Person is distant and cold

>person is distant and cold
>has ice powers
Bravo Disney

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Ice powers are cool.

What happens in the actual tale again?

Based Satan, I'm your fan~

Distant and cold BECAUSE of Ice Powers, my Lord. I know you're still waiting for that cold day in hell but that doesn't mean you can take it out on the ice wielders in the mean time.

OP isn't cool but he's hot.


>Character has Necromancy Powers
>"I've got a Bone to pick with you!"

>"You wouldn't catch me Dead at one of those things!"
>"You've made a Grave mistake~"
>"You call this ART/MUSIC!? It sounds so hollow on the inside, it has no soul! I'm all about the soul!"

I find this Humerus

>character is a mass of contradictions
>named Hot Coldman

>Person has ice powers
>Hottest Disney Princess

Way to contradict yourself Disney

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>kingdom of ICE-olation
Get the fuck out Disney

But this isn't at all what Elsa looks like
Movie Elsa is a twig

When the hell was Elsa's personality "cold"? She was upbeat as fuck whenever she wasn't angsting about the whole "sometimes I nearly kill people without meaning to" thing.

She's so perfect.

OP needs to chill out.

She isn't hot, she's icily beautiful

>the wind is howling like the Disney's Frozen 2013 inside
Really Disney?

>starts a thread with a pathetic statement
>((you addict))
Bravo o/p

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Elsa should have been completely naked during her coronation

Incredibly based

She was just going through a goth phase.

>person is reckless and hot headed
>has fire powers

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>person is black
>has electricity powers

No, there should've been a large nubian gentleman in the front row and instead of taking the scepter she should've smirked and jerked him off with her gloved hands until he coronated her with his string of cum pearls.

I really hope the sequel improves her significantly.
Though Disney probably learned all the wrong lessons from the original's massive success.

The only thing wrong they did was resolve her crippling emotional and self esteem issues. Now she's going to be boring as fuck.

Let’s compromise and say both scenarios should have been true