Would Daredevil still have managed to make the impact he did in the '80s under Miller had he retained his original...

Would Daredevil still have managed to make the impact he did in the '80s under Miller had he retained his original yellow costume?

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Also, Jesus FUCK, Electro! It's bad enough that you lose to Spider-Man with your powers, but Daredevil is a fucking guy with perception powers!

Frankly if writers knew more about how Peter and Electro's powers work and if Marvel actually had editors it'd actually make perfect sense for Peter to wreck Electro's shit in. Peter's wall crawling works by him controlling electrostatic forces with a magical subatomic particle produced by spider-totems which gives them psychic control over electrons in shit touching or close to their skin. Peter should depower Electro with physical contact.

Electro can just shoot lightning. Spider-Man is fast, but not faster than light.

Yeah. That uniform was awesome

True but he’s wittier than a guy who doesn’t seem to understand shooting where he will be and not where he is

>Spider-Man is fast, but not faster than light.
Lightning doesn't travel at the speed of light.

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>The return stroke (the current that cause the visible flash) moves upward at a speed of about 320,000,000 ft per second or about 220,000,000 miles per hour (about 1/3 the speed of light).
It's still much faster than what Spider-Man can evade.

No. Fuck you. Get this spider totem shit out of my face.

>It's still much faster than what Spider-Man can evade.
Setting aside that he has precognition which lets him evade before the lightning starts moving and the fact that he could probably use his powers on the air around him to create a charged field to direct any and all lightning around him by simply making himself not the path of least resistance, Peter only has to dodge the step leader. Peter can sustain a mach 2 pace and while the step leader is like 130 times faster than that, he only needs enough lateral movement to get out of the way of the step leader before it connects him and Electro. So say he needs to dodge 2 feet to clear a bolt, as long as he's over 100 yards out from Electro, he can just run circles around him while webbing him up and he's dodging bolts with wiggle room.

The subatomic particle and spider-totem shit were introduced separately so even without the totem shit that explanation would mostly be the same. Spider-heroes wall crawl because they produce a subatomic particle unique to them that gives them psychic electricity powers. That's literally how that shit works. Peter has his own particle. It just doesn't come up much.

It’s really not that bad.
He’s a supervillain.
All known laws of avionics tell us he has to lose.

Daredevil had the red costume for a long time before Miller

>implying that spiderman is weak or some shit like That.

Get out of here you retard

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It's not that he is weak, it's that commanding electricity is so much more powerful.

Frank Miller’s Daredevil in a nutshell. Frank Miller’s Daredevil isn’t good.

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>one of the strongest Avengers.
>one of the shit tier Avengers.

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Explain yourself..

Power up.
The fucking guy had no weaknesses by then.

They do.

>Moore in charge of humor

It sounds exactly like that awful Spirit movie Miller directed a decade ago. Also, Frank loved that comic.

He couldn’t even cash his paycheck for a while there.

Electro did beat him. Plus that scene never happened, DD didn't punch him once.

Electro suffered decades from Marvel’s bad writers.

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Bad Writing...

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Not everyone has played Space Invaders.

>spirit movie
Kys, that film was gold

Nah, bro. Movie's shit.

>being so much of a brainlet that the spirit went over your head
Seriously, consider suicide

I did when I finished watching The Spirit.

A Spider-Man fight during a thunderstorm. The artist accepted the hell out of that challenge.

You should have gone through with it because you're clearly too stupid to live