Ms. Yea Forums 2019: Round 5 (Part 2)

Round 5 Thread 1: Round 5 Poll:

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Other urls found in this thread:!aABxya7B!P_fbXs9QxAgIFwAXgEmuf1rwzPQ_d15HkVDaeUcufzQ>

You got this Pearl!

For those who didn't see it. Here's what OP would have picked.

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>all this SU trash

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Let's go Peridot!

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Oh yeah let's keep the OP general running

Vote for Azula!

For the Fire Nation!

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Glad we got the update! This is OP general after all!

Hope Azula wins in order to see the battle of the shitposters.

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if this thread is full of Spinelfags again, then why am i not surprised..

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Seethingcringers are funny

And I should give a shit because...?

I’ll me organizing a comic focused gal tournament for either December or January

This is shit. And Wuya should have beat Jinx round1.

>there's people on this board right now who doubt Spinel will win

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I wonder who OP is voting for in Mr. Yea Forums.

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I don't doubt it. You already rigged it after all.

Tick tock. Azula is coming.

>3 threads up simultaneously

Go Shego Go! Beat those gay ass rocks!

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Remember, guys! It doesn't matter if you win or lose. What matters is having fun and posting cute girls!

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The princess desires vengeance, anons. Go get it!

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>literally not a single Spinel post before this besides the obligatory Spinel vs Pearl poster
You know if you wanted to bait people you could have just waited.

I'm in love with OP!

If the 3 gems pass we bail out en masse.

Why are you like this, OP? Can you regales with a little bit of background on yourself?

Let’s recap:
>2019 marks the first use of a new ruleset determined after 2018’s Miss Yea Forums
>Ruleset has been extremely contentious since about Round 2
>OP decides to have a poll to determine the rules, after confessing his preference for the new rules and “tired of complainers”
>The “loud minority” turns out to be the silent majority, and OP posts his distaste for the way the poll is going
>Round 4 ends and the ruleset results are missing
>user calls him out and he claims he “lost the votes”
>Anons call him out for the (obvious) rigging
>OP claims he wouldn’t have listened to the results anyway

Now you’re caught up on the latest drama. Enjoy the shitshow OP brought upon us.

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>This entire thread

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Fucking based.

We vote Azula harder than ever.

>we riot
Honestly, what can anyone do? Seriously? Shitpost the threads? The board? What would be the difference from the Catalog looking like donkey-ass before and after the "riot"?

>He thinks OP is telling the truth
based retard

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>he “loud minority” turns out to be the silent majority,
Nah. The people freking out over it are still just a butthurt minority who can't handle how thei waifu competed in a fun popularity contest went.

Which of the Top 8 would make the best president?

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The only way would be people getting personal and going after OP's info, but if you're at that point in your life that you fell like that, then fuck off, really.

Well I’m still having fun

>I-It was rigged there's no way
When will anti SU fags realize they are a vocal minority?

Does OP rig the waifu votes too? Notice how he posted his bracket after being caught. Throwing off the trail?

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Raven would probably be the wisest leader.

>we went from Azula and Karafags having friendly and fun banter to anons saying they're going to cut their fingers off if Spinel wins
>everyone implying we're not the ones ruining a fun contest about imaginary girls we like and instead blaming it on discord trannies, mexicans, and even OP
In all fairness OP should have left discussion about the rules until after the tournament and not deleted the results, but seriously the amount of bootyblasted autism coming from one single thread is too much.

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>iphoneshitter still sperging

Why would he delete the poll after complaining about the results and then claiming the vote didn’t matter?

Face it. Majority.


That never would have worked. People would have voted on the banlist based on who won, JUST like salty faggots last year.

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Never, their spite and rage is too great.

My waifu didn't make it past round one and you don't see us bitching about it

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/r/ pic related with spinel, pls?

Honestly Im enjoying all the art and cute waifu pics y’all posting.

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>the vocal minority ruined the tournament
>The vocal majority ruined the tournament
The list keeps growing

Imagine if Spinel wasn't in the tourney. That would've been much more fun

A vote for Azula is a vote for tyranny everywhere.

More pics

keep whining about imaginary shit, faggot.

Seriously, I get spinel is FOTM, but jesus fuck man, everyone here is so ass blasted that there are SU characters who lasted longer than 2 rounds.

Imagine if Spinel was in the tourney and Yea Forums was able to keep its autism in its pants, that would have been even more fun.

>don’t leave her alone again.

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But which form of Spinel will take the title?

Imagine how Jenny, Johnny, and Conrad are reacting to all of this

Azulabros we've made it so far and we will go even further for AZULA FOR THE FIRE NATION !

So who does everyone think will win Mr.Co?
For me it’s ZIM
>Great show

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None, because the princess of the Fire Nation will stop her in her tracks.

That's impossible since to be a Spinelfag you have to be an autist

>implying this result will matter when the idea of accepting a current FOTM is beyond stupid

I have it clear
2018 we had Jenny as champion
2019 is null or asterisk tier
2020 looks good so far

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I want the user listing highlights of the tournament back.

>the new rules
But they're the old rules. The reason they didn't effect the first one (besides having been put in place during the semifinals) is because they literally couldn't, even if they had been made before the tournament had started. There where no Miss Yea Forums 2017, and as such they could have had any effect. How are people too stupid to understand basic causality?

velma is cringe, vote spinel

Remember to nominate Kara next year!

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Leave pedo

It's not likely but it would make my day

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Calling it now: Spinel will win the tournament and then Yea Forums will forget she exists in a few months.

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yeah, zim probably will win

I think that channel AND spinel SUCKS

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>what was once happy now is sad

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I think it's more likely that Spinel wins the tournament and we cause so much of a stink that OP doesn't do the tournament anymore.
I'm down for a mutually assured destruction end. It'd be what Azula would want.

They weren’t determined until the end when everyone was salty at who made top 8. They are the new rules whether you like it or not, faggot.


Good she’s mine then

I doubt he'll win but I hope at least one Dark Crystal character makes it to Top 8.

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>comforting Spinel and becoming her close friend!
>taking advantage of Spinel's trust!
>telling her about a human game you want to play!
>making her suck your cock!
>making her swallow your cum despite her protests!
>making her bend over and grinding against her ass!
>hitting her and hurting her while you fuck her!
>telling her it's part of the game!
>ignoring her when she says "I-I don't like this game..." !
>ignoring her tears!
>getting off to her pained grunts while you abuse her!
>cumming and then beating her until she screams in terror!
>beating her harder until she poofs from the abuse!
>hugging her and telling her how much fun it was and how good she was at the game!
>repeating the process until she wishes someone would shatter her every day!

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Litterally the last good thing to come from this thread
Thank you based drawfag

God save the queen

I have over 700 images of Spinel saved to my hard drive so I'll never forget

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>attention whore wants to get off to making another one of these

There's only one choice and that choice is me.

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oh well, maybe next year if Kelsey get more attention.

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Zim is literally an old man who’s just short. Liking Dib or child Zim is a pedo.
I’d vote for him. Not over Zim but I’d support you.

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Spinel is temporary. Azula will reign forever.

This tournament is for the Fire Nation!

Even though I'm for Zim 100%, I want to see how far Scratch will go

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I love you my queen

I lost track because i’m a wagie, sorry user

and Jessica too?!

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but i don't wanted to be nominated

Spinel is definitely going to be remembered, not as much as now but probably will be a permanent favorite in the SU fandom like Peridot and Lapis.

I'm flattered you think I have a shot at winning.

"Mai and Ty Lee are gone, but that's okay, Azula. You're the Fire Princess. You can have anything you want. If they don't let me win. You can blow it all up. Burn it all down and take them with you. You have the power. You can do it."

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Tried too hard/10

>that image
It was all worth it

Can we have a new OP for 2020? This has been a complete shitshow.

Literally it didn't come from this thread, it was the previous one, and this is better drawn than that generic hot-bod.
Sorry. But better Tyr' artists exist.

>and Jessica too?!
just wait until next year..

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Will OP feel guilty for having rigged the tournament after user chops his pinkie off?

Why? What could be in 2020's Ms Co.

Enjoy it because I don't see Raven pulling a win out of her hat, and she's the only one left I could potentially be bothered to draw.

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This You’re not as good as Zoot suit Tom.

I need to watch this still.
What’s he from?

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Eh, was shooting for an Arcade/Mongul mix. If interest is low I won’t do it. Probably would be more chill too given fandoms being a bit smaller but that a bit optimistic

Well, I tried guys

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I can't run a country!

Spinel go away

>OP had to be asked about the ruleset vote before he told the thread that it was “accidentally deleted”


It only came from that thread because I forgot to hit refresh and check to see if there was a new thread.
But hey, enjoy that hose you're gonna end up with, friend.

