post cute Yea Forums boys.
Cute boys of Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
both of them
definitely steven universe mailboy
do you like kyle, too?
go cut yourself
i've never cut myself
Is Hooni technically Yea Forums?
yes. I lov all my south park bois
So are these threads mostly male or female?
me too
though of course i love kyle the most
i can't speak for anyone else but i'm male
i dunno but hes cute
This is my husband, Bart Allen. As you can see, he is very cute. Please say something nice about him!
I like his vamp form better
He has good faces
whats the comic about?
>wears a skintight jumpsuit
>sometimes skirts
>dumb as a rock
i like his hair
it looks soft
not as soft as my husbands hair though
Suicidal qt tries and fails to kill himself several times and makes friends along the way
And good other things
Not original Hooniposter but it's about an extremely sad boi whose considered an adult by South Korean standards, taking on his father's debt without being prepared for it and struggling through life at the lowest possible standard of living while still attending public school and being bullied and tormented into suicide.
He deserves love tho, it's basically Woobie The Comic
Top kek. I'm not into curly hair but that pic is cute.
Please kiss your husband to make up for your husbando-ing on the internet.
Did anyone else watch xiaolin showdown?
Yes, and I love you for posting so much Jack last thread. He was one of my biggest childhood crushes.
This is like my fetish. I wish this was made into a cartoon.
Thank you and Jack loves you
i'm sure he'd appreciate the complement
so many artists don't manage to get his hair right, they draw it too straight.
kyle is my only husband, and the only one i'd ever want
i'd kiss him if i could
How long until I can see him again?
i'm not too familiar with batman, which robin is which? i know there've been a few different ones over the years.
i like the ones who don't wear pants.
when they make bendis fuck off and retcon his bullshit so that jon can be a cute shota again instead of an edgy emo teenager
is super sons worth reading?
Damian looks uncharacteristically gentle here.
Tim and Jason look about right, but them and Dick all look a few years too young.
dicks in the middle and jason is on the floor tim on the left and damian on the right
yes its worth reading
Front and center is Dick. Note the lack of trousers.
Sitting down is Jason Todd, similar or identical outfit to Dick, but note the surly expression.
Standing on the left is Tim Drake. First to get a pair of pants, made his logo into a hidden weapon, and the only one so far that hasn't died.
On the right is Damian Wayne, a cocky little son of a bitch that can usually back up what he says. He grows endearing eventually and he's surprisingly kind with his very few friends, Maya and Jon.
I don't have the page where he got a video game for Jon, but it's from the 2017 Christmas special and it's the best goddamn thing ever.
Best Boi Imaginable
thanks anons
i think jason is the cutest
>I don't have the page where he got a video game for Jon, but it's from the 2017 Christmas special and it's the best goddamn thing ever.
oh my god thats adorable
Anyone have pics of Yea Forums boys being hypnotized and/or hypnotizing someone?
My precious gem, my sunshine, that drives away darkness from my heart.
Those feet need to be worshipped.
How short are Dipper's shorts? How tall are his socks?
The perfect length
Innocent-style perfect.
do NOT lewd my husbando
That sounds like shit. Still, better than 400 mouthbreathers pushing South Puke. it
Take it easy it's just a drawing
That's why his healing power is so strong. Drawings can take almost any form, and animation gives it life. Just seeing his face makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Also his somewhat fragile appearance makes me want to protect him at all costs.
This please. This thread is more populated than half of /cm/'s catalog and their Yea Forums thread is a sad desert. That board needs love too.
I've had enough of south park boys, how come they get so much fanart and other equally good boys do not, it's unfair
It doesn't matter
What does is the love of cute boys
post what?
I want his feet
Cutting you would be refre for up so shing me
this board is really fucking gay
Gayest on Yea Forums.
It's okay to like guys, user.
Is a cat fine too?
I posted something on both. I am actually surprised someone created new thread so quickly. People really ought to help /cm/ a little.
Too prudish. I can go to Pawoo or Baraag and post all the filth I want.
Ironically, the only reason there is a Yea Forums is because loli was forbidden on the Something Awful forums. Now they’re dying, and you can’t post shota and loli here. I wonder what happens next.
thats cute
i feel the same way about kyle
he makes me happy
is that what jon looks like now? ew
I am glad for you. Your dedication is admirable.
thanks user, yours too
my next act of dedication is going to be learning how to draw so i can draw us together
>is that what jon looks like now? ew
That's Conner.
