House of X 5 discussion thread continued

House of X 5 discussion thread continued.

Storytime and previous discussion

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So, how are Mister Sinister and the other villains that Charles decided to allow in going to fuck things up?

Big daddy Apocalypse won the Xmen bowl courtesy of Xavier, what a time to be alive.

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summary? I just returned after work
I assume something Hot happened that there is a second discussion thread

Sinister is just waiting until enough pod people have hatched before he triggers the backdoor code hidden in their DNA. Welcome to Sinister Island.

Every time a mutant dies, they get a clone. That's about it.

Hickman fans consider this a rather powerful show of creativity.

i'm going to miss this weekly schedule once it's done, sucks that Hickman's X-Men isn't biweekly

pretty hardcore

Shortest version is Xavier figured out how Mutants can be resurrected now so they're kinda unkillable. Also Krakoa got accepted as a nation and is making political overtures globally and Xavier and Magneto offered asylum/a home on Krakoa for all the mutant villains

Isn't it?

Just imagine if "The Clone Conspiracy" had the name "Hickman" on the cover instead of "Slott".Yea Forums would still be praising it to this day.

Mutants are right.

Truth be told, Slott (as his name suggests) is a lazy writer. Hickman on the other hand (as his name suggests), hiccups a lot, so you never know what he tried to say

Hickman cant write for shit

True, he writers for comic book connoisseurs

Clonefags are upset that mutants get actual, 100% accurate resurrections because muh Spider-man, muh Gwen clone, muh Jackal

Where's Moira?

Are they? All Hickman fans I know swear that Doom has never done anything bad, and that's why Marvel heroes trusting him to raise their children is "great writing".

I can't imagine a "connoisseur" saying this.

Based Hickman for pissing off clonefags

It's because you are a moralfag, and all moralfags are anal about "muh morality". There is literally nothing wrong with a maniac tyrant raising up kids. My dad did fine.

So far the plot has been the X-men just effortlessly dealing with everything so when exactly is something going to go wrong and create tension?

Most probably holed up in some secret place. Can't risk getting capped at her (possibly) last life.

on the one hand it is like too perfect but on the other Hickman did introduce a lot that could go wrong in it too

>surprise tommy in the thread


Powers of X has been showing us that it doesn't last and something happens

>So far the plot has been the X-men just effortlessly dealing with everything
That is not true.

Their state-of-the-art spaceship that was too strong to be scratched by any weapon on Mother Mold was completely destroyed by a bomb made from the parts of a gun.

So there's that.

All of the mutants who died last issue are resurrected through Krakoa's pods, and it turns out they've been doing this for a while and are planning on bringing every mutant back.
Thanks to Emma, most countries have recognized Krakoa's statehood. Notably, Russia, Wakanda, Madripoor and Latveria did not.
All mutant villains, including Apocalypse, Mister Sinister, Exodus, Sebastian Shaw, Gorgon, Selene, and others, have been accepted into Krakoa.

I see that you missed the part when x-men were sent to a kamikaze mission, and the one where the x-men died by nimrod to give intel to Moira.

I wonder how comparable Nate Grey’s new revised reality is with Krakoa.

How long until the Five comes crashing down with Proteus going crazy or Hope going full rebel.

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Resurrection explained. Villains showed up on Island through an invite from Charles. And mostly talking about how weird and culty then especially if its not getting reset before dumped into 616.

I do find it interesting that Cassandra was missing from the villain line up

Glob Herman is off to save the day then.

>Marvel already forgot they gave Jean an infinite lives cheat only to give her an entirely different infinite lives cheat
What even was the point of Venomverse besides tangentially setting up Absolute Carnage? Was it to turn Ultimate Wolverine Jr. into a Poison? That event only had like 3 casualties, 2 of which Marvel has already forgotten were dead. Fuck's sake.
>last life
Kinda flies in the face of the entire fucking premise of this arc.

You Hickmanfags are like Calvinball players. Changing the rules of the game as you go.

When any writer takes the DNA of a character, develops a new body from it and put the characters memories on it, it's a "clone".

