Disney's first Jewish princess?

Disney's first Jewish princess?

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I have pol open in another tab get the fuck outta here and go there you shill

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

Yo your stormfront handlers need to coordinate your indoctrination efforts better look at this mess.

but anne frank is already best girl

would probably have made more sense to go with a Khazar rather than Sephardic, since the former actually did have Jewish nobility

She looks like a gypsy

Actual jew design incoming

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It's a show set in Spain.
That's not the Jewish character, that's the show's main character.

I hope she’s like, a qt Sephardim or Mizrahim, or an Ethiopian jew. Not an ugly as shit Ashkenazim

So like it’s set in Muslim Spain? That’s pretty cool, have there been any movies or cartoon of all sort set there that wasn’t related to the reconquista?

This is the show btw.


Stormfront is evil.

Now she just looks Greek

>tfw we will never have any more kino cartoons set during the Old Testament

It’s not fair bros

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Not from Disney at least.

The biggest ecumenical draw after Moses would be David but the Bathsheba stuff would be too spicy for PG

"Jew" is not even an ethnicity for the most part, centuries of in-breeding aside.

Superbook my nigga.

I know right? German jews are like 98.7% german yet we always get reminded of their genocide (lol what? You are Fucking german, there is plenty of germans around)

Based brainanon.

"I did not, have, sexual relations with that woman, Bathsheva. I was never told to lie, not a single time. These allegations are false, and I need to go back to doing my work, for the people of Israel."

>Jewish princess

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I hope you guys realize this is Elena

khazars aren’t jewish

They should have kept the movies going until they reached Jesus .

Don't they already have a Jew on that show?

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Avalor isn't Spain, it's in the Everrealm's equivalent of Central America.

Sofia's mom came from Everrealm's Spain, which is called Cadiz.

Funny. She doesn't look Druish.

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how do you make a jewish royalty without a religious setting?

We don't even have a christian princess yet. pocahontas and mulan are closer to have a spiritual religious life than any of the dozen european girls.

How are you a "Jewish princess" unless your dad is a CEO or something? No Judaic nation has ever been a monarchy.

It's gonna be set in the far future of 2060 when Israel took over the rest of the globalized world.

There is a biblical book called kings. I suggest you read up on it.

Look up JAP there’s a lot of jew princesses

>be Disney’s first jewish princess
>get kicked out of your country
Oh Walt you scamp

So it's colonial Spain? Ok, but why are there Jews in colonial Spain? The Spaniards had a strict policy on who they allowed to migrate to their colonies. Unlike the British, who liked to deport trashy and unwanted citizens away, the Spanish wanted pure Spaniards in Spanish America - no Jews or Moors.

This is all She-Ra's fault.

That's all we needed... a Druish princess!

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Sophia the first is the only good disney channel princess


Usually the closest you can get is an adaptation of the story of Esther

Still not neandrethal looking enough

Yes it is and they claim it when asked.

So, they're forgetting vanillope exists?

And there are plenty of white girls that claim to be Japanese because they love anime and pocky. The only Jews that still exist aren’t Jews, they are Hebrews and they converted to Christianity back when the Apostles were still alive. Modern Jews of all lines are just larpers pretending that they aren’t Germans and Slavs (Ashkenazi), Spaniards (Sephardi) or Arabs (Mizrahi) even though they still are.

They are not white like the people of Germany. There is something psychologically that’s different. How else would you explain white people fighting each other while Jews can work as one group.

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And an Anglo psychologically is not white like a German. Hell, Anglos psychologically aren’t white like the rest of the people on the British isles.

A Brit will fight another Brit over petty things. A Jew will never fight another Jew.

>A Jew will never fight another Jew.
You clearly don’t know many Jews.

YOU clearly don’t know many Jews.

>inb4 /pol/
I’m saying it as a positive asset

>Just white

Well this thread turned out exactly as I expected it would.

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We need art of her trying to convince Tiana, Moana, Pocahontas, Jasmine and Mulan that all the white princesses are her mortal enemies. She should also give a very bloodthirsty stare at Snow White(because shes German) and also Anastacia(because shes russian)

This reminds me, has there ever been a Disney Latina princess?

