Steven bullying thread

Steven bullying thread

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Other urls found in this thread: - Connie_Maheswaran Steven's_Lion Steven_Quartz_Universe Steven_Universe blargsnarf.png

>Steven bullying thread
That's mighty uncool of you user.

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Just saying the show would be better if Steven had male competition.

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Just imagine the show if Steven actually had to compete with a guy. Maybe someone who goes to Connie’s school, an athlete she can hang out with and not have Steven around, someone to promote healthy eating habits and staying in shape. Lives with his mother and father, like kids should. Probably even a shootter at the gun range to show that humans can defend themselves and that Steven isn’t needed. A boy who acts like a boy, isn’t aftaid to fight and doesn’t have to cry to win. Wouldn’t that be great?

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NTR is a garbage fetish

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Not if you hate the victim.

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But the show would still be better if Steven had male competition, someone who’s not afraid to be a boy.

dubs of truth

Am I a bad person for thinking this isn't so bad?
He was a dick to Spinel, and kind of a dick in small ways in general throughout the movie. In the show, he's just kind of annoying whenever he's not serving his assigned role as "the nice, friendly guy".
Seriously, fuck that nigga Steven. He's not even cute, but you can tell his self-awareness lacking, diabetic ass definitely thinks he is. He has no place as the main character of anything. He belongs in PD's spot, selling greasy fried food and being irrelevant. Disgusting.


>cracked ass gem
It bothers me Steven lands on his stomach so much

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No. Honestly, Steven is so entitled, he should be in the background and allow a strong young boy character. Steven should be the kid seething that girls don’t like nice guys like him.

Agreed. He's...really garbage as an MC. He never asks basic fucking questions, morality revolves entirely around him, we never see *anything* that happens for longer than 10 minutes unless his fat pink ass is in spitting distance, etc.
You'd unironically be better off with a fucking meme version of what Yea Forums thinks a generic shounen harem MC is.

>Bullying Ntrman
>When he's the only one showing concern for Steven
He sounds like a swell guy, no wonder Connie fucks him

Then why are you resorting to it, you don't hate NTR you hate seeing your chubby shota getting cucked

Someone who actually is willing to fight is enough
I like to think he tries to teach Steven healthy eating habits only for Steven to yell he’s fatphobic and then sit on his ass eating donuts while grumbling that Connie should be with him.

Imagine the fucking salt from Sufags and tumblr if some blond teen quarterback snatched up Connie, or better yet, one of the Gems.
Can you imagine the explosion if Blondie McFootball were to fuck Pearl or Garnet? They'd fucking explode. Especially if it was a totally stable sweet relationship. Just take one of those fucking by the books tumblr romance stories and fucking swap the characters out and watch them go down in fucking flames.

NTR is garbage, but Connie is for Marco

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Personally each of those choices are great but Garnet would be the best for me
>He’s undersge!
>She’s black coded and with an Aryan guy
>The lesbians are sucking cock!
It’d be great if he was the type to fully appreciate jungle booty. And to turn Garnet into a housewife instead of Ruby marrying Sapphire.

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It’s the truth of any Steven fan. Just a hypocrite who gets terrified any time a boy who actually acts like a boy shows up.

Make him a classic Good Old American values guy. He's all attentive and shit, trying to do things for Garnet..and Ruby and Sapphire. Paying out for nice dinners, gifts, that kinda thing. Eventually gets involved in the Gem fights because even if he's going to respect that she's a fighter he's not going to let her/them do it alone, he treats his lady right. Buys himself a sledge hammer and grabs his football gear, etc.

nice self-insert, fag

>Garnet and the Gems taking hits from some fucking clodbeast
>Suddenly 200 pound QB body tackles it from nowhere and goes to town with a sledge hammer until they can bubble it.
>Pulls Garnet close and asks if they're still on for dinner that night.

Personally I’m kinda picturing Dash Baxter

Diff user but if that's an SI then user is doing quite well for himself. Fit, healthy, active and stable lifestyle.
Which to be honest, pretty good indicator it's not anyone for Yea Forumss SI, we're all too fucking lazy and depressed.

Steven is for raping.

Yea Forums certainly loves writing some cringe fanfiction don't they?

>Dash Baxter
Yeah but less of a dick and a little more southern. Really hammer in that pain there.

steven is a fucking fat retard !

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Stay mad SUfag, stay mad.

>Stay mad
>he says while writing a self insert bash character for a series he supposedly doesn't even care for.

This is Deviantart tier, please let me know when you draw a picture of this character beheading steven and your anti steven stickers so I can comment and favorite.

>Garnet as a cheerleader for one of his games

Lol fuck Steven that cringy, fat unfunny retard

See the great thing is I can shit out a greentext of literally the most generic fucking shit I can think of and it makes you so assblasted you start on this shit.


>Damn he countered me.
>Better say he's mad again.

Got me again, Flash!

>being this butthurt
SU is cancer and so are you

Not them but you mind shitting out more? Genuinely enjoying this.

self inserts aren't the literal person, they're often idealized mary sue self inserts, who they wish they were

Sure why not. Dubs demand it and al that shit.
>She shows up to his games when she can.
>She already knows if he'll win or lose, but she still sits through them just because she wants to support him.
>Sometimes that support's all it takes to change the outcome.
True but the farther from "plausible" typically the more difficult the time the little fucks have. And let's be real here, Yea Forums's chance at highschool glorydays are so fucking far gone that shit's impossible.

