The entire mutant population has now seen Cyclops' cyclops

>the entire mutant population has now seen Cyclops' cyclops

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>Storm is the only one who isn't naked
Now I know something's fucky.

So why was Storm and Cyclops so intimate in this?

>These are Scott's balls! I see them. Do you see them?

What a scene!

She was probably aroused at the sight of his nude body.

Or more likely they're all just acting weird because they're in a glorified cult run by a mind-controlling lunatic.

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So does Clonverine not have adamantium or what?

Everyone sure got an eyeful.

I don't think we know yet.

Angel has metal wings so...

pretty sure he does since one of the reality warper Mutants help make the clone.

Not to mention that Warren and Logan finally got to see Jean naked after being cucked by Scott for years.

Bet that was tough hiding the boner in that crowd

>the entire mutant population has now seen Marvel Girl's marvel girls

Logan seemed WAAAY more interested in Cyclops.

Fuck that tail of yours, Kurt

Clones don't care about nudity. It's not THEIR bodies, after all.

Not like all the girls haven't seen Logan's.

All according to keikaku.

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Neverending comicbooks are so fucking stupid

Mutants are the worst.

If you introduce them to any setting they would actively find a way to fuck it up.

Does EVERY resurrected mutant have to go out naked in public? Poor Rahne.

Can't wait for Dust to go on a suicide mission

She'd probably just turn into a dog and hide in the back.

Roberto probably took it in stride though, happy to show off his Citizen X.

Isn't she hanging with the Champions now? Besides they already sent Monet.

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>Jean scratching her ass

Also, Jean, Monet, Paige, or Mystique (or Storm)?

Man fuck Monet, she's a bitch.

>take your pick


Can't he just go dark to cover himself up? Nobody can see your dick if you've drained all the visible light from it.

a group of mutants is called an orgy

real nice tits, though

X-Men got fucking weird

It gets worse. The green girl from the first issue was in the crowd. They're making underage kids go to cult rallies where they see full frontal naked adults.

She's Bishop and Marvel Girl's daughter. She must be used seeing daddy and baby mama's fucking.

tfw you realize Goldballs is now every mutant's mother

>Nightcrawler's nightcrawler
>Colossus' colossus
>Wolverine's wolvereiner

Cyclops has a pencil thin dick

You see Nightcrawler's head? That's entire penis.

With that outfit I'm guessing she's not a very devout Muslim

Degenerate mutant scum.

Mystique already said that Cyclops' penur is astonishing, and she's a major slut, not to mention that she has a penur of her own, so it must be big.

He got the nickname "Slim" when Wolverine saw him in the showers.

Both have a tendency to explode randomly

he's got a goddamn elephant trunk down there, which is why Jean and Emma, two notorious whores, never cheated on him

Living ones anyway, given it will take 10 years to bring back all of the ones from genoshia with the pods.

What exactly is there plan with the population? Are they planning to just bring everybody back when they die of old age, giving everyone pseudo immortality?

Originally it was needle-dick but Professor X made him stop.

Why is Xavier just The Maker now?

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I love bitchy sluts like Monet and Emma.

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Nice try Goblin Queen.

Wait, did Mystique try to buttfuck Cyclops as Wolverine?

More like she's teasing Cyke by implying he wants to fuck Wolverine.

How many times do you think Mystique reamed Cyclops other eye while shaped like Wolverine?

Why they turned the X-Men into some Jim Jones like cult?

Storm didn't die and get respawned by gold balls

It's just Hickman doing his thing again where there's a massive amount of setup that has everyone wondering where he's going with it, only to then run it into the ground with an utterly disappointing and meaningless resolution.

Probably telepathic suggestion, rather than straight forward mind control. It was hinted at REALLY hard this issue.

...but why no nekkid storm

I just fucking told you, retard.

I'm more bothered by the end where everyone gang up on the naked X-Men. That must have been uncomfortable as fuck.

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They do have to break in the new bodies, you know.

Logan is tsundere for Cyclops?

>No touching
>Everyone tries to touch her
Poor Monet.

I unironically saw a page from the comic and thought it was the Maker.

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Is Wolverine trying to leg lock Cyclop or something??

One year till Phoenix shit again.

mating press(power bottom mode)

Attempted Rape is not okay Rapeclops

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It looked more like they were just reaching their hands up in reverence. Hence the whole cult behavior thing.

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>One year
You wish, this happening at the start of summer, screenshot this

So wait a second does Nightcrawler have two dicks?These are the important questions and we need answers!

Storm touched all of them during her little ritual. So i think that they might have touched them too, but even if they didn't they're awfully close to some naked people that just came back from death.

when will the Avengers or any sane group nuke this fuckers out of existence?

Glob Herman is reaching right for Jean Grey's naked ass.

i've read everything related to this shit show and I still don't know what's going on

Its not like he has a dick?

