Ms. Yea Forums 2019: Round 3 (Part 3)

Round 3 Thread 1: (Cross-thread)
Round 3 Poll:

Your regular OP couldn't make the new thread because his head exploded and he went to sleep, . Whatever you want to say to him, don't say it to me because I have nothing to do with him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder to be nice to your fellow rivals. You can try by saying something nice about the two e.g:
Ah yes, personally one of my favorites in terms of the Teen Titans. Despite her quiet nature she certainly holds a big heart that comes out when the time is just right. There are some episodes that features her past and background very well, and I appreciate her personality and what she has to offer within her own group. A good character altogether
She's quite the funny one, a character that is not to be underestimated within her own show. I appreciate her tough, yet rough spirit she has towards her family because in the end; she loves them in her own way. Of course just like other characters she faces certain challenges and is seen overcoming them, I like the little character development, which makes her a likable character in my perspective.

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You can do it Peni!

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YEAH! You got this, Spinel!

Vote for Shego

Also give me all the (You) you would normally give to trolls.

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Just a remind, regardless of who you vote for, it won't change the fact that you will never hold your waifu. & provided that she was somehow real, she most likely wouldn't give any user, regardless of if it were you or I, the slightest time of day.
>Tldr, our waifu isn't real & she wouldn't like us regardless.

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Remember everyone:It's just a tournament for fictional girls.

Don't forget to have fun!

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Can we please ban Spinel


A vote for Azula is a vote for Steven’s ass to be wrecked

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the elite8 await

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Can we please ban you

Reminder to vote for this goddess.

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>characters I don't like are winning
you HAVE to fucking cancel this tournament. this isn't Yea Forums voting, it's the discord normalfag tumblrite redditards.

I'm a fucking retard who only knows hot to copypaste.
Here's the last thread, in case anyone wants to see the shitposting:

Let's let the campaign of terror begin.

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She didn't qualified.

People thought she didn't qualify so she didn't get enough votes.

will she fuck me if i do?

For fucks sake.

You know I don't even care if Spinel wins anymore. I'm just going to say Jenny rigged this whole thing from the start, posed as Spinel, just to be Ms Yea Forums 2 years running

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thick demon who unfairly died because Star is a cuck
hot goth lizard girl who just wants the BH
porn of them together when?

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Who has the best fanbase in these threads and who has the worst?

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>Normal gym leader, with an emphasis on sound based moves
>Dark gym leader
>Water gym leader
>Grass gym leader
>Fighting gym leader
>Ground gym leader
>Fairy gym leader
>Steel gym leader

>the ever present silent but eternal furry audience
I-I fear no man, but...

Please consider voting for Raven. She's a good girl that, despite her tragic upbringing and numerous unfortunate events, has maintained a heart of gold. Don't be fooled by her stoic demeanor or by those who post her often on Yea Forums; she is very kind once you earn her trust and will go so far as to put your wellbeing over hers. I don't care who wins but please do not hold Raven in contempt thanks

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lmao get fukt [character]fag SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND

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It would seem you're a man of integrity, much like myself.

Best: Spinel
Worst: Everyone else


azulafags, mandyfags, gazfags
spinelfags, spinelantis

OP is actually Jenny in disguise hosting this thing. She's pretending to be sick so she can dress back to Spinel.

user, it was a joke

I voted for her, and I'll do it again tomorrow.


No matter who you choose, they still are going to control us all.

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>A waifu banlist
>Unironic Muriel surge
>Discord brigades
>Offshoot tournament arguments
>Asshurt Karafags
>Fusefag returns
>Spanish Shilling
>Loli vs Normalfag arguments
>Yea Forums gets
>Rabid Avatarfagging
>In thread ERP
>Tinkspam followed by radio silence
>user has a pinkie on the line
>Steven X Azula shipping
>Comicfag Genocide
>Reddit false flags
>OPs spirit in shambles
>Based radical centrist cacoposter
>/trash/ called in to fight off the SUfags
>Unironic furfagXAntiSU alliance
>Fusefag apologizes
>Calls to end the tournament
>JK just senile at 20
>Sextuplet GET is an AntiSU Blackpill
>Russian Hackers asking for proofs
>Anti-Spinelfags DDOS reddit in retaliation

(Feel free to add more)

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Why yes, it does vibrate. Why do you ask?

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Best is Peni, Jessica Rabbit, Velma, pretty much anyone silent majority.

Worst is Spinel and the like begging for votes every post.

Fuck. That is a strong roster.

So, memes aside, who do you think will end up being the final match up?


>he forgot to add the jokerposting

based, keep it up

Vote Monarch. Venture Bros keeps this board together. Frankie is a nagging annoyance you just fap over off model porn

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Look at this fucking nerd, stood there for centuries like a tool, I bet she smells after just standing there. Smelly nerd

I'm sorry, I love her so much! How could I say those things?

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Jenny's a swell gal, she deserved the win. I have nothing against Spinel but I don't think someone as controversial as her should get the number one spot.

a reminder

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I'd like to say Peni, but that would be biased.
Gonna have to say Sheilafags. They're laying it a little thick with the vote begging but I respect them for trying to represent sanity in an insane thread.
I respect Spinel and Azulafags for being legit waifufags too.

Anti-vote fags, conspiracyfags, and doomposters.

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>Peni Parker
>Jessica Rabbit
>Ty Lee


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> Anti-Spinelfags DDOS reddit in retaliation

Gaz just wants to play videogames


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No. Eris only fucks pure chaos.

Does anyone have the momentum to replace even one of them?

I wonder who the next FOTM will be?

Yup and the Russians altered the vote and are pushing Spinel.


Fuck the contest, pick your Alien Overlord.

Marcyfags, you think we can pull through?

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It's Trump all over again, unbelievable...fucking liberals!


just a meme coincidence

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She'd probably be up for a one night stand if you're attractive, but keep in mind she's a Greek goddess, which means she's fickle as fuck. She'll probably wake up by your side, stroke your chest with her finger sensually, then decide she's done with you and shove you into the puppet dimension.


Me, user. Vote for me next time.

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I want to believe Sheila has a shot at this.

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Any Coraline fans still in here? I'm surprised she managed to last this long.

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Raven or Gwen maybe.

Azula can get into the Elite 8 easy.

If she can beat Frankie she has a serious shot at making top 8.
Can't see her winning it but it's been a damn good run regardless.

>lost ship war
>gonna lose waifu tournament
Sucks to be me Ell emm ayy ohh

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>Judy Hopps
A very lovable and likable character from an amazing movie. Her movie showed great character progression and is probably one of my favorite films.
A good character from an equally great show. She holds a special place in the childhood of many including myself and was always a great voice of reason.

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Not a primary pick but every round i’m happy to see she’s still there.

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Right here, watching silently how everyone tears each other apart.

Aw fuck I messed up and picked the two I voted against.

The asians are out next

I'm surprised she's not already on it

Hey, fuck it. Least we made it out of round 2, I guess.

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Remember to vote for Raps and support her show coming back this October

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Raven was a boogieman last year, not as bad as Spinel but still. Lots of Raven threads with RRR being so popular at the time, spitevoting kept her out.

Who would you hope for her first matchup?

Nah, they're both making it.
CN crew, Disney damsels, furries, CGIs and bolndes are out, though

t b h losing the ship hurts more though.

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She's best girl nibba

You’re lucky they used 2D Punz, it’s the only reason i’ve been voting for her.

Frankie is overrated as shit to be honest

>The asians are out next
Peni is going to make it to top 8!
Predicting Damsels, Star, CN and Furry get knocked out simultaneously.

Definitely the best character from Kim Possible, I really like the hyper competent underling dynamic she had with her boss and that was definitely the brightest moments of the show
I want to say something nice
I really want to
I want her to step on me and her love route in the trainer game is really good but I wish there was a player submission route and not just a slave route

This dude gets it, Judy is gonna be fuckin shot in the face.

Every other waifufag, how about a truce to agree to vote for the character against spinel? Knock her out before coming for each other.

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this but we keep the fire burning bros

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>player submission route
Play the love route but side with her instead of the avatar, you become her sex slave.

Do not conflate RRR posters with ravenfags. The former have no loyalty and only leech off raven because she's apparelled in a leotard.

If Raven wins this it willl not be because of those unscrupulous fellows but rather her true fans

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Nah, fuck off, we love our own waifus'

Go Tyr'ahnee!

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Do we even have a chance against Frankie?

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>You know Peni, you remind me a lot a...friend I knew, he liked to Tinker with machines too, I wish you could meet him.

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OP said he forgot to include Violet last year even though she was nominated, it's only right that she wins now.

A vote for Tak is a vote for FREEDOM

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if people were willing to do that spinel would have lost round 1


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Nah, but I'm glad we made it this far.

I hope Eris wins this round or else it would be a pure tragedy if that dyke manages to win over both her and Sam.

I voted Spinel, but I love Judy Hopps! She is adorable and a fun an interesting character with a nice arc, too.

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I’m not, but that was the confusion that led to her fall last year. This year she hasn’t been spammed as much and we have a clear villain to shield spite voting from pretty much every other girl.

Best of luck Rapunzelfag.

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Sounds like a disappointing finale.

>So some wannabe conqueror thinks they can take my throne? Let them try, it'd be amusing to watch them think they have a chance

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the single, solitary reason raven didnt win last time was spite votes.
And those spite votes are focused elsewhere this time around
So she's going to win like she would have the first time and the same retards who voted against her last time will be cheering for it

Hell yeah.

huge fan of the movie, but I can't waifu or even daughterfu coraline

How would Malcolm react if his wife wins/loses the contest?

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I can't see Pearl taking Raven, let alone Lapis.
Spinel vs Lapis final could totally happen though and it would destroy Yea Forums.

These threads make me wonder what the fuck am I even doing and make me wanna close the tab and try to have a life.

She broke the so-called heroine
She ate the pesky fly
Now she's gonna prove she's the toughest, sexiest bad girl

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No one going to point out the astonishing feat of Demencia somehow making it to round 3?

By arching Venture.
>But if she wins or if she loses?

>Spinel vs Lapis
>I have to choose between a pink best friend and blue emo waifu
I can't do it bros.

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You know he'd try to win Mr Yea Forums as retaliation, and then get butthurt when Rusty wins

It's once a year, just enjoy it.

>a spic with bipolar
nah, eat piss.

>Best Spy Alex is the sole TS survivor

As if there were any fucking doubt baby! Keep going Alex! Dominate that Dominator! Yellow has lantern advantage against green unless you're Hal!

