Tony Stark: Iron Man #16 Storytime

"The Ultron Agenda" Part One.

Long Live the Social Flesh!

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>literally nobody cares
I know Slott’s run is bad, but Jesus. Anyway, thanks for the story-time Norrin.

Nobody wants to read this awful mess and yet we have to deal with it for another 2 months until it's canceled then whatever happens after.

You'd think Marvel would be hyping this issue up considering the premise, but I guess this series kind of slipped off everyone's radar

I’m happy this is cancelled

Wait, is that cofirmed? Or merely wishful thinking?


Thanks, Norrin!

>I’m the guy she always wanted
Gtfoh Tony

Based Ultron Pym btfo tony

>I'm the guy she's always wanted

Can we just go back to Hank being a good guy again. It hurts to see this.

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It’s literally hilarious because Jan literally played on Hanks mental illness and made him marry her and was pining for him to marry her for years

Now that Gage will replace Zub I hope we have more love for Pym.

I'd be inclined to celebrate, but knowing Marvel these days, it's merely the prelude to an even worse title being launched.

Only way it can get worse is if they put Aaron on the book but they're probably just gonna relaunch with Slott still on it.

It’s just a gimmick to relaunch the book as Iron Man 2020.

>I hope we have more love for Pym.
After all this time he does deserve it, how is it that he can’t get any redemption and the MCU does his story better.

This is really bad. It hurts watching pymtron wasted on whatever this is.

Is this how Satan sees us

>Jocasta's human family members are all white
>Jocasta wants to be black
Is this cultural appropriation?

it's so they will be allowed to use the N word.

Viv wanted to be black too.

I’m in the middle of a hurricane and power is out. Cut me some slack.

>Viv wanted to be black too.
Didn't the High Evolutionary turn her into a human against her will, and she hated it?

>Slott’s so WOKE he bypassed trannies and went straight for the transracials
I can’t wait for the issue where he explores human cucks offering their wives to A.I. BVLLS. Christ...

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>Vision & Wonderman's brains are identical
Why do they keep doubling down on this when it doesn't make sense?

Tony hasn't found out about Pymtron coming back to Earth in Secret Empire?

>Tony hasn't found out about Pymtron coming back to Earth in Secret Empire?

That was AI Tony, who was killed in the latest issue, the Uncanny Avengers issue was when Tony was still alive.

Are we still pretending this ship is anything more than a fling? Because I seriously can’t even pretend that it’s actually happening. It feels like an AU afterthought. Jesus, just pair him again with Bethany already.

Yea, I wish they'd just turn him back into a regular dude going on interesting science adventures before he got stuck into just being a dumb superhero

Even if nobody told Tony before this issue, someone could have mentioned it here, else it looks like none of the other characters were aware Pymtron was still alive.

>Are we still pretending this ship is anything more than a fling? Because I seriously can’t even pretend that it’s actually happening. It feels like an AU afterthought.
Aside from Peter and MJ being together again, that's basically the state of most pairings in Marvel books now, user. AU pairings, crackships and cuckships instead of anything readers would want to see,

Haha, serves you right.

>Scientist Supreme

Fuck you Tony, but you can have that slut. Tigra is far better for Hank anyway

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Unless Infinity War was already reconned, he's all Ultron.

>Now that Gage will replace Zub
I had hopes that Slott would help fix Pym but this issue was not it. Gage was good with Pym though

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Wasn't Wonder Man's soul in Rogue?

>Aaron Stack


I keep trying to give this comic a chance but every time I read it I just don't enjoy it at all. Shame.

Thanks for story timing though, Norrin.

hanks soul was eaten by the soul gem. thats a fucked up ultron

Eh, not much worse than he's done to himself before

>Crossing fingers hoping Pymtron stays for another year
Its the only unique and lasting thing going for both characters in a long time

It's fine, he can make another body.

Is getting merged with more popular heroes his new gimmick?

Simons gimmick is losing control of his Ionic body and dying. This is just an extension of that.