>is that what jon looks like now? ew
This is Mao Mao. He is a very cute boy who comes in several cute flavors
>he doesnt like boifeet
Bad taste.
Good taste.
Anyone have pictures of cute boys getting touched or teased by females in female POV. Please post it if you do!
oh, phew. forgive my ignorance, i haven't started reading any comics yet. don't really have any idea where to start.
get the fuck out /ss/fag
Which boy in this thread has the best feet?
This is an underrated gay shota.
How about yummy boys
Overwhelmingly male, pretty obviously. Homo pedos are much more common than female ones.
Eh, rather have cute ones
How about a little bit of both? Cute and yummy?
i just want him to hold me
Who's this?
They prefer lolis
Oh yeah, isn't South Park pedo an actual pedo? Didn't he slipped and pretty much confirmed it on a thread?
i'm a guy, not sure what your point is. not a pedophile either.
who are you talking about?
I prefer Ren.
kyle is fucking garbage. worst boy in the whole show and I'm glad he got shit on the past two seasons. even stan ignores him now since he's such an obnoxious cunt.
watch it, buddy
first name five bad things kyle has done.
also kyle is an objectively better person than stan is. kyle deserves a better best friend anyways.
He killed millions in Canada
that wasn't his fault, though. he never asked for canada to be nuked, and he never pushed the button that actually launched the nuke.
what about webcomic bois?
1 - 5. he's a jew
t. cartman
Kyle is literally an angry incel
kyle was made for slitting his wrists while he watches stan fuck wendy in the other room
>also kyle is an objectively better person than stan is
this is just not true. kyle will go to radical lengths to prove he's on the morally right side of things. he was ready to burn everyone in the school just because some girls thought he was ugly.
Stan never tried to put others in danger like that.
he's not an incel, he had a girlfriend once
he gets angry, sure. i do too. we're a lot alike in that way.
Who was his girlfriend?
he didn't put anyone in danger by trying to burn down the school, though. he was doing it in the middle of the night. if you want to talk about burning down the school, then stan is just as guilty as kyle (and kenny and cartman) because they actually DID burn down the school in "butt out" during school hours which actually would have put people in danger. although the latter was an accident, kyle attempting to burn down the school still wouldn't have hurt anyone.
it wasn't just because some girls thought he was ugly, either. he was being actively harassed by his male classmates as well.
does it surprise you that instantly going from being of good social standing with your peers, to being mocked and ostracized by them and forced to hang out with outcasts could fuck with someone? combined with being told you're uglier than cartman and a deformed wheelchair-bound kid.
of course burning down the school wasn't an appropriate reaction to this, but people can do stupid shit when they aren't in their right mind. it is important, however, to make the distiction between
>he was ready to burn EVERYONE IN the school
>he was ready to burn the school
he was not attempting to do the former, at any point.
that doesn't excuse his actions but this is literally one incident brought on by depression and social isolation. try again.
Probably because nobody has any idea how to draw Jimmy Neutron characters.
the black girl
They never dated
they went to a football game or something together, i think that counts for something
i haven't seen that episode in a long time so i'm fuzzy on the details. i could be wrong.
Going on a single date with someone doesn't mean they're your girlfriend/boyfriend. Cartman poked fun at the fact that Kyle has never had a girlfriend before when he was confronting him about Heidi.
He's the only one among the 4 boys who's never had a girlfriend, what an incel.
>I'm not a guy
We mean biologically
and he nuked Canada because Heidi didn't like him
Egbert's a good boy, right?
there isn't any other type of guy than a biological one, retard.
I'm not the one confused about this
oh well, that just makes him more pure
the only way to be male is to be born male, with a penis and balls and XY chromosomes. i was born with all three, so i'm pretty sure i'm a biological male.
When Stan was depressed and thought everything was shit, Kyle abandoned him. Stan would have never abandoned him.
Kyle is a shit friend, a shit person, and most especially a shit character who deserves being shit on like he's been the past several seasons.
>kyle is only liked by faggots
Makes sense.
None of them look cute outside of fanart. Chat Noir, and the other two fags, from Ladybug are the only ones who actually look cute in their actual art style.
Based. Seething homos will pretend they're not just making an excuse to post generic shota outside /cm/
I just don't get it. Like, how do you lust after guys who are drawn in unfappable art styles? I get like, some anime stuff. But, South Park's art style isn't sexy. If you have to heavily redraw a character to be cute, does it even count?
Maybe you just like generic pretty boys user
My guess is because it allows them to shit up Yea Forums, and lets them feel like their pick isn't too generic.
