Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
>saying you're not attracted to dick is homophobic
I agree with her statement except for her choice of the word crush, when they seem to be referring to any kind of sexual or romantic attraction no matter how brief your encounter
if that hot 45yo buff dude at the gym with a full beard and hairy chest happens to have been born with a vagina you're not likely to tell just by looking
Sexuality exists. Cope, homophobes.
bitch I had a crush with a bunch of bitches that have aids without me knowing, I think id like to know before diving into that shit you dig?
And being transphobic is bad because...?
Any 'men' who couldn't tell apart trannies from real women are just closet homoniggers
So are you saying that's a trap, OP? If so, I'll give it a 5. I'll bump that up to 8 if it's an actual girl(f)
the first statement is very hyperbolic, that's about it.
Trannies are delusional, what a surprise.
Their own argument is that gender and sex do not share the same definition. The idea is that gender is based on external social mores while sex is the biological aspect. We still have heterosexuals and homosexuals. What we don't have are heterogenderials or whatever the fuck it would be called. Therefore, definitively and based on their own ideals, it cannot be transphobic not to be attracted to trans people.
No, I can definitely tell.
That's bullshit because you weren't attracted to trans people knowing they're trans.
It's like you're not gay after fapping to traps unless you knew they were traps (you fapped to women).
>well Yea Forums
>trolling outside of Yea Forums
>i'm attracted to that man, but i'm not gay
These are gymnastics.
I can't tell if this is from the actual comic or from someone making fun of it.
>You don't know if that trans looking trans person is trans.
Let's be honest, we know when someone is trans, and it usually isn't sexually appealing to most men, and even if they're wrong, it still just an unattractive woman. Sounds like (s)he's trying to force men to love them, kinda rapey.
Off topic, but why is trans okay, but not transsexual these days, seems arbitrary and kinda stupid.
>what is reading comprehension
It's a trap because it looks like a woman. So until you're told it's actually a man you're attracted to its female form.
I don't know what you think reading comprehension is, because all of that was immediately understood. You couldn't have simplified it any more than you did initially because you're not very smart. There is no female form with traps, because they are men.
how can you tell if you can tell? If you mistook a transperson for a cisperson you don't get a "99/100 people's genitals accurately guessed, here is who you got wrong" scorecard at the end of each day
>theres no way to tell if someone is trans or not
Are westerners really this delusional?