>and then he beats up the monster
>and then all the females are wet
>and the fat one i dont like is really cucked by him
>and then he fucks the 10 year old
god i love co


This some next level fuckmad. I'm kinda impressed that the storm of "Man but actually fuck Steven Universe, the show has a terrible lead" literally took years to cough you fuckers up.

Hey Lars how was work

if i pretend will you keep writing this

>I'm surprised it took years to cough you fuckers up.

So you're confusing indifference and ridicule for anger. Got it chief.

>Implying Lars has time to shitpost when he's off fucking shit up in space.

He’s back home though.

user, I think you're getting a little too worked up describing your dream husbando.

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>Steven becoming an incel who’s frustrated that Connie likes an athletic guy instead of a sweet boy like him
>Show becomes about how an incel would take advantage of a female race

Nah I'll just write more because I'm bored and shitposting is funny.

>Blondie McFootball has no fucking clue how to really work with Garnet most of the time. Spends most of his time fumbling around, trying to learn about her interests.
>She usually throws him a bone here and there, but likes to make him sweat a bit because she thinks it's cute to see him being nervous and earnest like that when his tough guy act breaks a bit and he just asks her outright.

>He was a dick to Spinel
Opinion discarded. Spinel is obnoxious as fuck, majorly unhinged, and it isn't Steven's job to fix her. The amount of people treating Spinel like a precious angel baby is disgusting. She was wronged, but not by him, and she responded horribly. He would have been justified in bubbling her indefinitely.


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>implying that the earth can contain Lars for long.

>Heart of the Crystal Gems is instead QB graduating high school and wanting to make an honest woman out of Garnet.

Just make him Shirou so Connie and the Gems can stay in the kitchen where they belong.

>He spent most of the build up scrambling to find a good ring for the proposal but was terrified that any Gem he'd pick would be insulting to her
>Eventually drags half the cast into figuring it out. Antics ensue as Amethyst, the football team, and half the town is trying to keep Garnet busy while also looking for the perfect ring.
>Ends up popping the question with a ring with a small mirror inplace of a set gem. Because he can't think of a gem more beautiful than her.

Too weeb, we need good old fashioned American.

Yeah, besides if the internet has taught me anything Shirou wouldn't let them into his Kitchen anyway unless he was fucking them on the countertops.

Steven needs somebody to beat him

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There should be one where Steven and NTRman hook up instead.
Like that series of advertisements in Japan for candy, with Long Long Man or whatever was his name.

This. Steven needs to watch Connie fuck a real man in order to change and bother losing weight.

Honestly Connie is a shit waifu and steven should do better then that poo.

Blondie McFootball can bond with him by helping him get into crossfit while asking him for advice on things Garnet likes.
>Steven's not doing the best at it, it's not really his thing, more a music kid like his old man.
>He's just not into the whole violence thing really.
>So Blondie pulls back on the judo, and starts up on the ballet instead.
>Steven's all surprised, but Blondie just says it's good for his career, lotta cross-compatible skills and exercises.
>later, half the team comes to one of Steven's friend's concerts to show some support for their QB's new little bro.

The best way to defeat shitposting is to make the shitposting better.

I miss when Lars hated Steven guts
>well you finally did it, you fucking killed me

Ok faggot

This spawns some ideas.
>Steven ends up talking to Blondie about why he likes fighting so much.
>Blondie tells him it's less that he likes fighting, well, he does, a bit, but more that he wants to fight so other people don't have to.
>Blondie's old man was a cop. Big on the old protect and serve thing, tried to bring him up right.
>Blondie's mom died in an armed robbery. She tried to stop the gunman from taking him as a hostage once the cops showed up.
>It's part of why he's so old fashioned and protective of Garnet even though he doesn't need to be. He can'thelp it.
>Tells Steven he feels pretty terrible that he can't actually do much other than knock some corrupted gems around.
>Steven doesn't have much of a solution or much to say, but he wants Blondie to know, he's pretty glad Garnet's got somebody trying to take care of her just like she does everyone else.

>Conni meeting Chad when fighting with Steven
>Chad being forward and flirting with her
>Connie loving that a guy isn’t afraid of her
>Connie getting asked out.
>Chad and Connie getting together as Connie gets popular
>Priyanka loving Chad and his nuclear family
>Steven getting heartbroken when Chad arrives with Connie at the party, with her kissing his cheek.
>He keeps trying to talk to her but she’s too busy paying attention to Chad
>He finally throws a tantrum about tantrum that just lets Chad decide to take her home but not before calling him out on how possessive he is
>Them having their first time in the car before taking her home
>Chad proposing a few months before high school is over.
>Them getting married while they go on to have three kids.
>Steven ending up a NEET who rants on Yea Forums

I bet Steven went to see the Crying Breakfast Friends movie unironically

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And here we see Yea Forums in all its duality.