Don’t blame yourself

Isn't he like your stereotypical internet shit-dweller? Like depressed and angry, but even more so? If anyone's doing harm to OP over this, is OP himself.

>What’s he from?

didn't he get far last year?

You couldn’t have accounted for an OP that deleted votes he disagreed with. Nobody can mediate that Cacobro.

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We can try to make Marvin Mr. Yea Forums

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It's ok Cacodemon
We all tried.
And we all gotta stick together and make sure that this contest ends on a good note despite other retards
Stay positive! Don't lose hope!

post butthole

FOTM aside , I genuinely don’t know why people are upset.

AOSTH and Late Archie Comics. As well as Dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine (Puyo Puyo local)

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He lost to the character that got 2nd place by a single point. He legitimately was a contender.

Just saying there was better content drawn for that thread, friend. Don't need to catch feelings this hard for your personal taste. Especially if you didn't even drew that.

It should be Daffy.

Who wants skeletor as mr Yea Forums?

Rom is the only correct choice

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Imagine Marvin as Mr. Yea Forums and Spinel as Ms. Yea Forums
Who will be the dom?

imagine being THIS huge of a faggot

Stay mad faggot

Should the rule of five still apply? (E.g. if all the Batgirls and Gotham City Sirens got nominated, only five could get in since they’re all Batman/Gotham characters.)

>They weren’t determined until the end when everyone was salty at who made top 8
I agree that they where talked about when we saw the final 8, and put in place during the semifinal votes, because of that.
But they where made so that people wouldn't get salty that this year would just be the same shit. Turns out that it didn't matter, since faggots are going to be salty anyway.

SU vote spamming, or whatever? People literally said the had multiple google accounts. Or maybe it's the clear OP bias? And then the backtracing trying to do damage control when he was caught and called out on it?

Daffy plz
I think its almost duck season

Because their imaginary wife lost and they can't handle that
This is literally the equivalent of that Tumblr post saying FICTION IS REALITY

She'll be remembered.
For ruining this tournament.
And if the channel shit keeps up possibly for creating an /su/ board or getting Steven Universe turfed back to /trash/ permanently.

Does OPs dick taste good?

I think you should be the OP for next tournament, cocaanon

Hey, buddy.
Fuck you.

To be honest I'm considering nominating Mad Stan for Mr.Yea Forums.
This thread has me wanting to blow it all up.

Hold in there man. Let's do the thing where everybody says something nice about their waifu's rival.
Her design definitely makes her stand out and most scenes I've seen of her make her look pretty damn cool.

How does having OP living rent free in your head feel?

Marvirgins should learn to kneel to the Chadfy

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Believe in Frankie

Will there be a Mr. Yea Forums 2019?

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a fair game for starters

Judging by the options above, this is the year for abuse victims.

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So it’s just hear say and speculation. Ah


I could ask you that.

>LITERALLY deleting votes
>defending him
You’re not gaslighting your way outta this one, nigger

This just makes me want to vote for her more


Daffy loses to an actual rabbit
Like not a super powered one but just a run of the mill rodent. You are not a chad my friend

also Foghorn Leghorn is the best Chuck Jones birb

Wait for October, dude.

su has a rather vocal hatebase, it's not anything new really.

Votes? What votes? If you guys are threatening to overthrow me, the rules will stay as is and there will BE NO VOTES.


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REMINDER anyone who wins gets a banlist asterisk (unlike Jenny)
If Spinel wins she gets a FOTM asterisk too

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I think shego might beat spinel in tournament

Nice try fake OP.

Vote for Azula! Vote for the brighter future that Yea Forums deserves!

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You don’t have to impersonate OP, he’s already gotten caught in the act, no amount of trolling can make it worse


Based and mmmmmmpilled

>Bugs Bunny
>Not super powered

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Please no. I love Courage and it would hurt to choose between him and Zim Zam the Alien Man.
Oh shit this reminds me need to nominate Steve. Also yes I’d vote for him too. Funny voices are my favorite.
Hopefully you keep posting him. I know nothing of him.
Who? It’s nice to learn about the candidates.
You obviously haven’t been to a Zim thread. Also yes.
Top 8 definitely has Zim. Who else stands a chance?
I’m not sure if Steven is viable. I don’t really care for him.

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I voted for space rocks and martian queen though

>urns out that it didn't matter, since faggots are going to be salty anyway.
Pretty much. No matter what the rules are there will be people throwing tantrums because the rules don't favor their waifu or because they don't disfavor some character they autistically hate.

I would have to vote for him considering I love how much he has grown in the movie

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He wasn't
his whole schitch is that he is just minding his bussiness until somebody fucks with him, and then he gives them hell

as a rule Chuck gave him, he never starts the fight


OP faggotry won in the end , you did your best now rest and enjoy the ride

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>all complaints are the same so let’s just leave the original complaints as is ;)

>I’m not sure if Steven is viable. I don’t really care for him.
doubt it, sufags (rightfully) care mostly about the gems

Fucking kino, mate. We remember the fallen! We remember our red brethren!

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>Hopefully you keep posting him. I know nothing of him.
I don't find much fresh content of him, but I'll keep you posted

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You really think anyone is going to forget THIS shitshow of a tournament?

Win of lose. Nobody is going to forget any of this. Ironic is it not? In the attempt to discredit Spinel their whining and bitching only made it so none of us could ever forget her.

In the end. Nothing is ever truly forgotten.

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not an argument

If everybody loses to Bugs, how is Daffy lesser than them?

Jenny was the perfect choice, the purest waifu. Maybe the real issue is that Spinel isn't pure.

I request porn of Dominator and Tyr'ahnee comforting each other after losing the tournament

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Frankiefags, where you at?

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Neither is your sunk cost fallacy and false equivalence fallacy.

Jenny was kind of a brat a lot

We got a wholesome consolation prize and I am happy

I did my part and voted for freedom

>everyone prefers the evil autist over the actual best Avatar girls Suki and Toph
>Spinel is going to win the meme vote even though Peridot is best gem
>NPCs hate Frozen and She-Ra causing top tier waifus to lose in the first round
the absolute state of Yea Forums

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Lapping up the blood of a noble queen off the streets no doubt

I'm not for removing the rule. I'm just pointing out that the rule's intended purpose, to reduce the amount of salt, didn't work, since we didn't take into account, that Yea Forums user are a bunch of faggot who will be salty about anything, when we talked about putting it in place, last year.

You'll always be my hero.

fuck Raven
she killed nicole and now hekapoo?
fuck her

petition: should cocabro be hosting the next tournament?

Hey if he gets in I’ll make you content. For now I’m gonna rep my nigga Steve.
His character got better no doubt, but I hate his show. So Ima vote for the better Steve. jk good luck

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Curious to gauge this one..

Salt over the top 8 of an unmoderated (Yea Forums style) tournament is radically different than a reaction to the original salt.

It’s like saying a screaming retard and a person mad at a screaming retard are just as bad.

>Top tier waifu
She's a fucking selfish bitch, with no sense of responsibility. I'm glad she lost.

Same.Good luck, man.

Meh, I'd choose Jenny over a mentally ill girl who tried to genocide a planet because of her abandonment issues.

Velma vs Pearl

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sad these two have to face each other next as i would rather them be the actual finals


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>2018 smooth as fuck
>2019 a complete disaster
>I know, let’s keep those new rules and not change anything, surely that’ll fix it

I'm talking about if Spinel wins, we might see the sad bois come out on top in Mr Yea Forumsniverse
So I pick Rorschach, partially because he'd be the most clashing counterpart to spinel, while still being oddly cute to imagine them together

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Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

I made no fallacies because I didn't argue for anything.
I never said that the rules should remain the same, nor did I say that both rulesets were equally valid. All I said was that there would be tantrums about the rules no matter what the rules were.

>OP is a Jinxfag
God damn it
Let me hate you

They had an entire year and they waited until after the rule was already in effect before throwing a shit fit about it. Screaming retards always find a way.

As long as she sodomizes Steven, it will all work out.

The only reason Toph isn't here is because she got third place last year.

Fucking cowards, the whole lot of you

You're okay though

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You implied both “tantrums” were equivalent and implied that the current state is the optimal one because it is the current state.

2020 is more than 365 days away and banlistfags want to pretend it’s already to late to talk about it.

Hence why I don't want it removed. It might not have reduced the salt overall, but it did prevent otherwise avoidable salt.
The shit we had to deal with this year, we'll either have to find a solution to to, or just hope it doesn't exist next year.

This was the loss that truly cut deep
I will burn that rock to atoms if it's the last thing I do

First line and you're already lying, impressive.

I guess it's a good year for Zuko then.

