Read Batman comic

>read Batman comic
>”wtf this is perfect, who wrote this?”
>Grant Morrison
Every time

Attached: grant morrison.jpg (449x670, 87K)

Not so for Arkham Asylum or Batman: Gothic.

both are perfect though

>read batman comic
>"wtf they ruined jason todd, who wrote this?"
>"wtf talia is worse than hitler, who wrote this?"
>grant morrison
Every time

>WTF Catwoman makes Batman look like a little bitch
>Fuck Tom King
>WTF Talia and Kathy Kane make Batman look like a little bitch
>Fuck yeah Grant Morrison
Every time.

>>"wtf they ruined jason todd, who wrote this?"
Nobody cares

If you have low standards, sure.

I like both of those more than his actual run.

Talia is the rival figure to Bruce, she is the closest he got from an equal so her making him look bad sometimes makes sense. That's what rivals do.

>wanting the right hand of the leader of a literal organization of assasins to be good
Her job is literally murder people.

I really didn't. Arkham Asylum was building up decently, and then nothing. Gothic was just mediocre.

>betrayed her father multiple times to help batman
>purposely doesn't kill those close to batman so as not to piss him off
She's always been juggling her loyalty to her father and Bruce but she's realized that her father is insane and shouldn't be allowed to screw over the world. Under Morrison she went full villain and even tossed her own son to get killed by a literal retard.

Rivals don't usually get to absolutely embarrass the hero at the end of a years-long story. By the end of Batman Inc Bruce looked like a small child compared to the real masters of the world-spanning international conspiracy game, Leviathan/The League of Assassins and Spyral. You can't look at the end of Batman Inc and see Bruce as anything but a failure since he just couldn't be anything more than a single hero protecting his city.

Talia had already been reverted to pure villain for a couple of years already under Rucka. All Grant did was make her baby-crazy and obsessed with her ex. He also cemented the removal of the unique LoA members and their portrayal as a bunch of literally mindless, cannon fodder ninja. And then he turned them all into Man-Bats.

In retrospect Morrison's Batman run is full of a lot of poor creative decisions and doesn't really come into its own until B&R, which also had some poor creative decisions.

And even at this time she still murdered countless with her slips being nothing more than her lust for Bruce, always returning to her father who always accepted her back.

>Rivals don't usually get to absolutely embarrass the hero at the end of a years-long story.
They do tho, all the time.

The end of Batman Inc., is Morrison having a flat out tantrum and lashing out at his fans. We get it, you didn't like the Nu52, but that's no reason to be a little bitch about it, especially when you're a twenty year veteran of the industry at that point and are perfectly fine with completely retconning or excising major aspects of the books you're working on.

Damian is a rape baby because Grant is either too high on drugs or just too lazy to read old comics

>Rivals don't usually get to absolutely embarrass the hero at the end of a years-long story.
Wat? Most rivals do that.

You'd don't get it man. Batman withdraw his consent somewhere in the middle of his being balls deep in Talia's pussy.

>talia that was some good sex
>beloved i'm pregnet
>woah, woah, i suddenly feel like i was raped
Morrison really dropped the ball on Talia as a whole.