I wouldn't mind joining him being dressed like that too


Continuing with the shitposting.
>Blondie ends up spending an entire episode trying to get along with Greg.
>It's a chain of fuck ups because when it comes down to it Blondie has no musical talent and is way too much of a try hard.
>Greg eventually tells him to chill out and get whatever's bothering him out there.
>Ends up wanting Greg's advice as the only other guy to fuck a Gem on how to get her off. Was too awkward and nowhere near comfortable enough just outright asking.
>Greg slaps him on the back and tells him he'll figure it out, but in general, there's a couple tricks he can share.

>there's a couple tricks he can share.

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>Steven grows up to become Chris-chan
fund it

>Greg gives him pointers
>The power of youthful energy and a fit young physique behind the legendary gem-hammering techniques of the Universe family means Garnet's big black ass gets pounded so well she ends up cumming so hard the damn statue they live in Ahegaos.
>During the resulting ground shaking, Greg doesn't even look up from his lunch, just flashes a thumbs up in the vague direction of the source and then goes about his business.
>He rates it a 7 outta 10, few extra points for it being the first try. But he's still got a lot to learn.

why do you feel attacked when seeing steven getting cuck?

>post a pedo as an avatar of "cool"
you don't make that shit up.

>Spinel comes down to destroy earth and some blonde quarterback just tackles her and unloads a concealed carry into her chest
>Stands up and gives a thumbs up to the camera
>Movies over. Beach city is safe again, no thanks to the Crystal Gems.
>Roll credits to the sound of Steven wailing in the background because he didnt even have a chance to talk her down
God our timeline sucks dick

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Nah man
Steven may be a tubby little queer, but he's confident and charismatic enough that it doesn't matter. Only edgy faggots like Lars dislike him for his relentless positivity, but all the normies and cool kids would like him.
Steven would be that one kid everyone knows and likes, everyone except for the kids no one likes.

>Steven becoming clingy towards Lapis and Peridot
>Steven giving weird incest vibes to the Gems and trying to grope them
)>The Gems starting to prefer Chad as they come annoyed by Steven as Steven becomes creepier

your waifu sucks ass, user.

>Garnet getting fucked so hard she unfuses for a threesome

You do make shit up.

I headcanon NTRman unaware of how alpha he is. Not understanding why Steven has trouble with girls but he doesn’t or flirting with the Gems and not getting why they get crushes on him.

>muh Gary Stu self insert
There's already a character perfect for Steven to interact with

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Steven's the kind of Tubby lil queer who's "Confident and Charismatic" In the way that he knows that due to being better people than he is, nobody is going to punch him in the face or chew him out for being a little shit, because they're either good enough people that they're better than that or they know everyone would be obligated to defend his sorry ass. He's protected by social dickery basically like a lot of more obnoxious people, and doesn't even realize it, resulting in him acting like how he does.
Or alternatively it's a Steven centric show with Steven centric morality, you decide.
He's that preppy kid who's flagrantly a faggot even if he's not actually gay, the kind of kid who runs for class president and takes it seriously despite living in rural America.

Double dubs confirm it. ONce more into the breach
>Garnet defuses
>No longer jelly legging from the epic bootyblasting they've received, they're ready for round 2.
>End up stacked one on top of the other, making out while Blondie does his god damn duty and makes sure his wife...wives...can't walk, but he'll carry them away happy. Four holes to fill, lotta work for one man. But he'll manage.
>Greg gives this one a few extra points for style, and, again, first go at it? He'll up it to an 8.5.

>Still here and this assblasted
Steven defense force on fleek, or whatever you turbotards say.

Empathy is a basic human trait

>Literally creates cartoon about a character who isn't a pussy
>See picture

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>Fucking a thicc chocolate goddess
>She suddenly splits into a cyclops loli and an androgynous kid with a fro
This is not what I signed up for.jpg


Remember Ghost with a Gun?

That's a lot of projection user

The fuck is that?

A real man doesn't care. THat's his wife...wives...whatever, and he's gonna make sure she's satisfied.

He's Homeschooled, that's probably a huge factor in his personality.

>opinion I don't like
>hurr durr projection

A cartoon idea I came up with about an undead Polish soldier fighting demons. People bashed it for being "Too edgy". Even though the edgiest part about it was the fact that the protagonist had well-hidden PTSD

Oh. Meh, honestly doesn’t sound like something I’d be into.

That's okay. I created it for a comic book class.

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Oh, youre that guy!
How's the idea coming along?

I know this is supposed to be a Shitpost , but I would unironically love to see this.

...Okay, I guess. I'm trying to figure out how to appeal to the Yea Forumsboys.

Also, what you just saw was the first drawing I did of him, back when my art skills were... Well, let's just say less honed.

Well glad you’re still at it but you shouldn’t try appealing to this dump, most people are better than that.

Honestly, it'd play into both of their characters.

Johnny is confident and unafraid, but is also very immature and causes more trouble than he solves.

Steven is rather shy and somewhat hesitant, but is rather mature.

Honestly I'd give you benefit of the doubt but you keep fucking bitching about it in a bajillion fucking unrelated thread and shitting things up. It's enough to sour anyone on the idea.

>Trying to appeal to a demographic fundamentally uninterested in your work
You should work at marvel

My only other option is Faggit or (sexual)Deviantart.

If you could see me, I'd be shrugging right now.