Now don't get your panties in a wad, sheesh.

>be 2020
Shut the fuck up

>mostly 50/50
Damn, this is gonna be the spiciest match of the tournament.

The mild salt on the back end of 2018 does not compare to 2019 and you know it. No banlist made for a better experience. Losers will always lose and will always complain no matter what.

>Stop those gay rocks.
I am voting for the other aliens though.
Better than the humans.

Okay nice things.
Love her dynamic with Drakken and was always my favorite part of the show action-wise.
Truly chilling villain at times, especially considering she is 14
Huge fan of her VA, and enjoyed her character development over the series

Imagine if Velma actually beats Spinel

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Strawman/false equivalence. After the rules are returned to their original state, there is nothing to complain about unless you’re a salty loser.

It's going to be a battle of gods if it happens

>You implied both “tantrums” were equivalent
They are equivalent in that they are both tantrums, which is the only thing I said about them.
>implied that the current state is the optimal one because it is the current state.
That's just you reading into things. I'd be all for there being no banlist, but that doesn't change the fact that people would bitch about it just as they're bitching about there being a banlist.

>>I know, let’s keep those new rules and not change anything, surely that’ll fix it
The problem is that it's not the rules that is causing the shitshow, but rather people complaining over the rules for no reason.
We should remove those faggots first, since they're the actual problem.
The elite 8 not being in the tournament this year has not had a single ill effect.

It all depends on who the fuck the is the fotm once September rolls around again. If there isn’t one or at least not a big one, then smooth sailing probably

>getting this mad about a non-official contest
Y u hef to be mad doe?

>Fucking cowards, the whole lot of you
why i am going to pretend thing are going fine
Dude stop acting like pic related

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Not even the ocean could compare to the level of salt.
It would be beautiful

boomers rise up

Are you seriously implying that the past dozen threads HAVEN'T BEEN FULL OF SALTY LOSERS?

we would all win

voted spinel

>no ill effect
Some girls couldn’t compete, whoever wins had an easier time than Jenny.

>The mild salt on the back end of 2018 does not compare to 2019 and you know it.
False equivalence. The extra salt in the current tournament comes from people hating the fact that SU characers are popular, especially spinel.

He has? Links?

I'm telling you. We throw a party during an intermission

Why would the losers be complaining that some other waifu was banned?
If anything it sounds like the winners from last is complaining, that they don't get to shit up the tournament this year.

Come on Ravenbros. We got this!

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Can we award the martians with "Most Based Fanbase"?
This is grand

Maybe a couple rounds ago. Most of the salt right now comes from you.

OP actually rigged the votes, the absolute madman

the fuck you said, shrimp?

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The martians and the Takfags deserve this award

>Spinel is going to win the meme vote even though Peridot is best gem
This is the saddest part desu.

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It's when things AREN'T fine that proves who you really are you limp dicked wimp

Anyone can be positive in when things are hunky dory fine. Only when things go to shit is when positiveness is needed most

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Is there anything big coming around September and August?

Her VA, took the deep end when trump Won. I had to unwaifu her

He asked an irrelevant question about whether people wanted the rules changed or not, and he was going to keep the original 2018 rules regardless of the results. He accidentally deleted the results, so now he wants to ask the question again (and the results won't change anything)

>You really think anyone is going to forget THIS shitshow of a tournament?
People will keep seething and complaining about it next year if/when there's a new one and whine about rules for an user made tournament, as if taking this shit seriously was ever a consideration.

>>Spinel is going to win the meme vote even though Peridot is best gem
This. Shorstack > Ramen Noodles

I wanna draw spinel getting execution shot.
but by who?

>whoever wins had an easier time than Jenny
Or a harder one, since they might have had harder match ups, especially when you look at Jenny's easy seeding last year.
They didn't have an easier win, they MIGHT have had an easier win.

>I never watched the movie
>How do you pronounce her Spine l?
>oh yes i watched the movie look how impartial i am
>here look at my total valid chart

All he had to do was to wait to post that stuff yet he did it when Spinel was still in the race. The absolute madman

Makes me ashamed i share a favorite X girl with him

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As a perifag, if Peridot doesn't make it, then i'm throwing my hat in with Azula against Spinel.

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You heard me

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Oh. That's weird.

Do it for Peni. Do it for Marcy.

Azula with her blue flames. With her crazy face.

He's not going to rig it for you, no matter how hard you shitpost him.

Will 2020 be as big or did this year turn off many people from tournaments?

>>How do you pronounce her Spine l?
I've been pronouncing it Spinelli

Based ghostposter.

Attached: a7b.gif (500x500, 174K)

>How do you pronounce her Spine l?
To be fair, it actually is pronounce Spine-l, even if they pronounce it Spin-el in the movie.

By Azula. It's a public execution

I still would like for her to have a gun. But sure.

They verifiably had less in their eligibility pool. You can’t worm out of that.

What did Tara do?

draw her getting shot by lightening instead

Based good gem poster.
Have fun!

Only if the banlist is removed

>Because their imaginary wife lost and they can't handle that
In an user made contest nonetheless, that was never meant to be taken seriously. It's not like this tournament will change their like/dislike of a character and the levels of salt could make us all a few grand richer if we could harness it.

>No proof
Based schizo

Ok Spinel fags congratulations, you win, but can we PLEASE ban SU from mr. Yea Forums this year? It’s become pretty clear that FOTM will have an unfair advantage.

It is pronounced spy-nel?

Nobody will care in a year. Mr. Yea Forums ended as catastrophically as possible and yet here we are with tournament being way bigger.

How many Ravenbros still in this thread?

You mean struck by lightning

Spinel, and maybe Peridot, will make it. Pearl won't. The majority obviously prefer them.
Stay mad

Characters participating in a popularity contest being popular isn't an unfair advantage. It's how the game works.

He just deleted the votes after complaining he was losing, hid the information until called out, then claimed the vote never mattered after he got blasted with anger.

No no, totally legit.

If you had asked Spinel vs Shego, I wouldn't have known what to answer.
I liked Ty Lee more than Azula

>worst girl in her own show

Me. If we don't win, we rage(en)

It's pronounced how it's pronounced in the movie. That's the canonical pronunciation.

>shot by lightning
what a weird request

Attached: 1efe7a66b168a421de95396603b24674.png (627x1274, 858K)

Based cheater

>You couldn’t have accounted for an OP that deleted votes he disagreed with
based retard

>worst girl in her own show
Katara was a nagger.

While she has a strap-on in Steven’s ass

Voting literally doesn’t matter since the most basic bitch choices will win every time. You’ll pretty much get the same results if you ask random people on the street. People just vote for the most famous characters every time without even thinking about it.

draw her getting shot [by azula] by lightening instead

>being this edgy

Attached: 1567046741959.jpg (185x185, 4K)

The time is now! Frankie is a very tough fighter and her support is quiet but powerful! We need to win! Vote for Azula, and show them that Grey Delisle favors us!

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And that could, as I said, have made their victory harder, since Jenny won against a bunch of easy shit, and only had to face tough opponents in the last two rounds, and this year had more equal opponents, all the way through.

He means Azula doing it

That's also the correct pronunciation of the stone, I don't know what language spynell user is speaking

Only time will tell.
That happened near the end. The shit here happened for pretty much the start till now

user, have a Snickers. You're not yourself without one
the dictionary says ur worng

oh but SU VA's are alright I assume

>Split down the middle
This will be fun

the mr Yea Forums host said there would be a stipulation for recent characters so steg is out, that doesn't prevent greg or steven or any of the male su cast from being nominated, so you can just stay salty.

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I don't pay attention to what Tara Strong or any other va's do outside of cartoons so I'm safe from most of that bullshit. Most people in the entertainment industry seem a little unhinged these days.

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It's pronounced spi-nell in the movel. Spynel is what I said for years though.

When Frankie wins against Azula due to the silent majority, there will be art of her as Nixon, right?

But it’s FOTM popularity, not real popularity

>Worst girl
Stay salty Katara.

With Mai and Ty Lee out of the race, Azula has all the rage she needs.

BASED retard


>azulabros getting tons of momentum
Is it.. happening?

Are you not arguing in good faith or are you genuinely retarded? How would eliminating 7 near winners make the contest any harder to win? Think real hard now.

>He doesn't know
Take the Azulapill, user. She's going to save us and make the Stevenfags salty at the same time.

>Implying some ningen could defeat Azula

Believe in Pearl!

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It's not like we have anything better to do around here

>Angry, shizo grey vs laid back grey

SU is a female majority show and most of the guy characters suffer as a result. The only good male character from that show is greg

An objectively best taste doesn't exi-

I think you mean steg

Steg will have been a month old by the time Mr. Yea Forums starts and let's be honest I highly doubt he'll be the force that Spinel is.

