.

Also, not being snarky, but I just don't see the "car-ness" of it.

From the thumbnail it looked like the shoulders were tires, so that impression carried over to when I looked at the full image.

Can I just drop off these niggas here?

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Did you actually read the post you're replying to?

Who are they and what do they do?

Pyrite AU user
Made some more stuff
Was going for a "Origin Myth" thing

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Think like a "Mural on the Wall" type story

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Are you honkeys even in the right thread?

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Yes? I've posted art of this before
It's part of an AU/OC story inspired by SU

Attached: IMG_5161.jpg (8008x1680, 852K)

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I felt like we were missing something in the pulp space heroes department. We've got Yea Forumsokie but no retro dudes like Adam Strange or Buck Rogers! I wanted to try and fill that gap so here's my attempt.

Attached: saul and luna.png (2400x1488, 175K)

>I lost interest when Yea Forumslette and Golden Girl didn't even get nominated.
No OCs allowed.
(yes, despite the sonichu character getting in.)
Yea Forumsnrad is allowed to be co-host and a "judge" but that's the extent of it.
Additionally, wanting anything to do with that shit show is like asking for an ass fucking. The less /coc/ has to do with those Hunger Games style tourneys the better.

>our daughterus
get a hammer, choose an appendage and go wack yourself.

Yeah, the space setting is fairly sparse except for Yea Forumsookie, the peacekeepers, and the pirate lords. Dashing adventurers are always a good addition.

Retro future huh?
So are they looking for a machine able to play the electric tape records left behind that might give them some clues?

"These cassettes don't fit any of my tele-viewers!"

They need to find a boombox.

>(yes, despite the sonichu character getting in.)
I am wholly confused as to the difference but whatever

Fuck, bump.

No, this is a fuck bump:

>Steven Universe AU
Fucking amazing. You really are in the wrong thread, my good bitch.
How hard is it to start a Donut Steel thread, or a Work on your art thread? Or even to actually read the second post on this thread?

Let's see if the thread is going to make it the full weekend or not.

What about the others, like Colette and Ladybug?

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I imagine she wouldn't be completely exonerated for her past crimes so she would probably be jailed but can get out either by services or bail or something

I like Bounce; glad she was a bit different from the Longorias by being more rubber than elastic.

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I DID read the 2nd post of this thread, WEEKS ago, and I asked and was TOLD that it was okay to post this stuff here. The story practically has nothing to do with SU anyway, and is its own thing beyond the Gem and Diamond aspects

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There should be a reform program.

Like a Plastic Man clause or something.

I can dig it, though I imagine Haley would begrudgingly do it, but it's for her little sis. Speaking of, isn't she part of a program too since her attempted crime days are over?

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Stretch got some sort of deal cut by The Collective. Presumably, they were able to spin her story about saving her sister and bringing down an illegal metahuman research lab as a form of vigilantism rather than villainy, which would put her crimes in a completely different light. Blackstrap, on the other hand, has done way too much undeniably villainous stuff, so she'll either have to go fugitive or end up in one of the supercriminal prisons of the setting. If she believed that complying and allowing herself to be imprisoned would put Stretch in a more favorable light legally, she wouldn't hesitate to do so. Between Stretch and The Collective arguing on her behalf, painting her as a tragic and penitent villain that was doing villainy out of the necessities of her living situation, not having a legal identity, having to take care of her young sister, her facial deformities caused by the illegal experiments that produced her, etc., they could pretty easily land her in Cove's Satellite, which is a much more rehabilitation focused facility.

Who takes the blame for creating the Mean Teens then?

Probably Shade.

Colette's power gauntlets variously manipulate gravity or give her the powers of Popeye depending on the interpretation.

Ladybug wears a power suit that can fly and project force fields. She uses the force fields to enhance the power of her punches by rapidly expanding the shield on hit.

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Works for me!

That still reads like some personal bullshit fanfiction. Go to WOYA, or make it if there isn't one.

Bumping again.

