Fellow mutant brothers and sisters, the time has come. We, children of the Atom...

>Fellow mutant brothers and sisters, the time has come. We, children of the Atom, shall lay waste to the misguided Kingdom of Man and claim the world that is ours by birthright. With the power of Evolution by our side, we shall defy death and shape the path to eternal Utopia of Mutant! Praise the Atom!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>x-men: Humans are so fucking mean to us for no reason!
>hey that mutant just got on TV, stated he wants to kill all humans so Mutants can thrive
>Oh shit, that mutant just killed a bunch of people on TV!
>x-Men: come with us brother / sister, let’s get you out of the oppressive hate of the humans
>x-Men: what the fuck!?! Why don’t the humans like us!?!

What if i am the parent or loved one of a mutant? Do i get special rights?

Friendly reminder that:
1. Absolutely NOBODY gives a fuck about the X-Men anymore.
2. Yea Forums actively wants ALL mutants characters murdered as brutally as possible and their corpses raped.
3. Hackman's saga is gonna flop hard and should convince MarLEL to never publish a mutant character ever again.

No, your mutant will get new parents or loved ones.

Attached: House-Of-X-1-Cyclops-Talks-Family-With-Fantastic-Four.jpg (758x1200, 337K)

Does Hickman actually expect me to believe that every major X-men character is onboard with this shit?

Not sure if you saw the solicits posted yesterday, but there's an arc in New Mutants that addresses this specifically.

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That's juat going to be some shitty oc donut steel of Brisson's. I mean real characters.

Why wouldn't you join mutant Al Queda? They bring you back after suicide bombing and you get to see Jean's fanny.

Based on inhumanpilled

The only one whose questioned anything is Wolverine, and that was just on the topic of Xavier accepting all their villains into Krakoa.

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>go jump in a lake Mutie Scum!

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Shut up Doom, you waifu'd Wanda before the retcon.

...Big Tiddies user. Really Big Tiddies. Even DOOM is powerless against Big Tiddies. DOOM’s still a MAN dammit! And men... have feelings...

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You missed a dozen Sentinel and Purifier attacks and millions of dead mutants somewhere in there.

I can't believe you fools actually let me in. I don't care about mutant rights, I never did. Thanks to your gullibility, we now know all about Krakoa's defenses and how to circumvent them. It is time to sink Krakoa to the abyssal depths. HAIL HYDRA!

Attached: Gorgon-Hydra.jpg (500x1281, 146K)

Just a reminder that the X-Men prefer mutant villains over human heroes.

Human heroes are cops, though. Not exactly surprising they prefer one of their own to a person who could potentially put them in a concentra-- sorry, "reeducation" camp at the first whim.

>shut the FUCK up Mutie!
>now get BACK TO WORK!

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Is she making the soiface?

If you think that's bad, you should check out my cousin. She married Pietro pre retcon and had a kid with him.

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I'm still sad they dropped the post-atomic bomb mutation angle in favor of muh celestials' chosen ones.

humans killed more humans than any of those "villians"

Pretty sure those are a result of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants trying to wipe out humanity every other month.

On one hand, there already were too much marvel heroes who got there powers with radiation, on the other hand, the cult aspect of x-men could work so good with it

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That seems more that they’re just going around inviting other mutants to join Krakoa. Probably gonna end with them being successful rather than the realistic response of people not all wanting to abandon their family, friends and life to join what is essentially a cult

>Human heroes are cops
No they're not. In fact, most heroes have a bad relationship with the police and the government.

Of coarse its gonna work if she has those creepy mind control twins with her.

I was talking specifically in the context of the X-Men and their relationship with the rest of the universe, because whenever they interact with Avengers and human heroes, it's always in an standoff-ish way.

>it's always in an standoff-ish way.
And whose fault is that?

Attached: X-Men meet the Avengers for the first time and resort to violence instead of just explaining everyth (2100x3000, 1.13M)

GodDAMMIT Tony, you entitled fuck!

