Would Hal and Carol be a good couple?

Would Hal and Carol be a good couple?

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Carol Danvers? I guess it could work.

No, Carol is for Jessica.

I just realized how similar they are personality wise.

Carol is a coal burner (canon) or a lesbian (fanon). She would more likely get with John Stewart for progressive points.

They do both turn evil and kill their teammates.

Or will, in Carol's case.

Would't be surprised if Johns made that intentional.

Hal a good person, coral bad
Karl Danvers literary hitler


>tfw Jessica can't have her own life and is now just regulated to being Carol's quirky best friend.
Do writers just forget about Carol and Wanda being friends?

She has the hots for Marv, but he's dead. Probably screams his name in bed.

Hal smashes alien pussy on the reg.

No, she'd get with Jessica Cruz I mean.

I've always felt that Marvel probably wanted to make Carol lesbian but there would probably have been problems with her movie with China so then they went for the next progressive status that was date a black guy, thats probably the only reason why they have kept the pairing Carol / Rhodey when when they have zero chemistry

But would being so similar make them a good couple, or a terrible one?

You can blame KSD for that

Hal would have a girl that could actually keep up with him but I can see them breaking up and getting back together often.

they're both complete train wrecks in their personal life so it could be fun

I pity whatever child they got

Every time they see each other she slaps him and then jumps on top of him as they do their best to suffocate the other with their mouths.

No. They would kill each other. Or rather, have a giant, not-fun fight and get as far from each other as they could.

Thing is, they are very alike, except Hal is less bloodthirsty than Carol is, due to her Kree heritage.

>Carol is a coal burner

Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Probably a lot less now that she partly IS him.

So few people seem to remember she has his memories.

Because of their personality they can't make a good couple with anyone.

Yeah but I can also blame all the other writers who clearly have never read anything with Carol before KSD's run. Thompson having a bunch of women comfort Carol and Wanda not being there was really annoying.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Sinestro yet.

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You'd think more people would remember Carol getting off to her memory of going balls-deep in Princess Anelle.

He asks if he can crash with her because he was evicted and she takes that as a sign that he's ready to commit

Carol is 15 years too old for hal.

Who is the superior Carol?

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On the other hand: Carol has had her memories destroyed twice; once by Rogue sucking her dry and once by a lesion bursting in her brain when she was fighting Magnitron.

Carol is not very much into committing. Or relationships. Her love life is a complete disaster. Literally everybody we know her to have been intimate or even just in love with died, twice because she was involved with them.

Mar-Vell: Cancer.
Michael Barnett was murdered by Mystique posing as Carol.
Marcus Immortus lived and died in a horrible, unnatural, and demeaning (to Carol) way.

(Incidentally. We ONLY have the story of Marcus' death from Carol herself: she said that once he returned to Limbo he started to age really quickly until he died, then his spell was broken and eventually she worked out how to use his machines to return to Earth.
What if his spell wore off sooner - or perhaps he lifted it - and she tore him into itty bitty little Marcus bits?)

Jim Rhodes was killed by Thanos, which is a pretty good way to go for a Marvel hero, but he was still dead until Tony Stark brought him back to life without even a bullshit explanation, he just did. Fixed him like he was a broken watch. He hadn't even decomposed. Buried in the armor for some reason. And then they apparently just picked up where they left off. "So how was being dead?" "Oh, it was a horrifying empty darkness without hope of relief, without being able to cry or scream for help. Want to go see 'Evita'?"

...By Kree standards she's just about hit puberty.

Carol Ferris. No contest. Which is just awful, really.

The first thing she'd do is make sure Hal wasn't trying to settle down with her. He'd look confused and immediately tell her that he wasn't. They'd smile at each other but I think deep down Carol would be a little disappointed but she'd convince herself that she wouldn't have time for something more serious.

I thought Hal preferred his women in the single digit age range.

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Not on my watch

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