What did we think of it?

what did we think of it?

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it was terrible idea on paper, but it was executed surprisingly well

it's not looney tunes

Good show. Bugs and Daffy were great and this Lola was the best version of her. Tina was also a good addition.

>this Lola was the best version of her
My favorite version of Lola is the one from that bit of fanart where Bugs is spanking her

Needed more Loony "Tunes" in the middle of the episode, why they stopped those and went with road runner was a bad call
ended horribly with a DC parody episode
I liked this version of Daffy, he grows on you

TV wasn't ready for a Looney Tunes sitcom. Lola was sexy. The jokes mostly hit.

Really good. Underrated, even. I love the DMV episode and when Elmur Fudd sings the R&B song about grilled cheese.

Underrated. Looked destined to fail, actually pulled it off and was great. It also has the best version of Lola, and the character interactions were fun.


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Excelled expectations but also hit and miss. Overall very good for the most part.

the best adaptation of the looney tunes in forever

My favorite version of Daffy since Duck Dogers.

it was great


This Lola is a random yandere girl with zero actual personality. Space Jam Lola was capable, knew what she wanted and could defend herself against unwanted advances. Like a bunny version of Jessica Rabbit.
Go rewatch her introduction when they're about to play the match, she was amazing and really clicked with Bugs which was the only character who immediately started treating her as an equal after he was corrected, while still acting nice (and cheering for her!!).
This Lola reminds me of Sierra from Total Drama but with none of the charm, she didn't have any chemistry with Bugs, and she was SO annoying.
Just because she was sexualized originally doesn't mean she didn't have a personality (it was intentional, again think jessica rabbit), and the new one is a major downgrade.

What the fuck even was that half-assed pocket-change budgeted direct-to-dvd film?
Why make something so bad out of something so good; and so long after?

Had a slow start but eventually stuck comedy gold before too long.

I miss it. Wabbit/New Looney Tunes is shit.

Lola was pretty great IMO

I want Lola's mom to sit on my face

>This Lola is a random yandere girl with zero actual personality.
She is not Yandere, Yanderes are sweet female characters that slowly show themselves are maniacs, Tunes Show Lola is just happy go lucky, kinda dumb and very hyperative.

>watching TDI
Opinion discarded even before the bullshit Wamen Defense. Also her voice actor was a fucking comedian (a former SNL actress) so of course she'd be WACKY. She fits more in with the others that way vs. sexy paper cutout that attracts furries. She was basically Babs Bunny in TLTS and that was a fucking upgrade. Space Jam Lola was fine whenever I was a kid and watching the movie, but not as an adult. If you're a kid and like her, fine, but if you're a grown adult and trying to bullshit some excuse like 'she was CAPABLE and KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING LIKE A BUNNY VERSION OF JESSICA RABBIT', you're a dumbass. She was sexy. That was the entire fucking point of her character. I don't care. She did her job in that way. Don't try to shoehorn a personality with that, though. If you want a character that's sexy and has personality, maybe try for something past a one-note movie character.

They probably are confusing her personality for yandere because she stalked and obsessed over Bugs (as well as obsessed over Daffy in one episode). I don't know what animu name it has, but she wasn't yandere.

She was a fucking maniac though, there were multiple episodes of Bugs being uncomfortable around here and wanting to get away. Come on.
>watching cartoons makes your opinion less valid in a board for cartoons
Okay user! Maybe you should rewatch space jam, just because you and a lot of people jack off to her doesn't mean she didn't have anything else going for her. Granted it wasn't this amazingly deep personality, but it could've been expanded without COMPLETELY REWRITING IT, and making her a psycho who is not like the other girls and with a completely different look AND personality wasn't an interesting development, just the easy way out. Just make a different character at that point, why call her Lola? This new Lola doesn't gel with Bugs, he dislikes her, they don't play off of each other in a way that improves their comedy, it's basically girl pepe le pew. Boring, already been done and better, and not even that funny. Overrated for sure.
Space Jam Lola was not so fundamentally flawed that she had to be rewritten like this.