>Personal Bullshit Fanfic

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I don't know how to draw very well, so here's an idea with a reference picture attached. I can't think of a name for him, though.

Backstory: So, we're talking about this one guy who ends up getting into a car crash during a drive home. However, WHY it happened is something else. It's kind of silly, but a meteor hit his car. Surprisingly not dead, he obviously spends a few months in the hospital when a guy calls 9-1-1 upon seeing the crash. Upon getting out, things feel... Different. He feels odd, keeps waking up in a cold sweat, and has a difficult time doing several things.

Shit starts to get real when he hides in a bathroom when a miscellaneous monster/villain attacks, and, freaking out, he turns into a bug-like humanoid monster. Obviously horrified, he ends up defending himself against the villain, yada yada. Currently, he desires to discover where his powers came from.

Appearance: Normally, he's just a dude. However, upon his powers activating, he turns into a 7 foot tall insect-like humanoid with a passing resemblance to the attached picture.

Powers: When changed, he gains superhuman physicals, senses, the ability to eat anything, and most importantly, the ability to generate weapons from his carapace if he has enough materials.

Weaknesses: Changing back and forth is a difficult process, because
1. Changes actually drain his bodies energy reserves, and consecutive transformations have left him looking noticeably skinnier.
2. Changes are also really god damn painful, obviously, despite the fact that it just looks like a flash of light.
3. Interestingly enough, staying in either form requires him to concentrate. If he loses concentration, he starts to uncontrollably mutate into an ever-changing hybrid of both forms.

This is a super rough draft, obviously.

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sounds cool, I really like the weaknesses you gave him to match his abilities. The design kinda reminds me of those japanese super sentai-esque shows. I'd love to see the insect parts pushed more.

Do people mistake his bug body as a costume?

>The design kinda reminds me of those japanese super sentai-esque shows.
Because it is. That's Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Something like this or did you have different features in mind?

Attached: Bugtransformguy.png (3507x2550, 263K)

That was the point
No. They see him as a monster
That was the point
Maybe a little bit less grotesque, but good

Are talking insect man or more like man in insect costume? because if you want me to stick close to the reference pic I will say, that sounds really boring for a guy with bug superpowers

I dig it, reminds me of the Guyver

Bumping again...

Kind of a mixture. It's more that he has an insect-like carapace with specific changes in his proportions. He's not the fucking Fly.

Now that I think about it, you're right.

Attached: Bugmansuperherohero.png (3088x2188, 179K)

I love it.

Also, one more thing: It's less "He has a backpack" and more that "He pulls sharp stuff out of his 'skin/shell'." Like, his external shell actually shapes into stuff that he breaks off. And, to add to a few things, it's both painful and rather disgusting to watch.

like marrow?

Attached: Mvc2-marrow.jpg (500x818, 79K)

Kind of. But it's much more clearly painful for him. As in "Can and will double over" level of pain.

Then why would he ever do that instead of using a regular weapon? If pulling anything out of his shell what kind of benefit would it even have over grabbing a loose plank of wood or pick up a piece of piping?

Because said weapons are strong as shit.

Then tell write all these details beforehand. I can't read your mind.

I mean, it's superpowers. I thought it was rule 1 that "Superpower-generated weapons are automatically powerful".

Plenty of other superpowers don't cause the people who use them to double down on the floor writhing in pain.

I know about that. Not really my point, though.

Also, like I said, really rough draft.

I'm developing a short story starring Ladybug. Marley, tries helping the police catch a runaway teenager, she accidently lets him go, the parents talk to the local news and start shitting all over Marley, calling her "Bug Boy".
Ladybug feels so much blame, that she becomes obsessed over finding the kid.
The runaway has an ability call "Alchemy". He can combine the components of two objects by touching them with a specific hand. For example: His left hand (prime material) holds an oven mitt, and with his right hand, he's touching a cheap aluminum chair, part of the chair will transfer to the prime material, creating an aluminum gauntlet. After an hour, the gauntlet will disintegrate into paste. I know powers don't have to be scientifically accurate but, is there something I'm overlooking? It's a short pitch, what do you think of the idea overall? I will upload some panels on the coming weeks

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The you should rewrite it, You didn't even give a name for your character.
More Ladybug is good Ladybug. will definitely be excited when it drops

Attached: Bugmansuperheroheroherohero.png (3507x2550, 380K)

Is it mass transfer or just attribute mimicking?

