When did south park jump the shark?

when did south park jump the shark?
I feel like it's around the time Cartman's voice changed and Matt and Trey were convinced they were some sort of political visionaries instead of just guys making a silly cartoon, but I can't put my finger on it.

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season 10

Whenever the boys stopped acting like kids and Randy became the main character.
If you want that feeling of old South Park just play the video games.

It always sucked. It was never good. Fuck that show.

Exactly. They've been asshole kids that react to current events for so long that the meager novelty is gone. If they had any sense of respect for themselves, they'd have ended that shit years ago.

When they started making fun of things I like and politics I agree with.


Pretty much this, which is to say yeah, season 10 or so. It used to be about 4 foul mouthed and somewhat naive children against the world. Now instead of acting like 8 year olds they act like college kids, but none of the necessary changes in their personalities and setting have occured to make that change work. The show needed to change to survive but they couldn't/wouldnt commit to changing it completely so they half assed it.

When chef died either in irl or the show.

i cant believe they still stick to that stupid once a week shit when the games prove their writing dramatically improves if instead of current events, you just write a silly story and take their time with it

The biggest change they tried was serialized storytelling with the 2016 season. Problem was that they decided to be super topical with the election and ORANGE MAN BAD etc, but they had hinged their entire narrative on Hillary winning with no alternative plan just in case. Fucked them up pretty bad. Not surprised they'll never try to do anything differently ever again.

When I got out of middle school.

What you wanted to ask is "when did I grow up and stop enjoying things I enjoyed as a kid".

To me, it still hasn't happened, and I started watching in 1999. Looking forward to season 23 of the only American cartoon that is still worth watching. Everything else loses to anime.

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It still hasn’t made important characters lesbian so never

I still like the old seasons though, because they're legimately funny. Leave it to the fucking mongoloid retards on Yea Forums to attribute nostalgiafagging to everything tho

Of course you do, since they're genuinely good. You just can't enjoy good episodes from newer seasons because "new thing bad".

orange man bad season was pure shit and no one liked it so they promised not to do it again and they did it again and that season was even worse. now theyre still following the same structure minus trump while trying to inject more random stuff into it. its better, but not great. they just refocused but its still the same. they need to pull the video game writing instead of what they do now. they need to actually plan and write over a series of months instead of on that week as the episode is animated.

topical shit is ALWAYS bad comedy, but silly weird adventures are ALWAYS great

i can't even watch the early seasons anymore. I can just smell the Republican boot leather they're trying to feed us from the beginning.

it got exponentially worse once they got into the ripped-from-the-headlines stuff, which was very early. Even the stuff they weren't wrong or naive about, they were still heavy-handed as hell.

when the movie came out, once every animated show gets a movie most of the staff that worked on the most iconic aspects leave to do other shit.
worst things they did was replace kenny with butters and kill pip, kenny rarely plays apart in episodes and hasnt ever since that time they killed him permanently*

>topical shit is ALWAYS bad comedy, but silly weird adventures are ALWAYS great
Yeah, episodes like Cartman Joins NAMBLA were awful.

The season where Butters and Tweek replaced Kenny is objectively the best one. The first two seasons are okay but still kind of shit and hard to rewatch.

Matt and Trey got old.
They replaced more relatable life issues through the lenses of the kids into just political issues the kids just deal with like everyone else.
It's a lot harder for two guys in their 40s to genuinely tap into the youth culture like they did 20 years ago.

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the first seasons where peak south park, the seasons where butters and tweak replaced kenny were total fucking shit
>oh and uh tweek is boring and does coffe shit i guess

Honestly this. I just don't see the appeal. They always choose the most obvious thing to make fun of, take the most absurd way to play it and then repeat the joke all episode.

They didn't.

The point of South Park was that kids are gullible to adult things and that's the reason why they got in weird situations, so what's the problem with Butters?

This is definitely part of it. They got old and lost touch with how actual foul mouthed kids act. We won't ever get a towelie episode where they just want everyone to fuck off so they can play videogames all weekend again.

the kids are slightly gulible, misunderstand things but generally know about some adult shit, butters is just completely oblivious to everything
>sees his dad fucking and sucking
>literally eric in a box costume
>mom tries to kill him
>doesnt react
>gets chained into the basement and fed human meat
>completely unaware of why his parents think hes a demon
he's like the comic relief character that tries so hard to be funny but never is, and he never does things of his own will, everything that happens to him is because someone else told him to do it or tricked him into doing it


You jerkoff, it's not the fevered imaginings of a handful of nostalgia blinded shills. Viewership of the show dropped by over 60% in just two seasons, user ratings crashed similarly. The show is shit now


Why are Americans still obsessed with TV ratings? Those times are OVER, just like your good old childhood days, so you better get used to it.

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>it's big on Instagram, that proves it's more popular and relevant than ever
lmfao at your life

They jumped multiple sharks depending on your tolerance any one could be THE shark. The earliest one being Season 4 for "Changing the Status Quo".

This was Matt and Trey openly giving you permission not to watch this garbage anymore

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The boys barely ever acted like kids.

>I don't like it so it's not legit
Now you're just arguing with your feelings.

Both console games did incredibly well in sales. Which one of your favorite cartoons had a best-selling game in recent years?

Lol keep going this damage control is great

How many retweets did it get?

>damage control
I don't think you know what that means.

Years ago Matt got a great internet-profit sharing deal. It's because him and Trey were smart and knew that eventually the internet will do better than TV. Comedy Central did not believe this and they're still depending on South Park, just like back when it saved them.

>They made fun of my Prezidunce!!!

When is the new season starting?

Next Wednesday

not to the point that Simpsons did.