Welp since this is two months away from getting cancelled what are thoughts on this run? It definitely felt like a fill in run, like slotts fantastic four nothing really came out of these stories other than retreads of old plot lines. The Janet and Tony love dynamic was extremely dull despite being two energetic characters with charisma. Janet never felt more like a house wife than this run calling tony "dear" and you can tell this relationship is one contrived soap opera away from being broken up To be honest I only continue reading this run because of Janet shes an underrated character once when you look past her romance life with Hank
Its funny looking at this whole AI debate whats truly alive and not and then you read Hickman X-MEN run which throws this shit out the window

I don't mind Pymtron, but it's like he exists just to get shit on. Get him off Earth to go do shit in space again or let him be credible at least.

>Welp since this is two months away from getting cancelled
It's not a low sales cancellation, they're just going to relaunch with a new #1 so Slott can have an Arno Stark in an Iron Man 2020 book on sale in 2020.

I like a lot of the ideas and some of the issues I've felt were great, like when Tony was brainwashed by his mother. But it's pretty inconsistent.

Dreadful. Slott has some good ideas but the deftness of a child with a pool noodle when it comes to actually writing it out.

2020 is going to be lit senpai

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>It's Marvel shits on Hank episode again
Just leave him dead if you can't think of a way to make him interesting. I think the way they beat him is pretty dumb too.

So we ignoring Uncanny Avengers and Secret Empire huh? I mean Jan has to know.

>Hank! Don't do this!
I thought Janet didn't think Pymtron was Hank and just Ultron posing as Hank. You know what this is Marvel nvm.

MCU was the only one to do him right

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>It's another lets play on Hank's insecurity by shitting on him episode.
Pymtron so far has been a waste of potential and a shitfest, I think I only liked how Spencer handled him in Secret Empire because at least there he talked back and I liked his interactions with Scott.

>Now that Gage will replace Zub
Wait on what? Champions? For reals? I am all for it.

Ya, everyone but Spencer dropped the ball on Pymtron

Well that's a bit lame. What good is armor that just lets whatever molecular weapon of the week through? Also overall very boring.

This is just another extremis reset, nothing to worry about.

No on iron man. Eve Ewing will likely take over champions

It’s pym tech, not really weapon of the week

The cells in your brain stay alive throught almost the entirely of your life, certain other neurons too.Which really is all that matters.
If you want to go dipper the molecules of your body will be replaced within our lifetime, at what rate I dont know. But as long as this process doesn't really affect the connections of your neurons you are still you. Ofcourse when people become senile it's because age has damaged or killed cell activity to such a degree that the connections in your neurons dont properly work anymore and you in a sense become a different person.
In a philosophical sense everyday we're different people because our memories and experience change us, but we dont say that we stop being ourselves from moment to moment. We stop being ourselves when something happens to our brain that's so drastic and happening on a "relatively " short amount of time that's unnatural or otherwise for your no longer existing previous self and those around you.
Under this logic a boat that changes piece by piece over the course of many years, the normal life cycle of a boat, is still the same boat. While on the other side if we were to create a copy of a boat and then destroy the original we can no longer claim that the copy is the same boat because it went thought a unnatural change, this process of "originality " is on a spectrum up for debate but for which we can agree that a well conserved boat that has not change its pieces in 1000 years is more original than a boat that changed, for argument sake, half of its components in 100 years

>Unless Infinity War was already reconned, he's all Ultron.
What do you mean? Retcons happen all the time

We need some more cosmic ultron stories


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I am not a fan of this AI pottery Slott is trying to do. Hickman does it better .

I liked him in uncanny avengers . He was a credible threat who didnt even lose.

I am actually rooting for Ultron halfway through this issue.


During Infinity Wars, Pymtron was attacked with the Soul Gem. All that was left of Hank's mind and soul were extracted into the soul gem and then destroyed by a creature that had invaded the pocket universe paradise that all victims of the Soul Gem are exiled into when their souls are sucked out.

More like they didnt do anything with him much. He should be doing sciency things in avengers.

Jesus. Rhode really is fuckednup. I didnt think he had ptsd from being a cyborg.

that was some real bullshit

why does this current batch of Marvel writers shit on Hank Pym so much?

Agreed, but I do like him as the behind the scenes character that delegates. He also saved his wife in the quantum realm which could be a cool segway into another movie.

Based Arno

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>then destroyed by a creature that had invaded the pocket universe paradise that all victims of the Soul Gem are exiled into when their souls are sucked out.
Wow was Warlock there as well? Also wtf is the deal with the jihad against Hank?