>tfw voted then watched the movie
>now I want to vote for spinel just to btfo everything
>already voted for frankie

Oh My Spinel! Oh My Spinel!
Won again!
Won again!
There is not baloney there!
Because Spinel won again!
All the others haters are crying in pain!
Peni and Judy got owned!
Even if they were loved!
Spinel won because she was really ambitious!
And that's why the others waifus slept with the fishes!
Who is the next?
Who is the next?
Velma Dinkley and Spinel will have a good battle and we will support eachothers and we will not be mean to eachothers because we aren't assholes and so we will support the winner waifu because we're good people!

Yellowtail is neat. Married a whore tho, but at least he tamed her and raised 2 sons up right.

And Bronwyn. And Giffany. Always.

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stats user just made that shit up out of the blue. He should be having a discussion thread or consensus.

Katara is OBJECTIVELY the best girl.
Why would you choose a literally insane schizo over a kind, motherly girl like katara?

I don't know, Frankie's got power and the silent majority. We nearly lost to Gwen, and I think the fight with Frankie will be just as hard if not more so. However, we're going to win! We may not have OC's or songs, but we've got spirit and fire in our hearts!

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why are you upset about SU

He has no personality and he only showed up for a fraction of a fucking movie. Wake up.

Know what?

Because they might get eliminated earlier. Elite tier waifu's get's it easy until the late game, where as some of these will have to fight harder for their victory from the first round.

No. I liked toph because she seems like the kind of person you didn't need to speak to with an air of sweetness to avoid her getting mad at you for no reason. Or Jin. Jin deserved better.

Literal out-of-the-loop retard here, how did OP rig the votes? I don't feel like reading the past three fucking threads.

Azula already has my support if Peridot doesnt pull through.

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He's hot

What do you think half of this contest is about

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Oh I BELIEVE in her alright

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Shut up, Zamasu. This is serious

He didn't. It's about a seperate poll involving the rules and OP supposedly accidentally deleted the results and user's that wanted rule change are buttmad.

I disagree, user. Toph and Azula are the best girls but I've got nothing wrong with Katara. Just tongue in cheek shitposting, mate

im not the one getting shot loser.

also tempted to keep the gun

He asked for votes from Yea Forums, thereby ensuring that worst girl would win

best character in 4 elements trainer, voted!

You got issues my dude.

How much OC can this one match generate?

>Waah I cant ruin that tournament with Steg
Please get a life instead of ruining people’s fun

That fucking bastard
He should be fucking sat on by the winner for his crimed

>Not voting for all the ayys.

I have to keep it foreign

You know what, I can't argue with that.

What was it

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The late game will always be relevant. To top tiers.

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It did for me. I am just waiting for Spooktober now

You don't get to define what's "real" popularity is. Even if we made a FOTM rule will the limit be a month? 3 months? Anne has been out for 3 months and she lost in the first round. Putting a rule like that in place would mostly just restrict new characters from entering the bracket.

>martians got the best base award
pretty ok with this

Damn straight! Azula love route, best route.

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And the entire game will be relevant to lower tiers, hence why their victory is harder.

Daily PSA that Toph is best Avatar girl.

Oh so it's literally nothing than?

Yea I got ISSUES alright, issues with this fine piece of ass

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You asshurt faggots going to every length to get things your way, including having another OP arbitrarily change rules, are what's ruining the fun.

Your logic makes zero sense. Jenny would have won without those 7 girls even harder. The entire point of the banlist was to give the winner an easier time to get there and “bring obscurity.

It’s why I’m voting Steven and Greg because they’re afraid of Steg

I honestly hope these Tumblrocks win at this point. We'll get our /su/ containment board when they lose their shit all over Yea Forums. Screencap this.

About a match currently ongoing..

I'm sorry about how I've handled this tournament. Going in I was trying to be as impartial as possible, but over time I've only been growing more irritable and lashing out, and it's only been making the thread worse for everyone.
To those who want the top 8 ban removed: Your opinions are just as valid as everyone else's, and I'm sorry for how dismissive I've been to your concerns. I know how it looks from the outside how I handled the vote, but I promise I did not manipulate or rig the results in any way. I know you're already set whether you believe me or not, and that's okay.
To those annoyed at how much I've been posting unnecessarily: You're right, and I'm going to stay uninvolved until it's time to change rounds.
That being said, I haven't lied about anything going on here. I'm an idiot and an overly emotional pissant, but I'm not a liar.
I'm going to finish this tournament, but after that, I'll step down and never host again. To make sure of it, I'll post my trip after the final round is over.
To whoever takes up hosting next year: I hope you're prepared for the work that will go into it, and I hope whatever choices you make regarding rules, whether or not I agree with them, are choices you feel confident in and you're prepared to handle any backlash and fallout from.
Best of luck to the top 8, I'm heading out. I'll see you all tomorrow at noon, and nowhere beforehand.

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Go on phonefag, keep screaming and posting porn and making up conspiracies because you’re hellbent I’m ruining something fun
Too bad you’re too much a pussy to do it on your laptop


Honestly curious to see how she would handle a BBC

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>boogiemanning this hard

Sorry it worked out like this man. I wish I could have changed all of this.

Thanks for putting up with Yea Forums

I'm who?
Has the asshurt made you schizo?

>a cuck saved my troll edit
I’m not sure how I feel about this

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These are just people stirring up shit. You have done fine so far and just made a mistake. You shouldn't step down.

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Please go back and stay there

You did a fine job OP, don't beat yourself up too much over it.
Although mark my words, I will be taking your mantle next year.

Elite tiers fight their equals for less than 50% of the game, giving them over 50% easy rounds.
Normal tier waifus fight their equals, or harder, for 100% of the game, and as such 0% easy rounds.
This gives them more hard rounds then the elites, and such, their victory is more hard fought than the elites.
The elites had it easier last year, than the competitors has it this year, even with the elites gone.

Sorry you had to deal with it OP, we tried to keep it alright
It’s 3 autists trying to ruin everything

>OP actually does the right thing
Good on ya.

>3/8 is Steven Universe
>Tyr'anhee lost
jesus fuck even Yea Forums has better taste since at least they had a more varied final 8

Attached: angered.png (768x1024, 878K)

Normals wont win the tournament though, so their struggle is irrelevant to the champion position.

Tyahnee's a dumb duck cock slut and deserved the loss

:( OP my dude sorry for how you feel but i think you already your decision
All i can do is thank you for the effort and post your waifu

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This is absolutely ridiculous. OP needs to realize that the people wanting him to step down are full of shit. He's letting these assholes get to him and he's giving them exactly what they want.

I’m might consider it but this is a matter that should be settled at the end

If he were giving us what we want he'd just declare an end to this already.

Honestly I think your only mistake was having a rule vote in the first place. Don;t let flaming faggots get to you too much. It was a particular enraged crowd calling for it and if any serious deliberation on such a thing should be done it should have been after the tournament at least.

>stepping down
dude it's like 3 autists

The sore losers need to get over it already. Your favorite was outvoted, that's how these things work. Suck it up and try again next time.

It's still a harder struggle,compared to the elites' and that is what we where discussing.
Even without the elites, they will have a more hard fought victory this year, than the elites had last year.


>determining if a banlist should exist should wait until the next years banlist is decided

Well, if this is causing too much stress and chaos for you OP; then this is a good decision. I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you and anons who are participating in this tournament because in really honest truth this is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable event; not a constant war. Perhaps I can try and help hosting the tournament, other than that I will continue to try my best

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You've done a good job, OP. If you want to step down, your prerogative and I'll understand. However, I hope you don't.

gg Gazfags

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Ones I follow don’t shove politics and knee jerk headlines, the “worst” thing they do is post charity links boost and artist

>My waifu lost.

>The character I don't like is winning.

We've achieved peak butthurt, friends. Excellent work.

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This. It was mostly good except for a vocal minority not understanding how mathematics works (Hey, look at the top three voting turnouts, all having more than 1200 votes) and flipping out that their waifu wasn't the most popular.

I love how this tournament has turned into a dumpsterfire with all the SU/anti-SU shitflinging.

Hopefully Azula can take it home and put it out of it’s misery.

We as in us "assholes". YOU referred to us in the plural.


I think you've been doing just fine and people are making mountains out of mole hills. But, if you don't want to do this anymore that's your choice and I have no right to object. i hope you at least had a small bit of fun throughout all this chaos. thanks for sticking with us even now. You're a good person OP. I hope your girl gets some good attention in the future.

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If three or four shitposters are getting you down, you don't have the stones to run a contest on Yea Forums. Here's how: do it the way you want, ignore everybody, if they don't like it they can run one themselves.