Maybe instead of the entire oven mitt dissolving only the aluminum transferred to it dissipates? Or melts off of it.

I like this idea. Also, I can't think of a name that fits.

Actually, gimme a second to explain his powers in more detail.

When he creates a weapon, he doesn't just sprout it out. It's more that his shell/carapace/whatever you want to call it actually morphs and grows into a thingy. He can keep these attached or break them off.

Initially, I was going to make it so that he could turn stuff INTO weapons. Like a butterknife becoming a scimitar-like thing when he holds it. I'm still a little conflicted about including this aspect

Attribute mimicking like the Absorbing Man, right?
I went with mass transfer cause it put a limit on the kid, maybe he doesn't have enough of a specific material and has to improvise. The attribute mimicking would come later in life when his ability evolves.
I like your idea of the second material being the only part that dissolves, I imagine a scenario were he has to make time to use the prime material.

Yeah, like Absorbing Man. But since this kid is taking mass from something and injecting it into something else...

If you actually need a science-y sounding comic book explanation, then you can just say the molecular bonds binding the material together breakdown rapidly until the transferred substance runs off.

I mean, didn’t they try something like that in 2003?

I have no idea.

The 2003 Hulk film?

That's perfect! When I came up with the idea, the kid had a bunch of leafs in one hand and a metal rod in the other, so the leafs turn into throwing knives but, I guess introducing organic materials into the equation would only raise more questions

Oh. So he transfers specific attributes to things? Neat.

So the leaves become metal leaves and then an hour later the metal oozes off of or out of the leaves.

Wouldn't that be too overpower to have right from the start? Taking specific attributes could be, like I said, a later evolution of his power.
That's exactly correct.
Also, thinking of downsides of using "alchemy", the more material he transfers, the more tired he gets. What other downsides could there be?

Worse clean up than there being a "puddle" of hard metal for other more hazardous materials.

Does the kid have to understand what the objects are made of? Like Momo from HeroAca

Make him taller than Marley.

But what if he had a broom in one hand and touched something like soap or detergent in the other to give the broom those properties? What would happen if it was a non-solid object being applied to a solid object?

What about liquids?

>Also, thinking of downsides of using "alchemy", the more material he transfers, the more tired he gets. What other downsides could there be?
Maybe include some risk that he might generate something so unstable it just falls apart instantaneously? He has to carefully balance the properties he's applying with what they're being applied to

Where can I find more info on this?

Wasn't Motion transgender?

i hope not

Yes, but the fact you can describe her as a fairly nuanced character without mentioning it does her credit.

Is it safe to bring up Bounce or is Yea Forums too far gone?

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I like her.
I dont like if you take an established hero and blackwash them just to gain diversity points.

That would produce a soap staff. He could touch a lock with his left hand, and soap with his right hand, a soap lock, that would make it easier to break.
I guess it has to be materials in the same state, but there has to be fun combinations of liquids and solids (poison?)

There was some controversy about her but I don't remember what it was about in the slightest.

Someone decided that Yea Forums should create a team of black superheroes (or maybe it was just superheroines?).
There were three threads that came out of this, mostly filled to the brim with shitposting, people shitting on the OP, and lots of OP making an ass out of himself.
At some point a couple of people who were actually interested in brainstorming came along, and a handful of artists did some sketches. In a thread that was 90% shitposting they were swimming against the tide, and OP was weirdly unwelcoming of their contributions.
So it's more controversial because it's an example of Yea Forums treating its drawfags like shit and generally leaving a lot of people bitter than because of anything inherent to the idea.
On the other hand it's been a while and I wasn't watching those threads super close, so I might be missing something.

