Just started watching this show with my gf. On season 2 now. When does it go bad?
Just started watching this show with my gf. On season 2 now. When does it go bad?
I think season 6 is when the 'decline' begins because there's some unusual episode plots, but the character's mostly act like themselves and I think the episodes are still enjoyable. Season 7 can be a mixed bag, and I think Season 8 is the cut-off.
After it ends
It doesn't go bad, but the original spirit of the show isn't fully there by the end. Compare any episode from the first 3 seasons to one from the last and you'll see what I mean.
It doesn't really go bad in the way the Simpsons does, so you'll have to judge it for yourself.
I'd say there's a handful of episodes that just feel weird, like they didn't have any real ideas for a pitch. Though near the end when bobby starts a comedy troupe called the "propaniacs" and something about the propane commissioner and diapers, you know the show is out of gas
>near the end when bobby starts a comedy troupe called the "propaniacs"
>near the end
That's season 4 out of 13.
>season 2
not for a while yet, boss. even when it starts to go downhill, the goodwill the show built up early on kind of puts a shine on it.
thats all I'm gonna say
Peggy surviving falling down the plane was the most offensive shit i've seen. I hate jews so goddamn much
It's happened before, in 1972 22 year old Vesna Vulović fell from more than 6 miles up and she lived until 2016
Long fall then.
That's when we find out that Hank Hill wears diapers.
that was a great episode faggot
Mike Judge and one of the other producers stopped working directly on the show as much after the 6th season which is where the decline starts.
It's where there were a number of retcons (mostly around Peggy's backstory of all things) and by then Lucky shows up. He's almost a polarizing character as Peggy was to begin with but the show does have a good final episode so if you get sick of the decline just skip ahead to that one and call it a day.
When Lucky becomes a regular character
Fuck lucky.
He undoes a lot of Luanne's character development.
About season 9 or 10 the status quo rot sets in. It's really frustrating that Bill gets all these opportunities at a better life and it keeps getting squandered.
KOTH at its worst is still watchable; it never gets outright bad. But I'd say post-Season 11 is where a drop in quality becomes noticeable. But the show had the decency to end as that decline was happening.
Luanne stops going to college and becomes a full-time stylist before she meets Lucky.
Around the time Dale starts calling Peggy a betteretteretter.
I actually genuinely enjoyed Lucky as a character, and some of his episodes/plots were fun.
The real problem is that around the time Lucky got introduced, they reduced Luanne to a one-note dumb blonde trailer trash stereotype and took all the fun out of her.
Luanne was a bumbling idiot way before Lucky came into the picture.
King of the Hill was the first thing to teach me that Canadians aren't really polite but in fact huge raging nearly Australian-tier assholes deceptively hiding beneath a thin veneer of niceness. Thank you King of the Hill.
Peggy episodes are the only worst part in some people's opinion.
What retcons about Peggy's backstory
Quickly. Season 1 has a feeling that leaves the show as soon as 2 starts with only one episode in season 2 that resembles the same mood as the starting point. Season 3's end is where things start to slowly get more and more ridiculous and characterization weakens.
They changed the design of Peggy's mom again. Although that had already happened in the series before.
Her mom is from and lives in Montana and is a tough and bitter rancher.
>Peggy's dad clearly senile
>Hank just thinks it's all "cowboy wisdom"