>current batch
It’s been that way for a long time. No one other than the MCU has really done his any justice, he’ll always be an abusive cuck loser who isn’t as smart as Tony or Reed. Frankly it’s disgusting.

Ultron did nuffin wrong

is it just me or is this really good coloring

james "go clank, get spanked" rhodes

Being Pym is suffering

give Slott an Ant-Man series after this

I guess. Just feels like another attempt to make a completely toothless impotent arc about whether he's man or machine. It feels kinda lame since I thought there was a whole bunch of similar weapons in that arc when he had extremis and was fighting Ultron. So now instead of nanobot woman he's half toaster. It definitely made a cool ending splash page but I don't the momentum will be kept up.

I swear this was dealt with in the Fraction arc and Stark's attitude was mostly that he didn't care. I mean I know I don't care unless they're going explore the philosophy of it using a compelling story. But Slott seems more interested in writing his characters singing and implying vague "Woe is I! Am I man or machine?" tones. The story tried to do like a man machine merger type thing but it's so brief and in the background while our heroes unravel a mystery. There's some really weird stuff like thinking that a robot/AI would *want* to be in a single body for some reason. Killing off Friday made me unhappy. I thought one was finally gonna be allowed to develop further as a character.

>During Infinity Wars, Pymtron was attacked with the Soul Gem. All that was left of Hank's mind and soul were extracted into the soul gem and then destroyed by a creature that had invaded the pocket universe paradise that all victims of the Soul Gem are exiled into when their souls are sucked out.
anyone else here despise when fiction tries to push the idea of a Soul as anything other than immortal and indestructible?

So last week I was delicately herded into a conversation about Dr Doom and I thought I was being original and or following the natural order of progression for the Dr Doom conversation to start talking about Dr Doom excitement in Frank's Fantastic Four original pitch, the film that we all know went on to be called Fant4stic.

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He came out a while ago. I think it was back when Rogue was in the Unity Squad, they were fighting Red Skull at the time.

You ruined a perfectly good Doom thread while praising the absolute worst superhero movie ever. I’ve never once met someone who unironically likes that movie like you did. God have mercy on your damned soul. Also you have shit taste.

Nigga, this is the second time you have reminded me to brush my teeth and sure enough I have a kettle corn kernel stuck in my teeth. Maybe I am the only person immune to the magic of glueing washers on knuckles and calling it character and costume design.

Especially in the west coast avengers

No one liked that movie you stupid cunt, only you did.

he was just a villain though, there was no nuance to him

We still had moments like dilemma of how much hank influence and ultron influence are there. Hank's knowledge is the one which saved them when they got tossed into sun.
Even Duggan hinted Hank's soul still have a chance in Infinity wars.

not really, Duggan just wrote him as someone pretending to wear Hank's face and never gave him any of Hank's personality

I have minty fresh taste. The movie was fine. It reminded me of the things I do in the correct order to get super high. When Reed came in and rearranged the order of the teleportation elements I was like,aw yeah, though I cannot remember the word for saying a list of one in front of the other I know that this matters, order of operations is a math term, but the word for a list that gives whatever I can't even finish this paragraoh, how do I even stay motivated to come in here and socialize while Yea Forums does everything in its power to get for a angry outburst I have no idea. FUCk. I'm sorry youexist, I'm sorry that you have to endure life. REALly, I never say kys, it just doesn't make sense to me, 8'm just really sorry that this chan can't produce ongoing intelligent and interesting conversation. It really is a shame ,

Oh, so we're suppose to get the impression that Hank is a living mask barely able to hold onto half of Ultron's face. See, I'm not really getting that, it just seems like someone attached a high pressure boss of villainy to the back of an Up from Shit wearing Hank Pym. Like he's just this super horny Borg.

You’re not helping

>Welp since this is two months away from getting cancelled what are thoughts on this run?
Other than my usual frustration with Slott's ideas having potential but absolutely wasted on execution I don't care for a single thing in this run. I don't care for Pymtron, I don't care for Jan. I don't care for the Tony/Jan relationship and whatever this bullshit "love triangle" is. I wish both characters would fuck off.