Its fucking fantastic

It's a litmus test for having even remotely any taste in cartoons. I'm not saying you have to love it, but there really is something for everyone here. My personal pick for best cartoon of the decade.

>watching shit cartoons makes your opinion less valid

>you don't like old Lola, so you jack off to her
You said it, not me. To reiterate exactly what I said (since you missed it entirely): Space Jam Lola is fine whenever you're a kid and watching the movie (I'll add onto this by saying as a kid, you aren't trying to read into things that aren't there). She's fine if you want to watch it as an adult and don't want to read things into her so-called "personality", too. Not that I'd recommend watching Space Jam. It's not a good movie. It's an 'okay' movie. If you want a better movie, Roger Rabbit is a good idea, if you don't take anything about it seriously.

>doesn't gel well with Bugs because she gained a personality and became an actual character that isn't just throwing out one-liners like "ON THE COURT - BUGS" or "DON'T CALL ME DOLL"
You can think that, but you're wrong. I understand you seem to want more fap material than anything. That's not evil. Just it ruins your whole argument about fap-bait-tier Lola having any personality. She rarely showed up in the goddamn movie to begin with. It was either Michael Jordan or Bugs Bunny. Lola was the bait to get people to see the movie. I watched it for Bugs AND Lola. I didn't give a shit about basketball or MJ or anyone else, but I was a kid that was already interested in TTA and LT.

>girl Pepe Le Pew
Lola is not Fifi Le Fume, so you're reaching. Fifi did nothing to deserve this blasphemy, user. Pepe is okay for a gag character, but I won't pretend he has a personality, either. Fifi also suffered in TTA, but her antics were less like Pepe's. She got more screentime (than Lola did in Lola's own introduction movie/film that introduced her to people) yet the TTA writers also failed to build up her character at all. I know they didn't even try with Shirley. At least Tina from TLTS had some personality.

Loves Daffy in it, wasn’t sure about the sitcom style but did really well with it. Favorite episode is the one where they try to stop a wedding.

Season one of TDI is not just good... not just fun...
but dare I say KINO!

>"I only watch what the majority deems to be good cartoons!"
Says the user who hasn't expressed his actual taste in cartoons, trying to discredit my argument without putting in the effort. Also, you need to watch the cartoons in order to know if they're good or bad, silly user, and Sierra wasn't in "TDI", she was in "TDWT", so clearly you didn't even watch it. So tell me, how do you know it's bad? Word of mouth? Your attempts to dismiss me are pathetic.
Now, before continuing with my reply, let me clarify one thing. I LIKE THE LOONEY TUNES SHOW. It was fucking great actually, the comedy was mostly hits, bugs and daffy were very inspired in their portrayals. Lola was pretty much the only thing I heavily disliked.
>you jack off to her
Not quite, I was claiming that you only see her as jack off material in her original appearance. While that may be part of it, it's not all there is to her, it really isn't, and what we had in the original was still better, it wasn't annoyingly and painfully unfunny like the "I'm thirsting for this dude who hates me and I'm gonna act crazy about it" shtick which gets old in a minute if you don't add anything else to the character.
>Recommending I watch Roger Rabbit
Yeah... no, thanks, really, but I already have. I wouldn't make the Jessica Rabbit comparison otherwise.
Again, nowhere did I claim Space Jam is this amazing masterpiece of a movie. Just saying original Lola had much more going for her.
I know she wasn't much in the movie, I am aware, there were a lot of characters, of course she wasn't explored in depth, I never claimed that either. But she did have SOME character that could've been expanded, instead of making it completely different but still not funny. I prefer when the dynamic between two characters is equal, whether they love or hate each other, they should still compliment each other in some way.
And when I mentioned Pepe Le Pew I meant him literally. You know the gag of him chasing the girl endlessly?

