Which is the best origin story for Sandman?

Which is the best origin story for Sandman?
Do you like the freak lab accident on sand origin story or the human experiment for super soldier origin story?

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Freak lab accidents are half the origins for super powered beings, but super soldiers are boring.

So you think the super soldiers are boring as the freak lab accidents?

They're both trite, but super soldiers are all the same while the lab accidents have a little variety, like being struck by lightning while holding chemicals, being bit by a radioactive spider, etc.

Yeah, but thinks at super soldier effects that got differents result from person to person

Wasn't King Cobra bitten by a radioactive cobra?

Freak accidents have both varied powers and different catalysts, super soliders only have some varitation of power (usually including enhanced durability, stamina, etc) and the same old "I was a soldier who they gave me an injection and now I can protect my government's interests".

Technically Peter's only lab accident related power is the radioactive spider blood and the associated effects (limited radiation resistance, radioactive body fluids, increased weakness to pesticides, and reacts to drugs like a spider, for instance getting drunk off caffeine). Everything else is magic.
>I'm a wizard, Harry.

The one where he is related to the Osborns

freak lab accident obviously

So the mainstream version?
I'm talking about the super powers origins

What kind of freak lab accident?

Bit by a radioactive robot.

Silly user!
Robots can't be radioactive!

Was The Thing bitten by a radioactive rock?

Neither rocks can be radiocative.
Uranium are just radioactive rocks, while rocks can't magically turn into radioactive


I like the one where he becomes nanobots

Kryptonite is an alien mineral created in an alien planet.
And the radiations aren't nuclear but a mix of Krypton and Kripton's sun biologic radiations

When did it happen?

Peter Parker's radioactive spider stopped being a normal spider years ago.
Now it's dimensional magic entity related to the spider-totem

The spider was still radioactive, it was only magical that it bit him.

I find this hilarious for some reason.

The radioctivation was magical

Hanging out at the beach near a sewage outlet?

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>for some reason
It's Marvel being peak lazy and getting away with it.

Marvel Zombies Return