>I'm sorry about how I've handled this tournament
You've handled it better than most, OP.
The fact that the SU movie just aired and fucking spiked the popularity of SU characters is the ONLY difference from last years tourney. SU gets people so fucking assblasted, and SUfags don't help the situation at all.
If people think this year is "bad" wait until next year lmao people will unironically miss you if you don't host. I guarantee the next "OP" will quit halfway through.

Congrats you played yo self

If you beat me to it you have my support cacodemon

I've just been hoping that Raven will sneak the victory do to all the asshurt. Doubt it will happen, but oh well.


Don’t step down. It’s just bad timing

not even the poster you replied too you salty cunt.

You have the temperament but where do you fall on the rules debate?

You may have made some mistakes but I still think you're doing a better job than any of those fags crying about rule changes and asterisks would have done

Martianbros were the Jamesonfags of this year.
You've earned my respect, Duck Dodgers fans.
Maybe next year.

FWIW it's at least nine.

I don't blame OP for stepping down. Even if it was just a few people, they posted enough to outweigh any support for OP pretty heavily.

Blue veins

Honestly a fight between Azula and Raven would be great.

Where do you stand on the top 8 and retiring the winners?

This. I'm making sure that I vote for the Red Queen next year Since Azula won't be allowed till 2021, but I'm hoping she can retire with the crown.

I think MR. Yea Forums should happen first

We need to make it clear to OP when he comes back that we don't want him to step down. It will negatively effect the future of the tournament and he shouldn't have to step down for anything he's done. He needs to stop letting these people get to him.

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Raven and Azula are likely winning their rounds. Their competition will be Spinel and either Peridot/or Shego. This will get extremely ugly.

>All this SU trash
Yea Forums? More like /su/.

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Garnet, Ruby, Concrete, Bismuth, WHITE DIAMOND got BBCs!

Sorry man, but I think we should just try to convince OP to stay. He really just overreacting to this whole thing.

Raven vs Azula is my dream grand finals.
Red Vs Blue
Lightning vs Darkness
Broken girls with daddy issues.
It's got everything. It's so thematically perfect that it sucks we'll probably have to wait two years to get it.

post yfw Velma or Shego wins

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You did fine OP. I agree that acknowledging the whole rules debate in the middle of the tournament, and with a vote nonetheless, was a dumb move, but I still support you.
If you don't want to keep doing it, that is completely up to you, but looking the responses, you seem to still have a majority support.
But yes, take a break, come back with a fresh mind, and see how you feel by then.

If Velma wins I'm gonna fucking laugh my ass off.
She's the saving grace of this tournament besides maybe Shego.

>SU haters toxicity drives OP to quit >SU haters blame SU.
y'all need a hobby.

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Nigger don't step down because of 4-5 retards.
You could do a simpler thing and that is to use the trip only as the OP of a thread and remove it when posting normal stuff (ofc not giving hints that you are you) then put it back on when you make a new thread or give results.
You did good.

Different OP hosts that, OP here never had interest in hosting it and has never had

>I'm going to finish this tournament, but after that, I'll step down and never host again.
Dude, I liked you. I think you were good at this.

Velma probably won’t make it, but can Shego pull off the win?

Is this OP the same host as last year?

I came up with more match up names.
no bully

Attached: matchups2.jpg (422x930, 153K)

>I'm going to finish this tournament, but after that, I'll step down and never host again
Thank god

If Velma wins then we get a bunch of unmasking pics and it's great.
If Shego wins she can lord it over Kim, who only made it to top 8..

How about you add a "do you want me to step down" question in the next poll along with "do you want the rule to be removed" and then see how it goes

tbqh I could've done fine without all your attention whoring.

Holy shit OP i’m sorry I didn’t realize it would go so far. I’ve made hundreds of posts starting in round 1, I’m responsible for about 60%~ of the shitposting in every thread, including the porn, the Elite 8, the SUvsAnti SU arguments, the rules debate, the boot OP debate, the Spinelfag hate/love, false flag posting and edits, FOTM, rigging accusations and more. It was just banter bro, don’t leave.

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>Can't decide between Peridot and Shego
Sway me Yea Forums.

>SU faggots toxicity drives OP to quit
>SU faggots blame Yea Forums

We need to get OP something nice for when he gets back. Is there any drawfag here that can draw Jubilee holding a sign saying "OP is not a faggot". We need to try to convince him to stay.


"Hmph, not bad four eyes, you're fast!").

Attached: round 5 has begun.gif (350x250, 777K)

this is exactly why phoneshitters deserve the rope

Not you, but I myself have been responsible for some of the falseflagging OP trip posts and the poll about overthrowing him.

Cool story bro

on one hand, I want you to be telling the truth, and on the other I don't want you to, since that would have been a massive dick move.

Do you think he's not reading us at all? I thought he just removed his trip for the time being.

lol dude

Gee it's swell to finally beat these other gals~

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Things only last as long as you want them to. I want my love for Channel and Spinel to last forever. To keep her in my heart, even when I'm not thinking of her for the rest of my life. That if I ever see her smile again for some reason, I'll feel the same as I do today. Happy.
Usually I'm sad for a moment knowing nothing last forever and that maybe one day we could forget our waifus.
And so, If there is nothing but what we make in this board and in our lives for Spinel, Anons...let us make good threads about Spinel and make her win!

This holy shit. I'm just supporting my gay space rocks, I don't need this conspiracy theory faggotry ruining a good time.

based shego of course

op is just gonna retire that trip then get another to host the next tourney while pretending hes someone else

Good riddance faggot

Can Hiroshima ban all phones?

Peridot is adorable and smart.

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I think the rules in general needs to be revamped and rethought over completely, not for the purpose of calling it "IT'S BAD!!" but to ensure that it fits the general situation altogether. Even though a democratic vote can work in SOME situations regarding the rules it can also have an opposite effect. So really and truly I think that discussing constructively about the rules properly would be the best way to go. If someone actually has an idea in regards to changing the rules they should explain fully to why it must be done and PROVE how it would work, not only prove how it would work but can have a failsafe in case it goes wrong. Of course it may seem crazy but that's how I personally think when managing certain things.
I think that the winner, first place should be retired for the next tournament; and can participate again the following one. The others that are not first place can re participate again. Although I do think some people will disagree with me to be honest which I do understand some of it's downfalls. I'm sure there's an user with a better idea than this.
perhaps, perhaps not. Although he does seem quite convinced into taking that particular decision

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I like em

Spinel, but just because I would give my life and blood and soul to Spinel

Peridot has the cuter looking entry pic. Someone who would look happy and touched that you voted for her.

Though ultimately it comes down if you dig shortstacks or not I guess

I wish I was lying... I was tinkspammer and judyspammer too

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That's what I want him to do. He's been a nice host for the 2 tournaments

Shego is competent, confident and athletic. Peridot is a short insecure nerd. Obviously Peridot

This is a good idea.

Raven. Not the best, but the closest thing to a good leader otherwise is Frankie and we already see her struggling with a single mansion.

You're a fucking faggot, I hope you know that


no one bullied you last time and we'll continue to ignore you this time as well.

This is what happens when the Tyr'ahneefags and the Hekapoofags leave and take the friendship and lewdposting with them, leaving us to drown in sadness

Always bet on green

I don't believe you. You're just doing this so ass kissers like this faggot kiss your ass even harder. You're the worst kind of attention whore.

I'm under the impression that he just totally fucked off. I'm worried he's just going to come in to start new rounds and won't have time to see how much people really don't want him to resign.

>Phoneposter boogieman was real all along

>all these dipshits thinking OP was good

Allowing a very recently made, well-written female character from a very recent movie to be entered into a character popularity contest is incredibly fucking stupid and skews the tournament very heavily in her favor. I loved Spinel, don't get me wrong, but this is a fact. Even besides this, OP's been a petty, retarded fuck this entire tournament. Good riddance.

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fake and gay

Well, then we need a screencap to post when he makes the next thread or something.

Frankie. Spinel is an autist, Peridot would be too cruel/arbitrary, Azula same as Peridot and she's already shown she's incapable of ruling, Raven and Velma would seem like they wouldn't care, and Pearl would be too stressed and worried. Frankie does stress out a lot and would behave similarly to Pearl but she would actually be able to pull it off.

I don't care who is OP as long as they use these exact formats for the tournament charts, names, fonts, etc.

Absolutely based. But then again I doubt OP is going to step down, he just loves all the attention he's getting.