Also, I feel an interaction between Gabriel and Steven would involve Steven attempting to get Gabriel to find another way to stop the Demons without violence, only for Gabriel to tell him:

>"Y'know, I have something to tell yo- Wait, what was your name? Steven? Well, Steven, listen. Sometimes, you can't talk away your problems. But that's beside the point. Thing is, our situations are very different. You've got peace of mind. I don't. You've got friends. But it's literally just you and them against everything else. I'm just a cog in the machine. All I can really say is that you've still got your innocence. Don't waste it. Don't end up like me."

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Please stop attention whoring. Just start your own thread instead.

Yeah, but the alternatives are REALLY stupid.


Don't be sorry, just don't do it again. Learn from your mistakes, build on them. And become a better person for it.

I mean, where the fuck else am I supposed to put this?

This is not good, in any way.

I'm not very good at writing dialogue.

Honestly just go to a history nerd forum that allows fanfiction and shit., Spacebattles, All those nerdshit forums that are still clinging to life like Mufasa on a cliff somehow. They love that shit.

Reminder that this sickly ridden chad cucked all of Yea Forums

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Seriously, if I can appeal to you people, I can appeal to anyone.

Many things Yea Forums likes the rest of the world does not. Our tastes aren't selective, they're random

Yeah... I really need to rethink this whole thing.

Also, fuck me, I REALLY derailed this thread.

Yeah so get the fuck out. We were slowly dragging it into a shitstorm of NTRman VS Blondie McFootball and I wanna get back to that.


Eh. Good effort.

>Azula sodomizing Steven and making him call her Mommy.

>taking characters with established relationships who have faced hardships together and shared their lives with one another and have clearly grown incredibly close in the process
>throw that away for the sake of NTR
I can see why people hate it now at least.



Bruh Ace Thruster

"Oh look butter ball is going to cry, if need a girl so bad, go back home to mommy, oh wait you can't cause she's dead"

>love triangle bullshit
hard pass

I try. I really wish I could write better dialogue, though.


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Why do these exist.


Because there are still based anons in a board that is now 99% s o i

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Kek. Based as always.

I'm aware, but do you really have to do this?

FATTEH must suffer

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You got the pig one?

So I've been told. This is still horrifying stuff, and I'd cringe no matter who it happened to.

This one?

Part One
>Steven snorted in his sleep, his short chubby body jiggling in fear as the nightmares occurred.
>Kevin looming over him at his party, being so forceful with Stevonnie,having fused to fulfill his promise as he tried to protect Connie from him.
>Kevin just kept on seeming stronger as he grabbed Stevonnie and managed to defuse them.
>Steven plopped to the ground, tasting the tiles, as Connie was taken from him while he kept reaching out
> He could see Connie and figured she was so scared, being handled by a brute like Kevin, when his eyes grew wide.
>Connie was kissing Kevin, moaning and groaning as she kept humping his leg in front of everybody as all the onlookers gazed and cheered Kevin on.
>He could see Kevin lower Connie’s skirt, giving him a peek of her panties.
>Steven tried to get up but couldn’t, his porkish body feeling too heavy to even life, as he noticed Kevin pull his cock out and leaning towards Connie’s mouth and-
>Steven woke up. In his dark pen as he felt the cold air from the holes that allowed him to breathe . press against his fat naked body. He could feel the dirt on his ass and budged his arm with the shit and piss on the corner. He had wet himself again...

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Part Two
>The morning had come, as Steven was forced to sleep in his piss. If he was very lucky, Kevin might allow him a minute or two with the cold hose.
>He crawled out of his personal pen and into the hot sun, hoping he could get into the mud to cool down as his meaty body was sweating up a storm.
>Just as he was about to reach his sanctuary, he felt a collar snap around his neck choke him, making him fall down on his back, exposing his belly and tiny genitals to the world.
>It was his master Kevin, armed with his leash and a cruel smirk on his face, Steven could only hope his punishments would be less severe this time.
>He was dragged to the larger area, always staring at the ground as Kevin opened the gate and introduced him into the area filled with pigs, each oinking and grunting as Steven came by.
>The pigs never much liked Steven, with the males usually jabbing him in the belly or the females biting him around his penis whenever he approached them for a kiss.
>As Kevin rounded up around the slip tray, he poured in the nectar, filled with fish and chicken guys, apple cores and milk.
>All the other pigs trampled over Steven to get to it, a sight Kevin smiled at, as the pigs would often hit him in his undersized testicles with Steven yelping or crying.
>Finally, after all the pigs had taken their chow, Steven went ahead, gorging himself so sloppily, even he could sense the other pigs disdain, he began licking the trough, not even stopping when Kevin began pressing his cigarette against Steven’s blubbery body, though yelps and little dribbles of piss were let out each time, as Steven’s sobs mixed with his oinking as his gluttony knew no limit
>By the time he finished, his body was covered with cigarette burns as he sobbed as all the male pigs began mounting the female pigs in a form of celebration as a sole female pig began chewing on his genitals before kicking them with her hoof.