Same reason you see those "obscure waifu" threads where someone posts a background character that shows up once in some unpopular show
>several Yea Forums shota threads have passed with zero mention of Goriland
2019... I am forgotten
Yeah I wouldn't say South Park's style is sexy, but it is cute
Bart Allen, Jon and Damian,and Flapjack are actually cute in their source material
Read Descender
>Stan would have never abandoned him
oh really?
because he did exactly that. in the 'south park is gay' episode, he abandons kyle because kyle isn't cool anymore. and worse, he turns his back on him and walks away right as kyle is about to get beaten up by the other kids. some friend stan is. all kyle did was not buy into the metrosexual fad because he wasn't into it.
as for your example of kyle abandoning stan, kyle gave stan plenty of chances; it wasn't because he was depressed that he stopped talking to him, it was because stan couldn't keep his cynicism and negativity to himself. they couldn't even go see a movie without stan constantly complaining about how shitty it all was. people who act like stan was have a way of being constant buzzkills - i should know, i was one of those people for a long time before i realized that it was a problem.
stan abandoned kyle because kyle didn't buy into a fad. kyle abandoned stan because stan became insufferable to hang out with. if stan had just been depressed, kyle would have been there for him, but stan was doing his best to make everybody else as miserable as he was.
kyle looks cute in his actual art style
okay cool
i like kyle for his personality and who he is, not because he's 'sexy' or 'fappable.' i don't even fap to him, or lewd him at all.
I want to kick his MASSIVE head across the room. I want to stomp on his filthy earth glasses.
You have very odd definitions of cute.
All the gay threads are just full of really off-model dudes.
Maybe so. But, I don't go through mental hoops to justify my tastes.
You must get a half chub if you see an egg sitting on the counter lmfao
Shut up Zim
unlike some people i actually don't base my entire life around sex and what i find 'fappable' or not.
i'm not sexually attracted to kyle. he's a child.
>/pol/ memes, anime jokes and cute shota
Unironically a great comic. Proof that not all women are trash too.
There's more to liking a character than looks. Personality is a big part of it and the personality of certain characters are really likable and manage to make these shitty paper dolls memorable. South Park at it's best is cute boys doing cute things like Good Times with Weapons
Well, he's a drawing of a fictional child. Not a child.
Although they make up only 2% of the population, homosexuals account for 30% of child molesters
If you don't think any of boys here look cute in the original style you probably don't like cartoon boys
Or I have a higher standard of "cute" than paper cutouts and flash animation.
Again: It doesn't count if they don't look cute in whatever they're in. No Western (Non-porn) comic artist draws Bart or Tim or Conner cute. The South Park kids aren't /cm/-esque femboys.
i still don't want to fuck him nor is my love for him based around that
>/cm/-esque femboys
/cm/ isn't just for femboys nor are femboys the only cute boys
i don't care what "counts" for you, either.
Incredibly dishonest post.
Can you leave?
There's a reason this thread is about 95% fanart with little to no content from their actual shows or comics.
Animated series when
so you just want everyone to post screenshots of shows or pictures of comics to satisfy your arbitrary, personal 'rules' of whether or not a boy is cute
Post something good instead of being of being an aidsridden faggot
If you can't jack off to simplified characters, why are you even on Yea Forums?
This wouldn't upset you if he wasn't right
I can recognize Stan and Kyle here.
If I wasn't on Yea Forums, I wouldn't know this is Stan.
I would assume this is weird fanart of, like, Cosmo Yuki from Ideon before I'd think this was Kyle.
It's agreed upon that Damian is a million times cuter and hotter than Jon, right?
This is what they canon look like though
>We could've had this
>DC decides to give Jon a slow death and hands him over to Bendis
i like art that's on-model or close to it, but there's very little of it compared to the amount of off-model stuff. i'm not an autist so i don't mind off-model art so i save that too.
what's this from?
I think its a reward in the Fractured Butthole when you collect all the yaoi
ah, never finished collecting all of it yet.
he's so awesome
Can I just admit I'm retarded and get this faggot to leave the thread?
Not gonna lie, the front view Dipper looks kinda freaky. But that's fine, he is not supposed to be attractive anyway. I will like him for what he is.
Dipper is cute as fuck in his source material, what are you on about?
Dick was very cute!
Absolutely garbage taste and cringe as fuck post.
>Angel Dust's feet
>something he's canon insecure about
Help give the cute boi some love, user.
>worshiping Angel Dust's feet
Why is he insecure about them?
