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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: RIP.webm (1336x720, 2.9M)

god i love whore so much

sweet sheon

a /kpg/er just called me a scrote. idk what that meant but why do people have to be so mean?

wony cake

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Attached: IVE 아이브 MV 'LOVE DIVE' - Behind The Scenes 02.40.webm (442x956, 983.39K)

henlo noooooo
post her panties tho

who is this massively upgraded chuu?

jihyo with a baby in her belly

Attached: 1628609435487.webm (1280x720, 445.65K)

Attached: 1627804666248.webm (1320x1020, 1.12M)

>wears short shorts
>nooo don't look at my ass cheeks

Monday ass?

fuck off

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obese tranny

Attached: 1650010219156.webm (720x1280, 2.97M)

wony loves leeseo like she was her own daughter

looking at rei-chan's pancakes

she’s dying

my butt is bigger and im a boy

womy mommy

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princess of kpop

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Dreamcatcher will be on Moonbyul's Studio Moon Night on 29th April, 9pm kst!!!

this is what happens when you get twitter/cc roasties posting gaypop, asking what age idols are, chartshitting

secret hyosung
rainbow hyunyoung
dal shabet woohee
davichi kang minkyung
f(x) krystal
aoa seolhyun
twice momo (early)

lso moggin

already out of stamina


wonder if the others are getting sick of her shit, two of them tap her like, get up bitch we're not fucking done yet



>lace underwear

My wife song hayoung

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why an american kpop group will never work

many such cases

Attached: 1650873400960.webm (800x800, 2.76M)

it's the male version of roastie

pretty fuckable

Jesus, it's just torture at this point

shut up henlo

Jesus christ put it out of its fucking misery

why is she even on stage if she has too much back pain to stand upright

wtf is wrong with gooks

let's see how plastic sakura looks

Attached: sakura bubbles r3IGmjnjfkklist=PLjPdmJ5FZEpz7hGCHMmDPcmhFS_jfKVLU-[00.43.576-00.51.317].webm (700x1080, 2.65M)

she's breathing out of her backside. unbelievable, jeff!

this is so fucked up and oncels will defend this


Attached: dcmoonbyulbecause.webm (540x960, 2.92M)

Isa? Yes, always.

Attached: isa22.webm (666x774, 1.25M)

henlo's property

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PLEASE leave jeongyeon alone, she's going through a tough time and STILL wants to perform for us
she's trying her best, but depression and mental illness is not easy

grooming is based

Attached: 1640667681702.webm (542x750, 2.93M)

>already dying
>ICSM starts
oh no no no

can't believe after all this buildup and hype LSF are going to fail because BTS won't join the damn army

i hate tiktok but at least we get more footage of idols interacting out of it

is minju still the purest idol in kpop

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Attached: [FULL] 220421 IVE - Universe IDOL RADIO Season 2 숨 참고 LOVE DIVE 1-41 screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 257.27K)

1 hour twicebros

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Attached: stop being fat.webm (1440x765, 2.87M)
Yeah, I dunno about that

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are bts really dodging the draft?

whoever made this choreo is a genius

you need to make some connections before the group disbands so you don't end up on the street

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yes brother
our minguri who sits at home 6 days a week and never even talks to men

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what if she turns out like jihan?

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Thoughts on cool aunts in kpop?

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focking delicious

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Attached: [FULL] 220421 IVE - Universe IDOL RADIO Season 2 숨 참고 LOVE DIVE 01.44.webm (556x738, 2.35M)

sakura looks like she would be a great fuck

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they flood kpop with money so our girls will fly to america which is bad

wasnt the reason top tried to kill himself was because he didnt want to serve?

Attached: KarinaRed.webm (720x1280, 2.85M)

full vigor no endurance build

its her job to dance and look good, she cant do either. I think being harsh is warranted

not really like anyone with a brain they go when they're requested
haters hate the idea they get deferred or pardoned for any reason
dodging would mean jailtime anyways

I mean, all it takes for a Korean record company to do is audition and hire only Koreans with foreign citizenship so they don’t have to deal with that shit, which explains why most of NCT are foreigners

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for what

no it was because he got exposed for smol pp

are these manshoulders?

when will minju's ridiculous hips bear a child

japan concert

they've already had a temporary exemption and most of them should have served by now


no you need to understand that she is going through a tough time and other idols would just dip completely, but jeongyeon didn't want to let the group and the fans down
we should be proud of her for trying to overcome her hardship like this

Tell me that’s not real

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sometimes kpg makes me giggle like a schoolgirl

word big fan of groups dancing to eachothers songs

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leave her to me

she really is the cutest

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>dc are all older than eunbi

why dont korean men want to do their service? it seems chill they literally just sit in bunkbeds for a year and do fake work

He's been struggling with some underlying issues for years on end, and they finally caught up with him.

Some of the idols have a lot of shit on their plate, like Leetuk's dad offing their grandparents, etc.

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soo man you genius...

only like 3 of them I think

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only jiu and sua, siyeon is the same age

because of the time wanted and the beatings and rape

The idea of being locked up with a dozen strangers for 12 months sounds like hell, can you blame them? I lucked out of mandatory service here because my eyesight and asthma were terrible, I was nearly shitting my pants during the medical examination.

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eunbi is so cute and pure brothers

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most do, it's just chaebols and celebs that don't since it's they delay it for so long and have to do it during the prime of their careers

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They're also her sunbaes so why wouldn't this make sense

Haha what?
You know how fuck up koreans are with their hierarchies and shit.

Is this true? Bit of a low blow, same thing happened with g dragon

literally goto prison for 2 years while all the chick whores are out slutting it up and taking your job
also army is toxic as fuck and senior officers get off punishing/bullying/hazing newbies

people try to escape, there's a drama on it

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[220425] #minjumail 4:55 PM

: this is kim minjyu!!
: y/n what do you usually do to heal?

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