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Part Three
>Steven would lie there for what felt like forever until she appeared like an angel.
>Connie dressed in a shorter skirt and a tank top that ever so subtlety revealed her bra as she leaned in closed to her, he stared back as his cock began hardening.
>As she spat in his eye.
>Steven sat shocked, beginning to weep again, almost like a baby as he began squirming in the mud
>Connie smirked before walking towards Kevin, leaning back as he thrusted his tongue in her, her leaning back as his erection poked through his jeans.
>Steven could only sob as he began crying more, almost entirely like an infant as he threw a tantrum in the mud, splashing the pigs who seemed to leave in disgust.
>Connie seemed uninterested as she continue to make out with Kevin, humping his erection before he slapped her on the ass and motioned her to go inside
>As Steven defecated himself, hoping Connie would act as one of his fallen mothers, his cock grew hard again as he attempted to crawl after her before she slammed the door of the house ending with him plopping his belly on the mud, finally cooling off.
>Kevin only smiles as he entered the house, leaving Steven outside in the hot sun with nothing but mud and excrement to cool him down.
>He stayed there still, his sausage fingers reaching towards his cock to pleasure himself for the first time, having never done so before in his freedom, but no matter how many times he fantasizes about Connie saving him or making love to her for the first time, all he could so was have his fade into Kevin fucking her like a brute, not like a sweet sensitive boy he was. He was a nice guy, why did he love someone crass and selfish like him. Just because his cock was rather small.

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This is sickening. Not because it's happening to Steven, but because it's happening in general

What’s wrong with it?

>not even the good one

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god I fucking wish

It just feels... Wrong. And this is coming from a guy who watched the Pain Olympics.

Unironically this.

Steven’s in his rightful place and Connie is with a strong man. No problem here.

Reminder that fusion with your dad is gay sex...or rape murdercock sex.

I know, but did it have to be so detailed?

NTRfags are mentally ill

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Imagine getting this riled up over some anons having fun. Bet you if they were making a bbc bull chucking Steven you’d be silent as shit lol

And I disagree. Brainlet.

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ur example pic reminds me of our based and redpilled friend from uglydolls

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People like details. I personally enjoyed the idea of Steven being cucked even from pigfucking.

Why can't we have a story about Steven becoming a real man or something.

Because some things are impossible even in fiction.

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Combine these. Make a story about Jasper raping Steven into a man.


Maybe he finally uses his newfound manliness to turn the tables on Jasper or something.

Also, that reminds me:

Why does everyone hate Steven so much? No memes or alternative interpretations of his character.

>Women make a shitty cartoon with a worthless weak male protagonist
>Claim that the male is an updated progressive view that men should respect and appreciate and encourage their sons to watch
>Turn right around and end up seeing him as a weak betrayable loser that can't command any respect.

This is why calarts tumblrites shouldn't be allowed to make cartoons.

>this obsession where Steven gets beaten up by a self-insert because he wore a dress once
Didn't this episode air like five years ago?

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Marco is for Star's futa cock only

What about Lars? And Kevin?

And let's not forget when Steven got his art stolen by Buck Dewey, and the Gems were like 'lol grow up and deal with him yourself'. And Steven does.

Unless you've just got a sickening NTR fetish, in which case this post was a probably waste of time

>posting gohan
Would it kill you to not immediately prove his point?

What about Princess Marco used as a fucktoy by Stevonnie?

People are gonna churn out some essay about how he's an insult to mankind and a danger to any boys watching the show but it's really because:
>he has emotions and expresses them in ways they don't like
>he has morals they don't agree with that he sticks to
>he's fat though given the show's style it's hard to tell just how fat he is
>one time he wore a dress and it wasn't played as a joke

Most popular things with a focus on a cute character end up attracting abuse fags.

That and he wore pinks diamonds princess clothes. There was no reason for that. Especially since saddie is way fatter and the clothes wouldn't fit

Hell, it's implied it might be mostly muscle, akin to a sumo or weightlifter, considering his utterly insane physical power.

its a cartoon character

>princess clothes
They're literally never called that. If anything it's a harlequin outfit.

Now you're speaking my language

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Welcome to the party, pal

>tfw an incel was near your waifu

Fuck...this feels bad.

Godfather? can't say i care much for a movie that insists on itself so much

Humans can empathize with roombas

Wasn't the whole point of wearing Pink's clothes to endear to the Diamonds or something?
It was pure tubby fat in S1 before everyone turned chibi. I do say he has filled out pretty nicely in his teenage years though

how would steven fair if steven and the gang were in LISA?

What’s that?

Not very well.

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I wanna breed Connie while Steven watches.

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Wonder what Steg would look like if Rose was the one who fused with Greg.

Who here doesn't?

Mostly from memes.
Im willing to bet some of the people here have not even watched the show and bandwagoned on the meme from out of context clips and youtube videos shitting on steven universe.

Probably the case.

Lol what an autist

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People who defend Steven the fat fairy

He just wants to make sure his girlfriend isn’t bother by that fat freak

>steven still believes joy mutants can be saved

Good old Fashion.

This is one of the most embarrassing fanfics I've ever read

Reminder that only retards with double digit IQs still think that Fusion=Sex

XD! Family Guy is so epic guise

could steven talk down Brad?

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Why is he trying to get with the pigs?

Brad would plow through him like he does with everyone else


Based,she needs a real man,some like me

I totally ship you guys.

>needs to fuse with his chad dad to be cool

Lars and Kevin aren’t competition for his role as the male hero or for his place amongst the Gems and Connie.

now i'm waiting for this to become an abusefag

What is this shit?

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>You, virgins:
>Steven should get cucked!
>Me, an intellectual:
>Out of every men and women of the universe, only Star is worthy of being cucked.