No clue. Vivzie never gave a reason.
Viv probably trying to keep foot fetishists away from him.
>he shit talks your 'silly' kink while you suck his toes
>secretly enjoys it but never admits it
Prime bitch material.
How smart is Dipper?
That twink so girly he might as well be a chick.
>nutting to boi feet
Welcome to the gay, my friend. Hope you enjoy the stay. :)
He still has things to learn. I will thoroughly assist him, if you catch my drift.
Fucking adorable.
Hey straight girls are on here too. For some reason weirdo women are obsessed with shipping boys together.
My favorite boys
That women obsessed with shipping boys together?
Get real
That they're in this thread?
There is a larger female population in Yea Forums than they are in other boards. I can't tell you if it is dominated by fems but they are definitely present
have sex
If I can't have sex with a animated boy, then what's the point?
No, that straight girls are here.
Straight girls are the biggest purveyors of gay art online, a lot of which are present here. Ofc not all of them are
I find that difficult to believe. Most of the good gay artists are guys, anyway.
You should go out more and meet people
If by "good" you mean bara or other shit that only appeals to gay men, sure
>Tweek Sex Craig is getting a sequel
Would Boyfriend to Death by considered Yea Forums?
Same could be said of the women’s art which only appeals to fujos or other women
Hnnng. Need more briefs
This is the biggest fucking meme, there are plenty of guys that like twinks and there are plenty of women that like burly men. Enough with the persecution complex, I'm so tired of it.
Gonna grab that at next month's Toon Mix
Not sure what that has to do anything.
Be sure to let us know where the next gay fan art convention is though
no stop that now right fucking now
>in an alternate universe the girl version of me gets to enjoy the genderbent version of loud house with all those top-tier boys
Do you think it would've been more popular or about the same.
I think link doesn’t work for me. On my phone anyway
Is cute.
I want to cuck Craig so bad so I could get him all to myself
Probably about the same. Disney had a live action show about 1 girl with a bunch of brothers, and depending on how different this alternate universe is:
If the whole world's genderbent, there'd be a bunch of women geeking out over the boys. If just the show, last I checked sister episodes seem to get lower ratings than Lincoln/Clyde episodes so now the episodes about the brothers would actually be watched by a bigger male audience
>art gets consistently better each update for a year
>suddenly out of nowhere does a nosedrive into this
>If just the show
Yeah, I feel like The Loud House is categorized as a "boy show" in their targeted demographic, so it's no surprise that the non-sister focus episodes do better ratings wise.
does it cost money?
Why Dipper peeny so small?
Do you think his feet are ticklish?
why does this artist draw craig with a chain around his arm
is he supposed to be tweek's slave or something
Get that old ugly ass Brit outta here
This is an interesting idea. I wouldnt say no to some fan art of Tweak cucking Craig
God I love him
The truest queen
What do his feet look like under those boots?
Twist: since he's a kind of a spider, they look like his hands
It’s not gay enough actually.
Otherwise there’d be more threads of half naked boys together
Like feminine feet? His toes would probably be a little pointy to fit the spider look, but nothing drastic I would imagine.
He's just so hot!
>Angel Dust's wiki page says he hates "Foot Stuff"
Gonna need a source of that.
why this feels nasty?
Based Vivize.
Thank you user! More!
There's always gay sex user.
Lars>Loni>Lynn>the rest
Is that a euphemism for something?
say something nice about him
What about the gay board?
Lynn > Loki > Lars > Leif > Loni > Luke > The Rest
Not even close to as gay as Yea Forums
That would make us inordinately gay.
I want to kiss him and watch him get flustered.
He has cute feet.
Is this Mysterio and Spiderman?
/lgbt/ is more tranny than gay.
No, it's Mysterio and Night Monkey
me too
i mean, i guess he does
everything about him is cute though
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Excuse me?
You will never pass.
Reminder that Cute chubby Yea Forums boys are best cute Yea Forums boys
Thanks, Gandalf.
No, not at all
>That chart
>But especially Gideon
Absolutely disgusting
That's.. not a girl?
Yep, all male
Nah, there are boards gayer than Yea Forums
/lgbt/ has a ridiculous amount of Redditors that don't even try to hide it.
pajamas are cute
Yes! You have been awarded 1 reference token.
Redeemable wherever a reference attempt is made and you don’t understand it.
I want Cartman to finally snap and assault him sexually.
I feel like this thread lacks something, but what could it be?
Fun fact: pic related was drawn by one of South Park Studios' own artists and was planned to be in "Tweek x Craig," but the staff decided otherwise because it was too spicy.