Why would he? The hatred from this tourney will come and go, it's not like he actually did anything truly wrong, he just seems to be tired of this shit in general. Can't really blame him.
tbqh if I remember this by next year I'd be down for hosting. Move the schedule over to a slightly better timeslot, change up the brackets a bit so a single franchise is unlikely to take up finals by itself.
It'll be fun and unlike OP I legitimately don't give a enough of a shit about Yea Forums girls or you guys in general to rig the thing. I'm just here for fun., and my waifu isn't even Yea Forums so I don't even really have a horse in the race.

>Allowing a popular character to be entered into a character popularity contest is incredibly fucking stupid and skews the tournament very heavily in her favor
Yeah sure thing dude

I dunno if I'd call Peridot insecure. She's an egomaniac if anything, she told Yellow Diamond to fuck off right to her face.

I'd do it for Raven but I just don't have the energy or hope anymore.

Attached: sample-05b35a90e575d6d24b349694a8916a1f.jpg (682x1000, 92K)

...I was just havin a giggle, I thought OP could take it

Attached: 5FEFDE0F-1233-46A5-A327-9102FF9FB30C.png (750x1334, 1.22M)

...So does this mean Spinel wins by default?

What kind of world you live in where people posting stuff like that equals attention whoring. Yea Forums?

Attached: 1566272228839.png (700x451, 175K)


this. Who gives a shit about OP

Last ones, bird in feather or something funny punny. I love those birds

Go look at some of your favorite scenes involving them, see if it settles your mind.

This was always the case.

Attached: Hulk-sad.jpg (474x503, 39K)

OP you can just removed the trip when you post your opinions with us then put it back on when you post results/links.

In the real world. In what kind of world do you live in?

>Sonic poster
Ah, nevermind.

I’ve made a terrible mistake

Attached: A497308F-C0D4-4252-B1C2-5AFB2A93CD88.jpg (750x1334, 323K)

I could go either way on the top 8 thing but I think not retiring the winners permanently would be a mistake.If we want this thing to be a yearly Yea Forums tradition we should think in the long term. Years from now I think it would be a lot more boring if a large group of finalists and semi-finalists are just girls who already won before. We ought to guarantee a new winner every year. Plus, if the Ms. Yea Forums title is something they can lose then it just doesn't feel as special. I like it much better to treat each winner as a new entry into a hall of fame.

>no u

Don't bother responding next time

Attached: 1447008749274.jpg (720x538, 29K)

Isn't there an episode where Frankie wins an election and ends up doing poorly?

That's it? That's not even 10% of the shitposting on these threads and all you did was harmless. Stop giving yourself so much credit faggot.

How come Yea Forums events/projects ALWAYS end in horrific disaster?

Past winners surrounding an user like that one meme. Maybe outline of 2019 winner on his lap.

It works as gift to op and in anons in general


See it was just me, so don’t leave user. I’m coming clean, making amends.

Attached: 964EDE7A-9FDE-4D6E-AD21-F10739DB178D.jpg (750x1334, 289K)

Fuck right off. I absolutely want him to step down and a willing to host this thing next year if it means I never have to be submitted to that pathetic attention whore again. His posts are exactly like those of long time tripfags from generals who let it get to their heads, and yours are just like those of their boot-licking apologists. It's everything wrong with this board in one package.
Literally anyone with a pc and google can host this, he isn't special at all, just look at Mr. Yea Forums who switches Ops, or Yea Forums who has another host and better threads.

Attached: 1552970161133.gif (350x280, 2.59M)

But how could I have people kissing my dick then?

All gone...
Let's go I'm Team Raven!

Attached: 1529875366427.png (900x970, 371K)

based cacodemon

We’re cursed that way

I feel like Jubilee would mean more to him considering the current Top 8 doesn't even match his at all.

The obvious answer is for you to rewatch all of SU and Kim Possible before tomorrow to decide.

>A pic means I come from a fanbase that is plagued with retards and autists.

Counterpoint, you proved you come from the crossboarding autists in Yea Forums and /r9k/.
So fuck off and have an awful day.

Attached: 1564250936244.jpg (825x1064, 208K)

Can u post those gwen? My friend waifus her and want to show him cute pics

You guy's need to stop being little shits. Instead of doing all this nonsense follow the simple formula for any healthy democracy.
Suck dick
Go to sleep
Check the results
Vote for next round
Shut up
Don't speak until spoken to
>Meanwhile Frankie is really making progress at Foster's, turning everything around and giving new privileges to the imaginary friends, although she demotes Bloo to scrubbing out toilets and wearing a dunce cap, much to his annoyance.
>Frankie realizes that her pay is much lower than the pay she was making at her old position (and the president's bonus is a bundle of carrots). She offers the job back to Herriman to get her old pay back, and Herriman gratefully tells her that it's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him.

Ok this is bait at this point. Have a good day autist.

Sure, buddy

Attached: 999BF3AB-03DC-4F85-A846-06F1764C0159.png (1600x1107, 2.29M)

I get the feeling that at least some this is the same guy. You can tell by the over-reliance on the term "attention whore".

So did the the rules remain the same?


Huh I guess I was wrong.

Goodbye Yea Forums. It’ll all end tonight.

As a gwenfag I endorse Raven!

Attached: 1533322518457.png (573x665, 121K)

You missed the world’s largest shitstorm. OP accidentally deleted the votes and was bullied so hard he’s quitting.


Attached: 1467038253148.gif (800x424, 1.42M)

Should remain the same. Top 8 gets banned from participating for 1 year. And anyone can enter as long as they get mim 5 votes. Simple

i will host the next tournament except i ban shows i dont like, make up rules that benefit my own liked characters, and cancel the tourney once my favorite loses

nice fake trip

Yea Forums always has breed a lot of legitimate autistic assholes. Tommy, Ladderfag, Barneyfag, TSMfag, Anywheretown-fag, and plenty of others, which are actually nameless. The main issue is that unlike other boards, mods don't do their fucking job and slap them some sense to fuck off outta this place.

Now you're just being cute, trying to look like adults when the only thing you show is desperation and anger.

Holy shit, I thought I was the only person to remember ROM.

So did the the rules remain the same?

Attached: IMG_3188.jpg (431x415, 39K)

Attached: E8CFD7E5-9520-48AB-A92E-AC0B74B1C05C.png (1600x1131, 2.53M)

I would like to host the tournaments but I don't have photoshop and I don't know how to use this google docs bullshit. Sorry

You're right. The term "atention whore" was never ever used until the making of THIS VERY THREAD. I think we're into something here

I can only think of one exception and /aco/'s doing its best to make sure that fails too.

I don't know how i posted that twice but oh well

I apologise on behalf of the vocal minority of salty bitter fags, OP. You did a fine job, but you shouldn't have let them get to you. That's a surefire way to lose your sanity on this god forsaken board/website.

Attached: 1567483923813.png (736x767, 309K)

Yea Forums (a small portion) help bring a show to international attention (that was made on 4chinplus Yea Forums but still started here)

Based retard

i like shego so I'm biased for shego

Attached: d1arvmc-8ce77d56-4267-49a1-b259-d4cf7d790aca.jpg (598x832, 169K)

Maybe have more than one person help. OP did mention a temporary discord. Why not have that for conducting the tournament rather than discussion

Thx, know the artist?

>posting JoJo
you kinda just proved his point

Ruber should win, i think he might at least reach semifinals

>decide to host a best girl/waifu tournament
>didnt expect this much salt.

You are a thinned skinned faggot desu

If people are calling him that that's because it's what he is, ever thought of that? You could of course provide a counter argument instead of trying to deflect. Alternatively, just name a site where I can drop a vid of my screen and see for yourself.

We love you OP

Attached: spinel8.png (543x650, 206K)

>I can project on you but you can't project on me
He's just baiting dude

I want to play 4Elements trainer again, how close is book 4 to being complete if isnt already?

Good riddance

It's like you people want to shit this up even more

Ahahahaha look at this bitchboy getting all emotional

Attached: 1502414549753.jpg (1274x714, 127K)

two dicks tho

hopefully the next op will have his shit together

A private discord not some fucking thing open for everyone

>comfortable wielding supreme executive power
>skilled at forming political alliances
>comes from a long political dynasty
>long record of successes in previous offices
>can infiltrate and take over enemy cities
>not great at campaigning
>constantly followed by rumors about her relationship with her brother and pet circus performer
>shameless elitist
>openly talks about building a globalist new world order

Also Shego would be a good vp.
>always good at covering her bosses ass
>not very ambitious, probably won't throw you under a bus if polls turn bad
>green people are a swing voting demographic, good to have one on board
>good in a crisis
>probably not very good at attending disaster zones
>will likely get caught shit talking the presidents policies at some point
>long term association with fringe members of the scientific community

Attached: 1486895601048.png (910x1203, 516K)


>some faggot just went back to older threads to save the pics as proof
This is next level ass kissing

That would just cause even more conspiracies


Attached: 1529872705391.jpg (499x768, 53K)

Yeah, yeah, just go somewhere else or try to do this tournament right now if you feel so powerful. You'll find out the reason why not a lot of people can do stuff here in Yea Forums is always because one way or another shitposting gets to your nerves, whether you like it or not.