I think it would’ve been better if Steven had a older brother that would be violent and would start a fight to any gem and would do whatever it takes to protect his little brother. Similar to Brand from The Goonies.

The only true answer. Also, she's the only one who deserves it.

I like that idea, although how would you make it that way? Maybe he's a half brother or something?

>Connie is going to inherit her mom's body.

This too good for Steven.

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That would be interesting

Or have a massive tom boy as his love interest to have some kind of dualism.

Steven lost weight, and at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he looks like a bear upon growing up.

I mean, this is what he would have looked like if he maintained his series-start life-style. Damn.

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Y'know, I would actually like it if Steven looked like that upon growing up.

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>connie's mom reminds me of my dentist

I only like bullying characters I like because their suffering amuses and arouses me.
I don't care about Steven that way, but I'd be fine with bullying Connie.

Absolutely disgusting.

Does anyone have the Lars one where he's with padparadscha?

If they were to do something like that I'd like him to be something like Taiju Oki from dr.stone, a jock who even Steven can admit is pretty cool.

>He was a dick to Spinel
>Hey I know you tried to kill me and all but I still wanna help you, just let me help my friends that I actually know first.
>a dick
Can Spinelfags dig any further up their own asses?

basically every gem he's met has almost killed him, the Steven we knew would've have more sympathy for Spinel especially after the song but he needed to be OOC for plot to happen

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Steven can defend himself against Joy addicts and Joy Mutants just fine, super strength he has and defense moves overshadow even what Brad could do.

I could see Steven trying to convince people to be pacifists.

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He didn't do anything wrong though, if anything he was too sympathetic by tolerating her obnoxious need for constant attention and approval. Focussing on the direct needs of your closest friends can only be seen as a dick-move by self-obsessed psychos who think the world has to revolve around them and everything less than that is a personal slight. Like Spinelfags.

Only joyless Brad, otherwise the drugs would take over.

Steven would do fine, he's pretty damn durable.

I wonder if he could talk down and hold his own against Joy fueled Buddy though.

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Oh no Steven lost his girlfriend, it’s not like he’s surrounded by hot magic women 24/7.


Why would bullets do anything to light forms?

>by self-obsessed psychos who think the world has to revolve around them
>Is that all you needed me for? To turn off my injector?
>No! Well... yeah.
Steven literally just heard this heartbreaking song about a gem who made herself stand still for thousands of years, he should understand she's not exactly in a stable mental state. She's basically an amalgamation of Pearl and Lapis. This obviously happened for plot reasons I.E. so she relapses back into violence. The Steven we've seen for the past 6~ years would've had a much more visceral reaction to Drift Away.

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and why would being stabbed do anything to light forms
gems just need to have their forms pierced to have it be disrupted and poof, a bullet would most likely do it

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>she's not exactly in a stable mental state.
>Goes back to killmode as soon as steven isn't standing by her side anymore
Bit of an understatement. He made a vow to never abandon her the way PD did and make up for her mistakes, but how dare he check on the crystal gems right after a crisis is averted. How insensitive of him to care about more people than just one nutcase.

He’s just going through puberty, every teen has that phase where they are kind of an asshole.

Too bad none of them are attracted to fat retarded butterballs.

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Alternate version of the story:

Second Episode:
>Steven had been placed in a Catholic orphanage in the big city, and the nuns were very unpleasant. "ADMIT IT!" The paddle hit Steven's rump, "ADMIT YOUR SIN!"
>Steven tried to ignore the tears slowly going down his pudgy, fatty face. "No, there's nothing wrong-"
>"SIN!" Sister Maria screeched. "SINNER! Say your forgiveness in the eyes of the lord, and he may forgive ye."
>"No-" another, "Owie! No, please I-" another swat, then another, before Steven finally broke down and screamed at the cross, "I STOLE! I STOLE! I'm sorry! Thievery is a sin!" The Lord Christ always forgave, looking upon Steven with pity, but his father wasn't entirely convinced of Steven's forgiveness.
>Maria stopped, her hard brown eyes bitter but pleased Steven learned his lesson. "Good, Sister Martha?" She turned at a young initiate who watched the debacle. "Clean his face and send him with the rest of the children."
>"Yes mam," she grabbed Steven by the wrist, trying to ignore his bloodied, scarred behind, and dragged him to the showers. "Clean up." She ordered the troublesome boy, not unkindly.
>"I only took salame!" Steven cried.
>"You took an entire ROLL! You're lucky the butcher was very understanding, considering your..." Martha hesitated, "background. Now clean up and get ready to go to school."
>"BUT I DON'T LIKE SCHOOL! WAAAAHHHH!" Steven stomped around like a spoiled brat, making Martha just shake her head and walk off.
>"Well Adam," Steven heard a voice behind him and saw two young kids watching him. One had a very doglike face with amber eyes that gleamed with mischief, and the other was a handsome blonde kid with strong blue eyes that had the weight of the world behind them. "Let's follow this one. He looks amusing. Plus the bully gangs should be fun."
>Adam looked upon Steven with pity, "very well Puck. As long as we go to that Cheese Fair."

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I mean, they never really gave any comparison to how strong Gem weapons are, as well as their durability. For all we know, a bullet might just bounce off of their gems.

