Is it kino?

Is it kino?

Attached: Jungle Jim.jpg (360x553, 72K)

Oh my fuck I am reading this

Yes, if you want grime this comic has it in spades. Mixing mud, rot, and rain is a great aesthetic.

why Isn't there any cool nam comics?

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This looks neat, someone should storytime.

Jungle Jim is a pretty entertaining Nam character.

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Does this have anything to do with the original Jungle Jim? Is it like a re-imagining? I know the original one was based on Southeast Asia and fought in WWII, read some of his stuff since my grandpa loved Jungle Jim.

Still would totally read this, looks fun.

Check out The Other Side.

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Read "Big Man Plans"

Ennis’ Fury

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My man

Punisher The Platoon

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> The Other Side
Jimbo reference?

Attached: Jimbo.jpg (600x850, 169K)

Fuck You!

>seething Vietcong veteran or the child of one

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>manlet power fantsy

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Possibly, but it's also literal in the sense that 40% of the comic is from the perspective of a VC grunt.

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well with a cover like that im about to find out

frank castle has a cameo in this right? i actually bought one of the old vimtage issues. hope its somewhere safe...

i think its completely unrelated to the serial character. jungle jim seems to be a miniseries of the main comic 68'

This degraded when it stopped being a war comic and became yet another Punisher title.

that cover speaks for itself