>inb4 Kuzco

>thread about a jewish character in Yea Forums content
>thread spirals into /pol/ territory
This is almost as predictable as modern day pro wrestling

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Jews don't have a monarchy, and they don't care about women. Jewish princess is an oxymoron.


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4 chan is now /pol/
That's sad

This princess takes Tiana by the hand telling her to trust her, meanwhile a background image of modern hellish New Orleans shows up with that princess smiling sinisterly in the background.

She takes Jasmine by the hand and tells her to trust her, we see a similar image of the completely desolate and ruined middle east with that princess also smiling in the background

She tells Mulan to trust her, we see Mao's great leap forward and that princess smiling evilly in the background

She tells Elsa and Anna to trust her, we see modern Hellden in the background with taht princess smiling evilly

She tells Anastacia to trust her, we see the Holodomor with that same princess smiling in the background

She tells Snow White to trust her, we see the ruins of the fire bombed german cities with that princess smiling evilly in the background.

She tells Cinderella to trust, a background image of the french revolution is seen with that princess smiling evilly in the background

She tells Belle to trust her, a background image of Rothschild bragging about controlling a nation's wealth he cares not who makes his laws with him smiling evilly in the background.

How is it /pol/? Some anons of questioned the validity of a Jewish princess (could be History ignorance) and another guy said Jews work well together as a pro. Nobody is criticizing Jews here.

>Some anons of questioned the validity of a Jewish princess
It's a fucking Disney fantasy world, evil sorceresses aren't "valid" either but they're in it.

>we're just insinuating the jews are some kind of malevolent force in the world not CRITICIZING them jeez

They are based on real world countries though. Ariel is the only princess that subverts this and that’s because she is mermaid.

cry me a river

I've never seen this word in my life

Fucking hell man I thought only stonetoss threads could get this terrible

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Yes but that entire chapter is about how the Jewish Kings either assimilated, blasphemed, or were straight SMITE
d by YHWH/G-d for going against his teachings or switching to false idols of the goyim. Sure there's Jews that might be descended from them but even G-d told them they'll never be "kings of men" again until they renounce their worship of material desires/usury and place G-d before personal gain & pride.

Real talk that's pretty much why Jews will never get their promised land, especially because of their Talmudic shit. Trying to rules lawyer G-d ad Ad Nauseam and not realizing G-d will monkey paw your ass every time you do so is a special kind of insanity the Jews have a hard time realizing.

I look forward for the meme's.

>Implying she wasn't fist and a real jew
DAS status: RIGHT

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The disney princesses are all talking to each other, suddenly Tiana(african slave trade) punchs Belle(british empire) in the face causing them to gasp in surprise. Snow White notices there is a chain around Tiana's neck and tries to point this out to her but Tiana simply doesnt see it at all. Behind her is that jew princess with a shocked expression yet one of her hand is balled up into a fist as if it was holding something. Meanwhile Cinderella(France) and the beaten Belle(UK) call Snow White(Germany) crazy because there is no chain around Tiana's neck at all. Anastacia simply looks at the jew princess who winks at her. Jasmine simply giggles at the entire incident saying Tiana looks good with a chain around her neck(arab african slave trade).

Jews fight each other all the time, just not with them duking it out. They'll use various proxies and passive aggressive/underhanded tactics to hit each other. Blackmail, smear campaigns, or having shabbos goys doing the physical work is their bread and butter. Seriously if you've ever played Cyberpunk/Shadowrun, Jews fight each other like Megacorp Warfare but everyone else is caught in the crossfire.

Despite their policies a lot of crypto Jews (who faked converting to Catholicism) ended up in the Americas, they even basically ran trade in northern Mexico at some point in the late 17th century

Is the story of the candles in the Old Testament.

>And there are plenty of white girls that claim to be Japanese because they love anime and pocky
What an absolutely stupid fucking thing to say as if thats even slightly true or comparable.
Modern day jews see being jewish as an ethnicity because it is and they are larping cause they are not the original but modern day jews have genetic elements that count as their own race.