Third Episode:
>Adam sat in the back of the bus, his new classmates looking upon him with pure unbridled hate or disgust. The two exceptions were the homely dog faced boy Puck and his handsome companion who were more mischievous and pitying respectively. "Hey Fatfuck," a nasty kid with red glasses leaned in, "you wanna know what I do for fun?" The kid flicked open a lighter and lit a cigarette.
>Steven was fearful, "No..."
>"Well..." The psychotic boy stubbed the lit cigarette in Steven's forehead.
>"OWIE!" Steven shrieked as he felt the burn, falling to the bus floor. It roared with laughter, even more so as his tormentor started kicking him.
>"Fucking fat shit! Making my seat even more crowded! Fucking fat piece of gay shit!" The bus driver ignoring the scene, having dealt with Steven before and knowing the kid had to get broken in or else the world would eat him alive. The torment only stopped when the bus came to a stop with a screeching halt, the outcasts stepping on Steven like he was a old wornout welcome mat. Puck laughing while Adam shook his head, watching Steven slowly get up and leaving the bus.
>"Looks like our subject isn't doing so well." Adam observed as three bullies immediately tackled and started beating on Steven. One putting him in a headlock as his two compatriots started hitting him. Steven's face getting black and blue, with blood mixed in with tears and piss.
>"What? You didn't complain at the Games!" Puck chuckled as Steven finally got the urge to cry for help. The three bullies looked around, seeing Puck who gave them a thumbs up... Slowly turning it downwards. The three got the message and grinned, the big tormentor crashing Steven to the ground, laughing as three little teeth popped out and slid across the sidewalk while Puck's eyes gleamed with amusement.
>"Come on," Adam looked on in disgust and pity, "this boy is no Marcus Attilus."

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>He made a vow to never abandon her the way PD did and make up for her mistakes
that literally didn't happen, he was stressing that she needs to find a new friend not him
>Bit of an understatement
You can say that, yes, which just makes it look worse for Steven. He knows full well how damaged she was but he handled the situation as least delicately as possibly. It goes further than just helping this one hurt gem, this put the Earth in peril again.

I can understand Steven being a bit more moody or some such, in fact I welcome that, but I can't see any Steven having a non-blase reaction to Drift Away. It's almost comical how far they went with the "depressing backstory" with her. I don't think they were trying to tell anything about Steven's character and more just they needed this to happen for plot reasons. His desire to give Spinel away to some other person can't be viewed as a negative quality because then it would "ruin" the movie's ending with her going with the Diamonds.

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Please stop

Fourth Episode:
>Steven was struggling to fit in class, the students targeting him for all manner of practical jokes. The big bully leading most of them, though little Sid got some of his anger out, and mischievous Puck couldn't help but join in from time to time. All with Adam looking disapprovingly at Steven, feeling both pity and disgust. Why?
>"Mr. Simmons! Mr. Simmons!"
>"What?" Simmons eyes were bloodshot from having to deal with Steven. "The hell you want?"
>"Gerald broke the rules! He's copied Arnold's homework!"
>"So?" Simmons rolled his eyes, "it's fucking Elementary School."
>"Who? The principal? He's even more sick of this shit than I am! God fucking damnit!" Simmons slammed a fist on the desk. "Learn how to deal with your own fucking problems!"
>"But you're an adult-"
>"Detention for a week. Now get out of my face."
>Puck burst out laughing, observing the scene from his desk. But outside the classroom Adam was negotiating with two people who very much disliked Steven. "We need to help that kid, he's obviously not accumuliating well."
>"Yo! You want us to help fatso?" Gerald had his arms crossed. "That's impossible! Dat shit iz like askin us to cure world hunga or sum shit."
>"Yeah, I don't know..." Arnold leaned forward at the tall blonde kid. "... Adam, he's like retarded or something."
>"But you're the one who always fixes everything!" Adam pressed Arnold, "everyone comes to you for help. Even Crackboy."
>"Fine, fine," Arnold sighed, "I'll do it. But you OWE ME!"
>Adam shrugged, "fair enough." All the while Steven had been given yet another beating, both his eyes pitch black.
>"Oh no Fatty." Puck shrugged, "this will all stop when you learn."
>"LEARN WHAT?!" Puck laughed and walked away, flipping the bird behind him.

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Fifth Episode:
>Arnold had taken it upon himself to teach Steven how to interact with other human beings. "Steven, when somebody shows up, fist up in the air, you don't start singing. That doesn't fix anything."
>"Yes it does!"
>"No it doesn't. The guy will just beat you and steal everything you have. You also gotta stop crying every five minutes."
>"Boys can cry!"
>"Only in private. Actually, that goes for girl's too. It's annoying man. Steel your pain like the rest of us."
>Any other person would take in this wisdom, seeing the value inherent in it like it was written on a ancient epitaph recording the last works of Pharaoh. Thing is, this is Steven, not King Narmur or Osris. "Arnold, that's toxic masculinity!"
>"What the hell?" Arnold face palmed.
>"Get your transmiscogynistic reactionary neo-nazi face outta here!" Steven pointed to the playground.
>"Alright fatty," Arnold got up and glared.
>Just then the three bullies approached, "hey Fatfuck, I hear you've been saying shit. Time to teach ya' a lesson!"
>"Oh?" Steven took a step forward and began singing, "OH HOW MUCH I-" A punch, this time hitting Steven right in the nose, breaking it in a single motion.
>"The little bitch tried singing," Harold laughed, "what a fag! This deserves an extra beating." Harold started stomping Steven's face in with his engineer boots. Stinky kicking him in the guts. And Sid destroying his legs, trying his absolute best to break them.
>"STOP-" Crack, Steven screamed as he felt a sharp pain in one of his legs.
>"Ah dude," Sid giggled, "I broke one of the fag's legs."
>"Yeah, lets cripple dis he'ah sodomite." Stinky got started on Steven's right arm.
>All the while Arnold watched the scene and shook his head. "There's no helping this kid everybody. He's a lost cause. Do whatever you want to him." Sighing with disgust, Arnold turned and walked away.
>"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Puck howled with laughter.