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Really gotta wonder just how much those twins factor into Xavier’s plan to brainwash all of mutantkind into his Krakoa cult

It's the X-Men fault for not respecting seniority. Any more questions?

Fuck off you cultist mutie freak!

>What a nice gathering of mutants you have there. Would be a shame if something were to happen to them

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If they were major factors they'd probably be more prominent, but I don't doubt they're putting in some good effort.

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t. hypocrite

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Huh, I totally forgot about the whole fire claws thing. I don't even remember ever see him use it in a comic, just him having it on covers.

>Does Hickman actually expect me to believe that every major X-men character is onboard with this shit?
This has somehow been a running theme in the X-books for over 10 years. Most of them are barely characters anymore, and just blindly follow militant leaders to war against the rest of the world. It's gone on for so long that while Hickman's X-Men have a deliberate creepy cult vibe to them, it's perfectly believable that every one of them is on board with it, because they were all on board for everything Scott and Emma did, on board for the Phoenix Five, and on board for following the inverted Evan during Axis.

He used them in his Return and Infinity Watch series. Unless Hickman cares to keep that Phoenix Logan plot going they'll probably get dropped.

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Something like half the iterations of Sentinels were built by mutants, Mystique was one of the heads of Project Wideawake, and the million of dead mutants were the result of Xavier's twin sister he killed as a fetus because she was actually an alien space demon ghost. At this point most everything involving the Sentinels is basically the time travelling results of Sebastian Shaw's action.

I hope based Madrox can get some of his X-Factor friends back and tells Charles and friends to fuck off. Siryn's a god now, what does she think of all this?

This is just house of M done worse, removing all the stuff that makes the X-men interesting, removing EVERY consequence of death from them, throwing in a bunch of weird culty shit for no reason.
Wasn't X-men supposed to get better now that they have the movie license?

What do you think Lockjaw time for another Terrigen Bomb again?

No but the Inhumans are probably passed about the X-Men ripping them off with Krakoa

You do not get to say her name, Doom. You do not even get to think about her.

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>go jump in a lake you glorified fornication device

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That's racist, you skirt-wearing mother's boy

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Both of these are way better options for her than Voodoo.

Bringing him onboard was a terrible idea, out of all the bad guys hes the one wolverine would have said no to. Does everyone just forget about enemy of the state

Scott earned their trust and was right. Axis was a shitty event that is better off forgotten. Xavier has done nothing to earn anyone's trust and probably had to mindwash anyone into supporting him

Well yeah fucking psychic jim Jones is screaming in their mind of course their gonna attack

>"t-that's racist-beep-boop-beep"
>but then again, a filthy toaster wouldn't know about natural human behavior

Attached: Smug Von Doom.png (192x207, 72K)

You dress like us because you wish you were one of us, yet you insult us? Was killing your last girlfriend and wearing her skin also natural human behavior?

I do not understand what anyone could see in that second-rate necromancer

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>You dress like us because you wish you were one of us
What the hell are you rambling about? Armor predates robots. Christ...

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So long until the first group sex party?

They also forgot about Secret Empire, even though you'd think that they wouldn't forget about Hydra's anti-mutant policies that the government Gorgon was a part of enforced.

>They also forgot about Secret Empire, even though you'd think that they wouldn't forget about Hydra's anti-mutant policies that the government Gorgon was a part of enforced.
You mean where Hydra gave the mutants their own independent city-state where they got to oppress humans, most of the X-Men went along with it, Beast and Emma mourned the end of Secret Empire?

Confused and breaking character? Reed are you cosplaying as Doom again?

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No, it's just... even Doom cannot stay in-character when confronted with such idiocy. It's... quite astonishing to witness, really.

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It is quite simple, a real genius like Reed Richards, T'Challa, Tony Stark or Moon Girl would have understood immediately. Doctor Octopus, Beast, The Wizard or Mad Thinker would have grasped it by now.

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I'm pretty damn sure Doom said something opposite to this.