Also, hilarious the IP count hasn't increased one bit with this current discussion, so it's again the same old idiots trying to do the same old thing, running and trying to ruin anything they touch.

>I'm going to finish this tournament, but after that, I'll step down and never host again. To make sure of it, I'll post my trip after the final round is over.
Just let somebody else to take over and shut up, Christ, you don't need to post your trip. Why are you making all this about you?

>being this much of a dramatic faggot over some meaningless cartoon character popularity contest
this goes for you and all the other people bitching about this whole thing

Attached: 1568738844902.png (541x546, 160K)

A vote for Raven is a vote for Lady Legasus!

Attached: lady legasus 1.png (1045x1280, 701K)

How about this I was never going to show up as a final troll...

It genuinely doesn't surprise me at this point

Attached: lady legasus 2.png (1024x993, 426K)

There is no proof Lady Legasus and Raven are the same person


Attached: lady legasus 3.png (588x819, 563K)

>meaningless cartoon character popularity contest
It literally could've been done right, though. But this isn't /tg/. Yea Forums is shit at accomplishing anything in a satisfying manner.

>that clear view of asshole wrinkles
yea dude rly covering ur ass there

>no option for "KILL YOURSELF OP"

Holy fuck, it’s real

Katara was worst girl, but Azula came in second worst.

[Spoiler]I still find her sexy as fuck, though.[/Spoiler]

Fuck. When can I get shoes like that, lads?

A lot of artist can draw a fat ass. A big donk. A thicc booty.

It went fine last year, at least compared to this

What the fuck? Shit just posted by itself.
I was trying to say that not many artists can depict the meatiness of a big ass.

>why yes a strawpoll will fix everything
Dude he even says he fucked up a lot
If something you should do art with Jubilee after the tpurnament ends but its clear he already made up his mind

How the hell did Frankie last so long. No one seems to root for her.

nothing in your post contradicts what I said

>at least compared to this
That's not saying a lot, is it? Plus, first time tourney means that a lot of fuck up can be expected. This is just OP being a dumb whore and not learning anything from 2018.

I'm not even going to bother to vote, keep kissing OP's ass

Good point.
I'm nominating Lady Legasus next year.

A lot of voters don't post at all.


And by that you mean you're not going to bother resetting your IP, right?

The actual rigging has been done by a few frankiefags.

>already made up his mind
He seemed to just be really upset. He's been back and forth like this before. He just needs to ignore the people shitting on him.

/silentmajority/ for the win!

Dude, you fucked this up for yourself, and it had nothing to do with the rules. The fix was in as soon as fotm was involved so there ya go.

>3 of the 8 are from SU

Attached: 1568753169800.jpg (1600x1600, 189K)

Read that entire thing is Vegeta's voice. Well played, user.

Frankiefags are so smart and have such good taste they avoid these threads like the plague they are.

I was under the impression you quoted me for an actual reason

Get fucked.

This, when his period flares up he does this, he’ll be back, especially after 8fag confessed.

Ready to put your money where your mouth is?!aABxya7B!P_fbXs9QxAgIFwAXgEmuf1rwzPQ_d15HkVDaeUcufzQ

Attached: 2c3.png (600x400, 245K)

Really, is that what you're doing?

>recap user couldn’t make it for the third act

I was out for a day and suddenly everyone's mad at OP can someone give me the rundown

This wasn't great but I'd rather not risk someone even worse managing it.

He deleted the results for the rules poll and anons are arguing if it was accidental or not.


yeah no, nice try falseflagger

Even he wouldn’t want to be apart of this.

>at least some
Don't act like proving one person wasn't samefag is some great win.

Even if I did it wouldn't matter because this is a worthless strawpoll that everyone will forget about in 5 minutes.

>everyone's mad at OP

Finally you make a good decision OP, I salute you for knowing when to step down because you fucked up too much. With a speech like that you could run for office, you sound just like a politician.

Attached: 10 seconds to nut.gif (480x270, 2.83M)

>Spinelfags ruined the tournament
>anti-Spinelfags ruined the tournament
>Spitefags ruined the tournament
>Spammers ruined the tournament
>OP ruined the tournament
>SUfags ruined the tournament
>anti-SUfags ruined the tournament
>Seethefags ruined the tournament
>Falseflaggers ruined the tournament
>Defeatists ruined the tournament
>Incels ruined the tournament
>/pol/ ruined the tournament
>Reddit ruined the tournament
>Discord ruined the tournament
>Russians ruined the tournament
>Some lone phantom poster I made up ruined the tournament ruined the tournament
>2 guys ruined the tournament ruined the tournament
>3 autists ruined the tournament
>4 autists ruined the tournament

Feel free to add more.

Attached: IMG_3355.jpg (479x433, 42K)

>Even if I did it wouldn't matter because this is a worthless strawpoll that everyone will forget about in 5 minutes.
Oh so NOW is worthless. Why wasn't it worthless when I basically said the same thing? You ass kissers are so fucking retarded

all me baby, hell yeah


I can add the truth:
The tournament was never ruined.

And yet you took the time to make a post about how you weren't voting as if that mattered.

A bunch of people gave OP shit because he decided to delete the questions about rules from the poll. A bunch of people gave him shit and started spamming about how he should step down. He let them get to them and said that he would which now has a bunch of people who were fine with him as host upset. Honestly his biggest mistake was ever listening to those people.

Fuck no
Intelligent, but lacks ambition and experience.
Too autistic and lacks people skills, would be an awful leader. Maybe a good advisor though.
Couldn't care less about leading. Would likely jump ship if elected.
Practical, likable, and has some minor leadership experience, but not particularly intellectual and lacks real experience outside of the foster home.
Crazy as fuck, probably the worst leader of the bunch aside from maybe Spinel.
Intelligent, familiar with politics thanks to her time with Pink, and decently personable, but falls short thanks to her neurotic tendencies and crippling OCD, which could easily lead to poor decision making.
Intelligent, level headed, has leadership experience, and is surprisingly empathetic, but has trouble with people and bad things could happen if she were to lose her cool during a debate.

I feel like Frankie would be the safest pick, with Pearl acting as her VP and mentor thanks to her tenure as Pink's assistant.

>call samefag
>gets BTFO instantly
>n-no just some, you haven't won!
Take the example of your beloved OP and admit when you fucked up.

>And yet you took the time to make a post about how you weren't voting as if that mattered
Yeah, so?

I'm not the user who made the strawpoll. Random strawpolls are either quickly forgotten or spammed for hours until someone rigs it (and then it's forgotten).

Winner 2019 : Spinel
*She won the same month her movie was released (FOTM)

Is this what Yea Forums wants?

sure bud keep up with the damage control

Yes, because it pisses you off.

His biggest mistake was hosting this without maintaining his distance. The moment he started acting like it was up to him to set the rules it was over and every reply from then on just dug his grave even more.

Is there a problem with the truth?

Doesn't Raven become like literally God at some point? I think she'd make a great leader

>Steven Universe characters win out
Yea Forums really does have shit taste

"Yea Forums" just want's too be spiteful bitches and shitpost about gay rocks show being allowed too participate at all. giving them any leeway or attention is a mistake.

Attached: Capture.png (507x413, 67K)

If she wins, yes, that is what Yea Forums wants. If she wins, that also means your waifu wasn't popular enough to beat "fotm".

Despite what the hive mind says, the show is good enough to get a lot of followers here and it has waifus of all kinds.

I'm surprised Jasper is in the running too.

We don't need a fucking asterisk. If she wins she wins on popularity like she's supposed to.

Learn to read dumbass. I never said they were all samefag. Congratulations on being unique in your retardation.

>The tournament was never good.

Guys, I orchestrated almost everything. I was the rulesfag Jennyposter, I was the Elite 8 spammer, I was the Tink spammer, I was the Judy spammer, I posted about 50% of the porn, I made false flag edits. I pretended to be Spinel and Anti Spinel, SU and Anti SU. I argued with myself, I accused others of cheating. I’ve been spamming FOTM for days. Hundreds of posts. Look at my trip, I even made a fake offshoot tournament that I wasn’t going to show up for. Please forgive OP and blame everything on me. I just wanted to troll for lulz but now it’s too far and time to stop.

Attached: 93DDF17F-2ADD-4E84-B820-A0F534D07D58.jpg (540x464, 21K)

Yea Forums wants to complain.

It's what OP wanted.