F for:
>Blue Diamond
>Francine though I went with Pacifica
>Satina but Daphne is obviously good
>Mavis though that was a strong match

Man some tough matches here. Mandy VS Gaz is great. Heckapoo VS Demencia is brutal personally but I may lean toward Heckapoo.

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Proud of my princess!

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but we're here every year, user

Even though Hilda got the boot I'm still happy she made it as far as she did.
Good luck to your favourites friends and try to have fun with the competition.

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>Eve won
>She's now going up against another SU character
Fuck leave her alone! Leave my precious robo botanist alone.

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Wasn't Pearl the 2nd highest see? It's certainly not impossible.

>Already deeming Frankie the winner over Dr Mrs The Monarch

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Can’t wait for her to make Steven’s ass bleed.

To be fair he path hasn't exactly pitted her against any heavy hitters.
>Round 1 was against the face of one of the most hated reboots of the year.
>Round 2 was against a cape character who's best known for getting slapped.
>Round 3 is against a side character from a show who's ending pissed off all its fans.
That said I'm happy she's made it this far and I'd like to see her make it up to face Raven at least.

>Azula is the last one of her team
>Alex is the last TS spy
RIP Spies. You lost the fight.

which means if you all dont kill OP this tournament can happen again, likely with SU on the banlist

Enjoy your loss user

I gave up on the contest but I just watching over the discussions in these threads just to pass the time until Spooktober

Post characters you would have voted for all the way to first place

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>only one SU character's been eliminated

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Gotta keep both of em in it.

Good, everyone should give up, it's obvious that stupid gem is gonna win, it's bullshit.


Just checked, she got 3rd, just behind Peridot.
Fuck me two meme gems going up against each other would probably fuck Yea Forums up even more. People would be pissed about those finals.

Toughest match of this round for me

We all knew the fix was in from the beginning, fellow robofag. It's hard to win when 1/3 of a show's cast make up the roster. It's even more of a fix when they have a fotm.

I'm honesty just glad she made it this far

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At least she progressed past the first round

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Even if she does, it's more fun to take their victory away and call her Jenny in disguise

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>people on cartoon board like a cartoon more than your favorite cartoon
>'BAN IT!'

I honestly voted for Dr. Mrs. M. simply because women in Hugo Boss outfits are instant boner material for me.
If Frankie ever wore a nazi outfit, that choice would have been a LOT harder.

hint hint, drawfags

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Frankly considering how impossible fucking Eve is, I'm shocked she made it as far as she did.
Good on her, beating Blue Diamond.


Peak Female Form

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There should really only be one pick from one series each in these competitions. All these SU characters is nonsense, pick the stretchy one you love so much and move on.

Toph loves cock. K*rra is irrelevant.

Could she take Jenny from the elite8?

A tragedy.

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I wish she was my personal trainer who would flirt with me

You're retarded. The Top 8 get banned that's how the rules work

The fact that she wasn't even nominated speaks volumes for her staying power.

>One per series
This ends with either capefags dominating the brackets, or capefags seething even harder when they only get two characters in.

We know, but you can't tell Yea Forums that. Same for Avatar, btw.

I have full confidence in Shego making it into the Semi finals, beating both Peridot and Lapis.

Retarded rules. Ban list should have never happened.

I like Pearl a lot, I like Peridot, and I like Lapis. Sue me. They’re cute.

>all this Spinel controversy so that no one notices the under-the-radar giants that are Frankie and Raven on the right side
Only Azulafags stand a chance.

>The fact that she wasn't even nominated speaks volumes for her staying power.
She makes Yea Forums ass mad to this very day.

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Please vote for her. Do you really want 3 SU characters in the finals?

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>implying any of them could have beaten Spinel at this time
You're deluding yourself. Spinel's victory was certain due to how close the contest was to her movie.

She deserves it over them.

Good thing we can do the elite8

The old school SUfags and the Spinel fanatics are mostly not the same crowd.

Hey cacodemon user defend this

Also grats OP your 2nd tournament was a goddam failure.

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Only 4 characters can possibly make now to the top 8. There are plenty of SU characters that would have made it were it not for the limit. So no the whole show will not be on that banlist next year.

>Gaz vs Mandy
Actual pottery

I like it, it's a fun shake up.
Only thing I'd change next time is the addition of a "new character clause" that prevents any character that's less than a month old by the start of nominations from participating.
Saying that as someone who supports Spinel by the by, it just kind of makes sense and should help curb doomposting and asshurt.

>vote for XJ6
>she loses first round
>There's no way Eve will make it through tot he finals
It's too bad there's not more love for the tingirls of this tourney.


What do?

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Characters from the same series maybe should have been seeded closer together.

Garnet Amethyst and Jasper aren't nearly popular enough to make it far. They'd get in and lose pretty quickly. I personally would never vote for any of them

Falseflagging Russian hacker

Spinel hasn’t had a real match yet. Muriel was a meme, a very nice meme but a meme. Tink is too niche, we don’t have enough ladies here to have Tink win. Judy is furfag territory.

If spinel went against Kim or Starfire she’d get crushed.

Unironically the Spinelfags. If you look at the people supporting her a lot of them are pretty chill and just having a good time expressing their love for their favorite character. Maybe it's because they're winning but it's still a pretty positive crowd.

Worst would be the people who are voting for someone just because they hate the other choice. Muriel is a great character but the bitterness of the Murielfags was pathetic.

>mfw Azula is too obsessed with Steven's butthole to protect her own butthole

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The real winner of this contest is existential lonliness

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I'd let her go ballistic on my dick for as long as likes, I'd fuckin' take it, then after that, I'd dominate the fuck out of her. After that, we go to bed and have romantic cuddles.

>3 SU characters get banned from next year
>Yea Forums calms the fuck down next time.
I'm down for it.

Really wish XJ-6 could have made it farther. Would have supported her until she had to face down Sheila.

t. Spinelfag

Perhaps next year we can do away with seeding and have nominees be placed by random draw. I feel like the seeding does nothing but ensure characters like Spinel get easy matches right away.

>Spinel's victory was certain due to how close the contest was to her movie.
Not the user you're replying to, but wouldn't that be enough for Spinel to have had to sit this one out? Call me what you want, but it DOES seem a little unfair, and I'm a Spinelfag.

this is actually a good test to see if mods are paying any attention at all to this shitfest

>Azula taking out her frustration on Steven by tearing his ass apart then cuddling him to feel better.

>Muriel is a great character but the bitterness of the Murielfags was pathetic.
There was no bitterness from the Murielfags
They weren't Murielfags. They were, and are, people rallying behind anything they can against Spinel. This reflects on no one but antiSpinelfags

>next year SU fags become fags of an even more deplorable show and nominate 4 candidates
It never ends

I like spinel, but a man is ready to lop his fucking pinkie off for her.
So I'm gonna say spinel

You do know that there are just as many redditspamable SU characters not even in this list, right?

I want Spinelfags to stay just because we've gotten some really good oc out of them.
You want me to vote for the rabbit? Give me things like this.

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You keep pushing this like anyone gives a shit after this

Not if Eris gets to her first.

Agree in general. If Spinel loses I think the Spinelfags will take it fairly well, but if she wins there'll be rioting in the streets.

The worst always comes to the men of best tastes

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>next year SU fags become fags of an even more deplorable show
Don't worry user, I'm sure they'll never allow horses on Yea Forums ever again.

tbqh the major ones that Yea Forums likes are already up there, and worst case scenario only one of them isn't getting banned next year.
You're crazy if you think Amy or Garnet can pull something like Spinel has.

Any character that puts an end to Spinel will instantly get drawfag fame. It’s almost a bigger victory than 1st place. The SU killer.

>make this contest when there is a fever for an FOTM
Is OP retarded or a Spinelfag?

Like you wouldn't vote.

Worst are easily SU fags, Azula fags are bad but it's because they are interacting with SU fags.

Emmychads are the best even though hardly anyone know who she is. Come 2023, she'll have a show and she'll sweep the competition.

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Finceline was too good for this world

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>Spite art
Eh, I'd rather fanart come from a place of love. I don't need any hatred.

OP is Rebecca Sugar and/or Ian.

That was not ok

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Both. When given common sense solutions he rejected them to encourage people to only vote for Spinel and leave the other ballots blank.

Yes and yes.

Pretty much appeals to everything I like short, nerd, autistic, cute and all around one of my favorites.
WALL-E is just a really wholesome and nice film and EVE's relationship with WALL-E is just adorable.

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It’s mainly people who are into pegging

Honestly kind of surprised she didn't make the nominations, considering her daily threads.

Ooooh it’ll be a place of love alright.


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This is only reminding me of everything else.
>pic related.
that was hot my dude.
use musketeer lmao.

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It's over Jinxbros, we did everything we could. Now is time to support our girl Raven

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Sure, I guess that's true but they sure were pretending hard to be Murielfags

SU, their fan base and the reaction against them reminds me a lot of a certain show about horses... I wish SU could get its own containment board too, or maybe they could share.

People keep pointing out the timing but isn't OP just doing it by the same schedule as last year's?

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>EVE got this far
Do I need to watch Wall-E? Is it just robosexuals missing Jenny?


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>other than SU, the team with most remaining members are the villainess one
why does Yea Forums lust after evil?

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Why yes Spinelfags are the best
>have a discord
>have a sonichu tier character "" oc""
>Its the FOTM
But who cares about this injustice when they make good oc XD

All this is showing is what terrible taste everyone here has.



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>Maybe it's because they're winning but it's still a pretty positive crowd.
No shit it’s because they’re winning. It’s easy to stay positive when your side is pretty much guaranteed to win

controversial but I have to say spinelfags, simply because of all the oc they're bringing to the threads. Also shoutout to coralinefags and dr mrs monarchfags for supporting generally underrated picks to get this far.
don't think there is a worst, unless you can count cancelfags as a 'fanbase' as well

She did. You all assumed she didn't and didn't vote for her. Ctrl+f my ass. She was let down

Attached: 1567685535509.png (900x900, 329K)

yes. most of the complainers werent even here last year so they dont remember



Wall-E is fucking great, the fuck are you doing? Watch it

You have no idea how bad the horseshow spam was in its prime if you think SU is comparable

If she wins again she can get the SU killer title.

Doesn’t mean shit. If the timing is bad it should have been changed.

You should watch Wall-E.

Do you have proofs for that?

