Illegal Batman (fan comic, 1989): bad guys kidnap a woman and cut off her face. Batman goes to rescue her...

>Illegal Batman (fan comic, 1989): bad guys kidnap a woman and cut off her face. Batman goes to rescue her. He discovers that they tricked her and Batman into believing her face was cut off, when really she is fine

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Batman: Death of the Family (official New 52 comic, 2013): The Joker kidnaps the Bat family and cuts off their faces. Batman goes to rescue them. He discovers that the Joker tricked themand Batman into believing their face were cut off, when really they were fine

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And then the Joker did it for real! THE AbSoLuTe MADMAN!!!!

isn't there some rule about not reading fan works if you're a creator?

>isn't there some rule about not reading fan works if you're a creator?
Yeah, a rule, not a law. And it's more for their own protection in case they came out with a similar idea. yet, however, most authors does it, they just deny it.

I see

Pretending you cut off someone's face is a pretty common prank where I come from.

Weird, surreal, retarded and hilarious.


“Augh my face” lol

Guess fan artists should fuck right the fuck off, huh fucker?


I have this, it's by Ed Pinsent, a really prolific cartoonist in the 80's/90's self-publishing scene. His collection Magic Mirror is really good, drawing is kind of dodgy but he's one of those cartoonists who people say that "their comics are like poems).

Still, not as cool/disturbing as Josh Simmons' Batman "mouth-corer" comic. That shit is bananas

I like how he planted copies in some shops, like some kind of creepypasta shit

We cannot solve our sadness

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Anyone know who Mark Robinson is?

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Have you seen Jeffrey Brown's Wolverine comic?

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I don't know, google only turns up a different Mark Robinson in comics which I assume isn't the guy.

>"Got your nose lmao"
Who will stop the Joker?????

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>"mouth corer"

This is great so far, one of the best Superman stories I've read.

It’s called “Mark of the Bat” by Josh Simmons. I’m not going to interrupt the Silver Age Superman storytime with another storytime, so I’ll just link it

You are a king among men, I’ve been looking for this for so long. Thank you

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The other user has you covered!
Didn't realise it's on Studygroup of all places!

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More later

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That’s fine, I’ll try to keep this thread up. I really have been looking for this with no success for a while, and I’m so glad somebody is posting this

are you talking about Dying Time?

Thank you, this is really excellent.

Can't remember what it's called, he's only done one afaik. It has some great splash pages though. Most entertaining comic Brown has ever done if you ask me

This is what happens when you have scraps of screentone to use up!
Seriously tho' cool comic

He made a follow up called Twilight of the Bat, I haven’t read it though

That happened?

Isn't that in his first big Fanta collection? The Furry Trap?

Maybe. I don’t have the book, I only read the first comic online

Can anyone stop the clown prince of crime?

How late is later?

I still don’t quite get it
I like it
But I don’t get it

Like all New 52 shit?

Man that’s making me wish I could do that now

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please post more

Mark of the Bat is in The Furry Trap, Twilight hasn't been collected in anything to my knowledge
you can read it here

Yeah right I checked my shelves. Thanks for the reminder, whever reminded me
Patrick Keck is awesome, I've bought 3 minis, a screentprint, sketch and a t-shirt from him for 38 quid (in UK), including postage. He's a fucking sound lad

I'll have to check out more of his work

Come on man

I've been waiting so long I feel like Jimmy being pranked by Superman. Am I being taught a lesson here

Yeah he's great I know he had/has Peepers (?title?) on StudyGroup. He has some great stuff in alt comic tabloids like Smoke Screen, Diamond etc (there's one I forgot which had a great Chris Cilla back cover piece, if thred is still alive and kicking I'll provide you a name).


*It's fucking bedtime and no time to dredge through my comic tabloid box. Sorry!

I’m gonna just look for a scan tomorrow morning if user doesn’t return

Somebody on /wsr/ was asking for this last week

Was probably me honestly


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Thank you so much. I really thought you were pulling a prank of some kind

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I'm actually a sucker for this kind of thing. If I ran a popular comic book series, or any kind of media for that matter, I would be writing nods to fanfics all the God damn time.

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The End

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You are legitimately the most based user alive. I’m glad I kept this thread up

Hey that kid looks familiar.

Thank you

Me too

>BPD and ecstasy
>Conceited with low self-esteem
>She's a teenage dream if you hate yourself

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I've been bumping to keep this alive for others to be able to snag this. But thank you for your hard work. Even though I'm a bit ouf of the loop in this thread this seems to mean to a lot of people and you're very based for doing what you did.

This is amazing. My choice to visit this website and click on this thread has been vindicated.


You are phenomenal. Thank you!

Alright, now you have what you wanted.
Thumbs up

Okay guys I don't get it, was this a hard to find fan comic or something?

Ed Pinsent is a small press comics creator from the UK. He’s most famous for this surreal comic named Illegal Batman
He made this one long comic with great art called Silver-Age Superman, paying tribute to those great comics he grew up with. It’s one of the longest comics he’s done and one of the most elaborate. The artist and he parted ways a while ago, and Pinsent won’t upload Silver Age Superman to his website until he finds him and gets permission
Scans are scarce, and it’s very hard to find independent comics only published in the UK in 1993
I’m so glad I finally got to read it

Yeah, I just responded to someone else but it’s the post below you
I also earlier posted an email I got from Ed when I asked him about it You should check out his Illegal Batman comic. They’re weird and surreal, but also very haunting. His comics really stick with you

Have a bump user


This is rad and I love you

Reading all this. I'm honestly starting to see why copyright sucks.

Thanks for posting. It kind of feels like I cheated, considering I waltzed in here not knowing anything about how hard that comic is to find.

This is amazing. How could something like this even exist in comic form at the time?