wony eternity
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Love Megan so much it's unreal
Tzuyu would make way more money in Taiwan being a star compared to being stuck in Korea.
fearless looking like it's going to be one of the kpop songs ever made
post twice
was this the important thing you had to post?
True though
We are all brown manlets, brothers. It's ok. No harm.
this but cherry bullet on the right
no gamer moment...
>the flag incident killed her cf career
this is too many people
Her pain is very selective i feel like
Should be
From left to right
love kpop
good day i love twice and all the twices
yes hate me more
holy cringe
give it to me straight what is wrong with her? and not just fat jokes
>jeongyeon has become a spectacle
will be another hodge podge cacophony just like nmixx or aespa songs
>aespa not low iq
>ive not in the popular spot
>Not having to split her earnings 9 ways
>Not being stuck on her retarded contract
>Having an easier schedule
>Being near her family
Tzuyu's career in taiwanese independence movement
imagine being an oncel in the current year
I kinda feel bad for them
this minus nayeon, jeongyeon, momo, sana, jihyo and dahyun
JYP could keep Twice together if he allows them to keep their endorsement money 100%, instead of taking 80%. That might be the deciding factor.
Jeongyeon however, after watching her vlog, clearly she has no interest in continuing in Twice.
Man you fucks are always making these threads. Do these sluts get fucked or what?
our obese queen is so beautiful
needs some hopium bro. i wish they don't disband. All these salty ass niggas in kpg pulling out shit out of their assess about twice disbanding. What are the chances though?
oogie vs onces
at least when yuri got fat it mostly went to her legs
absolutely true lulletfriend
aespies lashing out against divechads
>Jeongyeon however, after watching her vlog, clearly she has no interest in continuing in Twice.
tell us more
why did I ask soeun for a pilates vlog, she said she eventually will do one. All the coomers will go crazy fuck bad decision
no they are pure
Neck injury + anxiety
Medication and anxious eating made her bloat up probably
solo Tzuyu, no contract, parents contacts, 100% Tzuyu profits from all the ads, can do all the ads because there's no group schedule or group image, Taiwan is s bigger market with less competition from big stars because there's like 5 local ones and they're all actors that won't do most ads
definitely one of the kpop songs of all time
fertile women with lots of oestrogens have good fat repartitions.
Without these three the music twice puts out won't be as good I don't think.
oogie power!!
the fuck??
knowing how deranged kpop is, this probably got spun into chewy somehow hating that gaypop.
jihyo looking fine tho
we suspect
deep deep inside
based oogie
whats the source for this
>tfw no one takes your bait
Why isn't aespa trending?
>one of the kpop songs
she can't stand someone, that's enough to make her leave i think
Tzuyu's presidency of Taiwan
what were you expecting exactly, dont forget they instantly roastified gfriend
looks like when a man is with their women then leaves after shes pregnant
imagine being fan of a group with members that fucking hate being idols
joke went over your head lil bro
gaypop gets all the bops these days
brother, you need to go into the archive and find the bait posts which get the most you's then just copy and paste
beautiful braindead shushu
idk any of these songs other than singing in the rain and it's meh
tzuyu's career as president of taiwan
What did secret number do?
that's how spine injuries work. you get well, then it works like normal for a while. then you think there's something a bit off but you keep going on meds and it gets busted again for months.
her parents are rich. If they see this coming why did they let tzuyu join twice in the first place?
she cant stand another of the twices?
bighit first gg?
oncels got real cocky after aespa's horrendous performance
who's gonna do the title drop for ?
sakura? chimp?
It's legit hard to say. We'll find out this summer though
jesus, jieun's jieuns have been growning at a rapid rate
When I want (you)s I just post wony
based desu, their lifestyle is glamorized so i get why she wanted to be an idol when she was younger. probably just got tired of it
>north carolina
sakura says in the audio snippet
stupid sexy rat
On the other hand
>poor security (her house in taiwan got robbed, grandparents gets harrassed by fans)
>no other opportunity beside cf's
>constant threat by china
>less international coverage
>twice sell out stadiums in the us/japan
>meanwhile aespa's paid festival appearance flops
smdrones chugging the koolaid
>suitcase full of food
celery is just spicy grass
ive vs aespa makes no sense you retard
nigga we have been cocky waaaay before the aespa performance. We even forget that existed until you haters shitpost it the whole morning.
picrel big bro
picrel? i thought she hated nayeon, other than her life obviously
who wins?
maybe they wanted the WJSN China Trio deal where she derps around for 3 years max to get famous and then dumps Korea for better profits
those are the top 3 when it comes to writing songs
are you a cranky boi
they filmed an MV so assuming comeback soon
she's been suffering from neck pain for years, but some time last year it got really severe apparently. if i remember right, she had a popped disc in the neck part of her spine. the discs in the spine give it flexibility and work as shock absorbtion. she had surgery for this and was likely forced to rest and not move too much as a consequences of this. couple this with medication that makes you retain water and snacking brought on by nerves and you got current year jeongers.
do feel bad for her tho
ive vs le sserafim?
I can't wait to see them
Spending like $800 to go to LA and see them
>twice they hated each other
sounds about right
She's already rich and just wants to eat a lot
this is peak jeongers
haters gonna hate
nah i get that the 3mix shtick gets annoying but it's actually true that nayeon and jihyo are jeonger's best friends. momo too kinda
Why not quit then?
>3. Tomboy (-1)
>5. Feel My Rhythm (-1)
>based desu
sure cuck, being rich and famous is so awful
>sell out stadiums
>clearly empty sections in picture
bunny has always seemed like the most insufferable of the twices
>we want the actual landwhale audiene
cute cub
Of course Aespa flopped. The western market has very little room for more than maybe 3-4 k-pop groups. BTS, BP, Twice, will hold that market share for quite a while.
as always
oncels rather see her suffer for the group
contractual obligations. she's definitely not renewing
the things I would do to that ratpit
lay off the koolaid smdrone
seamor wins
not even close
its gonna glorious bro plus lots of hot girls gonna be there.
he is so ugly
lesserachimp moggs hard
When is the contract due?
mostly lesbians but they're still pleasant to look at desu
>sold out
Wtf where
she is, not pretty, but cute
Still better than being stuck in a 8 members TWICE
Not in LA. Basically all ABGs, it'll be great
/wpop/ won again kpgsisters
why'd they have to put seo and megan in between 2 tall members lol