Attached: Screenshot_9.png (1302x472, 63K)

I'm neutral to this situation, it can be a possibility that's it's just anyone can go and say "haha I went to reddit and asked for help bros, am I based?" just to rile up anons in Yea Forums. That aside, even if it were really happening there really shouldn't be so much chaos in the tournament threads to the point that OP has to back off and shouldn't really be talked about. In my honest opinion I don't think bringing up this topic would really do anything since the end result remains the same whatever the result is. Other than that, I rather talk about various characters in the tournament then the theory of "What if this user said this? What if it's true?" or similar sentences cause I can't really say anything unless there's solid evidence of such happenings

Attached: 34873487.jpg (1200x1121, 476K)

ssshhh they're new here

>this nigger hasn't watched Wall-E
get to it already

So Dr Mrs The Monarch......

Attached: Doctor Mrs The Monarch Cheerleader.png (744x1013, 187K)

Attached: 11223416676.png (259x229, 41K)

Wall-E is a masterpiece and Eve is an angel painted in white. You should watch it regardless you heathen. Of course I won't claim to be impartial

Attached: assaultron blacked.jpg (850x1275, 157K)

watch wall-e right fucking now user

Either Azulafags or Coralinefags

Spincels. No contest

Attached: 1568674643333.png (1045x845, 290K)

Eve being this high is a surprise. But it's telling how none of the characters who are still in the contest are getting art or being celebrated except for Spinel. It's kind of sad.

>same falseflagging retarded image
God, antispinel fags are so stupid.

>best show of the decade - OTGW
>best cartoon girl of 2019 - Spinel
Jesuchrist the drop in quality

I knew about that, I was asking for proof that the Muriel love was spitevoting. I saw lots of love for her.

What makes them look real good is the contrast with the antiSUs. The way people are acting you'd think they expected Tink or Betty to win.


It's one of Pixar's best films.

>falseflag making unsubstantiated claims is proof

We will see.

Attached: 1554220686149.jpg (640x480, 111K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190918-083320.png (2048x1173, 133K)

How close was it with Blue Diamond or whatever her name is? I want numbers

This is a waifu competition, user, not a Golden Globe

what's wrong with spinel?

>Everything bad that Spinel fans are doing is a falseflag!!

Tink unironically should have and would have won three months from now.

>anti sufags still spamming the exact same image sets that have been disproved multiple times
Holy fuck get over it.

Just imagine how much nicer this contest could have been without the SU characters and the controversy surrounding them.

Probably the people talking about Azula using a strap-on on Steven

So basically "i already know the fotm is going to win so may as well talk about the other girls"
Wise words cacobro

Another falseflag, this image has been posted a hundred times, incorrect and false claims.


Attached: 111414.jpg (529x671, 40K)

given the lack of any real evidence (i.e. links/screencaps of spinelfag posts outside of Yea Forums), I'm inclined to believe it to be a complete fabrication.


Attached: 1567231736372.png (844x616, 755K)

Flavor of the Month meme “waifu” shitposted to victory by underhanded tactics that ruined the comfy of last year. The Chaos is its own fun though

>Top 3 matchups with most votes are somehow related to Spinel


Attached: Azula 8.jpg (1280x1707, 129K)

Fuck that, Tink should have lost to Betty and we both know neither would have won.

I can't even watch the whole clip at once. Feeling happy is too alien to me now that seeing this is too overwhelming

Attached: 1568737979580.jpg (1024x680, 166K)


Just imagine how much nicer things would have been if Yea Forums didn’t freak out at SU so much

almost like no one is skipping those because those are the ones you all are making a fuss about


Vote for Tak and she'll BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ZIM

Attached: 1567279230730.png (374x420, 295K)

what happened to her legs

I'm working on a Tak drawing based on DOOM, I'll post progress eventually, I'm not very good at art, but drawfags don't seem to be doing much for whatever reason, so I'll put my hat in the ring

Attached: 399953-doom-windows-inside-cover.jpg (800x1138, 212K)


Attached: WALL-E.jpg (670x692, 402K)

Has anyone tried tweeting this to jhonen vasquez to see his reaction?

Hopps must defeat the pink menace for the good of mankind.

and everyone says Spinelfags are cheaters...

have you actually seen the SU movie?
a lot of people that don't watch the show but saw the movie like spinel. She's a charming character tbqh, and I can see why she's doing so well in the poll.

>wholesome moments like these will never happen due to yurishit

Attached: 1552427531223.webm (1280x720, 588K)

based. My hate for SU far outweighs my hate for furries.

Attached: When you successfully jerkoff in Church.png (655x688, 336K)

I guess we can keep it civil or something.

Attached: 145112345.png (186x199, 49K)

Saying "it's a falseflag"! Is not proof

It's a shame, too. I was hoping for Jinx v Raven in the semi-finals. RavenXJinx is one of my favorite ships.

Attached: 030_tumblr_pgca3quQ961w3bh4ro2_1280.jpg (1015x1600, 104K)

>drawfags don't seem to be doing much for whatever reason
There's a reason, user. There's a reason.

>we made a big deal about SU, can't you see how much better this would be without SU and the fuss we made over it
Keep it up bro

Why do I get the feeling that Takfags are just people who recently just binged watched Invader Zim in light of the movie? She was in ONE episode and frankly isn't that interesting

SU characters are not the problem, the problem is we have a contestand that is highly popular than the other at this time (fotm status) so is no shit everyone is going to vote her and meme her.
If this was made when Denencia was the fotm she should won also. Shit is uust not fair

I am OK.

it was literally two threads ago


Unfortunately some people can't let their anger-enhanced drugs away, otherwise their shitposting has no meaning.
Just look at what happened with people really fucking wanting BotW to fail, from that point plenty of shitposters on Yea Forums have become literal broken shells of their former selves.

Attached: 1430769805991.jpg (606x557, 82K)


Attached: Nakamura slapping.png (651x517, 421K)

Vote for Tak and she'll replace your legs with legs of PURE GOOOOOOLD

Attached: an important announcement.png (883x783, 1.04M)

Thank Christ

That's great.

And all it took to ruin the fun was a gem who claimed to be a friend.

Just imagine how much nicer Yea Forums would be if SU didn't spam 20+ threads about one FOTM


I wanna see her face off Spinel


Attached: 1568846249355.png (2900x2050, 2.11M)


Which they wouldn't have if SU hadn't been in the contest. It's time to face the facts: this would have been a whole lot better without SU.

I din't vote for Tak(it was close) but Takfags are not a new thing. She is cute and Zim has always had a presence on Yea Forums(also know as /su/)

that one guy that keeps spamming porn.

Based and redpilled. I’ve got Trump on the line, he’ll be tweeting his support for Judy soon.

Attached: AAC3DE21-EFAF-4477-8C8F-F0718F1AB1A8.jpg (1200x1200, 678K)

you're wrong bro, she's been my waifu for 10 years

Attached: tak13.jpg (1360x768, 144K)

Well if you were paying attention on how these threads were going, you would know why

ok now this is based. Still voting Judy

Attached: Tsu.png (1619x1077, 1.27M)

Trump would never support a stupid dumbass bunny, I think you're one of them Russian hackers...

fellas please vote for best gem pearl
at least bring her to the top 4
don't you remember when she was the top waifu of the board?

Attached: 1562488486165.gif (190x172, 1.4M)

>no upvotes
>post deleted by reddit staff
>account made yesterday
Nothing suspicious about this, definitely a real person and not a throwaway account made to create false evidence for your baseless claims
Even if this wasn't obviously manufactured, this is far from rigging and wouldn't have driven 1 vote much less 100

Attached: file.png (720x622, 76K)

Maybe Yea Forums should just chill out and not throw tantrums about this show

what the fuck bro rabbits should be this sexy

I feel like it's more that people just like Zim again because of the movie after years of writing it off as cringy, mostly because they used to be cringy fans as well.
Tak isn't as obsessed over as Red & Purple, but I think it's genuine.

Go Tyr'ahnee

Attached: Queen Tyrahnee.png (842x1879, 243K)

Wall-E is unironically Pixar's best film. The atmosphere is absolutely perfect, just be warned that it goes from an emotionally driven, mostly silent love story in part I to a pretty blatant social commentary in the second act. Both parts are great, but it might be a little jarring.

God what is this the fucking Cold War again?

>Azula buying Steven lingerie for her to tear off him.

Well that reason is bullcrap, these threads are fun

What is wrong with you :(

Based and Doompilled

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-31-02-18-07~01~01.png (933x720, 735K)

Step on me your highness, I beg you

>sheila Monarch a.k.a best girl made it in


Sounds like a Spinelfag move to me.


Attached: velma-dinkley-chill-out-scooby-doo--40.9.jpg (210x240, 20K)

Doom Doom Doom

Not them but I don't think a throwaway account should count towards falseflagging or not. It's safer to make a throwaway anyways so people don't dox you


Too bad Tak is going to be eliminated.

Attached: 1380296669770.png (464x464, 253K)

>What is wrong with you :(
I'm sorry my Queen, but you're not strong enough to beat the gems. I betrayed my faith for the defeat of my enemies

Don't worry Entraptafags I got this
I just wired in a call to the IDF and they're reaching out to their friends in the media, there's going to be TV ads running for Entrapta by next thursday until the end of Ms. Yea Forums 2020. She'll win next year for sure.

Attached: 1565807978810.png (1920x1090, 1.11M)

Attached: 075[1].jpg (1024x576, 51K)

here you go, person who is not OP

Attached: 16f3fb814e62aa2c56b835a79151a18e.jpg (633x800, 58K)

she will win this

Attached: 1414141.jpg (1360x768, 104K)

Just called environmentalist child prophet Greta Thunberg. She's agreed to give a speech at the UN about how voting Judy is the only way to save the world from the climate apocalypse.

Attached: delightful.gif (620x405, 3.74M)

I’ll keep it PG-13.

Attached: DD679586-BAEC-4E5D-84E6-AEF36243C21F.jpg (600x900, 431K)

That sounds like traitor talk
Don't get too full of yourself, Azula'friends'

Attached: 1568733960644.png (540x461, 336K)

>somehow alex of totally spies still made it to round 3

Fucking Yea Forums and their fetishes I swear

Attached: 1568665077091.jpg (434x532, 25K)

How adorable. The cockroach talks.

Attached: 1566770178985.png (840x640, 530K)


Attached: 2d6b63759fa65ca607c486b4aade68644e3e844b.png (845x757, 400K)

Shirley, you jest.

Attached: acbb15ca22555ff0a17ae78288601d03.jpg (489x800, 40K)

>furfags already shitting up the thread with porn
Just disqualify them

Boy I didn't think tumblr vs furfag would be a heated thing in this debate.

I want to ____ the Rabbit.

