So in the world of RWBY there are Cat, Monkey, Rabbit, etc Faunus', but are there cow girl Faunus?

So in the world of RWBY there are Cat, Monkey, Rabbit, etc Faunus', but are there cow girl Faunus?
What do they look like, what weapons would they use, and do they suffer racial prejudice or do they get a pass for the...two obvious reasons...

Attached: touch-the-cow-do-it-now-remember-to-touch-the-13017341.png (500x795, 198K)

I miss her lads

Attached: thumb-110096.jpg (350x495, 37K)

she's not coming back

Cows are big and strong as fuck, but calm and level headed. They are gentle giants that use strength weapons. Dex fags need not apply. Other races are jealous of their talents.

Even manlet cows are 6'2".

What happened?

Well, Faunus only have 1 animal feature, so a Cow Faunus would probably only have something like horns or a cow tail.

I need an art piece of this desu.

Nothing, she just hasn't been around for 3 seasons now. Team CFVY got their own book series and are popular enough that they will show up again later on.

Attached: 55387119_p6.png (525x780, 257K)

Sounds like what you want are Draphs.

Attached: draphs.jpg (323x512, 31K)

That's some heavy sexual dimorphism.

Attached: C00520E8-D1B3-469B-8D05-C91817862170.jpg (1000x1414, 233K)

Its even a plot point. Draph cities became the cultural standard for trade, because their extreme sexual dimorphism means that they have to design everything for the 7ft tall males and the 3 ft tall females equally. This, coincidentally, means that Draph city and building layouts cater to both human-sized races (Humans, Erune) and short races (Harvin), which lends itself to cosmopolitan trade hubs better than human/erune communities (Harvin are too short for everything) and Harvin communities (other races wont fit).

The funny thing is, despite on the surface being a fetishbait race, in universe they are not treated as such. Erune are the ones that everyone in-setting seems to agree are the hot ones.

Attached: gbf.jpg (1024x470, 120K)

/d/-tier taste

Attached: 1568155656014.png (444x440, 139K)

Only normies would take that in offense.

Go back to Fox News you conservacuck

Oh that's not fair, user.
There's liberal amish too, I'm pretty sure.

What color is that supposed to be? Cause I honestly cant even guess

Team names aren't colors. But that's Coffee.

I'm a centristchad ya niggerloving libcuck

prove it boipussy, otherwise get ready for a skull fucking!

>liberal amish
Nigga, what the fuck are you smoking

Damn, he still cant draw

>Damn he still can draw

Got any better art to post, or are you going to be a whiny bitch?