Roger Rabbit wasn't for you, it was for anyone reading that hadn't seen it. Yes, I understood that you'd seen the movie. It still holds up years later, unlike Space Jam. I can't go up to someone as an adult and seriously say, "I liked Space Jam." It was hard enough going to school and having people know you liked Tiny Toons, so no, it wasn't a majority rules type of thing at all. You can not like her change while also NOT holding her former self up on a high pedestal. I'd even go so far as to say Babs Bunny didn't have much in the way of a personality aside from being a comedian (same for Buster) but that was just the way the writers wanted it, I guess. TLTS showed me what TTA could have been. Funny and having personality. Who'd have thought?
>Lola had some character that could've been expanded on
This but with Fifi and Babs and other characters in TTA. Also Petunia from TLTS.
Yes, I know that gag. That was all he was good for, really. There's also Penelope, the cat that he chases after. She has no depth or hint to any sort of personality. She's literally there just for Pepe to chase or for Bugs to make out with (Hello, Carrotblanca with the weird talking Penelope). Anyway, I hate whenever there's a female and you have to do the fake badass thing like they pulled with Lola. Very 90's-tier cliche. If she came back with a mohawk or something in a remake for the movie, I wouldn't be shocked/surprised. I'd be even less surprised if they made her a dyke in the Wabbit/New Looney Tunes show.

>She was a fucking maniac though, there were multiple episodes of Bugs being uncomfortable around here and wanting to get away. Come on.
She didn't, the reason why Bugs wanted to get away is because she is way too hyperative and overemotional over anything making her annoying.

I learned a new animu term today that may or may not actually exist for this: bakadere.

Nowhere did I put original Lola on a pedestal by claiming she was better than TLTS Lola. She was. She wasn't funnier, but she was less annoying, and had a dynamic that worked better with Daffy and Bugs, since they don't dislike her. I think keeping the comedy trio idea instead of sidelining her could've been a better approach.
And you can have girl characters who are capable without it being leftist pandering. I would be just as mad if they made her a dyke or altered her design even more, believe me. Because that is not who she is. It is entirely possible that she happened to be good at that one thing while being a girl, it's not like Bugs was suddenly an idiot when she appeared, and she didn't even make much of a difference, so she wasn't unbelievably skilled. She just happened to be good, it was a dynamic that helped in making her look appealing so Bugs' crush would look believable. Watching him go beyond her looks and appreciating her on a deeper level and discovering the flaws (effectively removing her from the pedestal HE had) would've been possibly funnier. And completely achievable without making her a different person.
I'm sorry you got bullied for your taste in cartoons at school, but you can totally like Space Jam. You're allowed, it's a decent movie. Stop looking at things in black and white.
>you know that gag
Good, imagine that gag but stretched for an entire series. That's how painful and uninspired it was.
She was overbearing, and obsessive, which is basically the same thing. And still annoying, to Bags and to the audience. Maybe not the entirety of the audience I'll give you that, but to me absolutely.

Great show. I watch 4 or 5 episodes a week usually on the ride home from work. I wish there was a 3rd season.

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Where can I stream the entire series in HD?

>leftist pandering
It's both sides. Third position is the only true kino position.
>calls out black and white thinking
>calls pushing the strong woman narrative 'leftist pandering'
This has to be a joke post. NRA-fags are also into the whole strong woman narrative and they're 'right-leaning'.
>Space Jam
I was a kid, so it was even more weird to be the odd one out in that regard. This is the same fucking school that loved The Macarena.
>TLTS Lola
She became better as episodes went on. The gag was downplayed. If you want to talk about a better character that won't annoy you, probably Tina (Daffy's girlfriend).

Face the nightmare that is Wabbit/New Looney Tunes. The Looney Tune Show will never return. I'd like Wabbit more if they kept the same art design as TLTS, but no, they went with really ugly designs. They also made Petunia like she came from Tumblr. Do not want.

I liked it, especially Lola

>implying Space Jam Lola had an actual personality
>not just a checklist of cliches

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>Face the nightmare that is Wabbit/New Looney Tunes.

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Dude, it's Okay that you wanted to fuck Space Jam Lola, no need to go into such mental gymnastics to justify fapping to a cartoon rabbit.