Attached: F21DECE2-427F-4186-8B0C-62EF29220D90.jpg (600x900, 482K)

enjoy your ban retard

Attached: 1557842157236.jpg (809x900, 202K)

Shut up SU-fag. Go back to watching One Piece

I'm glad Emmy didn't become a part of this. Everything people can complain about regarding Spinel would have also applied to her. she's mercifully spared from the drama.

Attached: bdda91cb79140eab5090fd3a73e0db49.jpg (536x800, 89K)


Attached: Qboomers will think this is real lmao.png (638x385, 56K)

>Spinelfag complains about spam
You've got a lot of brass, I'll give you that.

please dont do that, its embarassing

Attached: 1568380301235.jpg (1946x1104, 1.15M)

I can get behind that.


>gaz v mandy
Hot topic's gonna freak

Attached: giphy.gif (359x274, 3.05M)

>Spinelfags literally posting porn
>Judyfags simply posting cute pictures of their waifu

If you want to feel aroused at a cute little bunny rabbit that’s on you. None of this is porn.

Attached: 36676217-E2EA-4FD9-97F4-D4A8500D13FB.jpg (580x779, 193K)

Friendly reminder that after her abandonment issues and PTSD heal up Spinel will want to be good friends with all of the other girls, Judy, Tink, and Muriel included, in either her happy or edgy form depending on the character.

Attached: mickey oswald plush.png (400x303, 81K)

Attached: fb7bde4d5b60b410001942fc49cbd3ca.png (488x650, 125K)

>it's real

Attached: 1567617809053.jpg (602x709, 67K)

Everyone here gushing about Wall-E genuinely makes me really happy. I voted for Peridot, but EVE is great. I wish her the best of luck.

Attached: 1557387758973.jpg (811x1542, 66K)

>Spinelfag posting porn keeps evading bans
But hey they're honest people and they wouldn't be able to cheat, right?

After we beat Spinel you’re going to get the rope, furfags


How one president be this correct?

you have no power here

Falseflag! Spinelfags can't do no wrong even though they've been caught cheating

Yeah alright.

Attached: 213131441.png (646x587, 221K)

I'm a Spinelfag, but here, have Judy being cute.

Attached: b32m8.jpg (1024x768, 155K)

Trump already tweeted about this

Attached: 2B342884-26B6-44AB-B042-62B367D1A71B.png (590x288, 54K)

>I voted for Peridot

Attached: 1563565663749.jpg (1152x888, 154K)

Fucking based

Attached: 92dc41ecfc0d457ff6cf9883a20347e5.jpg (480x800, 85K)

>Calls in furfags
>wtf what are furfags doing shitting up the thread???
So are anti-voters just completely braindead or...

>finn growing up under marceline's guidence, organically changing from friends to lovers instead of something barely addressed being shoved in near the show's finale for nebulous reasons
>a fresh start with two healthy people who love each other instead of trying to save something that was toxic from the start
>all the story and character development that could come from them navigating their vast age difference and states of mortality
>moving past that and deciding that their love is more important
>"Muh self insert"
Make it finn and Marshall Lee for all I fucking care, they have unbelievably good chemistry in any form


Attached: 3293509 - Spinel Steven_Universe saifergt750.png (2670x3950, 2.58M)


Having a smol wife is cute

Attached: 2E1C7D4B-B619-4582-B401-F14282E8DE0C.png (768x1024, 222K)

come on spinel bros, we gotta stick together like glue

Attached: the truth.png (614x610, 732K)

Lesser of two evils is still evil, my man

>Shipping Finn and Marceline

Attached: 1565132509849.png (566x628, 331K)

>Furries and Anons have tossed aside their differences (for now) for the destruction of a common foe

>Mod has abandoned us

Attached: 1568768761401.gif (320x213, 1.3M)

My queen


How did a deleted post with no upvotes generate the huge lead Spinel has had in her matchups
Why was the post made in the middle of round two when the calls of rigging starting at the results of qualifiers
If Reddit deletes post advertising the tournament how the fuck would reddit every be a tool for generating SU votes in the tournament
Why would someone worry about being doxxed when they aren't hiding the fact that "they're an SU fan"

Where is this large SU discord he keeps claiming is advertising the tournament

Mods are obviously disgusting Spinel fags.

I hope for nothing but to see Monarch and Martian Queen go to fucking war.


Attached: 3290018 - Spinel Steven_Universe nsfyosu.png (760x764, 183K)


I'm gonna need you to step outside, friend

Attached: 1567903040335.jpg (1024x781, 114K)

But you're teaming up with the larger evil?

Shhhh... Bunni butt

Attached: 7A5B8820-E567-4C7B-9423-582D78A3BF6E.png (1000x1420, 703K)

>You voted, right?

Attached: 3292103 - Kionant Spinel Steven_Universe.png (839x997, 510K)

I've been knocking on doors around my town to make sure they're all voting for Nicole Watterson.

Attached: 1460897111204.jpg (1000x1090, 87K)

>OP is going to wake up to see the thread is full of porn

user no!

Attached: shut the fuck up channel.png (773x708, 150K)


Attached: 123131145551.jpg (640x360, 22K)

Stop shitting the thread faggots

Attached: 1568003005021.gif (600x339, 445K)

No advertising allowed sir, please step outside.


Attached: 153.png (663x402, 273K)

I still can't wrap my head around why someone would CHOOSE to go to /trash/.

>all the Spinel porn filenames are copied directly from whatever site he's getting them from
>Not images he already had saved
Wow. This is legitimate and real

Stop rigging votes

SPINELCHADS!!! Ready you're shitposts and vote harder. FOR TONIGHT WE POST IN HELL!!!!!!

Attached: 1567912622808.jpg (480x480, 26K)

No all of the golden age homage characters are fun (Peacock etc. too).

Attached: dance.gif (500x382, 131K)

>Judyfags are posting SFW
>Meanwhile Spinelfags are bombarding the area with NSFW
You Spinel fucks are going to get us nuked

Yes ma'am!

>the absolute sate of this shitfest
Yeah this aint the true Yea Forums
Compare this one with last year, at least we had tons of oc and fun with everyone pick and not just "muh fotm"

Anyway i did some Spinel art but enought is enought. I will waste my shitty art in Yea Forums instead.

post proof

im calling the pornposting a false flag attack


If only my waifu would have qualified, she would have beat spinel round 1

Attached: CDADC4FB-C5E2-4F8C-94B9-51B5E30DE1B0.jpg (446x337, 25K)

Just because there is one guy spamming images to generate outrage doesn't mean the thread is bad, just ignore him and move on

The Spinel controversy has turned this into a real shitfest, hasn't it?

I wish the Spinel posters could post cute pics instead of porn.

Attached: 5E8CEF80-8A9B-42CA-89C9-B714B6191FB7.png (800x1280, 1.21M)

Let's fucking go

Attached: 62676192_p0.png (1103x1500, 452K)

>Meanwhile Spinelfags are bombarding the area with NSFW
Any NSFW artwork that gets posted in these threads is at least a little more likely to be posted by a character's detractors to piss people off than by their fans. Probably way more likely detractors actually.

Yes. We can not improve our fates through vile bantz. Our destiny is, and always will be, in the hands of the poll. If I fail you must press on. Win what I can not for those that can not.

Attached: velma-dinkley-scooby-doo-and-the-curse-of-the-13th-ghost-1.97.jpg (210x240, 20K)

>Everything is a falseflag Spinelfans aren't doing ANYTHING wrong

There is no Spinel controversy but I'm glad you can up with a name for your autistic whining

Of course you are.

Furfags posted her getting a plug.
>inb4 it's a better ship than bubbline
lmao nice

Attached: 331411151312.jpg (750x939, 130K)

oh jeez..

Attached: 1568744551019.png (466x486, 81K)

Just like you’ve called everything Spinelposters have done?

It's not just spinel posters.

peridot has this shit in the bag.

Post porn then to beat them.

Why did OP think that adding FOTM into the tourney was a good idea?

More Judy porn


I leave for 10 minutes and it gets ugly again

i think you might be retarded son, the users did it.

The Yea Forums thread is a joke

deleted out of respect for the thread. Now you go.

Attached: EA034055-5800-486B-B571-8CD730493C56.png (762x997, 607K)

>Tfw we can't enjoy this anymore because SU was included, thus doomed to autistic arguments
Only hurts a little

Oh yes, of course. Everything they do is a false flag. Spinelfags do nothing wrong
I hope you fucks get nuked to Earth 3

we are probably more likely to be nuked in this thread, my friend

This is correct, yes. You'd be a fool to take anything posted here seriously
It's one autist causing all the problems. This board needs fucking post ids

Attached: 1568435380741.png (1280x1388, 1.15M)

Shut the fuck up

Attached: 1544109741761.jpg (1050x800, 372K)

Good. If you’re just gonna make OC for Spinel and not other girls we don’t want you.


Attached: queen tyr'ahnee.jpg (1024x574, 37K)

People here know this is a blue board. Porn is nearly always trolling. Usually to get mods to nuke a thread or make people angry. Only very rarely is someone just so in love with a single shitty porn artwork that they don't mind the ban, it's mostly trolls. I'm going to assume porn of any character is people who hate them in these threads no matter which character it is. In fact I will start voting for all of the characters getting porn false flagged because why not, I don't give that much of a shit.

That looks terrible.

thats one dumb thing, its just the kneejerk reaction of idiots seeing a char they don't like having more votes.

and they're extremely vocal and autistic.

>Spinelfags do nothing wrong
Objectively true

Attached: 1567550566625.jpg (1213x1410, 170K)

Adorabat says you arguing autists are being stupid and should stop it right now. She just wants people to have fun and support their waifus. Celebrate your own waifus, don't demonize others.

Attached: Adorabat pathetic.png (527x527, 186K)

I would eat her saltwater taffy cunt like it was my death row meal

He didn't have to listen to them, retard.

This is not an instance where fighting fire with fire is wise. The place is already volitile

I think he means specifically not including Spinel to preserve the tournament, same way MLP wasn't allowed in the 2010s tournament by OP

Its just one autist, we should post cute spinels/channels to counter him

Attached: 1568001274850.png (900x700, 176K)

you shut the fuck up!

Judy is cute!

I wonder how Spinel would react to walking in on user after he hung himself

At least flood the thread with good porn instead of this garbage.

Attached: 1553609749323.webm (400x400, 254K)

Believe in Steven gentlemen. Let's try and get most of the gems in the top 8 this time.

Attached: 1558829766252.jpg (899x1200, 59K)

Voting for Azula means you're voting for a brighter future!

Attached: 21daec25f93293ca09ea0c0db9f6156b.jpg (564x727, 60K)

This takes me back to 2016.