What do the X-men even do anymore?

>hire villains
>whine some more

have Matrix orgies in between deaths, apparently


Glob is always horny.

wouldn't you?

When did Monet become Muslim? Her last name is fucking St. Croix.

Cassius's last name was Clay.

By combining the powers of 5 mutants, including one reality-warper, the X-Men can now make CLONES.

And by making CLONES after they die, they are basically IMMORTAL.

Ain't that the best X-Men of all time, forever and ever?

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since her conception?

Is Ororo still with T'Challa or did Logan cucked him again?

Clone bullshit is the worst.

>When did Monet become Muslim? Her last name is fucking St. Croix.

>France has the largest number of Muslims in the Western world primarily due to migration from North African and Middle Eastern countries.

It's time to talk about X-Dicks:
Totally average, it's all in how he uses it.
Short but girthy
Packing like hell
Ordinary length, a little thin

Change my mind

I only know the X-Men from the two cartoons, but I thought their whole deal was being heroes to show all the normalfags that mutants aren't so bad. Why are they now starting some kind of Jim Jones cult of personality in the middle of an ethnostate?

she hasn't been with T'Challa for like eight years now

>THE BEST it has ever been

Ah, the eternal zoomer

Nightcrawler has 2

because they tried everything else and it kept ending in robot genocide

Siaynoq! Siaynoq!
Seriously, this looks a siaynoq ripoff.

You're an idiot, that sham of a pairing hasn't been a thing for years.

This is the truth right here

Mutants deserve genocide, they are a cancer on the plotlines of the entire setting, forcing their bullshit on everyone.

Because that's the only storyline Marvel has bothered writing for them since... like 2008?

Oh, Angel also has a piercing.

Not if he's cloned. He'd just have a weird hole in his dick.

Shit, you're right. I guess it's immaculate there.

Not the first orgy Storm has thrown.

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>So wait a second does Nightcrawler have two dicks?These are the important questions and we need answers!
No, he has a tail instead of a penis, you can see his tail right there.

>robot genocide
>there is bazillion of other superheroes around that managed to give Galactus and Thanos a run for their money
>Earth survived things like Skrull, Kree, whatever alien galactic empires, symbiote infestations, negative zone guys, we wuz Kangs and other time travellers, even villain sues like Hyperstorm
>but in every timeline mutants, and world by association, are fucked due some robotic morons rebellion. A bunch of fucking jobbers like the sentinels take over the world.
>the only viable solution is to make their own racist and cult like state/fantasy island
Riiight... not buying the crap you are selling, X-Men.

I feel like Gambit and Rogue would just start fucking in the middle of a party regardless of whether or not it was an orgy.

Cannonball presents his cannon balls

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

X-Men are a blight on the setting like I said, everyone elses characters and plotlines get derailed just so they can have their whiny nonsense of being a hamhanded stand-in for whatever minority group is most topical in the minds of the writers at the moment.

>when did the Algerian become a Muslim?
My guy.

What issue is that? What does the cunt do to them?

>the only viable solution is to make their own racist and cult like state/fantasy island
funnies part is this isn't even the first time they have tried making there own home away from humans. remember things like genosha? yeah I do and it crashed and burned.

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Well, they had to break their hymen's

>I know we aren't married anymore, but please don't fuck Wolverine, anyone but him
>Fucks Wolverine in the shower not even an hour later

Last tine I read something X-men related Storm was in a relationship with Logan and I really liked it.
I could swear I saw something about them being a thing again or that Marvel is planing a Storm x Black Panther because "Muh African Powercouple".

yeah but Genosha didn't have every mutant available at the time, just the 16 million jobbers who got junk mutations

Storm completely destroyed any self-confidence Tchalla had in him.

What happened is that Wolverine left the school he built on Storm's hands and bounced to go play secret agent for SHIELD. Storm later on learned he had been cheating on her on a consistent basis with two other women.

Wolverine x Storm pairing fucking sucks because Wolverine always use Storm as emotional hugbox before ditching her whenever he had enough.

Marvel should handle Mutants like DC handles Meta-Humans.
And the whole racism against mutants should only be a thing of the past.
It should be more about teen angst stuff and shit.

T'Challa secretly wanted to get cucked by Logan.

Otherwise why draw Storm's attention to it?

This isn't the main Universe, it's the penultimate of Moira's lives.

By human cultural standard
Signs point to mutants culture being ok with a lot of weird shit, like cucking

Why is marvel relationships always about cheating and shit.
I really liked alternative future Storm x Wolverine and always thought they were cute together.
Man fuck Marvel I still like this ship.

I'm sorry, user, but Wolverine is a goddamn slut.