>trusting Doombots
Kidding aside, having Doom give Dracula shit for hating Muds, is the most Murican/Bong thing ever. Don’t try and get into Euro Politics if you’re not willing to do research.

The biggest genocide of mutants that happened in that godforsaken Mutie-infested island was the work of a mutie. Even muties want muties dead. Maybe there's something wrong with mutants to warrant all this hatred? Have you considered the possibility, that maybe, just maybe, mutants shouldn't exist?

Doom is above all petty discrimination based on superficial traits such as "race", though. Dude has killed Celestials and pulled Thanos' spine out with his bare hands, do you think he cares if someone isn't "white"? Besides he's Romanian.

Doom is gypsy LARPing as Germanic nobility of a Balkan nation.

You can still consider yourself the hottest shit ever and hate X, Y, Z. Euros have been hating and killing each other since forever, and they look a whole lot more alike than non-whites. And “gypsy” has never been defined in the MU. He’s drawn as a Germanic, he has a Germanic surname, so writers are really fucking up.
...And? Are all non-whites in some sort of alliance? Gyps are some of the most racist people around.

Fuck off am making my own movement!

With my own great power of..




Well depending on much I can manipulate consoles, I might just be able to make perfect VR porn Games

So I release those while speaking up on Mutant rights

I am do going to die painfully

>Gyps are some of the most racist people around.
Do you simply not understand why it would be OOC for a Gypsy to act as a genocidal maniac?
>Euros have been hating and killing each other since forever
Oh you're one of those idiots who think the /pol/int/ memes are real.

>Humanity is completely outmatched by mutants gifted with godlike superpowers and some can even manipulate reality
>Humanity demonstrates why they're a threat to a superior species and why they hold dominion of the world: Despite being outmatched, powerless, and less genetically evolved, humanity closes the gap through invention--the one aspect that separates them from the animal kingdom, and why it's endangers mutant existence. Sentinels are just the peak emblem of humanity's dominance.

Based humanity taking the fight to the mutants.

Attached: Sentinels .jpg (600x464, 124K)

Can’t gyps be evil or something?
Christ, you be a negro and hate Arabs and vice versa. That still doesn’t mean you’ll be hunting them with piles to nail their guts to the walls. Jesus...
>entire history of Europe is just battles
>Greeks considered everyone non-Greek a barbarian and even then killed each other over 5km differences
What history have you been reading?

Yep, confirmed por /int/ard.

The Fallen Angels title has a couple of mutants refusing to go to Krakoa because of the cult vibes.

>n-no u

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>the traits of a given character should be determined by historical facts and not specific upbringing and personality
This is your brain in /pol/.

Can I just say how absolutely depressing it is that the apparent big new 'thing' for the X-men is throwing everything it used to stand for out the window?

>Co-existence between people who are different is difficult, especially when some people in positions of power will abuse those below them.
>Although violence is understandable and sometimes even justified, it's still not right as a first course of action.

I mean shit, those panels people always post of the X-men playing football during autumn? Nah, now they live in magic space island, and are separating themselves entirely from humanity as a fucking CONCEPT.

I mean, if this is just an alt universe set-up before we switch back to 616 at least it may be a good bait-and-switch to show how co-existence is the right way for X-men...

They're just Jews with Israel

>Can I just say how absolutely depressing it is that the apparent big new 'thing' for the X-men is throwing everything it used to stand for out the window?
This has been who the X-Men are for over 10 years, and to a lesser degree almost 20 years. A lot of the remaining fandom loves these militant segregation stories and is ignoring the obvious signs of how creepy and wrong things are on Krakoa because they self-insert as mutants too much and their team is winning.

> I mean, if this is just an alt universe set-up before we switch back to 616 at least it may be a good bait-and-switch to show how co-existence is the right way for X-men...

It's not, the 6 books launching out of HoXPoX are continuing with the X-Men living on Krakoa alongside their villains, and the pod-people resurrections.