The early seasons seem so comfy. It lost that feeling around 2003. Yes I'm old.

>those times are OVER
Yes, we all remember those halcyon days when people still watched TV, back in the long forgotten year of 2016. But then in 2017, the Internet was invented, and everyone abandoned TV en masse.

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He is kinda right, the simpsons is bleeding viewerships yet the app game is making millions.

I mean yeah the toilet humor was for dipshtts, but everything else was decent.

I liked it a lot when the backgrounds of the show were not as detailed, I think that since season 7 they started to change them.

That was a problem, but honestly I think it was worse that the ongoing plotline was stretched too thin and all the humor was really weak.
Like they worried so much about making each episode connect to the next, they had no energy left to make decent jokes.

Also why the fuck did the ads make PC Principal appear in that ad with the swingset? That was this big important reveal, but they never touched on why it happened.

I wouldn't say NAMBLA was exactly topical. I mean look how many people thought Matt & Trey made it up.

Isn't most of it toilet humor


also kys yourself

Whenever they started actively appealing to kids who shouldn't have been watching the show and making meme plotlines instead of simply using the adventures of the south park kids as a vehicle for social/political commentary. So maybe like season 9 or 10, though they've still worked in their fair share of gems when they manage to stick to the correct formula.

South Park jumped the shark when they stopped making fun of people you don't like and started making fun of people you do like

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this isn't the case though. i started watching the show when season 19 was still airing, so i have no sense of nostalgia for the older episodes. they are still better, and the new ones still suck.

A long time ago
Too many politics, too many current event episodes, too much wanting to say something
I miss stupid fun SP

Probably around the time of Obama's election where they just started making episodes that became ripped from the headlines because they could shit something out in two days.

i miss when they just acted like kids and got into funny situations

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... in season 1 there's commentary on homosexuality, developing nations, religion, obesity, plastic surgery and more. Each episode ending with the "I learned something today" schpeel.
South Park was always political. It jumped the shark when people unironically started believing it was a silly show about kids being vulgar and the creators played too much into that instead of giving coherent commentary laced with humor. The actual problem with south park is that Trey and Matt are trying to appease people like you and missing the boat entirely because they think you idiots want Randy memes and meaningless pop culture references (which admittedly, a fair amount of viewers do respond positively to). Ultimately I think they need to go back to their roots and ignore both your kind and the newer meme lover kind and give us Season 3-6 style writing: coherent commentary with the kids being humorous mouthpieces.

I heard chef's actor quit because they made fun of Scientology.
Which seems extremely hypocritical considering that means he was ok with the show making fun of everything but his religion

>Each episode ending with the "I learned something today" schpeel.
which was used in an ironic, funny way

the original show walked a fine line of delivering some amount of commentary, but not enough to date the whole product.

the most important thing that I think was lost is the skewering of the idea of celebrities and popular things AS A WHOLE.

there was an interview with them I read where they ask you to imagine Jennifer Lopez taking a shit -- which expresses that idea that the whole image of her is a bunch of crap.

the wrong way to express that, on the other hand, is to make an entire episode about Jennifer Lopez and specific stuff about her life. I forget what season that was but they'd already lost their way by that point.

It's complicated. Scientology resigned for him while he was sick.

The UPS episode. When you're resorting to unironic Baneposting in your show, it's over.

But it used to be ironic
Now they actually believe the stupid shit they say

I don't think I'd go that far.
Certainly a lot of it is, even whole episodes, but but if it was most of it it would have burnt out a while ago.

No, we aren't the type of people who want Randy memes. I, for one, fucking hate Randy.
Yes the show was always satirical but it was through the lens of naive, vulgar children which made it unique.

Agreed. Shit isn't any better than family guy.

>chef, whats a prostitute?

>Also why the fuck did the ads make PC Principal appear in that ad with the swingset? That was this big important reveal, but they never touched on why it happened.

Lots and lots of stuff and plot points were introduced in that season before they pull the ads stuff out of their asses and forgot almost everything, and then the discontinuity, lindsey, the ISIS foreshadowing gone, changing the idea of PC principal being the big baddie of the season and making him the reluctant hero, therefore pussing out by just making sjws ''just annoying but well meaning people''and the whole guns things coming from nowhere.

Then the next season with their plans for the boys vs girls plot, the girls dumping all the boys, hillary, jar jar ebrams and the memberberries, supposedly hillary manipulating the girls and commenting on 3rd wave feminism, all goin to shit because TRUMP STUMP and then making some nobody the bad guy who wasn't intended to be and even more discontinuity (cartman go from, i dont wanna lose this girl, to ''I see women for what they are now'' in one episode), and Kyle's speech about the boys and the girls re-conciliating was tacked on.....

Because next season, nope, they still hate each other, more Garrison Trump, and remember all those stupid autistic threads of ''End of South Park'' because of the stinger of that episode before the season finale (canada getting nuked).........Nope, nothing happens.

Basically, Trey and Matt got Trump Derangement Syndrome ironically.

When continuity started and they focused more on telling a shitty story with tons of plot holes than telling jokes. Also what little jokes they do make they immediately beat into the ground like the member berries.

The best thing that came out of South Park by far was the movie

it's way, way better than family guy

I miss the world being in danger and the town being destroyed every other episode. Sometimes it'd be a mundane slice of life about some kids finding a porno tape without realizing it, other times half the town would get brutally murdered on screen, and you never knew what it'd be going into it.

The season long stories having to build UP to a conflict kinda fucked this up. Means shit can't go from 0 to 10 in a single episode.

Also they are fucking masters at buildup but pretty much always fail to deliver when it comes time for the climax. Even with the GoT episodes that everyone liked, the final one was just kind of 'meh'.

stop it, seth