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>strong woman left right pandering bla bla
Fine, let me rephrase it. Having a girl who was good at that thing is a possibility without pandering to anyone. No "strong woman" narrative, just a woman who knows how to do that one thing, coincidentally (which is convenient plotwise, but not necessarily pandering). It would have been pandering and annoying had all male characters turned into retards ability-wise to make her appear stronger, or if she was literally good at anything, which she wasn't, we don't know that she was. It's possible that she happened to have basketball training, it's a movie where a person gets transported into a toonland for fucks sake, if a girl who is coincidentally good at one thing is what you can't believe then... well, that's sad. And again she wasn't great, she was as good as Bugs to be honest, and her role wasn't key in winning at all other than in numbers. She almost got crushed.
But anyway, Tina was great actually! I liked her.
The point of OP was asking for opinions, I expressed mine, the one I felt the strongest about especially because it's unpopular, but that is all.
And no I wasn't joking... I just hadn't considered what you wrote, but you're still allowed to like movies that are just "decent" and even point out things that you think they did correctly. It doesn't automatically mean that you think the thing is without flaw or perfect. I didn't even mean to get into a big discussion, I just personally dislike the direction they took with Lola, and firmly believe they should've based her more on the original and expanded her, because she wasn't as flat as everyone remembers.
I wonder what they'll do with her in the Space Jam sequel...

If they bring back those artist from TLTS for any remake of Animaniacs or TTA, I'll definitely watch it.

She had the personality of a background character, which she WAS, and still more charming than her new iteration even with just glimpses of a personality. It's okay if you like the new one more, I did not.
Whatever let's you sleep at night, I didn't even mention her design anywhere. I mean, mostly because it was the exact same, so why would I... it's the personality that I dislike, and my preference has nothing to do with who I wanna fuck. To be fair and honest with you, I'd do both versions. Because they look the same.
But this isn't about that, and whenever she's in the frame in the new version I really just want to close the streaming. Watching a guy struggle to get away from an obsessive stalker could be funny, but I didn't think this was, specifically because I could compare it to the original and wish they had done more with that instead. Cliches can still turn into a full fledged personality if expanded, which I keep repeating is what I wish they would've done.
Let's turn this around, why do you all like her new version more? Maybe you can convince me or make me see things in a new light.

>Having a girl who was good at that thing is a possibility without pandering to anyone.
Of course, but when you pair that with cliches such as
>Hot but sporty
>More competent than the boys
>Token girl
>Hates being called "doll/sweetie/hun/etc."
Then you're pandering

Space Jam Lola just wasn’t a Toon, TLTS Lola was.

I miss Tina.
>Space Jam Lola
I only liked the movie because of the kiss. That's what I mean by 'watched as a kid'. In her concept sketches, she was wearing sunglasses and a lower top with the cleavage out. I'm shocked they didn't go with that seeing as how short everything was even in the final cut. I remember watching Twister on VHS (maybe) and seeing the movie preview for Space Jam and I was so fucking hyped. BUGS FUCKING BUNNY. In terms of mainstream movies for LT, that was the best they could get and it's sad. I think the reason I compared it to Roger Rabbit was also because of the cartoon/CGI/real life shit going on, not just because you mentioned Jessica Rabbit (surname probably came from Roger, seeing as she's not a rabbit). I got merch with Lola on it as a kid, too. I even got those damn toys from McDonald's. Despite that, there actually was not much merch for that movie. Imagine putting together your TTA plush toys next to your McDonald's plush toys. That was my childhood.
>Space Jam cancer ala sequel
They should let it die or live in whatever nostalgia people carry with them because that'll kill the franchise/what little franchise there is forever. It won't be a franchise if they never make a 2nd movie, though. I remember some gay (not literal, just bad) fanfic that was a sequel to Space Jam and it had TTA characters in it. Yeah, that'll never happen. Not like I'd wish that on anyone.
>more Space Jam Lola blurbs
She almost got crushed because they wanted a scene for Bugs to push her out of the way to rescue her (while playing an instrumental version of For You I Will by Monica). Which also led to him getting a kiss later on. Movie cliches. It worked. I'd probably still feel mushy seeing that now.