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Storm is very Bisexual there.
ya and I think Storm would join

Cheating and psycho games aside I still think they are perfect for each other. The manlet is a manwhore and Storm also had a lot of experience with other guys.
Marvel writers just loves cucking and relationship drama bullshit.
The same happens in DC right now with Didio autistically splerging about how superheroes aren't allowed to be married.

>yeah but Genosha didn't have every mutant available at the time, just the 16 million jobbers who got junk mutations

So is Storm actually we just don't call her a slut.

If Storm had hooked up with Slim, she would only be cheated on after the marriage!

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Cyke would probably cheat on her with Emma or Jean if he had the chance.
But I think Storm would cheat on him too.
Mutants aren't really loyal.

I could actually see them having a serious BUT open relationship.
Both are the type for this kind of thing.

Shouldn't the girls all be bigger than that?

Cyclops only cheat on his wives. He needs to put a ring on the person first.

What so bad about the mutants anyway. Humans threaten the destroy the world multiple times a week and actually do so in their own future and no one make a thread about them

X-Factor 217.

Canon balls, user.

ah'm ball-less when ah'm blastin

user, I...

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I mean, Storm cheated on Wolverine too. Storm was fucking Black Panther while Wolverine was off dying. They never really broke up, Logan just died and that was the end of it.

They had broken up by then.
Storm hooked up with Wolverine right after being dumped by Black Panther. It took less than a hour.
Wolverine started to cheat on Storm right after she came to his school to work there.
Then Wolverine got sick of playing a good guy and left without telling anyone anything to become an infiltrated spy for SHIELD. During his stint he hooked with another girl.
He only came back for a bit when things got messy to tell Storm that he cheated on her and leave again but this time properly.
Then during this moment Storm had a last fuck with Black Panther.
Finally Wolverine died.

So Storm didn't really cheat on Wolverine.

>wanting to have a stable romantic relationship with Wolverine
What was Storm thinking.

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is this the thread where I post my lewd elf pics?

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Wolverine and Deadpool are the biggest manwhores, which only goes to prove that writers are very self-insert-y.

Why he would care when he know he will outlive any partner? The guy was around for 150 years already.

Please do

alright, here we go

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wew, I appreciate this autism
best boy

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This is pretty gay. I mean everyone sees Scott’s Micropenis.

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Yo they brought back my boy gold balls and clock'odile dundee? When did this happen?

Just now, and they're very important.

So, why aren't they just using Layla Miller? She could revive people "without their souls" and Xavier seems to have fixed that.

Post Scott lewds

Or the Scarlet Witch. after all she did, playing fairy godmother for them is the least she could do

Layla can only do it if they have the corpses.

i hope noone intervenes. with all those egos they better figure out how their justice system works asap so they dont self destruct

why does piotr look like hes inviting tchalla to a slice of kitty cake?

Why isn't Scott healed? Him being restored he don't need the visor.

>16 million jobbers

i know thats the numbers put up? but 16 mill on genosha? how?

I'm pretty sure there are at least two more Jeans.

There's going to be two Jean Greys running around. I'm sure of it.

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cause he wants to DP her and then have her phase so their dicks touch

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holy shit, i just got that. he couldn't control the optic blasts because of brain damage. they make the clone brain damaged. that is a whole other level of messed up.

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Professor X did. When he comes of the pod you can see that he's normal, but then Prof X comes close to him, puts his hands on his face, and then his power start to flare up, necessitating a visor.

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that is still messed up. hey, we are going to keep crippling you even though i got my legs back for the third time.

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I wonder what would the Justice League do if a cult of superpowered people with resurrection pods popped up


I would post pics if I could of this, but damn, I like where your mind is at.

It's just really well done fan art.
idk who made it

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Alright, I got it. None of this has to do with the characters themselves. Whoever dies goes to where ever it is that consciousness goes, an afterlife is taken on faith or dismissed as nonexistent due to lack of evidence. (Despite enough Gods, magic, ghosts and heavens and hells to populate several mythos.)

This isn't about securing an individual. This is about discouraging attack, Dr-motivating Mutant Genocide because every mutant leaves behind the means to prevent the erasure of their effect, the effect of them being there. There is no getting did of mutants, so stop trying AND we mutants become both separated from him-mutant populations governance AND retain their access to the world via normal means of travel, but can always come back home via their own method of return the Krakoa portals.
This is not about stopping Sentinels from killing you, Charles, this is about punishing your murders by making their weapons impotent.

>de-motivating Mutant Genocide because every mutant leaves behind the means to prevent the erasure of their effect, the effect of them being there. There is no getting did of mutants, so stop trying AND we mutants become both separated from non-mutant populations

He's right about the latter though
At least Mutants can contribute

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Someone hasn't been reading Black Panther.
They've been hooking up off and on since basically right after Secret Wars ended and everything got reset.