Lewds. There are barely any in this thread.
>fanart where the characters are aged up
Lewds? Hmm, maybe... but not quite...
Miami Morty?
Let’s hear what these boards are for, er um, science.
Oh, bingo!
>canonically hates feet
I'm sure that's not gonna stop some people from breaking "canon" in art/fanfics/etc.
I mean if anything it can give them more ideas.
What's with the uncolored art? It looks like someone blew a fat load on both of them
And how is that a bad look?
>ywn blow a fat load onto Stan and Kyle
Neil is the actual sugar in the chart to counterbalance Steven’s artificial, sucky sweetn’ low. It’s like now not to do a lovable weirdo correctly vs the perfect lovable weirdo.
o god
Good. Fuck Viv's 'canon'.
Anything associated with Creek is just an excuse to show off their smutty fanart collection, is it?
That was too spicy but Craig being on top of completely naked Tweek wasn’t?
don't talk about my kyle that way
Judging from the wiki, he'll still do it, he'll just complain
Now do one with Kyle, but Otto Rocket is his boyfriend
>Angel Dust embarrassed by some guy massaging his girly feet
>knows he'll still get paid so tolerates the footfag until then
Is this more to your liking?
Tfw you just like seeing cartoons in different artstyles but its all softcore gay anime drawings.
If they're girly enough, close enough.
So most anime dudes are chicks?
You can't control us kylefag.
Yes actually
I like that this artist remembers that Craig still wears white briefs like the other boys, but Tweek wears black boxers. It shows that Tweek is sexually more mature than the other kids and secretly very slutty.
Varian bump, come on people let's keep posting fanart.
I hate this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
i know
but kyle is too pure and innocent for lewds
You're just saying that because you want me to post Kyle lewds to prove you wrong, which is exactly why I won't, even though I do possess many of them. You'll have to beg me though.
no thanks, i don't like kyman
>Implying I don't have all kinds of south park fanart including many ships
Acting coy, are we? That'll make me post even less Kyle fanart.
why you gotta be like that man
Because you're rude, I don't like you, and you have bad taste in ships and South Park boys.
i'm rude?
>you have bad taste in ships and South Park boys
why, because i don't like kyman?
i don't like to see the love of my life paired with someone who makes him suffer
Kyle makes Stan suffer though, he doesn't care about him, and the second Stan is depressed Kyle leaves.
Cartman and Kyle deserve each other.
And yes you're rude, but I guess you don't notice because you're not great at picking up social cues because of your autism.
>Kyle makes Stan suffer though, he doesn't care about him, and the second Stan is depressed Kyle leaves.
kyle didn't leave stan because stan was depressed. he stopped hanging out with him because stan was unable to keep his cynicism to himself. kyle was perfectly willing to hang out with stan and be supportive of him, until he proved that he was incapable of doing anything without saying it was shit and whining about how awful it was.
kyle gave stan plenty of chances. it was only after they couldn't even sit in a movie theater for 5 minutes without stan bitching about something, that kyle and the other guys stopped hanging out with stan.
>Cartman and Kyle deserve each other.
cartman doesn't deserve anyone and kyle deserves much better
also kyman is a garbage ship because it makes no sense what-so-ever. you can say kyle and cartman deserve each-other all they want, but that doesn't mean they would ever have any interest in being together.
>And yes you're rude, but I guess you don't notice because you're not great at picking up social cues because of your autism.
when have i been rude
Guys, there’s literally a board for shit like this
>/cm/ use it
i do use /cm/, but it's an incredibly slow board. it's also an imagedump board which means discussion pretty much never happens.
>kyle is perfectly willing to accept stan as depressed, but only if he doesn't actually manifest symptoms of depression
So he's an asshole.
Kyman has more support in canon than Style, first of all, and if we're playing the canon game none of the four boys are gay, so none would have any interest in being together. But speaking of what canon has shown, kyman would be much more of a possibility, and would make sense considering how shitty they both are.
You're obnoxious, your fake kindness as you faceclaim your 10yo husbando is revolting and you don't even realize it.
Then start a discussion there
This board is for discussing cartoons and comics, not posting husbandos
yes but why are you so mad though
what did i do that causes you to have a problem with me, specifically?
is it because i don't like your favorite ship?
also what the fuck does 'faceclaim' even mean?
