Super Incel

No waifu can stop him.

Attached: super-incel.jpg (500x719, 214K)

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Did someone miss the "in" part of "incel"?

>that BvS poster



He's too hot. His chin should be receding, he should be fat/skinny, and should be balding.

He looks cute

>Batman v Superman

Attached: orig.gif (400x239, 1.95M)

You think that is ‘too hot’? Your standards are LOW.

Is that a Yea Forums poster?

>That chastity belt
Is he an Orgasmo villain?

>involuntary celibate
>chastity belt
Are you going to storytime this garbage or not


all its missing is a tarantino and it would be Yea Forums
It is currently getting funded and in Portuguese.

He literally looks like the male equivalent of the glasses and ponytail nerdy chick. All he needs to do is shave and change his wardrobe.

He's not even fat.

Wait if he’s an incel, why does he have a chasity belt? That makes him a volcel.

His mom’s the one with the key

There should be a Spinel poster

Hes a basic nerd. Incels go well beyond that

Basic nerds are just silent incels.

anyone who thinks that incels are just unkempt nerds who need to take a shower and learn to "be urself bro" need to look at actual incels

Attached: vQq8r58.jpg (720x960, 61K)

Hum, i wonder why Brazil is having such weird ass comics and cartoons.

Attached: 3dde300ffd6f0ebae968d62ea5771b9a550bbb78.jpg (748x1280, 94K)

But user not all incels are ugly, some are just retarded and look for excuse for their mediocrity

Isn't Fast n Furious as mainstream as it gets though?

Also shouldn't there be guns and maybe a katana instead of larp weapons?

yeah, theres no fedora, katanas or huge guns.

Replace BvS with a Z0NEsama poster and it's perfect.

Nah, Zone is too self aware.
Make it Shädman.
You get

Didnt he bit the dust though.

Apparently he is in some elgal problem and havent posted anything for a while.

lmao incels feeling attacked by this depiction because it looks too much like them

>Didnt he bit the dust though.
Over loli stuff or something?

i think he drew a porn version of a kid actor and was sued for it.

Because it's part of him celibacy-themed superhero costume.

No, incels are giving you their professional opinion that as incels, incels look way worse than that picture.
They're literally saying that it's too flattering.

>i think he drew a porn version of a kid actor
That'll do it, depending on where you live.

Can't say I disagree either.

A celebrity’s daughter but I forget if she was an actor or just a regular kid.

>Brazilian Royal Seal

Attached: IMG_5092.png (1136x640, 413K)

The women that use that word all day think it's just "nerd", but insulting, since nerd is now cool and beautiful and brave.