How effective was it?

How effective was it?

Attached: School_House_Rock!.png (379x252, 41K)

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Anytime I saw this, I knew I could get a good nap in.


If you're old enough to have actually watched these as a kid then get the fuck off Yea Forums.

Your mind must flower!

Zoom on lil zoomlet

Attached: 225.png (810x688, 455K)

This is why 4channel is ripe with nignorance.

Oh please they were rerunning these things for 30 years.

It was a lot of fun and educational, but probably presents an over-optimistic view of American history.

Post the best songs

I miss Luther Vandross.

>30 years

Attached: RIBBIT. RIBBIT.jpg (1205x707, 58K)


What a perfectly appropriate clip.

I’m literally 18 and I watched these

Its pretty cool but I guess the education narrative now a days is that patriotism is only something a nazi would do. Have to make room for the post modern commentary talking about how shitty our country is instead

Underaged b&?

I only know about this show from parodies.

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Hippy education is fucking priceless.

>A man and woman had a little baby.
>They had 3 in the family.
>And that's a magic number.


>If you skate,
>it would be great
>if you you could make
>a figure-eight.
>That's a circle that turns 'round upon itself.

Depends on what you consider their goal

>societal acculturation
Pretty good. You’ve got a good mix of ideomayic grammar, jokes, visual gags, very basic prole civics, and as an alternative to a commercial or network interstitial, it’s no contest that it’s better content for kids.

>Learning anything of substance
They varied by topic. On numbers, and other mathematical topics, they were shamefully bad and showed a complete lack of faith in children. A song could be “this is the number 3”, and the animated format got very little effective use. We should expect more from kids than this.

On civics, they did better, so long as you’re okay with history missing nuance. “I’m just a bill” is famous not only because its song is good, but because it actually is a pretty good primer for the American legislative process. Stuff like their videos on the Pilgrims were also good in the sense that, at least in very broad strokes, they communicate the historical interaction between the colonists and the king. Its treatment of natives is lackluster (deafening silence) and it doesn’t have any thoughts about colonialism, but at least in my view, come on, it’s a fucking video for 5 year olds, school is about making kid’s understanding of the word progressively more correct. They did okay for broad strokes.

On grammar, they succeeded with flying colors. Society knows what conjunctions are 50 years later because of a well-filmed 3 minute song. This is the height of what these videos achieved, and shows how good visual metaphor, sight, sound, and examples can come together to make something genuinely powerful for education.

4.5/10, when they succeeded, they REALLY succeeded, but I want learning to be maximizing efficiency, and I’m not convinced by their middling work that directly teaching, or just demanding rote memorization, wouldn’t have been more effective, in the absence of other goals (eg, break time filler, or an alternative to ads)

Not much for me. I had a short phase as a kid where I watched them a lot and there wasn't really much I took away from it.
The one about multiples of 3 was the only one I learned/memorized something from.

They reran these on TV and showed them in schools for decades, if you don't remember watching them as a kid you're probably underage.

>Be a scientist
>eat tacobell for lunch
>have the rickshits
>anal cavity expands
>ricks asshole become black and large
>massive gaping rickhole
>runs across the galaxy
>Makes it on time
>Dies on a toilet during the call of duty
Speigel the Janitor: Jesus Christ who exploded in the washroom?

Attached: MORTEE.jpg (171x196, 24K)

Neither now NOR ever!

>I'm an amendment to be. Yes, an amendment to be
>And I'm hopin' that they'll ratify me.

>7 times 15, man alive
>that’s 70 plus 35

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It’s great to learn