I mean Cyclops came out with his visor

Cyclops didn't get birth'd with the visor. Xavier gave it to him.

Taking all bets, how's this gonna backfire?

I'm putting down "obvious backstabbing" with a side order of "It was subtle mindfucking" and a dash of "the end's justify the means Professor X"

>i hope noone intervenes. with all those egos they better figure out how their justice system works asap so they dont self destruct
You know how these things go. Mutants get fed up about racism and shit and they go out to make their own utopian society. And then they fuck it up and everyone else that is not main characters dies.

Obligatory, "that's not how Scott's eyes work" post.

daily reminder that stryker was absolutely right

Becaise hiding in plain sight is part of Reed's keikaku

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So what did the resurrected characters have that was so important?
Cyclops has a portal to the punch dimension.
Wolverine has a healing factor and adamantly (laced?) skeleton, Marvel Bio has her own confidence in resurrection and telekinesis as well as telepathy, Money Saint Crox has the ability to be mistaken for Psylocke or Laura (X-23/Talon/Wo!verine) flying brick powers and telepathy, Nightcrawler has teleportation and visible mutations, and Angel has metal wings, healing factor,(and maybe fire wings) and all together they are up to what?

I forgot Mystique shapeshifting, healing factor and Emma, telepathy, diamond to flesh/flesh to diamond.

I feel like being supplanted by Cyclops, being killed, being held hostage by Farouk, then taking Fantomex’ body would all explain Xavier’s transformation to smug cult leader better than retconning in this decades long Moira Charles Magneto conspiracy. Personally not a fan of the retcon despite the Moira issue being very well done.

got any nice sibling incest panels from x-men?


I seriously though Monet was from South America.

yeah that's not ominous at all...

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What if this character was inspired by Xavier's recent character development and then an origin was retroactively written in to explain the tranformation. The World and The City have a lot in common.

Also, it would be wierd if this was all taking place within Hear One of Fantomex's The World.

what does Roman Gabriele dell'Otto use for doing his art? is this aerograph?

how is Black Panther canon anyway? the whole series never made sense at all

Oh Rosenberg

>after being cucked by Scott for years.
That's not how cucking works! He'd have to HAVE Jean and have her taken away to be cucked! If Scott has her the whole time, Logan is just alone, jerking off, like us.

Nightcralwer you hack, move you tail

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Assuming that they don't lose the cloning system in this run, I hope they do end up dealing with one of those scenarios where they thought one or more mutants died but they were actually transported/hidden away for some time and then come back to meet a copy of themselves.

interesting that it's canon Storm is bisexual
she's banged Wolverine and Psylocke, in addition to T'Challa, and it's implied she fucked future Jean, Thor, and a couple of others

After all these years, advancements and changes to status quo, they still can't go "screw it" and just fix Scott's bump in the head and have him control his powers?

They always were culty as fuck.

Goldballs is a mom now. In fact, he’s everyone’s mom.

>implying that’s even the real Xavier

That’s “Xavier”/Maker’s doing. He cloned him with brain damage.

Xavier's school was literally a private child militia.

>tfw no stormphoenix pron

Objectively why should I care? Now everyone is just a clone using a data backup of their brain and the originals are dead so why should I care?

I mean it's Hickman you expected anything other than a morally and ethically ambigious keikaku doori super genius from him?

I haven't read this one yet but why does Cyclopse have a visor on if they're all born naked?

I think the goal here is to suggest this probably isn't the first time this has happened. That they've made Mutant clones to replace dead ones.

Also one of them, likely Scott, will definitely be controlled by Sinister and used for evil.

The Moira issue was garbage and completely destroys the entire point of Moira's existence as a character because Hickman can't help but pull off ancient conspiracies with ethically and morally questionable Xanatos wannabes driving everything. How can Hickman assure readers of what a smart guy he is otherwise?

Xavier put it on him as he climbed out of the egg. Didn’t give him clothes or a towel, though.

>I know I was the one who essentially divorced us, but please don’t sleep with that one guy who didn’t treat you like shit

Wolverine is every woman’s one night stand.

Why is there no mutants with dick related mutations

>Selene got a free pass
How long until volcanoes start erupting on Krakoa?

I think it could work if the relationship is open. I genuinly think that they have great chemistry together.

Or giant hands start appearing

She’s from Algeria you fragile ego fuck.

Mutants like Glob whose mutations affect their entire body technically also affect their dicks.

Amazing how this page applies to both of your posts for completely different reasons.

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You say this like other titles don't ignore the rest of their "shared universe" whenever it's convenient. It's more noticeable with mutant-focused titles because they're all over the world, but they all do this.

it was status quo that he didn't need the visor anymore before bendis shoved it back in

Andbthen she flew off panel and started shoving raw pork and whiskey down her throat.


Would be funny to see her and Dust together.