I'll respond by not responding at all. And not posting south park anymore.
i don't really care if you don't post south park anymore, i have over 1700 images of it saved already.
i still don't understand why you have a problem with me, all i did was say i didn't like your favorite ship. is it because i don't necessarily sympathize with stan's situation in you're getting old?
If could be that he just hates Cartman, or I don’t know it’s hard to tell where this character shit even started in your guys’ reply chain because it went from not wanting Kyle lewds to not wanting Kyman specifically to Stan getting involved somehow.
i don't know how it got to that point either
i think he just doesn't like kyle
goodnight Yea Forums
You saying Neil > Steven?
Based. Even Charlie didn't get this kind of attention.
>southparkfags and femboyfags again
You're all girls, right? Or bisexual males.
nah, just fucking bent
>femboys are an exclusive taste
femboys are a shit taste
Double the Dippers - double the fun.
It’s an interesting board.
Why is he so cute, bros?
God I wish that were me
Nope! He's just a crossdressing twink.
oops forgot pic
>Fell for the trap
Get fucked.
Y-you don’t say.
>tfw they will never vibrate against you
Why even live
Who is he?
Blessed camposter
I dont like chub but i respect your dedication to them on every cute Yea Forums thread.
But Kyman is canon
Man i wish i had a Dib bf, cute weirdos are the best
I don't, he's worst boy.
A canon joke
It's more canon and likely than Kyle with anyone else
>tfw you will never be siblings and he will never hug you
It hurts.
>husbandoing a race traitor
When has he worn a skirt?
underrated boy from underrated show (without the shit humor it would be perfection)
Except he can be with other shotas
He has big feet.
Needs more Boondocks
Not really, especially when the creators still consider Stan and Kyle super best friends. Any gay ship besides Tweak and Craig isn’t all that likely because they probably feel like they already did their gay quota.
Even though we still have no actual gay kids at SP Elementary, Tweak and Craig has always been kind of a meme joke pairing rather than a serious relationship.
He has two white bfs in comics canon
no it isn't
i seriously don't understand how anybody can think kyman is "canon" or "likely."
kyle and cartman hate each-other. maybe the argument could be made that cartman likes kyle in that way, but kyle certainly doesn't like him back.
kyman is basically a crack pairing. two people who hate each other that much are not going to get into a relationship together.
and no, cartman raping kyle isn't a relationship
>Even though we still have no actual gay kids at SP Elementary, Tweak and Craig has always been kind of a meme joke pairing rather than a serious relationship.
they're genuinely gay for each-other as of the 2nd game, or so it seems. there's a mission where you go to relationship counselling with them to help them work out some issues. they also call each other pet names in private.
>when the creators still consider Stan and Kyle super best friends
No they don't, Stan and Kyle haven't gotten along in several seasons.
On the official wiki that was their relationship status last I checked.
And on the official show Kyle and Cartman have been doing shit together almost every episode and Stan barely talks to Kyle
Doesn’t change their status.
This is a great phrase.
>maybe the argument could be made that cartman likes kyle in that way
I would like that argument to be made, I don't care for kyman to be actual canon I just want cartman to be a fag, as he is. It would be hilarious.
>it's a butthurt style fag
Lol, yours is the biggest crackship of them all
well i certainly agree with cartmans assessment of kyle in this image
Not really, I’ve seen some really crazy ones.
Two best friends getting together is not a "crackship" you dumbass.
It pretty much is because it would never happen.
Also they don't even act like best friends anymore.
It is if canonically they've never been hinted as gay. Separated from the canon it has the same potential of happening as your average enemies-to-livers ship, referring to kyman. And considering how gau Cartman acts, kyman has at least the potential to happen onesided. I know it'll never /actually/ happen, but it's the one ship that is closest to canon, and joked about in canon, like here , that whole episode really. I'm not that informed though, there have been anons in the past doing really detailed analyses about it, I wonder where they are now. It was fun to read.
And the show shines the most whenever their dynamic is showcased competently, the era when Cartman Finds Love aired was pure gold, and cartman cucking Kyle was the best part of the most recent season, comedically speaking. So yes I would love to see how they handle fag Cartman. But I know they won't... probably.
Doesn't cupid me confirm Cartman is at least bisexual?
No he doesn't. Those two are straight and there's no proof he is gay unlike his crappy YJ cartoon counterpart.
I would hope so, but people will still argue that it was more about narcissism and less about being gay, which I guess that's fair, even though he drew gay porn in his diary in Fractured But Whole.
Also, excuse my typos.
there's plenty proof of the two of them being gay, especially rob. now stop taking shitposts seriously retardo.