What if you shut the fuck up autismo? Go masturbate to some furry porn.

Judy is a real girl!

Attached: E52D7A37-D32B-4168-AC24-C3ACFB5B23B7.jpg (982x1748, 189K)

I hope mods don't punish all of us and just weed out the troublemakers

have you voted for spinel and peridot today user?

Attached: peridot is not amused.png (1001x1005, 231K)

Adora was too pure for this tournament

Likewise friendo. Doubt either of us will make it into the 5th or 6th round, but that's alright. Least we're unifying. Best of luck velmachads.

Attached: 124213131561.png (3200x1800, 500K)

it's not SU itself, there's no problem with peridot, lapis, or pearl being in there. It's about Spinel, and a ridiculous tug of war between the pros and antis as to who can shit up the thread the most to entice people to vote for/against her out of spite.

post it anyways just as a joke haha

Attached: Dokuro-Chan.jpg (500x366, 33K)


Attached: dolls_by_taihiwatari_d1qmdhq.png (745x653, 330K)

duh, he's literally just getting them straight off of rule34 and reposting it here.
I wonder why someone would just want to post porn without caring about the quality in a thread where an autist is ravenously trying to discredit her inclusion in the tournament.

Attached: 1567884111603.jpg (2597x4000, 3.51M)

he didn't had to listen to anyone but thats the thing nigger, its a popularity contest. he listened, they voted, you cried.

God, I love Velma.


Nah just comfy drawfag threads i dont care about tournaments that are unfair and worst of all there is no fun.

Why would they punish you for other people acting like shit?
If you're doing nothing wrong you won't be punished

vote for spinel, cacodemon user

Probably for the best she got out early. Left gracefully


Attached: 518A2C4F-EBBE-40A4-8848-22AA6E0358D5.png (766x781, 380K)

Voting for gems means your voting for a funner future!
All my votes went to Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, and Spinel! Of course I voted for every other category too so that I'm doing my part to vote for everyone. But I hope the gems win!

Attached: 1558845465460.png (350x350, 7K)

>There is no Spinel controversy
That is an... interesting standpoint to say the least.

MLP wasn't included because you're literally not allowed to post it here.

Attached: 1568073810251.png (1280x1600, 547K)

And there it is

Why doesn't it? /pol/ has em. Why aren't they standard?

If there's no FOTM next time it runs I think it'll actually be good
For sure the guy's tournament will run way better

I mean getting the threads banned

Hear hear

Attached: bigfoot.gif (300x200, 43K)

>There is no Spinel controversy
What an enchanting world you live in.

>the original 8 winners were all from different shows and franchises(except HQ and Starfire)
>This year three gems are likely to be a in the top 8 together


Nice falseflag.

Attached: FC33965F-CBBB-486F-8345-9E928E1B9EF3.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

And now you have your autistic army of incels ruinning these threads, good job cumbrain.

A waifu poll on Yea Forums isn't going to be fair or reflect common tastes (I don't think most people even remember MLAATR). People should just vote for who they like most and have fun. The bitching about SU existing isn't even entertaining. The Azulafags and IZfags are fun so far and the Rapunzelfags are bros. More of that.

your autistic conspiracies aren't controversy, they're nuisances

Attached: ED1aNePXYAA8KSR.jpg (680x510, 53K)

You're enough of a heavy hitter to probably get that far, don't sell yourself short. See you on the other side.

Attached: nsd100.jpg (125x230, 6K)

>He doesn't know
Voting for Azula is voting is the funner and funnier future, Peridot. We all get to laugh at Steven at the marriage ceremony.

Mods aren't removing a already bump limited thread just because autists are spamming porn
They are just going to get their vacation

dont do it user, spinel wouldnt want that

Everyone keeps drowning out all the waifuposting with Spinel crap

Why would I care about what some third rate pokemon ripoff has to say?

based and adorapilled

Attached: 1568499188619.gif (498x498, 1.3M)

Yep that autistic army of incels that hate the character are doing exactly that.

glad we agree.


Attached: 1567534878646.jpg (2048x1766, 276K)

Go gettim jannie!

Attached: F26218C3-E293-4F91-8B4F-2692CA701090.jpg (861x1000, 251K)

At least make your falseflaggin believable, Spincel

And last year only one made it past round 1
It puts the whole thing in perspective why this year is worse then last year in terms of the comments

Again, what an enchanting world, friendo.

When did falseflagging become the theme of this tournament? Is this how it always goes down?

Attached: 1558831208969.png (800x800, 307K)

While there's without a doubt trolling on both sides I don't see how pro Spinel anons can say they're blameless in this

After this how can Spinelfags deny that they're falseflagging?


Attached: Blushmallet Heckapoo.png (1668x2224, 2.91M)

Politics, man. Even Trump is getting in on this

No user, you're witnessing the fucking Cold War all over again.

stop this you idiots

Attached: tumblr_pxjgsrLepV1uiwop5o1_540.gif (540x506, 1.31M)

Vote for Daphne. She's the best!

Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbWEuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9pLzAwMC8yMTYvODY0L2kwMi9EYXBobmUuanBn[1].jpg (575x335, 35K)

Can we shut the fuck up about the falseflagging meme and just admit we're all being retards?

Attached: 1543725673315.png (1100x846, 339K)

>Is this how it always goes down?
This hasn't happened in either of the prior tournaments
This is just ugly shit from both sides

You like the boogeyman show and that means you aren't allowed to take part in the board festivities or else all the autist will spew their noxious fumes at you until you get tired and go somewhere else

but they're fucking stupid and shitting up the channel thread too so there is nowhere else to go

Attached: EEd3FwhWkAEZHtu.jpg (666x680, 43K)

Spincels are the cancer of this tournament. Prove me wrong

>tfw it's all just one big conspiracy

Attached: Steven Universe.png (242x189, 78K)

>it actually happened
Oops sorry. It was a funny joke though

Attached: DefenselessWindyBinturong-size_restricted.gif (351x398, 101K)

I'm starting to warm up to Hekapoo

Attached: Hekapoo.png (4920x2767, 1.05M)

Spinel is the center of the cancer
People supporting her are only half to blame for that. The people who hate her are equally to blame

shut up retard

Why can't the whole movie have been in this style?

Agreed. The Spinelfags are being retards

You might want to look up the word "controversy" in a dictionary.

Yeah, stop it, Spinelfags.

Attached: 1547757571859.png (788x718, 345K)

Actually fucking disgusting. Found the falseflagging anti spinel faggot

Attached: 1567468770902.jpg (768x768, 43K)

Finally someone's talking sensibly.

Attached: 1568629584304.png (441x660, 148K)

So why not increase the alternative match waifuposting to drown out the Judy VS Spinel shit?

Attached: Tylee.png (920x1200, 1.28M)

To anyone that actually likes Spinel. She'd be really disappointed in all of you right now.

Attached: broken-heart.jpg (1024x1024, 98K)


i did my part

I hope when the Jannies get banny they take a second to be selective. I’ve been nice...

Attached: 8E90B2DC-BF88-42F2-ABE7-18C380763C0C.png (800x875, 1.03M)

This is why i voted for her

>Spinelfag stopped posting Spinel porn and started to post furry porn
LMAO. what the fuck is wrong with these people

Imagine the smell

god bless doxy

You see what happens when you let SUfags participate OP. I hope you're enjoying them shitting up your threads

Attached: 1526325338949.jpg (400x310, 12K)


Attached: MenacingDiscreteBrocketdeer-small.gif (500x500, 133K)

>all these conspiracy/falseflagging accusations
It hurts so good.

Attached: 1426433369502.jpg (661x720, 35K)

What about us that are passively supporting her and not posting porn?

the only one i didnt vote was lapis because shego will always have a special place in my heart.

Because besides bragging there's nothing they've done if you've been paying the slightest bit of attention to the thread

Attached: 1568331205170.jpg (838x758, 106K)

Have the jannies just given up all hope at this point? Have the mods just abandoned this forsaken place?

Attached: 1564695976255.jpg (236x317, 20K)

Did someone say MMP?

Attached: 1555658468225.png (1280x720, 470K)


>so this is why Pink left me
>maybe my birth was a mistake
Oh yes bby gimme

Aye Aye Boss

Attached: 1568663327599.gif (294x460, 780K)

It's those goddamn Russian hackers! I keep telling everyone, but no one fuckin believes me!

Attached: ED9cZyJVUAI-qp1.jpg (700x1020, 84K)

Everyone shits on Jannies.
But without them.
This happens.
Based Jannies please come back.

Maybe we can post shows with animals in them in piece now

at this point it's clear SU should be banished to a containment board, or /trash/

Attached: 1539701953347.jpg (607x607, 127K)

Trips of truth, Satan.

I've got a better idea. Vote against SU characters so they never do this again .

Attached: bren.jpg (1288x725, 54K)


Attached: Azula Gym.jpg (564x846, 57K)

Every time I try to forget about this artist it always pulls me back

>posting more SU
You're not helping.

Attached: Invader_Zim___Nightmare_by_Krusnik007.jpg (530x749, 77K)

Satan confirms

This shit wouldn't have happened if you fags nominated anything else besides SU. You reap what you sow.

Attached: 1539050138302.png (829x1200, 460K)

Attached: 1568778894987.gif (322x382, 653K)

Attached: FASTEEEEEEEEEEEEEER.gif (294x460, 228K)

>"haven't i posted enough SU porn to send SU to /trash/"
No. No you haven't keep trying fucko

Attached: EEY7WiaXYAUtgnM.jpg (1031x1258, 106K)


Attached: 506A3EAC-2F23-4CFB-81EC-C910319498FC.jpg (1700x1481, 487K)

>All their conspiracy theories
What is this, the fucking X-Files?


Attached: D169FvbWwAAJ4S4.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

They have been sent to trash before
Maybe the lack of that with the fotm threads contributed to what we see today


Attached: evil smugzula.jpg (1280x1536, 356K)

Attached: 1568586015507.jpg (1024x878, 148K)

>OP when adding fotm
If you blame anyone else for what's happened here besides OP, you're apart of the problem.

Attached: BadIdeasGuy.gif (245x188, 488K)

Attached: pearl_by_ieafy_d8y96ci-fullview.png (400x459, 102K)


Attached: 399CEBF9-7D70-4D75-8DD4-29729F335C1E.jpg (1440x1255, 104K)


Attached: 5452124.png (895x1800, 755K)

Yea Forums-files

>FOTM shows up
>Their fanbase is 90% populated by autists

Attached: 1551184594584.jpg (300x531, 166K)

>This artist
Ah shit fuck, I forgot about this guy
Azula gets my vote

>doesn't know how nominations work

Attached: 1567534031625.png (360x356, 142K)

there still isn't anyway to actually punish the mobilefag shitposter until the mod range bans.

