Why don't you people ever talk about good comics?

why don't you people ever talk about good comics?

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Because there's not much to say about them.

>Remember this comic? It was good!
>It sure was, wasn't it?

Negativity always drives more discussion.

fuck i hate this place

Yep, Blast was great. What do you want to talk about in particular? Jus how good it was?

no not really. i mean there are things to be said about the art and different interpretations of the cops but most of all I guess i want tips on another equally great comic

That isn't how it should work.
I think the best way to discuss comics is to come in with something: a theory, a question, a connection, or a topic of some kind.

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The actual reason is Yea Forums's extremely limited communication and conversational skills. There's something seriously wrong with you if you can't have an engaging discussion about something you mutually like.

Someone made a comic about Gru being a drunkard?

I mean yeah sure, that's emtirely reasonable. It's just OP opened up with the premise that Blast is good and good things are never discussed. There's no real conversation to be had with that lack of a central point.

it always devolves into some buttmad shitposter derailing the thread because someone got enjoyment out of something they found disappointing

Blast was great and I did like how much of a jackass the protagonist was as a guy who kept creating excuses for abandoning his life and becoming a homeless drunk

Because user's would rather jerk themselves off silly to reading something they actively hate and can't tolerate (looking at all the fags who hit bump limits every time a King or Bendis comic drops) while moaning about how shitty the industry is.

didn't get it, eh?

Why are you making a stupid meta-thread instead of making a thread about a good comic then? If there is a problem you're actively causing it.

If you don't agree with him say why. Don't pussyfoot around it like a jackass.

I have not read Blast. redpill me anons

fever dream-esque insanity is more fun

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it's so fucking obvious that it's about more than becoming a degenate vagrant what the fuck can i say to convince him of that if he's to dumb to get it from the start?

it's quite a ride, user

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Maybe actually talk about the comic rather than treat this like a fucking competition to prove how much smarter you are than other people?

Of course it's about more but still the protagonist was, in the end, a degenerate vagrant who kept making excuses for the horrible shit he did to people around him.

You could it's a blast!?

It's a moribdly obese guy who gets really drunk and eats a bunch of chocolate while abusing pharmaceuticals so he can relive his "blast" high.

I did, didn’t really want to talk to much about the reveal near the end but I do like how a lot of the book is him making justification for abandoning his life even if their not entirely bad ones

It’s a ride, a great one that with the protagonist being endearing but has a bunch of horrible qualities it gets really good near the end too

oh yeah lol im so fucking smart.
he never made excuses. he was a headcase and didn't realise what he did before they told him he killed her

Bullshit didn’t he essentially decide to go be a bum in the woods because he couldn’t handle the shit that happened to him? In the end he was a smug fuck from day one

It was all about him reliving the blast as an excuse

Did we ever find out whether he was lying about whether he knows he killed those people? He seemed like he sincerely didn't know that he had killed them. Was his brain just that fucked up by drug use and trauma? Was the "Blast" the high gotten from the thrill of the kill and each Blast corresponded with a murder?

Cause this comic is garbage, shill. You do this every few months.

atleast 10% of that fucking comic is beautifully drawn pictures of animals eating eachother. he was innocent but a brutal murderer just like nature is

he didn't know.

Dunno it’s kept vague what the blast actually is besides him reaching a completey fucked mental state

What are your favorite comics, or at least comic genres?

he wouldn't kill himself out of remorse if he was aware od wgat he did suring the blast

>od wgat he did suring
*of what he did during

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just finished blast after finding this thread, what the fuck have I read

Good comics are banned on Yea Forums.
Enjoy your capecuckery and Questionable Content.

how in the fuck did you read it all in, what, 3-4 hours?

I binge read fairly quickly

i feel that perhaps you miss out if you do that

maybe but I think at any pace this story would be overwhelming to read

at the foundation it's a very well told story and a very well illustrated book. did you have time to stop and take it in?

I think you're in the wrong place, Reddit is that way

Yeah, there were points where I took a moment to realize all of what i've seen, especially at the end

sorta proved him right m8
what's your favorite part?

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Saint Jacky and that bit with the painter

Go to eurocomic threads or /shelf/

We do but like said it rarely has the fire to last. We just had a thread this morning on good books and you could have even started the thread talking about a good comic but instead you meta pick the board you fucking loser.

You might as well hate yourself because here was your opportunity to talk about it.

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Post one mate

>that bit with the painter
good shit
the bit with jacky gave me a bit of angst though. in a good way mind you
>eurocomic threads or /shelf/
im not a regular at Yea Forums but i'll look into it

It gets oversold but if you don't read a lot of literature you'll enjoy it. I know that's condescending but it's the only way to really share it without spoiling it.

>im not a regular at Yea Forums
seems this thread is a test of that for everyone posting here


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>if you don't read a lot of literature you'll enjoy it

Fuck you, Yea Forums.