Wow, finally some Jewish representation at the Disney corporation. About time these white Hollywood bigots acknowledge Jews.

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Im surprised disney hasnt been making any jew stuff. Hollywood aswell with how many jews there are but hey, I guess the non-existent population of tannies and drag queen gays needs more representation.

Belle is French faggot.

Why not making a Jewish Mob version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?

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Kys faggot

>oh product, why can i just get excited to consume you?

/pol/ is Yea Forums is /pol/
Accept that or leave newfag

I might be

>remembering a time before /pol/
the state of this site

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>be the worst thing to happen to humanity since kidney stones
>surprised when the mere mention of you inspires scorn and mockery

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God I hate you fucking spaz's sometimes. This place has gotten boring and predictable. And every fucking board is the same shit of insecure morons trying to trigger other insecure morons.

It would be silly to expect otherwise, user.

Elena of Avalor is back, nice.

What the fuck is this shit? You can't just *make* a Disney princess, they've got to star in their own feature-length animated movie first. That blue fish from Finding Whatever is more of a princess than this commoner.

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/pol/tards aren't exactly known for there ability too handle themselves without shit flinging.

Have sex

Exactly (ethnically).

So does Elena exist to mark all the minority boxes at once s Disney can claim they have a princess for everything?

Can't wait for the cultural festival episode

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Nothing matters with NuDisney. Sofia the First was at one point Disney's "first Latina Princess" until they chose to deny it and came out with Elena of Avalor.


Kat Denning says hi.

>No Judaic nation has ever been a monarchy.
Yer wot

Israel just wrapped up their second election in less than a year and the mudflinging is at least as bad as the Republican/Democrat divide if not worse.

Sepharad is the Hebrew word for what is now Spain and Ashkenaz is the old Hebrew word for what is now Germany. These in turn transferred to the two main subgroups of the religion with their own distinct cultural and liturgical differences, the Sephardim and Ashkenazim (with each one having its own subgroups, plus smaller outside groups like the Yemenites).

>coming this December: "The real story of the Holocaust" a magical musical romp for the whole family. Watch beautiful princess Sarah outwit evil Adolf and save the Jewish people!

Sounds more like a Dreamworks movie

>directed by JJ Abrams

Imagine how Walt Disney would feel.

>Yea Forums is Yea Forums
>I refuse this, change to obey my shallow pc view of the world.

Walt's antisemitism is a wildly exaggerated urban legend.

She's not a real Disney princess if she doesn't have her own movie

>people aren't allowed to be different than my /pol/tard hivemind
>he thinks everyone mindlessly fell in line when Yea Forumstards claimed the same thing.
time passes fads fade, we will outlast you.

you are right

they are ALL Jewish

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How is this possible? Every Jewish woman is a princess (at least according to them)

>on Yea Forums six months ago
>people shitting on /pol/ like usual, but still participating in /pol/-related threads with energy
>leave and come back
>entire boards have been overrun by undilated trannies, and Yea Forumsmblr is stronger than ever

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Obligatory: youtube.com/watch?v=8yDarQW7UZc

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literally Snow White and Jasmine fused.

Jews in spaaace!

/pol/'s gonna freak

So this is all just one big /pol/ prank right?

Imagine if Walt was alive to see this lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao


>Sofia's mom came from Everrealm's Spain, which is called Cadiz.

Brutal colonizers and city plunderers?

I love how Disney objectifies their female protagonist giving them race labels and promoting them as such in the name of progressiveness.


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based jews. Sounds a lot smarter then whiteoid chimpouts like WW1 or rioting over no szechuan sauce

according to /pol/ they're all a bunch of 300 IQ super geniuses who control everything. Sound badass to me.

Oy please don't drag us into this fakakta diversity business.
I just assumed half of them were nice jewish girls already. Belle, you can't tell me she's not a little. Literate, fond of hairy men, and that dad of hers, come on. He's a short little engineer with a considerable schnozz.

If only Walt could see what has become of Disney. There's a damn jew running his company....

Why are social media posts with no likes, allowed?