Attached: 1532396855141.png (1280x1152, 846K)

>Thread theme

>doesn't get how fotm works

Man, this whole fucking place is a warzone.

Attached: 2232452242.jpg (320x320, 14K)

I don’t watch this show, is Pearl as cute as she looks? I don’t care for any of the others but pearl is adorable.

Attached: 3C094540-12B0-4B92-991E-93CAF2CD3AC1.png (500x426, 93K)

Now this is the cute shit I wanted to see

Attached: 1567715706454.gif (545x532, 422K)

None of this porn would be happening if you voted for Della Duck, because she has no porn. You failed your wholesome waifu.

Attached: MV5BZmZlZDNhMTgtOGE1ZS00YjUwLWJiYmYtZThkZDQxMzM2NzY5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,18 (182x268, 17K)

But what are the reasonable grounds for not including a specific character like this?
Even we didn't think it would get this bad

Attached: Screenshot_20190918-193931.png (2048x1705, 512K)


Attached: 1568732749857.png (789x685, 337K)

Based Duckposter
Duck Thread when?

Shut up falseflagger. I bet it was you that posted that shit.

Attached: 1558828434356.png (1024x818, 275K)


Attached: 93848cc14e825690174926acc34344a3.jpg (563x743, 106K)


Attached: 19580E47-2C1A-44E9-BBA5-8E534FFA25C4.png (900x700, 410K)

Thank you mods for removing the trash
At least on this thread

I think its been a while since we had an waifus thread

Attached: tumblr_p545gtRaAq1vhvmsno1_400.png (326x600, 65K)

>Browsing Reddit
>Caring this much about a poll over fucking cartoon characters
user please

>2 minutes
you couldn't even wait to make it seem like it wasn't you who posted that

>post got deleted with 1 reply
Reddit really isn't taking your bait though is it

Attached: file.png (900x473, 39K)

You got it.

Attached: 1493358851393.jpg (600x900, 294K)

>this thread
>this board
Joint pony/gem containment board when?

Yeah, what's wrong with a fotm being thrown in so it makes the competition one sided? Man, I just can't figure it out. Makes me have the big think and all that.

Look at this qt

Attached: 1568587531438.jpg (1404x1382, 184K)

If you're retarded enough to think those aren't anti-fags, you deserve her winning.

>implying this entire board is populated entirely by austists

Attached: 1558825373678.jpg (210x240, 6K)

Just gonna let you now OP i will tell Yea Forums that you are this incompetent to make a good and fun tournament.

It's called /trash/ user

Pearl vs Spinel
In the final for sure


Attached: B1092C43-E5CD-4DEC-B00E-33998C2E6F03.jpg (600x600, 67K)

>user claims that Spinelfags are getting votes from reddit
>user posts proof

Then let us commemorate our waifus, user. Every one of them is beautiful in their own way, and they all deserve our respect. Even Kara.

Attached: 160_2.jpg (673x1312, 180K)

Imagine thinking a character should be rejected from a popularity contest for being too popular.

Just consolidate /trash/, /mlp/ and /sug/. One big containment board.

>because she has no porn
you vastly underestimate the internet, but yeah there isn't a lot.

Attached: 55b.jpg (348x409, 19K)

>he got a fucking notification for a reply and was there for it right when it was posted
absolutely amazing

Best solution to next year is just not have SU involved at all. It's not fair but the anti-SU people really are this bad


Attached: 1566985886680.webm (705x380, 1.44M)

>Anit-Spinel posters are not only falseflaggers but unironic Redditors
Who'da thunk it?

Attached: 1568758340527.jpg (889x500, 109K)


Attached: 1558845650882.png (854x1336, 304K)

Cancel it. Cancel the polls.

Attached: 41CA890A-7148-44F4-9D5C-F6372EFF345E.jpg (644x706, 52K)

At this point, I'm voting for literally any character that isn't SU related.

>Yea Forums
literally who

This autism war is brought to you by Black Hat Inc, your suffering is our enjoyment.

Attached: villainous princess demencia.png (1009x564, 424K)

Unless SU suddenly introduces a new waifu introduced that's this crazy in a fanbase then it will be perfectly fine even with SU in
It was in last year and everything went smooth

>i made a post one reddit with my alternate why wont you accept this as real evidence

Maybe, there's still a chance you might get ahead.
>mfw a friendship has been establish among the misty fires of war.

Attached: 1231411144.jpg (900x460, 65K)

Still not cancelling.

Counter point, vote for who you truly believe in regardless of what anyone else says

Attached: 1568639146467.png (750x1000, 311K)


>add FOTM
>Shitposting war commences
What the fuck is up with this faggotry?

Attached: 1558722394578.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

Pearl fan here
The problem is not SU perse but a one side competition is just not fair and fun for everyone.
I blame Spinelfags because her character still fresh in the minds of people.

That is just my 2 cents

Post proofs they are anti-fags. I'm waiting.


Attached: queen_tyr_ahnee_by_mellea_jo_d9rg8v9.png (1129x1129, 613K)

>Triple dub

Maybe have Tak in power armor while Azula is fully decked out in feudal japanese inspired armor. Even if Tak loses, it'd be neat fanart.

>Spinelfag falseflagging as an antispinelfag who is bad at falseflagging to discredit the legitimate reddit thread from earlier

Attached: B5AFB891-3505-4452-9C87-012DC4534301.jpg (230x345, 20K)

Gotta keep the fire girls in it

Attached: Ty lee.png (741x980, 849K)

Of course you aren't, Spinelfag

ah y no se olviden de votar por spinel demencia

Attached: 1567915527876.png (750x750, 127K)

Attached: 1562897242506.jpg (720x274, 51K)

You posted them.

This is a mobile screenshot
The literal only explaination for this is that you were either refreshing waiting for a reply
or you got a notification

Based and OP-pilled

Attached: woops.jpg (1080x1082, 233K)

Okay listen here OP don't cancel if Gems are winning, but if there are no gems left you need to cancel. This whole thing has been rigged against us. Anti SU fags have been cheating and conducting falseflags against innocent gems just because they hate us. It's discrimination and if you let it happen you're a racist.

Attached: 1558846440642.png (500x493, 146K)

Fuck you guys, I'm posting Jenny.

Attached: d827md-ba6726dc-2a24-4d9c-95a0-04cc9eb7d390.jpg (463x576, 52K)

I'm done participating in this shit show, then

>this whole event was a viral marketing campaign by blackhat inc.
good on yeah.

Attached: Can_i_axe_you_a_question.jpg (1920x1080, 1011K)

You realize how pathetic this makes you look right?

Attached: spider-man-001.jpg (1236x783, 84K)

Why are you tripfagging?


Based. Only for that, the bun get my vote

Still based

based op

As you should. Let seething niggers seethe.

Have the waifu wars finally gone into full swing?

Attached: 1558865602130.gif (500x375, 196K)

Coraline will beat Ty Lee just like she beat Mai

Compare last year with this one
Its like picking an actual fotm was a bad idea or sometjing since the start

I voted Judy because she's cute

Why would you stop it now? You've already created the biggest shitshow Yea Forums has seen in some time. Let's go for broke, bitch!

Cool. Here OP. Have a LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE HEALING POTION from the future Mr Yea Forums winner. It will help you feel better!

Attached: large healing potion.gif (300x169, 1.25M)


>anytime a Spinelfag does anything REMOTELY annoying
>Uhh wasn't us it was a falseflaggers!

I don't even believe in myself, Why would I believe in any of the waifus on the poll?

Based OP. Good thing you slept through the porn.

Fuck, I forgot about that gif. Now I have to vote for Peridot. brb making a couple new google accounts to correct my vote.

Sorry user. I like Coraline too but can she put her legs behind her head?

>"Vote for TAK and she'll remove MY legs and replace them with legs of GOOOOOLD!"
>"... Wait."

Attached: im going to piss on the moon.png (911x834, 1.19M)

Course you're not. You fixed it from the start, Spinelfag.

>You will vote for Peridot and any other gem left on the roster.

Attached: 1568325379108.gif (451x451, 1.87M)

>Why is no one falling for it? What the fck is wrong with these guys, why do they keep blaming me for the things I do?
I love this

Attached: 1568384660151.png (729x720, 183K)

Of the girls left, Coraline is the only winner with any kind of SOUL

Attached: F012E8F5-EEC1-4270-9B9C-1BB76BB9445E.jpg (343x640, 53K)

Sorry but gotta give it to Ty Lee

Attached: ty lee 3.png (1000x1200, 544K)

So do you think Spinel will go up against in the final match up, Yea Forums?

Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if OP actually does end up rigging the votes so that Spinel wins just to spite everyone

Well that's a question you can only answer yourself. But I think you're pretty neat.

Attached: 1568595052464.png (1280x1343, 200K)


Attached: 1231556672.png (519x960, 231K)

She looks exactly like my sister so I feel weird about treating her like a waifu.

Guys a male shitpost contestant still has a chance
Aang can still make it to the top 8 if he first gets past Coraline


Not like it would make a difference, anyway.

Existential dread

Remember Jenny will give the trophy to this year's Ms. Yea Forums. And Johnny will unsuccessfully hit on them.

it can vary from episode to episode, she can look very cute in some episodes

Attached: CTOON-SU-1R-Movie.mkv_snapshot_00.19.48_[2019.09.03_14.15.39].jpg (203x630, 39K)

Probably some other gem because this shit is rigged

>Vote for Azula and she'll peg Steven till he cries on national television!
>Vote for a brighter future today!

Attached: 505fbd07eb7eb5c276b75799df183d3b.jpg (564x902, 64K)

That's a terrible idea. That's not spite, that's validation. The way to spite the people who have been annoying me is to keep letting this tournament more forward until the end.

but i want EVE to win

Judy Hopps


I think it's time to stop arguing with falseflagging retards. Nothing they do can affect the results of this tournament in either direction so. Enjoy the porn and they post and talk about why you love your waifu

He's cute look at him dab

Attached: 1547492336736.jpg (900x900, 251K)

Why would you cancel something you rigged?

All of these fucking characters have been FOTM at one point or memes or waifufag fodder, that's not the point. This is a retarded on purpose waifufag popularity competition, not "what was the most expertly done fictional character" for fuck's sake. There are always going to be some characters who have an autistic fanbase here or who just got new content and have an "unfair" advantage whatever the fuck that means.