Whoah. Why is Clyde on that list, you'd think he put Craig or Kyle's mom over him.
How about you stop posting like a retarded 13 year old shitposting on mommy's cellphone?
no u
Not only that, but the crew is aware of our interpretations, and actively makes easter eggs/jokes about it, which means it has more traction and thus could potentially enter canon at some point. I mean, it already has with Cartman Finds Love, but I mean in a more official sense, onesided (or not, who knows).
Remember pic related? Cupid Me definitely ties into kyman somehow, and I think we haven't seen the last of him. Personally I can't wait for the jokes, the potential is truly huge.
It definitely isn’t happening. As much as it would be interesting that clearly is something they’d never do when the gay kid dynamic is being taken up by Tweak and Craig. As a comedy show they’d probably see it as superfluous and to do it seriously would probably not play to what the show is known for as a comedy. Even if they sometimes have their moments of being serious and sincere.
i'm not even a stylefag
i prefer stenny
i only really ship kyle with a shota self-insert version of me
Yeah I definitely hear you, which is why I'm a bit bummed that creek is a thing in the first place. I think the gay thing could've been way funnier with those two characters, with creek it's just... in the background, not doing much... the potential already ran out pretty much. But I keep it all a hypothetical because you truly don't know what goes on in the minds of the crew, one week they might decide "you know what, fuck it, we're doing this" and surprise us. But I really wouldn't count on it.
Still, the gay comedy we'd get from the Cartman and Kyle dynamic would be way different than anything we could get from creek, because it is fundamentally a different one, so maybe there could be potential for like, one episode, then going back to status quo. That would fuck with the fans SO MUCH, it'd be hilarious really, and it would also kinda give them what they want. I know they're not interested anymore in doing that though, the games were the closest thing we got to insane kid antics in a long time. Sad.
Based best boy shipper
I can't believe that Yea Forums of all places doesn't understand what "crackship" means.
A crackship in South Park would be something like Mr. Garrison and an underwear gnome. Two people who know each other very well and interact with each other on a daily basis is not a crackship.
I understand that the descriptor of crackship applies to characters who have never or barely interacted, but I was using it loosely in this case to mean "a ship which has little to no chance of actually happening in any capacity in canon". All the little proof I'm posting is nice but it isn't any kind of canon support yet. I wish it was.
Fuck Rebecca for sending him into irrelevancy.
Congrats you ship the straightest boys in the show together, that's even worse.
The likelihood of happening is almost never taken into account in shipping, it's like the first suspension of disbelief you must take up when entering the shipping mode. After all with a few headcanons, you can find a way to make anything work as long as you have the material to work with.
Well, "happening in any capacity" pretty much just means the show acknowledging that there's feelings from at least one side, which in this specific case would just be jokes that make it a little more obvious, nothing too big or extraordinary. Pretty much what they're already doing but without the reasonable doubts that Cartman is just insane or something. But yes I see your point.
And I know not to expect anything, but it surely would be nice.
the only gay comedy we'd get from the cartman and kyle dynamic is cartman lusting after kyle and kyle not feeling the same way about cartman
you say i'm cringe but you actually think kyman could be a thing in canon. that's the real cringe.
who cares
why do kymanfags take everything so seriously
>the only gay comedy we'd get from the cartman and kyle dynamic is cartman lusting after kyle and kyle not feeling the same way about cartman
That is exactly what I was saying I want to happen you absolute selfshipping retard. And it'd be hilarious not gonna lie. But it doesn't stop there, the funniest part would be Cartman acting all in denial while everyone else calls him a fag and laughs at Kyle and him whenever Cartman does something inadvertently pretty gay. Like that episode where he put Butter's dick in his mouth for a prank, but with Kyle, and not explainable in any conceivable heterosexual way.
>you say i'm cringe but you actually think kyman could be a thing in canon. that's the real cringe
Nowhere did I say that, I actually said the opposite in a couple of posts, however I also said kyman still has more canon jokes than style or stenny do, and that's just a fact. A fact which makes kyman hypothetically more plausible. And I can say that while still acknowledging that I know it'll never ACTUALLY happen in any way shape or form (not even onesided like I described), because unlike you I have a functioning brain.
And yeah self insert shipping is pretty cringe, but my judgement can only go so far considering I like south park shipping. We're all cringe here.
He's just seething because Kyle is paired with a character he hates, both in the show and by fans
People who don't like Cartman or at the very least can't appreciate his character aren't South Park fans.
