What a depressing fucking film. I felt like I was dying along with them

What a depressing fucking film. I felt like I was dying along with them.

Attached: MV5BYTFjYjUzYmYtYjIzOS00ZDhhLWEwN2QtZTJkNDIzZmFmYzdjL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzM0MDQ1Mw@@._V1_.jpg (1000x1500, 305K)

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Watch Plague Dogs next

When the wind blows but with Wallace and Gromit.

But can't dogs survive radiation?

Mega? I lost my copy


Is a dog losing its human any less sad than them dying together?

This is going to be hilarious in hindsight when WWIII starts for real in a few months.

>thinking your mundane existence will culminate in anything that gives you a sense of worth
We're in it for the long haul, unless you decide to kill yourself.

>What a depressing fucking film.

You just need to watch something uplifting like UP by Pixar, user.

Need link to movie.

Whose flag got butchered worse on the poster, USA or USSR

Poor old people

It makes sense if you've actually seen the film.


The David Bowie Song made it worse for me

Attached: why.jpg (720x540, 47K)

I literally have only watched it fully through once.
I can never watch it again.

What's the appeal of this movie?

I've never felt much interest in watching it since it sounds like it's just trying to play the "if it makes you sad then it must be good" trick.
And if it's sending an anti-war message, that's pretty heavy-handed and one-note as well.

Walace could just invent a radiation sucking machine you stupid sponge

It's pretty much a warning to all future generations how fucking close we got to nuclear war at times during the cold war, and globally we share the MAD code in hopes of never getting this close ever again.

Nuclear war is inevitable, probably not in our lifetimes but it's an eventuality.

I don't think all out nuclear war in inevitable. A dirty bomb sure, but MAD is strong shit as long as a theocracy doesn't get involved

it makes you feel sad in a way that most other movies don't


Have there been any modern depressing films only one I can think of is up

We'll never have a full on nuke war until after we've colonized other planets. Then we'll start flinging the H-bombs around like party favors.

I didn't see the film, but I thought that the comic was stupid.

So... does anyone else here watch SteveReviews? He got endlessly shown on my Youtube feed so I gave him a shot and was surprised that I kinda like him.