What is the greatest cartoon mystery?

What is the greatest cartoon mystery?

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The man in the painting.

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Your guess is as good as mine, trips-user, but I gotta say he's a dapper fellow.

What was Count Orlok doing in the Krusty Krab at night?

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Who is Prismo's boss, that he mentioned in Crossover?

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how could they breathe in space?

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What's Four?

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Flickering the lights.

Who was this doppelganger and why was he allowed to enter the Salty Spitoon and not Spongebob?

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Spongeon Bob a'pants

He canonically works the night shift.

like the candle jack meme it's really quite simple user you see-

How they met and why did she felt in love with him?

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Pretty sure that's just SpongeBob in a funny costume, you can clearly see the necktie and shirt

Also nice trips

They mentioned a bathtub once but it was never seen. Where IS this supposed bathroom?

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can't believe we never got an answer to this

Probably in the crawlspace, next to the Fargate, the mummy and the gas peak.

Who killed Mr. Puff and turned him into a lamp?

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Who is Mr. Krabs wife/ Pearl's mom?

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There are some Gravity Falls codes that were never decoded


What does getting Snowjacked mean?

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The Boss.

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Edd's hat.

Who tf is the real Phantom of Retroville?

Was Candy Island real?


It appears to be none other than his Great Grand Uncle, Sponge Quixote.

Yes. Flapjack tasted it once.

iirc flapjack saw it but it flipped over

Unironically this.
Here is a list of "mysteries" which were actually solved (And also Naruto, just because).

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>edgar and clemence turner
as someone who recently watched the entire show again i dont remember them saying names unless you read the lips over the loud noises

Are you implying he's Dapper Dan? Because that seems unlikely given the time frame.

Wouldn't you like to know? Probably your mama!

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I didn't fact-check that to be honest. But I never thought of it as a mistery.

He had a dark skin fetish

Arnold's last name was the mystery not his parents, unless you mean where the fuck they were

Finn went without his hat on multiple occasions and it wasn't treated like a big deal. Arnold's parents had a whole episode dedicated to them.

For me its that entire thing with Galactic KND which will never be solved.

>why did a woman fall for an evil, powerful, well-dressed man

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Hey, everyone was doing it.

Whatever the fuck went wrong here.

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Seriously. Fuck this episode.

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This still haunts me from time to time.

Probably Finn.

They never fell in love. I don't quite remember but i think her retelling the story went like this
>...and then he said fine and we parted ways
>then i had you
I think she made a deal with him to have a child.


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I assumed he did it himself to reference the real times people have photos like that in their home and wanted something like it.

yes and it has streams of soda pop dripping' down the rocks

did this episode come out already

It’s obvious that the show exists in a parallel universe in which the fundamental difference is that the properties and laws of space are not the same.

or the ships generate oxygen


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Whatever happened to Zuko's mom?

What was under Double D's hat

They don’t have a bathroom. They use a pile of clothes. Well Shake and Frylock do but Meatwad doesn’t poop.

based answer

What happened to Dean and Hank Venture's sister, Dawn?

with no way to contain it it wouldnt work
but then again this show has gum that lets you breath underwater so i dunno

Maybe there could be an invisible barrier?


Or Jimmy found a way to prolong the oxygen in their blood supply indefinitely.

That's the embarrassing photo from the Christmas party.

Ehmm actually as far I remember Abader came to marceline because Ice King, he's not his biological father but she take care of marceline after Ice King flew away because he didn't wanted to hurt her.

A better question would be how Ice King met abader.

The cyclops. Mr Puff actually appears in the movie.

The rockets could give them oxygen in their body that stays for awhile like radiation but not bad.

Reg let him in as an apology for ruining his hairdo.

You should really just relax.

who attacked the fleet at the end of exosquad season 2.

No this is

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I've always wanted to see that shit.

Pretty sure it was this.

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Where is this from?



read the comics.
don't wanna rad the comics, fine.
zuko's mom had her face swapped and memories erased but koh the face stealer's mom aka the goddess of face making who made the faces for everything. she remarried and had a little girl. aang and the gaang (zuko, katara, aang, azula) got her old face back and all her old memories too. zuko and azula have a step sister now. crazy azula character development.

the bruises his parents gave him

>Implying his parents didn’t make him beat himself because they were too busy

So what happened to his magazines?
Was it Johnny? Kevin? The sewer?

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>implying he wouldn't build a machine to do it

Invisible forcefield thing around them 8)

Cringe bluepilled schizo

Why does Manray still wear the tickle belt? How come it wasn't used again...ever? Even as a gag?

Why haven't we gotten Episode 17 of Mermaid man and barnacle Boy?

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belt broke, mermaid man voice actor died. will probably have a sound alike in the video game

>belt broke
never mentioned after it was taken off. Next time manray is seen he is wearing the belt again, so it's just BS.
>MM VA died
>sound like the video games

if they never made a mermaid man and barnicle boy epsiode 17 while mermaid man's VA was still alive, what makes you think they'll make it 20 years later and with no mermaid man? they're not gonna replace his voice

why are you assuming he meant a MM&BB episode? It could literally just be a flashback episode, out of order.

where the fuck she came from

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So this episode implies that they will have to kill HIM before they die, right?

You're stripped naked and nailed to board of plywood. You're left out in the snow and they jerk you off until you die from severe frostbite.