What the fuck? Lola is nothing like Jessica Rabbit if you bother to look at them any deeper than on a surface level.

>Hot but sporty
It was to justify Bugs' crush on her.
>More competent than the boys
Not really, I'd say just as competent as Bugs.
>Token girl
That's not on her though, she was tasked with being the only girl in a cast of boys, she was doomed to stand out.
>Hates being called "doll/sweetie/hun/etc."
Glimpse of a personality that could've been expanded in a series. If people judged you only for your looks (even if positively) you'd be pissed too.
She wasn't, I fully agree.
Roger Rabbit was the best movie of its very specific genre, no doubt about it. The LT movies had their charm but nothing spectacular. I admit that I really like them, but objectively I can say they're just decent at best.
No wait, did you not see that the sequel is already announced? We even got a teaser picture, and Lola could be in it, judging from said teaser picture. I doubt they'll use her TLTS personality, so I'm really hoping for my breakthrough, to finally get a version I can fully enjoy.
>the rescue
You're right, of course, but still, getting rescued means she's not infallible, just good. Then it led to the "saved damsel in distress" type of scene, but still.
She was the love interest because that was her role for the movie, but she could've been more, based just from that. Hell, make basket one of her interests as a character to justify her being good, I don't care. As for making her looney... I mean, she could be like bugs, so they could work better as a duo. I'm sure they could write her wacky if they wanted.
I feel like that claim confused a lot of people, but what I meant is that to me she felt like they were trying something like that and it could've become like that had it been expanded beyond "background character/love interest", and it would've made for an angle that I would've vastly preferred.

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>I'll tell ya what i'm lookin' at: a sad little man who buys his jeans in the childrens department and is about to get beat up with his own boots!

Tina was great. I like the way she treats idiot customers.

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>It was to justify Bugs' crush on her.
That just makes Bugs look shallow.
>Not really, I'd say just as competent as Bugs.
Bugs is the most competent after MJ, so that's not saying much.
>That's not on her though
No it's on the writers, who were clearly aiming for a specific goal with her.
>If people judged you only for your looks (even if positively) you'd be pissed too.
She sure didn't looked pissed while she was being drooled over by the whole crowd while the announcer talked about how hot she was, even playing it up with her little catwalk in fact.

>That just makes Bugs look shallow.
He was, initially. Never completely outgrew it, but that's why it's not perfect. He did act different after the introduction though. Stopped drooling except after he was literally kissed.
>Bugs is the most competent after MJ, so that's not saying much
Not saying much, just saying that she wasn't "more competent than the boys". She was just competent, which is allowed. Especially because she was the only girl, they had to make her worth it for the demographic she was gonna represent. And even then, she wasn't overly competent as we both stated. Surely bugs didn't get training, so her being as good as him makes perfect sense, also because they're similar.
>No it's on the writers, who were clearly aiming for a specific goal with her
Yeah, writing a low effort love interest. Yet still better than what I had to sit through for TLTS! With more potential definitely.
>she didn't look pissed
You're right, but they should've made her look pissed, to have it be consistent and actually be a personality. The crumbs were all there is what I'm saying, and I liked them.

It was lit af, how could anyone think otherwise?

The best. I MISS HER. I don't even know if her voice actress was a comedian.
Granny was in there, too, but she couldn't play or maybe she was there for a small part and I forgot.
Definitely on the writers. I think they were all too focused on the real life people to care what happened with the others involved. We got more backstory on MJ than anyone else. Bugs just got the most screentime after MJ.
I know I keep talking shit about the movie, but the soundtrack was amazing for the time it came out. You had a little of everything and you had that infamous Bugs Bunny rap. Very 90's in the way it was made in terms of artists selection. They even had a remake of That's The Way (I Like It) by The Spin Doctors (who'd only been known for the Two Princes song before then). And of course the meme known as Space Jam (?) by Quad City DJs (at the same time, Come On N Ride It was popular, so it was a good choice of timing for them to have a 2nd single out). As I said in my earlier posts, I'm an adult, but I'd listen to that whole CD right now. Minus the Buggin' rap, I think every other song would be fine to play in front of people. Basketball Jones is a weird one, I must admit, but people enjoy Chris Rock and Barry White, so it could pique some listeners' interests.

