
Impromptus edition


This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

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petzoldian piss

why is /classical/ so shit since the last week?

Schoenberg underrating.



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i don't post on /classical/ a lot but people always say this when i post here so i always wonder if it's my fault ;_;

caca doodoo variations

No such thing. Any rating you can give to that shriveled Jew cuckold would be overrating him.

>GOAT concertos (piano, violin)
>GOAT songs (hangengarten & pierrot)
>GOAT operas (erwartung and esp. moses)
>GOAT piano music (op. 25)
>GOAT string quartets
>GOAT arrangements (strauss, mahler)
>GOAT choral music (gurre-lieder, psalm things late in his life)
>GOAT orchestral music (pieces for orchestra, variations)
>one of the best contrapuntalists since Bach
>great ear for striking harmonies
>rhythmically sophisticated
>was able to reinvent himself many times from late tonal music to freely a-tonal to later works, all the while continuing to write traditional tonal works
How can anyone even compete?

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>kike "music"
didn't read, didn't listen

What is some classical music with an energetic, swashbuckling, piratical feel?

Whoops posted wrong image

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Schoenberg's third string quartet



penis smegma

Nice, thanks!


Why has no one mentioned this literal goddess youtube.com/watch?v=JDZ_DlNfsWk

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his arrangement of das lied is pretty redundant given the music is already orchestrated very transparently by mahler, reducing it for a smaller orchestra might make it slightly more accessible for less financially endowed ensembles but it provides little benefit to the listener.

I've seen people thirst for her in this general before.

jungle ape noise

let him cope


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baby want milk


no, people say it all the time, baby don't cry

>>GOAT operas
lol no

sorry but those milkers make it worth it

Lang Lang more to you liking?

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as opposed to schoencuck? lmfao

beautiful, as well as


Women should be getting fucked and raising children, no playing around with instruments. Tell me, was Orpheus a male or female?

there's one instrument a woman should be playing aroudn with actually


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you seriously think Haydn's operas can hold a candle to Mozart's?

the only requirements for a woman are that she have a pretty face and not be fat. 1/2 is not enough

you think schoencuck's can?

I just came here to post only one thing and after that I will depart. And also,


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I just came here to post only one thing and after that I will depart. And also,


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That horn concertino.

why is he so wide

Both shit.
I prefer to jack off to Richter.

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We all know who the hottest pianist was you guys

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i'm sure richter prefers that you jack off to him too

If your gay thats aok

Based, Richter had the most SOUL out of all of them, especially on Organ.

that might be kinda gay


that's a different richter

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>richter trans
uh oh richterbros….

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I can't wait for the gay fanfic about these two to come out.

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who's this nosferatu

Also in other respects Bach's art is higher than Handel's. As a composer for the theatre Handel always had the power of beginning with a characteristic and often excellent theme. But, thereafter, with the exception of the repetitions of the theme, there follows a decline, bringing only what the editor of Grove's Dictionary would call "trash"-empty, meaningless, etude-like broken chord figures. In contrast, even Bach's transitional and subordinate sections are always full of character, inventiveness, imagination and expression. Though his subordinate voices never degenerate into inferiority, he is able to write fluent and well balanced melodies of more beauty, richness and expressiveness than can be found in the music of all those Keysers, Telemanns, and Philipp Emanuel Bachs who called him outmoded. They, of course, were not capable of seeing that he was also the first to introduce just that technique so necessary for the progress of their New Music: the technique of "developing variation," which made possible the style of the great Viennese Classicists.
WWhile Bach thus -as before mentioned- produced work after work in a new style, his contemporaries knew no better than to ignore him. It can be said that not much of their New Music remained alive, though one must not deny that it was the beginning of a new art. But there are two points in which they were wrong. First, it was not musical ideas which their New Music wanted to establish, but only a new style for the presentation of musical ideas, whether old or new; it was a new wave in the progress of music, one which, as described before, tried to develop the other direction of musical space, the horizontal line. Second, they were wrong when they called Bach's music outmoded. At least it was not outmoded forever, as history shows; today their New Music is outmoded while Bach's has become eternal.

I genuinely despise Arnold Schoenberg and his music as well.

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>I genuinely despise Arnold Schoenberg and his music as well.

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the adagio of bruckner’s 7th symphony.