>But it doesn't stop there, the funniest part would be Cartman acting all in denial while everyone else calls him a fag and laughs at Kyle and him whenever Cartman does something inadvertently pretty gay. Like that episode where he put Butter's dick in his mouth for a prank, but with Kyle, and not explainable in any conceivable heterosexual way
so... you wanna see cartman sexually assault kyle?
>Nowhere did I say that, I actually said the opposite in a couple of posts,
my bad, i thought you were the user who was getting his panties in a wad yesterday because i said i didn't like kyman.
>And yeah self insert shipping is pretty cringe, but my judgement can only go so far considering I like south park shipping. We're all cringe here.
oh it's incredibly cringe, i'll admit that freely. i am a sad and pathetic person for the things i do.
i don't hate cartman at all. he's the funniest character on the show.
i just don't like kyman, and i don't like people who insist that kyman is the OTP to the point where they actually get mad at people who don't like the ship.
I'd go as far as to say that the relationship between Cartman and Kyle is the very soul of the show itself. Like, it embodies pretty much all of it, the kid antics, the political wars, it can all be summarized with them, and I think that's a really interesting thing, though it's true that they're a bit overused nowadays, but I still love their relationship.
>so... you wanna see cartman sexually assault kyle?
He basically already has, at least twice, but yes, shown in a comedic light, and with the joke turning against him quickly. Also imagine how funny it would be if it happened because Cartman wanted to prove that Kyle is "homophobic" or something so he can publicly ruin him. Like, in his mind if Kyle reacts with disgust to the advances everyone would think he's a bigot, he likes that scenario and tries to play it out, but soon discovers that while Kyle does react with disgust, so does everyone else, and they start making fun of him for being queer, and he soon finds out gays have it way harder than bigots, so now his new plan is make Kyle pass as gay so he'll suffer just as hard... and I dunno, stuff like this.
>I thought you were yesterday's user
Oh but I am, I never got any panties in any twists, I just find your endeavors towards Kyle off-putting so I dislike you.
>i'll admit that freely
Good, glad to see some self awareness.
Let's not argue and post more Butters.
>that kyman is the OTP
It unironically is the OTP
Kyle has canonically performed oral on Cartman and pleasured his prostate.
>Oh but I am, I never got any panties in any twists, I just find your endeavors towards Kyle off-putting so I dislike you.
that's too bad, i never had any problem with you until you started being a cockass. why does it bother you that i like kyle?
>Good, glad to see some self awareness.
i'm much more self-aware than i let on. i just choose to ignore my own self-awareness most of the time because i'm a mentally ill faggot and it feels good to act like one.
to be honest, i'm really tired of arguing about this stuff. enjoy your kyman, dude.
>Or by the fans
Style is still the biggest ship in the fandom by a given margin, what are you talking about?
And Cartman is only good in moderate doses. Much like Randy they really over rely on certain characters nowadays. Kenny barely gets any screen time.
>Style is still the biggest ship in the fandom by a given margin
It’s a joke pairing that never progressed past the joke. The only pairing that might last in the show between the kids is Stan and Wendy. But it’s also like the only one they even try to make at all consistent or acknowledge.
Seething, cope, etc.
Stan/Wendy is objectively the most popular ship, Kyle/Cartman and Craig/Tweek come after
[citation needed]
kyman is only popular with delusional lesbians who get off on abusive relationships.
Actually just a source on all that
Monky boy cute
I'm a kymanfag but creek is clearly the most famous ship, on account of it being canon, you know. So this bickering is useless, we all lost. The golden era is over for all of us. It's just creek now. Forever.
Being canon has nothing to do with anything. People obsessed with canon acting like it’s any kind of measure of quality are absolutely fucking retarded.
The fact that it's a canon gay ship helps it gain much more traction than any other south park gay ship could ever hope for. I mean you must've seen just how much fanart they get, right? I'd say second is style, based solely on fanart quantity.
great thread guys, i hope someone makes a new one soon
Being canon is a secondary thing, not the thing that makes it popular. If anything you have it in the reverse, it was popular outside of canon and they just made it that way in the show. You also have examples like Regular show where all the canon pairings are boring and shit and not even popular while Morby was a never gonna happen crack ship but was easily the most popular one.
Canon is a matter of description, not necessarily quality or popularity. If anything I personally find most of them to be pretty dull.
Spiderman undies might not be allowed.
Page 10, bump limit.
I arrived too late...
But fear not, I still have enough time to say one thing.
The perfect shota cock length is 4 inches erect.
Let this be archived for all eternity.