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Don't watch the show but who is the cat?

Sixth Episode:
>The Cheese Festival had started. Steven wandering in, still smiling despite being the bruised rat and outcast that he was. Adam and Puck following him in, still amazed nobody noticed two new kids that just popped out of nowhere. Or the fact Puck's eyes glowed red on occasion. Or the fact Adam sometimes looked like a spectral being.
>They passed the ferris wheel, it's horses and unicorns turning into the four horsemen riding to bring about apocalypse and the end of the world as Steven walked by. Then the three came across a dance that was just starting, a mass of kids and adults dancing along.
>There Steven's eyes went wide, "CONNIE!" He cried, as Connie was indeed there but she was... Less than thrilled to see Steven.
>"Oh Steven," Connie tsked as the fat boy grabbed her arms and started dancing. "So strange to see you here." She looked around, making sure nobody noticed.
>"Let's DANCE!" Steven was excited, he hadn't seen his friend in months and wanted to forget anything had ever happened.
>"Yeah, but..."
>A shadow fell on Steven, it's face grinned. Steven craned his head, gasping, "Kevin-" a blow to the back of his head knocked him to the ground, then felt his face getting bashed in by Kevin's steel tow boot which was further supplemented by Kevin's very muscular, and well sculpted legs. When Kevin was done, Steven was a dada painting with broken teeth spread all over the ground.
>Kevin grinned, "was the fatass bothering you?"
>"Yeah..." Kevin grabbed Connie's hands. Connie still saw that there was a little breath coming out of what was left of Steven, "I want him to watch." Giggling as Kevin slowly slid his hand to her backside. Steven's one good eye saw it before it rolled back into his back of his skull before his bowels gave in, blood pouring from his mouth. He jerked, then expired in a pool of his own blood, piss, and shit. His last image that of Connie happily dancing along with Kevin, everyone with a date but him.

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Fuck the haters user, I love it.

Damn! Why are Connie and Greg so hot ?

Always love the idea of Steven getting petty and jealous over Connie and her getting sick of it and leaving him.
How would Lincoln and Connie work anyway?

Reminder Bobby would kick Steven in the balls and have a threesome with both Connies.

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this, but it doesnt have to be ntr to be hot

i-i-i-i-i-i would a steven!!!??
the sprite tho

Is Connie a slut and Steven is just too socially inept to notice
Honestly Steven is the kind of guy that will make Connie and her lover some sandwiches while they fuck.

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We all know Connie and Lion are fucking. Steven makes sure to get Lion his snacks so he can take a break after fucking Connie’s brains out

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based lion

>Lion forcing Steven to watch the cubs while fucking Connie in his bed

That Steg fusion did strange things to my no-no parts.

Fuck your dentist user.

Surprisingly heavy blunt force trauma or severe penetration power is the way to kill/shatter a Gem. Lapis was cracked with a Bismuth sucker punch, Amethyst cracked her gem falling off a hill, Bismuth's diamond killer was just a bunker buster, and shotguns do exist in SU with Onion Mom packing heat. A firing squad of XCOM like soldiers with 50 cals and Slug 12 gauges could disrupt the Gems light form so they poof. Then all they have to do is repeatedly beat the gem with a pneumatic jackhammer or a captive bolt pistol we use on cattle. Given enough time/well applied hits a human could probably shatter a Gem but it would take a team and/or a lot of traps to do so.

>Steven wailing
He doesn’t give a shit about Spinel though

Not a love triangle but to teach Steven he will only ever be with a woman once he learns to be a real man - Connie_Maheswaran Steven's_Lion Steven_Quartz_Universe Steven_Universe blargsnarf.png

>Steven just grabbing Connie
What a rapist. If an ugly fat boy grabs you, it’s rape.

Meh. I still like the idea. Hone it and expand it and who knows it may be something in the future.

This is honestly so cringy. how can anyone think this Garystu self insert fic isn't just embarassing

>When you look at yourself

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>still looks like a faggot
very impressive feat for SU crew

>When youre steven

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Justice for Steven being a fat pig all his life.

Based and starcuckpilled

As cringy as this all was, I honestly can't stand Steven and would like to see him get confronted by a human bully who can't be talked down.
I absolutely despise NTR in all forms, even cucking Clyde from The Loud house, but I am able to tolerate cucking Steven.

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Someone who calls him out for being a fat pig and is willing to go after Connie while Steven doesn’t have the balls to.

As of the movie Steven isn't fat any more.

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