See and some retards wanted to make her nothing but fetish shit.

Ah well, that's hardly the most checkered past among our cast.

There was also the good old fashioned Yea Forums racism everywhere.

But that doesn't mean we have to do that here in this thread. I feel a lot of that stuff can be, and should be, ignored.

The character and her powers seem fine to me. It's just a question of "What are you going to do with them now?"

Not sure what we can do but I'd like to see more of her, despite her origins.

Would be amusing if people think she is the same as Stretcherous cause stretching despite how different their powers are technically.

>Is she part of an existing setting or does she need her own?
>Is there any already running scenario that could use her?
>Is she a main or supporting character?
>Is she part of one of the hero agencies or a vigilante?

hey uhhh so is this a foster home for unwanted original characters or just some kinda cape-related circlejerk?

It's a collaborative setting. Characters are designed more with the setting in mind than just collecting stray OCs. The biggest facet of it is capes, but there's other stuff going on as well.

Oh, so it's an ongoing thing instead of different themes each time.
Well, good luck accumulating whatever it is you guys are making here, I'll be on my way.

Who are these two? I like the design.

Stretcherous is the younger sister.
Blackstrap is the older sister.


I like it.

A'light, let's do this shit again. I wrote this concept in 7th grade.

Name: None

Codename: Persona (I didn't know about the games of the same name)

Backstory: So, in a nutshell, way back when, an eldritch being is going around the universe consuming and corrupting everything. Several races, however, proved to be resistant to it's influence. They were nearing extinction, and the causalities in their fights against it's minions were becoming too much to take. So, the remaining races hatched a plan: Create a warrior who could stand a chance against this horror and it's underlings.

How would they do this? Well, one of the races possessed immense psychic power. So they proceed to combine their collective psychic juice into one being. Enter Persona. All of their power focused through one individual being would surely be a force to be reckoned with, and could probably fight back against the horror.

What they didn't know, however, is how Persona would actually behave. They took a risk, and that risk really came true. Instead of a wise, focused messiah/warrior, Persona had the intellect and general disposition of a kindhearted, cheerful, and impressionable 6-year old.

The other races panicked, obviously. But one of them (A FUCKING FLAMING NINJA/SAMURAI DUDE) decided "Y'know what, fuck this, I'm going to try and train this little guy". And so he grabbed as many of the other races as he could, and dragged Persona to a remote place in the universe while they trained him. Aka: Our solar system.

Persona spends most of his time on Pluto, training.

I know it makes no sense, but hey, I wrote it in 7th grade.

Appearance: Persona normally looks like an abstract glowing bluish humanoid, but often dons odd disguises when he goes places.

Personality: Persona is an odd case. He's shy, cheerful, and actually really gullible, yet has a massive desire to learn about stuff. He also can't speak, due to not knowing how.

Personality (Continued): However, the fact that he's basically being raised to go and fight an eldritch horror, kill it, and then basically make himself stop existing in order to bring back a race is... Not a good idea, is it now?

Powers: Superhuman physicals, psychic powers, and the ability to do simplistic shapeshifting (His general form, no colors or smaller details). Also, his status as a psychic construct must count for something.

Also, he has a few allies:

1. That flaming samurai dude

2. A grumpy, PTSD wracked robot.

3. A piece of the eldritch horror who decided "Fuck you, you're not my real dad"

He gains a bunch more allies, but they're less allies to him than they are to the group.

I like that drawing.

Which drawing would that be?

Whoops. I meant the drawing of Blackstrap and Stretcherous

So what are you looking to do with the idea?
How can they even train something/one like that?

Who's her kid?

Like I said, I wrote this in 7th grade.

I was considering a few aspects that majorly the plot (NONE OF THESE OVERLAP)

1. The main cast consists of "Fusion" things like Persona, just from different races. Persona simply has a very different mindset. Maybe the others have the "General disposition" of their races.