Say something nice about the final 8:

Best part of a pretty good movie. Everything from her rubber-hose design to her catchy songs and heartrending backstory make for a great character, FOTM or not. All the fanart is just the cherry on top of the pink sundae.

Classic waifu. Before there was Starfire vs Raven, there was Daphne vs Velma. Pulls off the Glasses+Sweater combo to absolute perfection. Was absolutely adorable in A Pup Named Scooby-Doo.

Girl deserves a raise and all the cookies she could eat for all the crud she puts up with. Tied for my favorite redhead. No matter how much he complains, you know she cares about each and every imaginary friend from the bottom of her heart.

If I had to violate the "Don't stick your dick in crazy" rule, it'll be for her. The one true final boss of ATLA in my book. Watching her finally break was satisfying as hell, and even half-reformed and half-nuts in the comics she still has that unmistakable charm of hers.

I haven't loved a heel-turned-face development like that since Vegeta. Her introduction was what finally made Steven Universe click for me. Now she's a completely different person, but grown only more lovable.

Nicole Sullivan needs to voice more villains. I would to watch a spin-off with just her and Drakken. One of the few villains in the show who's interactions with Kim were always top-notch.

Went from wanting her to awkwardly smother me to wanting to console her and fix her neurotic obsessiveness. Always graceful, even in defeat, even in despair. Her love for Rose and Steven is second to none.

Not my first waifu, but the one got me through puberty and introduced me to what it meant a waifu. The fact that we still have threads about her and Starfire speak volumes as to the impact she's had on this board. The quintessential quiet-spoken goth girl. I still ship her with Donn. A Yea Forumsokie if you instantly got that reference.

Yea Forums loves SU.
Yeah, why not?

I mean she literally has a general on the board right fucking now.

No but the vocal minority is cheating her way into the finals so what are we going to do about it?

That's bullshit, but I'm dumb enough to believe it.

No. This is what salty faggots who can't deal with a character being popular want. If it was truly what Yea Forums wanted then she wouldn't have made it this far.

I watched like two episodes and I wasn't that fond of it

I already posted phone screenshots and my trip what more do you want

Attached: 8CC8F12F-166A-4FF3-BC3B-80B827B504B1.gif (500x277, 267K)

>cheating her way into the finals so what are we going to do about it?
Fuck, he's on to us, how did he know we were hacking Google?

But the circunstances between her and Jenny are different. * is almost obligatory at this point

>well-written female character
I mean if your point of reference are Nick Jr. shows then yeah, sure

Good to see we're still around

You never specified which ones were or weren't samefag, so me showing my post wasn't is enough to push your shit in. If you don't even have the balls to commit to your false accusations and assumptions then go be a bitch somewhere else. All this to defend a guy who openly admitted to fucking up.

I absolutely love voices, and Nicole Sullivan takes the cake for hottest voice in cartoons for me. Shego's voice is a big reason why I love her, it's sultry, snarky, just like her. The slight rasp, ah, it's all too perfect.

Attached: IMG_3937.jpg (365x276, 14K)

No. Just "Winner 2019" like any other pageant.

I think you might be surprised how few people besides you care

>tfw don’t want spinel or the gems to win but not autistically posting about them all the time
>just want azula to win the crown

It doesn't fucking matter. It's a valid competition. We don't need an asterisk implying it wasn't for a butthurt minority.

How do you James Bond Burger somebody?

>Implying any of the girls in the top 8 are well written

Attached: rap.png (1000x1000, 1.11M)

I didn't read a single word of that but let me ask, why are you tripfags so thirsty for attention? why does it always have to be you at the center of whatever shitstorm is going on? do you really need attention that badly?

Would you shut the fuck up already? You're almost as bad as OP right now

Yes, because that literally what happened.

gun burger

I wonder if it gets so big that it get's the Hunger games treatment and gets thrown into /trash/.

Attached: bang.png (595x547, 104K)

>dude just lie lol nothing unfair here just memes lmao

Hello, newfag.

We have our culprit. Drama's over. Take him to the chopping block.

>trolled everyone so well even when you admit it you get called a liar

Fookin legend

Just wanna let you know what you are doing right now is fucking pathetic
>i did everytjing pls concentrate all the hate in me is just one person lmao

This'll be my first and last.

>*She won the same week I sucked my 100th dick

>Implying playing along with the image makes him a newfag.
We all know that it's secretly pound you newfag.

Azula and Spinel are the best written desu. Azula probably takes it but she had entire seasons to help with that.

Hey, I'm not a Spinefag.

No fucking way, Spinel's results in the poll were so overwhelming that she won by default?

Attached: 1568914594600.jpg (3311x2876, 488K)

Check my EXIF data, nigger

I wasn’t EVERYBODY but for every troll post not mine I made about 5.

Attached: B7D5A8E6-3579-4D66-B2FB-6248FB3BE8E7.png (480x720, 239K)

Are you keeping count of the dick you suck? Why on Earth would you do that?


Why would we lie?
She won as she was the most popular girl in 2019. Jenny won the 2018 as she was the most popular competitor of that year?
What's the difference?

Attached: 1557535829784.jpg (882x960, 76K)

why are you doing this?

Yes, you don't even need to vote for her next round, just take a leave or something

I don't hate Spinel but holy shit these Spinel fags are autistic. I knew this would happen from the moment we started the qualifiers

>openly admitted to fucking up
You fuckers harassed him thread after fucking thread and made the tournament worse for it. Instead of actually talking about the girls in the tournament you took over with your stupid rule debates that sucked every ounce of fun from it. The only thing I genuinely think OP fucked up doing was ever letting you stupid fucks get to him. Now the thread has completely devolved to drama. All most of us wanted was just a dumb fucking tournament where we could talk about our waifus and now because of a handful of butthurt faggots we have to spend the next few threads dealing with the fallout of all this shit.

Attached: maxresdefault (12).jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Honestly? Kinda.
The seeds were fucked by meme magic.

It all makes sense now.

Yea Forums Bracket user here i honestly think you need to keep your cool and just roll with the punches peeps gonna be unreasonable on this site ya cant make everyone happy

on the other hand do whats best for your mental health cause if ya cant handle the mass group autism them its probably for the best it would be a shame to see you step down however

i hope you bounce back

Attached: Macho Huh.jpg (320x240, 26K)

Okay, I finished. Is the blue and red text good, or should I switch to black?

Here are the google docs for the previous rounds.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

Attached: statsCompressed.jpg (3600x7000, 1.93M)

All I want is for you to not be a bitch-ass because 'It's just a prank, bro' in future, okay?

Mediocre taste

Everybody has moved over to the other thread stats user.

>covering up for a grown man's mistakes after even he came out and said it
Why? It was his choice to add the vote for the rule change, then it was his choice to say he wasn't going to go through with it. It was his choice to claim he lost the votes and it was his choice to start posting here to begin with. The only posts he needed to make were results and thread OPs for new rounds, THAT'S IT. If he's so fucking feeble minded that some random anonymous people, in a thread full of shitposting, telling him to leave is enough to make him snap then yes he should leave this thread, leave the internet and hang himself. Fuck his stupid ass and fuck you apologist assholes who cover everything with "fun" because you can't handle the facts. Fun is subjective, Op fucking up isn't and you covering his ass won't change it. Grow the fuck up, it's his fault that a casual event turned into this mess and he couldn't even provide a single good reason for what he did other than "I wanted to".
THIS right here is why we can't have nice things.

Attached: 1494882762800.jpg (534x2707, 1.08M)

Holy shit dude calm down

my bad. I've been trying to edit this since last thread.

>it's his fault
He wasn't the people complaining in every single thread about the rules and Spinel being FOTM. His biggest mistake was throwing himself on fire and making it brighter.


Attached: 1520121729_Sad pepe.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Look what you assholes did. Are you happy now? Of course not, you're never happy.

Have sex.

Disallowing her would have caused just as big of a shitstorm.

thanks shegofags, you guys are alright

Truth is, user...
The game was rigged from the start.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Stop blame shifting. Nobody put a gun to his head and made him post. Regardless of complaints he acted on his own. If he let himself be influenced it's his own fault, the complainers are not rhe ones hosting it.

Attached: rigged.png (390x720, 393K)

Yeah he fucked up, but OP is obviously not the origin of this tournament's problem. Also you can't expect everyone to have the thickest skin in the universe. This guy has had to deal with guys making hundreds of posts about how he fucked everything up when he wasn't doing anything wrong. I bet you if any of us were in his position there is good chance we'd slip up like this. At the end of the day what is better for the future of the tournament.
>OP fucks off forever and the rest of the tournament feels bitter as a result
>OP finally nuts up, apologizes, and doesn't interact with those people anymore