Apologies in advance for the canned response:
This, holy shit.

>Let's turn this around, why do you all like her new version more?
Well first of all she is funny, which is pretty important for Looney Tunes. And it's an unique kind of funny that lets her stand out from the other characters. Pairing her up with anyone always gets some laughs. She's an airhead and can be crazy sometimes but is ultimately nice and tries to help everyone. She's energetic and is up for almost anything.

Plus her getting with Bugs is done better. They actually started dating for the same reason as the movie because they're attracted to each other, but it's subverted when Bugs dumps her after finding about her actual personality. Later when she forces him into a getaway in France he finds out he actually enjoys his time with her once he got past her talkative nature. He still denies any feelings for her after that but when she stops heaping attention on him in the double date episode he gets jealous and unintentionally slips out that he's her boyfriend. Their dynamic is way more entertaining. It's like an inversion of the classic hot chick/dumb guy pairing, unlike the movie version where it's more one-sided.

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True. Imagine enjoying a cartoon that is described as 'LOONEY TUNES CHARACTERS AS NEIGHBORS IN A SITCOM FORMAT LIKE SEINFELD'. Absolute shit. I wouldn't have given it a chance if I didn't like the style of the characters. The beginning was brutal in that regard, though. They fucked with how Bugs looked in the color-area. They got better as the episodes moved along.

>The crumbs were all there is what I'm saying
I rather enjoy a decent meal than the leftovers of something I can't recognize.

>Granny was in there, too, but she couldn't play or maybe she was there for a small part and I forgot.
She had two lines at best, and was incompetent of course, being an old lady and all. Basically a noncharacter.
>We got more backstory on MJ than anyone else
You're right, but I think this was because they felt they had to establish the new characters, whereas the looney tunes we all already knew, and he was the protagonist etc... Wouldn't have minded more details about the alien planet where the Monstars came from I guess, but it also would've made the movie feel less grounded, which is why I feel they chose to focus so much in MJ. Just speculation though, not even passing judgement on whether that was the right call or not.
Yeah the soundtrack was great, no complaint there.
Fair. I can't contradict you, as it's your opinion. I just find all of those qualities rather annoying myself. They had way more time to develop her relationship with bugs thankfully, which is also why it's more... developed. That "real personality" thing is something I wish they could've done with the original, actually.
God that France episode... it's better if I don't talk about it. It infuriated me, I'll leave it at that.
Sidenote but hot guy/dumb chick is also nothing new.
Not if the decent meal is of something I'm allergic to.

That pic. kek!

It was a fantastic idea on paper.

Oh boy, a Looney Tunes thre- Aaaaaaaand it's TMS Fag!

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Uh...who? I mean, I wasn't even shitting up the thread, just having a differing opinion and a discussion about it, but if you prefer an echo chamber I can go away.

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On par with Duck Dodgers. Superb.

>She had two lines at best
So, what, around 3 or 4 less than Lola?

Literally who? I'm the user that was talking about TTA in the other thread about a TTA or Animaniacs remake.

It's fine. I don't hate you because of you not liking TLTS Lola.

Okay, I looked TMS up and it's one of the studios responsible for art design for TTA and Animaniacs (along with others). I don't know how that relates to The Looney Tunes Show or Space Jam, but go off, I guess.

Not really, she even had a couple of quips like "Nice butt" and such, I would've liked to see more of that irreverent side.
It's alright, I was gonna leave anyway. Not much else I can say that I haven't already, without repeating myself. But hey at least I made for some nice thread bumping in the meantime, I hope this baby doesn't die once I'm out. I had fun, have a nice discussion!

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Deserve more seasons.

Zoomers like it