2. Making it about the clash between Personas desire to be a hero and save others (Which he gets when he reads a comic book he finds on the ground during a trip to Earth) and who he's supposed to be (Read: Ultimate warrior who's made to expire when he fulfills his purpose)

3. I was considering having him and co travel the universe.

Quick doodle of good boi.

Attached: Good boy.png (303x596, 13K)

What do you need to keep in mind?


Some Morlock.

Attached: doodle2018JUL15_evilette_and_yallow_jacket_conrad.jpg (778x1100, 134K)

I have no idea who these two are, yet, I think they're amazing.

I don’t understand. These threads are usually bustling.

All the OC energy is being diverted to Channel trash.

No they're not. They've been moving at this speed for like two years now with maybe one semi-fast thread every two months.

Evilverse Yea Forumsnrad and Yea Forumslette.

Makes sense.

Alright, here’s a quick one:

In an underground high tech lab, we follow a mute genetically grown “Perfect Soldier” (who, from the neck down, kind of resembles the attached picture) as he basically tries to protect the other experiments in the facility from their inhuman treatment. Like a cute robot girl or something.

Attached: EA89DC88-E00A-4DE2-B6FE-A91C46470AA6.jpg (1196x1200, 296K)


>Issue 1 - Participate in the Yea Forumsve hanger fight club looking for leads about where her sister is

Big Voice Man: For the new people in the room, WE KNOW HOW TO FIND YOU but, we don't need to look for you, if you follow the rules: No killing, no snitching, no crying , no grudging, no packing, no secrets. No killing and no snitching are self explanatory. No crying means I don't wanna hear complaints. No grudging means if you have heat with someone in this room, you can stay but you can't fight eachother, get that shit outta here. No packing, we know some of you prefer armed combat, you can NOT bring your own weapons, you will have to accommodate to what we have here. No secrets means we have to know exactly what you can do before a fight, no secret special abilities.


Interestingly enough, issue two has actually been written since it intertwines with the Aqua Coalition (of Super Friends) plot.

There's been plot outline writeups, but that's about it.


Somewhere in the archives. It'd probably be more convenient at this point to do a whole new updated writeup.

I have it saved in my collection of txt files.

>The story essentially starts when Alexandra Flynn gets exposed to the effects of an unstable reactor as it malfunctions while she is visiting at a Yamada Industries facility that her friend Kim works at as an intern. This causes significant property damage and the induction of Alex's kinetic absorption/redistribution abilities, which she initially keeps secret. She moves out of her parents house and into an apartment with her friend Kim and another roommate, James.

>After moving, Alex is enthusiastic about her powers, but uncertain how to apply herself. Chicago is mostly being taken care of already by a fairly powerful superhero named Striker16 and a woman in a sort of powersuit named Thunderstruk. The modern remnants of the Chicago mafia, headed by Pompey Adessi, are unable to deal with Striker16 and on the decline. The only other major source of crime seems to be linked to a shady research facility (which we've yet to name) that is studying and attempting to reliably replicate certain technologies, including the reactor that gave Alex her powers, and also methods of creating superhuman abilities.

>Alex, fashioning the superhero persona of Motion, gathers what evidence she can and approaches Striker16 with the research facility's case. He pokes a little too hard and uncovers the activities of a rising street gang called the Livewires working with the facility. Their leader, Indra, attacks and kills Striker16, and in doing so reveals him as the son of Yamada Industries CEO, Yamada Hiroto, who knew nothing about his son's powers or superheroics.

Oh, this is actually quite long.

>The mob, freed from the restrain Striker16 posed, begin attempting to reestablish their control of Chicago, only to find the Livewires had secretly taken over while Striker's campaign against the mob had kept them tied up. Without such a powerful superhero on hand anymore, this escalates into a full on gang war. Motion finds herself forced to step in and try to stop it all, only to encounter several other supervillains cropping up each time she brings one down.

