ITT: girls with canon big tits

ITT: girls with canon big tits

The last thread hit the bump limit.

Previous Thread

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Best flamingo.

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I don't remember this D.Gray-man character.


She isn’t one.

Who is she again?


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>this is allowed but not the butt thread

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butts are gay anyway

The what thread?

Who is she?


Except no.

Sorry for samefagging, but I said what's above because the mods, as good as they are, aren't infailiable.

Which episode was this again?

>he doesn't know Gasolina from BaDoom

So that's her name?

>He doesn't know the name after I tell him the name

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>tfw that one user had an entire thread dedicated to her

godspeed user. Godspeed

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I've never heard of the SERIES before.

Neither have I?

What's that on her finger?

Is that Kyoko from that River City game?

the breasts that guy draws are always too big

Another Pandora.

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Man, she has no ass at all.

Magalie again.

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That's the appeal.

That's a weird appeal.

It's ebephilia.

Pandora, from a webcomic called Devil's Candy. Same artist, though

Perfect proportions

Say what you will about Rwby, Yang is the best thing to have come out of that shitshow.

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Shame they made her a dyke.

Yeah, that's a damn shame. Yurifags, man...they ruin everything.

Bi, I think.

This but ironically

Well, her and Blake.

Why them?

Cuz they're hot. Well, Yang is. Blake WAS, then they cut her hair.

You and your love for bland catgirls, man.

I have no problem admitting that when it comes to RWBY, the attraction is based solely and completely on looks. I neither know nor care what their personalities are like.


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Tight a best

I like both Tight and Tent.

Loose is good for the ease of access

Tight with an underboob window

isabelle from "la decharge mentale"

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Which would be the most comfortable?

Is her getting a haircut really that bad?

Who had a thread dedicated to them?

bump for the night.

Can't we have both?

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Daisy Mae

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Daisy Mayhem

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Cute toes

Which show is this?

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A rare (for this artist) skinny girl with big tits.

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Which show is she from?

Scooby's All-Star Laff-a-Lympics

As much as I like form fitting outfits, boob pockets look goofy, not hot. I feel like tight and loose pair the best with the shorts.

YES. Long hair is sexy.

What about Yang and Weiss, then?

Yang is incredibly hot, yes. Weiss is...there.

What about Ruby?

She’s...cute? I guess?

Shut up, Boco.

Y--actually, no.



Oh, I don't know anything else about the show except the four stars.

Oh, and theres, like, a mute girl that looks like ice cream.

And a corgi.

Hey man, they moved this thread to /aco/ despite it being the same in principal. The mods don't have preferences, they're just straight up retarded.

Her name is Neo.

No Ass? No thank you

Where the fuck can I read this

I can't believe Boco's finally taking a stand

I love long hair.

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Tight/tent is the best

Loose is best where there's so much boob that the drape exposes the midriff. Barring that scenario, tent is best, followed very closely by tight.






It's more enticing. There's more to the imagination.
also here
maybe elsewhere

Do boob pocket shirts exist?

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Betty deserves a mention.

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At least you're honest.

you heard me.

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Never heard of her.

Does anyone have a link to the English fan translation?


Tight > tent > loose > boob pockets

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Who is this? Where's she from?

No. Its reffering to drawing style/ignorance.

Whats the origin? I want to know who the artist is and if they find the criminal.
Thats a really well drawn betty Page there!

That's The Rocketeer, by Dave Stephens, probably the greatest comic artist with the smallest body of actual work.
He had the balls to overtly make Cliff's girlfriend Betty Page, and the two guys with her are unnamed cameos of Hammy and Monk, Doc Savage's sidekicks.

Thanks for the help, user.

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Here you go:

She first appears at around 6:20 and then has sporadic appearances for the rest of the episode.

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Boob pockets is silly, but I can forgive it because titties.
I'd pick tent, but the others add nice variation.

>This video contains content from Starz Media LLC, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Hope this helps:

Thanks. Any more characters from where she comes from?