Calm the fuck down. These are cartoon characters. This is just for lulz. Post funny shit or cute fan art instead of crying and whining jesus fuck.

Cringe. Almost as bad as the Summer/Jerry poster.

Another SU character. Probably Peridot or Pearl. Talk about a lackluster finale.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about their resemblance

Once again you don't have to view her as a waifu. It's which character you ultimately like more.

>The only way to get back at people is to ruin the board more with extremely low-quality posts

>is to keep letting this tournament more forward until the end.
Make them suffer, OP.

Why is Azula attractive anyway?

But it's a clear crossdresser

And then if Spinel wins we know you rigged it faggot. I bet it was you that fucking posted it to discord and reddit and all that.

This is why we should've put a limit on the characters from each show


Holy fuck you faggots keep intentionally missing the point

i miss thestinkyfoot.

Attached: 2111561213.png (500x284, 67K)

Pearl is cute.

>OP isn’t letting us off the ride that easy

Attached: F7129E62-2285-45A7-97F0-8E39938A7DA1.jpg (1408x1428, 363K)

I just came here cuz i miss clicked & just haven't closed the tab yet. Not sure if voting is even worth it

You're just being laughable at this point, you faggots.

Attached: 1563562738916.gif (143x131, 941K)

What's wrong with how he's hosting it?

Looks infinitely better when her hair is down honestly

Attached: Azula hair down.png (333x250, 105K)

And he already knows the destination.

Man you're just as bad as these autists. What a let down.

pls no interference, really curious on how this will ride out. Maybe it'd be a surprise.

cute dabbing perkele

OP did. SU would have had TEN characters if the 5-character limit hadn't been in place. And you bet your ass there would be ten from each of DC and Marvel as well.

OP just keeps getting more based.

Attached: static-shock-630x457.jpg (630x457, 50K)

>10/10 voice
>confident demeanor
>good fashion sense
>Has dom and sub appeal

>this entire tournament

Attached: DE8BAE2E-5CCA-4EC7-A4D4-11989119D377.png (900x600, 259K)

>op is rigging the tourney
>reddit is rigging the tourney
>a large SU discord is rigging the tourney
>SU the Movie's position on The Gregorian Calendar had rigged the tournament
>the previous top 8 not being in rigged the tourney
How else can we rig this tournament Yea Forums?
Who else is rigging the tourney Yea Forums

Attached: arguing on the internet.gif (500x361, 935K)

Fun fact: We did
We would have had more SU characters in if we didn't

Extend the time limit by 1 hour for every retard that complains

Please stop making this about you, tripfag. Either let the tournament go on or don't. Fucks sake.

Attached: 12400560_235307816802023_8258245502145333217_n.jpg (552x531, 29K)


Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 36K)

Attached: 1565795888589.jpg (865x1080, 159K)

The funny thing about this pathetic straw-grapsing is that not only have I not seen the SU movie, I don't even know how to pronounce her name (apparently it's not Spine-l?).

Donald Trump using his orange man powers

what are you on about, he literally said he was letting it go on.

Why the fuck would OP not use a trip for an event he's running?

any proof?

Don't worry about it. I hate Spinel, but I'm done complaining about it. I'm here until the ride ends

I think we all know who's responsible for "rigging" this shit

Attached: 1566598515711.png (604x440, 358K)

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?


OP you’ve been doing good, stay quiet. Every post you give them ammo. I want to be on your side buddy.

Attached: D605D308-B752-426A-9DF1-82D74DEDF412.jpg (338x522, 24K)

Boy, this contest is going to end with a fizzle, isn't it?

Azula. It's going to be a bloodbath.

Attached: 6539826.png (960x522, 288K)

Ok you don't need to lie now. Come on OP I'm with you but this is low

>it turns out that this entire tournament was just set up by the Illuminati as a way to use fictional characters to control the populace.

Attached: 1538614974946.png (906x900, 534K)

> And you bet your ass there would be ten from each of DC and Marvel as well.
That's fine. SU having that many entries is retarded

I can't explain how gay I am for you right now

Russian hackers


Its amazing how missed the point kek

Sure dude then just run and unfair and no fun tournament that could be something special instead of just being a dumbster fire where the only thing that matters is Spinel vs and fuci the rest. More power to you



Attached: Spinal.jpg (530x298, 44K)

I read on Buzzfeed that Trump and Russia are using Cambridge Analytica to rig the tourney by mass voting for Spinel. It's definitely true. I wrote the Buzzfeed article and then I read the article I wrote. That's how I know it's true. I'm going to write an article about how the NWO and purple-haired SJW lizard women are behind the tourney and read it then I'll know that is also true but I read it in an article.

I don't use Reddit, but isn't this icon used to identify your own posts?

Attached: 1548630317832.png (130x132, 11K)

Didn't you say you were going to keep quiet earlier? I was on your side a while ago, but now it seems like you're stirring the pot at this point. Just saiyan, man.

this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny

Attached: 8123acc39b317c0feac69e3cededa24b.jpg (185x231, 15K)

All me.
The people you named? All me.
OP? Me.
Spinelfags? All me.
Antispinelfags? All me.
It was me. It was me all along.
and yes
you are me as well

Cookie dough

Staying quiet has made me miserable. I'm done just sitting and watching people post stupid shit.

We're still at 700 post 4 times a day (the last one was 900 actually)
The rage is fueling these threads.

It sucks that no matter how this goes, all it will be remembered for is the spinel shitfest.

How about a Frizzle?

Attached: 454d7b6e-d4dd-4557-9ebf-4903f5c8ed1c.png (970x546, 638K)

The issue is that some faggots still and still want to ban SU, doing more than infantile attempts to cause problems in this tournament.
Those guys (and you) are just even more pathetic than the Host for Mr. Yea Forums at this point.

Again, thanks for proving my point.

Attached: 1563471751582.png (769x364, 399K)

>Punished OP, a man denied his waifu tournament

we should get a new, competent OP

Regardless or not If the Reddit post is a falseflagger we at least know there are SOME redditors voting on this
No it's to show OPs posts t.watchpeopledieinside suberedditor

Men's tournament has a different one for this next one

Goddamn, why the fuck do you keep falling for the bait, you dehydrated diabetic? Fucking carcinoma victim. Hemophiliac victim.

Gookmoot is in on this and fucking with the votes.

I don't see how a change in management would help.

>OP going full tripfag powertrip
Oh God. This is going to be an event spoken in whispers isn’t it? The most fucked Yea Forums event since Korra.

He rigged it to make Captain America win

Legitimate question OP, but despite how really... terrible the posters in these threads have been (and how terrible I was in toon of the 10s (long long holiday fag)) I've really enjoyed the tournaments you've run and how unwaveringly dedicated you are to letting them run their course

So I gotta ask. Can we do this again next year?

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If that OP bans Steg then that tournament will already be off to a better start

>stupid opinion
>worst ship

Was the Frizz ever nominated?

I never seen an OP able to control Yea Forumstism

Better yet, you should fuck off showing you only are here to shitpost.
I-i'm sorry user, I just really keep getting upset at how some idiots look like thermy're posting seriously.

You're not as based as i thought

I just realized what these threads have become

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but please come back

The only thing that would help is banning Spinel. Having a FOTM that's two weeks after it's premire it's obvious whose going to win and how one sided it's going to be. Not even the other gems just this chick

They were better when Deetposters were here. Unfortunately, the Deet was beat.

It's a different user that was already a trip when he was rigging it
I thought she was in last year, don't know if she got nominated but she didn't get in if she was

last year

Sure. Unless something is popular next September, then it will be indefinitely delayed until the nearest convenient time when nothing is currently popular on Yea Forums.

Steg won't cause issues to this degree
How many Stegposts do you see?

But more than a month will have passed by the time Mr. Yea Forums starts.

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Or we could just ban that FoTM at the time


Next year is our chance Finkchads

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These threads are just a collection of Azula and Spinel fanart at this point.

We could've had some comfy times if you guys just voted for Deet. But noooooo, you chose the way of anger.

There's still nominees out there that can go toe to toe with Spinel, but yes being FOTM will get her into the top 8 at least.

I still say you fuck off

Thank you OP. Sorry about all the porn that was in your thread.

It's not really about the shitposting as much as he's the FOTM for the men's side of things

Am I the only one who noticed that the posts of the user claiming that Spinelfags are cheating were deleted along with all the porn spam? It's as if he was the one who spammed the thread with porn to falseflag as Spinelfags until a mod appeared and deleted all his posts (including the ones ranting about Spinel and SU).

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they're both popular characters

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Im trying to promote Tyrahnee and Dr Mrs The Monarch but no one cares....

Shoulda used timeskip Fink

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I dunno, man. I mean, who would've thought that fotm would've ruined the tourney? Really gets those peanuts a-buttering and all that jazz.

So, what? Don't allow any nominations for characters premiering within the last three months?

Sorry about any of the people who have been annoying in the threads. I've been doing my best to try keep things more wholesome around here.

On the bright side, Spooktober is in a couple of days, lads.

Nowhere near these gems, he probably wouldn't even make 1st seed
I'm frankly more worried about sneed then someone with moderate popularity

Maybe if people didn't get baited by the same 4-5 retarded cumguzzling turboniggers and started posting more fanart of their waifus, the landscape would be different.
But these fucking apes can't control themselves and learn not to respond.
Now watch as the aforementioned turboniggers will reply to me, screeching about how their bait is not bait. And you know what I'm gonna do? Not reply to them. See if you can follow.

Attached: keine warned you.jpg (680x771, 107K)

We're at over 900 votes btw, none of this has slowed the momentum.

But what's wrong with Ty Lee? How come she can't be the winner over Azula? Seriously.

I care user. I'm silent, but I always vote for them. I'm just vocal for my primary nominee, Azula. Just because we're silent doesn't mean we don't stand behind your choices.

I'd honestly give it a month. Spinel has been a thing for two weeks

Yea Forums will lose their mind if anyone other than Spinel or Azula wins this

All this shit posting reminds me of ponies. In the sense that ponies were used to troll, because you could post a single pony and derail an entire thread. There was a single pony general on Yea Forums that even used a marker image and an external site so people could find the general, but because of the people using ponies to troll the entire series was banished to its own board.

The people going to other sites, reddit, tumblr, whatever, to get votes for SU character are asses, but they are partly asses because of the way he anti-SU posters are reacting. You are jackasses because you let yourself over-react to a specific series and throw a shit fit.

About 12 days friend.

Vote Tak and I'll post nudes of Zim


Oh you mean the annual Ghoul School general that serve only to alienate drawfags threads? Because we lost both Plague and Henry to them

nigga you're the only stupid one here.