>The first of these is Julio Herrera, a mechanic from a long line of mechanics. With a penchant for fire and a knack for machinery, Julio, calling himself Calor, appears in a suit designed to light Chicago up in flames. Having seen what appears to have been Indra's sudden rise of fame and power coinciding with Indra killing a superhero, he concludes the quickest way to secure some power for himself would be to take down a superhero too, and takes aim at Motion, who managed to establish her public presence after foiling a bank robbery by Pompey's men. This backfires, and Calor's defeat makes Motion all the more prominent as a defender of the city.

>In an attempt to stop a thief, Jhonathan Abel, Motion pursues him into the same shady research facility the Livewires were workign with and confronts him. During their fight, the copycat reactor based on the same design as gave Alex her powers is damaged, causing Abel and a member of the research team, Dr. Moon Hye-Rim, to be similarly affected. Abel ends up with the ability to absorb and emit electricity, but Dr. Moon is not so lucky, gaining the ability to absorb heat, but unable to release it. Able, now calling himself Jhonny Volt, thanks Motion for her gift to him and invites her to call in a favor any time as he flees the scene.

Still more.

>Dr. Moon, unable to control her abilities, seethes with hatred at both her employers and Motion. She's forced to raid the facility, stealing the supplies she needs to create a suit capable of blocking heat from being absorbed by her body, then seeking her revenge on Motion. I don't want to spoil the details, but it's not so successful.

>The shapeshifter Delta unexpectedly forces their way into Motion's life, with the promise of information that could secure the arrest of Pompey. No spoilers again, but Pompey ends up in jail.

>Things seem to be going well at this point, there's a lull in activity and Yamada Industries announces the Collective Care for Superpowered Youths, an attempt to try to present alternative applications for superpowers other than crimefighting to try to stop the same fate as Kaito suffered from befalling other young adults with wuperpowers. It's all looking up until a mysterious illness begins plaguing Chicago. The source is none other than Toxique, formerly Veronica Merlo, a test subject turned bioweapon that managed to escape the nameless research facility. Spoilers, spoilers, gets resolved, you know.

>After this, Alex takes a brief holiday, returning to her parents' home to attempt a reconciliation. Not going to say if that succeeds or not, but things go horrible in Chicago while she's away. Pompey enacts his plan to escape prison, freeing himself, most of his gang and Calor. Thunderstruck attempts to stop them, and, failing, is killed in action. This prompts Robert's ill-fated attempt at revenge, and he's killed too. The gang war between the mob and the Livewires flares back up, and Motion returns to a city in chaos.

Still more.

>I'm not sure how much more of this I should write out.

>Of course, all this doesn't even begin to cover the problems of her personal life or relationship troubles. There's two boyfriends to mention, James Ryley and Max Anthony, her friends, her job, her schooling, her family, how her superhero acts affect her civilian life, etc.

And that's all Morgan (the artist who has drawn many, MANY pics for these threads) decided to share.
This was a few years ago.

I saved all of this because I'm the one who updates the wiki and I save a lot of text on the off chance that it'll need to be put on the wiki, but these are plot notes and outlines while what's on Motion's page is more like a summary.

>The shapeshifter Delta unexpectedly forces their way into Motion's life, with the promise of information that could secure the arrest of Pompey. No spoilers again, but Pompey ends up in jail.
This is one thing I know ends up changed. Delta has it out for the Livewires in the current version.


I think it was something like they had or know something about something Delta is looking for.

Yes, mute

>Evilverse Yea Forumsnrad and Yea Forumslette.
doesn't Evilverse Yea Forumslette already have a different design?

>All the OC energy is being diverted to Channel trash.
>These threads are usually bustling.

The thread is as active as it usually is.
The Channel/Ms. /co threads are actually diverting all the shitpost energy into isolated containment threads and has slowed the entire board. Right now you see Yea Forums's natural state as one of the slower board on Yea Forums without all the shitposters flooding the board with shitty threads fishing for (You)s.
As a result, threads like this can last a bit longer than usual.

Yeah, is just them but younger.

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