Because she's losing to Coraline.

What are the margins of the closest and farthest apart matchups?

Nothing wrong with Tylee. Gotta have her win so they can potentially face off.

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Why would this slow down the votes when half of them are people multi-accounting?

Woo, can't wait for that to be ruined too. give me some hope, user

There will always be something trending OP. Just put up a "FotM Clause" that restricts any characters that are less than a month old, should curb some of the shitposting.

It's probably one faggot who was larping as every side

If Azula wins, this will all be worth it

OP of this thread here. Will you make the next thread or do you want me to continue making them for you until the next round?

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What happens in Spooktober

Right now, 16 votes. Sorry that's not as exciting as past rounds.

>The people going to other sites, reddit, tumblr, whatever, to get votes for SU character are asses
They don't exist. Pay more attention

>Because she's losing to Coraline

You had to know this would happen. Don't act like it's our fault. But what else should I expect from some punk fresh out of high school.

>indefinitely delayed until the nearest convenient time when nothing is currently popular on Yea Forums.
so you are saying you fucked up this time then
Because allowing a FOTM is a retard idea
>but other ones are also FOTM!!
No shit but Spinel is the current one

Only for that OP you are a goodaam faggot , hope next year is better :)

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Honestly I think the Spite-voted are hurting this just as much as all the shitposting. This is no longer about wanting a waifu to win but picking whoever will pissnthe most number of people off

>"...Ever since they closed the plant, it was either this or the army. All i got is a GED. The monarch took us in though. Gave us pretty good pay all things considered. & we get these pretty cool dart guns. If it weren't for Samson trying to kill us all the time, this would be a pretty easy gig. We got our own personal army here. Now the monarch is freaking out over some popularity contest that Dr. Misses The Monarch is in & is having everyone vote for her... Oh uh right, by the way uh... Make sure you vote for her in it when you get a chance. 21 says he'll spring for a keg party if the misses wins. Says he was able to talk the monarch into it. It's pretty sweet. I already voted but apperently it's getting pretty heated I guess..."

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18-20-09-50.png (1280x720, 653K)

We already lost Phanty's VA

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>punk fresh out of high school.

>Thinks I don't vote for Ty Lee
Fire nation all the way, user.

Can Not OP be a permanent Yea Forums-host.

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Except they do and saying FALSEFLAG doesn't hide the fact that there's actual redditors voting in this now

If he had simply acknowledged it was a problem and made efforts to at least promote fair play - making people vote for every round - this would be less controversial. But he refused to see reason.

Were there these many votes last year OP?

I can handle next thread.

I'm willing to do that, honestly. Thank you for being reasonable. My issue is that it's not so cut and dry. Sometimes a show starts a few months ago then takes time to pick up steam until it's the most talked about thing. Then you've got characters like BW who technically haven't debuted at all yet. It's just something I'd have to make the call of myself, and before now I've tried to avoid situations that call for that because I want to be seen as impartial.

The furthest apart is 16 votes? Wow

For me it's still about voting for my waifu. I'm not gonna let some barely-human troglodytes ruin that for me.

1 redditor. Invited by a guy obviously looking to make a screencap to post here.
But sure, keep mindlessly believing everything you see on the internet

++Scarecrow don't read this++

I use 6e and have a ton of 5e pdfs, so I steal/translate a lot.
I could use some assistance. I'm debating which batch of bad dudes to throw at my party next; The Texas Raiders, Joe Exotic and the Exoticists, or Impact Zero. I can give detailed rundowns on the teams if needed.
-Raiders: Local villain group, kind of like the Rouges. More together for survival, most were sprung out of a transport shortly after getting a superjuice injection. They work for a wizard who helped them escape, and he works for shapeshifting reptilians who try to control the world from the shadows. What the Reptilians want could be really strange and esoteric, so I can use these guys for almost anything.
-Exoticists: Kinda goofy, but a bunch of Animal dudes. Like, Bebop and Rocksteady types. Joe fancies himself a scientist and has been getting 'designer' super juice for use on his employees. One of my players turned him down for a job so Joe's going to be the pettiest man and sic his guys on him (after he fires them and gives them a great severance package and some "advice"). I can assemble a group them into a fake team or gang to throw at my players, it has to be a cover since "Joe Exotic" is a brand and he'd try to keep this kind of thing on the down low. Cover stories like "I have the power of Anubus" but really he's just a dog guy.
-Impact Zero: A more serious group moving in from the east coast. A much more mercenary outfit than the other two mostly made up of bricks. They're looking to make a name for themselves in a new territory and it's where my PCs have jurisdiction. One of them has a chip on her shoulder about the government and power suits, one is James Bond if he were also the Iron Fist, one used to be a henchman and lucked out during an accident, and one used to be a pro wrestler before the "sport" got hit with the McGuire law (no supers in sports, no tolerance policy). Basically a goon squad for hire.

Here, super generator for fun.

Spinelchads, this is our finest hour. We will win the day and take this tournament by storm. And we will solidify her place in Yea Forums history. For the next tournament we must ensure that Steg or Steven becomes Mr. Yea Forums

Sorry, but OP's head already recovered from the explosion.

>Unless something is popular next September, then it will be indefinitely delayed until the nearest convenient time when nothing is currently popular on Yea Forums.

holy shit, haha
OP you're amazing

I wanna roll to attack the Scarecrow with my +2 mace.


Spreadsheets pls

Nowhere near close

Invited my mom to fuck a black guy

>t. Spinelposter

>OP trying to fix his fuck ups


Alright, I'll go ahead and do those.

Honestly, the Azula-fags are at least having fun and aren't disturbing things that badly. Hell, I got some good chuckles out of the Seething Kara-fags and the how the once wholesome Steven X Azula ship has become a femdom relationship with him being humiliated and pegged.

I also voted for Spinel

I'm fine with a no FOTM clause for new characters. But people are shitting their tits off at old SU characters like Peridot, Lapis, and Pearl.
There is no reason characters from whatever is coming out next year should be excluded because they got new content near the date of the tourney.

It's a popularity contest (and let's be honest just an autism contest for who will keep voting against characters they hate or for their waifus). Any character who has had content in the past year has an unfair advantage. And unfair disadvantage from the backlashers too. Unless you instituted a blanket 5-year waiting period to every tourney this makes no sense.

>OP trying to fix stuff he deliberately caused and wanted

Amazingly dense.

OP hasn't fucked up. He's pacifying whiners like you.

I'd say the Spinel drama is being mostly caused by people overestimating Spinel's popularity. If she's consistently going 60/40 every round I can imagine someone like Azula potentially beating her and I'm saying that as someone who has voted for Spinel every round. If it would stop these retards from shitting up the threads next year then I guess do what you feel is right.

last pic for Jahy

Attached: 1555912324072.jpg (1125x2094, 184K)

>Sometimes a show starts a few months ago then takes time to pick up steam until it's the most talked about thing
I guess that it is. Steven Universe gets a big movie and that would give every character on that show a popularity boost, not just towards Spinel. But what can you do about that? No easy solutions

Hardly anybody is really frothing at the mouth over SU characters. Pearl killed my Della Duck but I didn't throw a shitfit but I take extreme umbrage with Spinel.

Jenny had no new content

The Steven/Azula ship is the only thing that's gone right with that show in these threads

But can Spinel crack the elite8m

>no fotm
>no banlist
>same series characters seeded together to eliminate show loyalty
Fixed 2020.

XJ-9 and Johnny Bravo won last year and their shows ended ages ago. Your point is invalid.

how is this related to Yea Forums

Vote for Eris!

>>same series characters seeded together to eliminate show loyalty
you can't do this realistically

We'll never know, because OP is a fag.

It still fucking hurts

>But people are shitting their tits off at old SU characters like Peridot, Lapis, and Pearl.

So why are we getting a no FOTM rule again?

just run your own fucking elite 8 tourney holy shit.


It's beautiful. I'll actually vote for Steven if that means I get to see the picture of Azula pegging Steven in front the whole Mr and Miss Yea Forums contestants and judges.

What? Why?

This. At this point it might be worth it to just make this stupid drama not happen again, but it feels gross giving the people who've shit up the tournament what they want.

Are you dumb or just stupid?

She isn't even a bender. Well, of the elements that is.

No. She took out the weebshit I voted for, so it's my duty to vote against her now.

Because there were no FOTMs last time the contest happened.

>shitting their tits off at old SU characters like Peridot, Lapis, and Pearl.
Nope. Just Spinel.

the numbers wouldn't match up


Not just a pants bender, but a chi-blocker too. That's some dangerous stuff, user.

Limit it to 4 or 6

limit per show to 3

Absolutely nothing. I just love posting Jahy.

All you need is a rule stating a character has to be at least 3 months old

>apparently it's not Spine-l

I was thinking more along the lines of her somehow contorting her spine in a way to bend her pussy right to you.

Some FOTM are old though

The banlist is staying. Unless you want the same characters winning every year this is how it is. You'll get whatever waifu you're upset about back next year.

Maybe /aco/ would be interested in that

I think he meant Spinal. Like Spinal Tap.

Look, my pants just came flying off. I think that's pants bending right there, user.

Can't do anything about them

What does Spinel sound like?

Lieutenant Fox Vixen didn't make it past qualifiers. Leggy Lamb died in the first round. Old FOTMs are old news.

one of you guys talks about this in a previous thread

I already asked them for a picture of Azula laughing and pegging a crying Steven, but didn't ask about the contestants or judges because I don't know if Azula will win or not. I'm hoping, but shit's going to get tough soon.

>Cookie dough
>Staying quiet has made me miserable. I'm done just sitting and watching people post stupid shit.
A bit cringe.

Are you purposely missing the point of the FOTM complaint or what


My waifu isn’t in the banlist. I want my wife to have a chance to actually win. You have no basis for believing it’ll be the same. 2020 will not be a copy of 2018.

No i was surprised that Spinel was not pronounced, "Spine-el

Yes, Jenny won't win again.

Lurk more.

>The banlist is staying. Unless you don't want SU characters to win
Oh, okay.

OP didn't fuck up he just didn't expect so many people to lose there minds at a character. If anti-Spinelfags had just shut the fuck up the threads would have been fine, but they shit up every single thread with their salt.

>Why is Azula attractive anyway?
she fuckes her brother and pretands she didnt want it from the start

>Goddamn it, why can't everyone just shut up and vote for Spinel

Brooklyn accent.

Haha, you think Starfire is guaranteed, why even do it?


spin-el, people who say spine-ell are retarded.

My nigga.

We'll see, we all want it

It's all trial and error. We'll know better in the future.