When HICKMAN does it, though, then it's "totally resurrection".

i'm so fucking furious Hickman redeemed Goldballs and thus Bendis' run

there's 100% fucking on Krakoa

what's madipoor's status now anyway? remember when Mystique bought it, or tried to i don't remember how that resolved

>I do find it interesting that Cassandra was missing from the villain line up
I do find it interesting that Nate grey was missing from the hero xmen line up

I mean, both those things aren't going to happen for reasons directly explained in the issue

Age Of X-Man: Repress your desires for everything

Krakoa: B horny


Uncanny: They will always kill us

Krakoa: They can fuckin try

Whose worse, Naruto or Krakoa?

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Moria won't reset at birth this time. and I feel like Jean kinda referenced that she was gonna be reborn somehow regardless. Her line with Storm after the resurrection.

was Nate on that list of Omega mutants back in issue 1?

i actually will be disappointed if they don't go into the whole Ship of Theseus aspect of it.

Goldballs didn't need redeeming. If anything this event threatens to ruin his character because now his power makes no god damn sense as it needs multiple other mutants to do anything.

I feel like this story is kind of loosing steam. It's decompressed as hell. So much page space is devoted to to explaining what's going on rather than just moving the plot along. Did we really need all those pages and panels of Storm going "YEP THEY'RE BACK PREACH IT BROTHERS AND SISTERS"?

I have a feeling that Maker is cloning X-Men to make his own cult army. And the real X-Men are coming in to basically kill Krakoa. I have a feeling Xavier is a Maker Clone with Xavier's powers.

>Kills mutants needlessly
>Cheapens death by bringing characters back to life
>Makes Emma use her telepathy to advance the mutants' agenda

"Rosenberg is awful! This ain't my X-Men!"

>Kills mutants needlessly
>Cheapens death by bringing characters back to life
>Makes Emma use her telepathy to advance the mutants' agenda

"Such an imaginative writer! Have the X-Men ever been this fresh? Hickman is fucking amazing!"

Goldballs was never ruined. He was a fun joke and thats it. If anything Hickman ruined that. Goldballs was pure. What about Tempus everyone hated her.

I'm embarrassed for you making this post.

>tommy was rosenberg all along
suddenly everything makes sense

Pretty sure Xavier is just micro managing everyones minds now. There will be no rebellion.

>Did we really need all those pages and panels of Storm going "YEP THEY'RE BACK PREACH IT BROTHERS AND SISTERS"?
yes. The cult like mentality and unease should be emphasised. If anything, get rid of the CHARTS

Tempus was great and people hated that Bendis very weirdly went scorched earth on her at the end of his run so nobody else could continue using her

>When any writer takes the DNA of a character, develops a new body from it and put the characters memories on it, it's a "clone".
Character souls can enter clone bodies if the original is dead. This has been established REPEATEDLY over the years. Fuck's sake, Jean was able to eat a piece of Madelyne's soul precisely because of that.

She really should finish her meal seeing as Madelyne isn't even doing jack shit right now. Too damn many red headed psychics running around.

goldballs was a fucking bendis self-insert, so good fucking riddance

based xavier, not like I could say anything else, though

Honestly I found Tempus to be kind of a cunt, but not in a bad way.

i did not realize i was alone in hating goldballs for being bendis' forced unfunny joke character and hoped to never see him again

yeah they need to sell that this resurrection is legit and it's as if they didn't die. or to make xavier seem culty. take your read.

So how will Wolverine get his Adamantium bones back?

user, anything by bendis will be hated and rightfully so

>was Nate on that list of Omega mutants back in issue 1?

Nah, Franklin Richards is still considered top dog reality manipulator.

>was Nate on that list of Omega mutants back in issue 1?
I wonder why nate grey not in Krakoa?

The real Wolverine is going to show up and literally fuck shit up along with the current day X-Men. Just watch. Xavier is going to be revealed to be Maker.

I'm guessing it's Tempus just setting the mutant embryos to a last saved state.

None of Scott and Jean's alternate reality kids from the future were.

>Character souls can enter clone bodies if the original is dead. This has been established REPEATEDLY over the years.
Remember in "Clone Conspiracy", when it was repeatedly hammered down that the clones weren't clones, but the originals resurrected?

Neither do I.

Rachel and nate summers are not omega.

Iran, Russia, Brazil and Honduras have no reason to refuse a trade treaty with Krakoa

Reminder that everybody on Krakoa has seen Jean Grey naked.

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I've thought for a while this was Moira's tenth live, and this issue cinches it. I am now sure that the X^3 future we've seen is the ultimate end for this timeline. Consider:

>The blue ones want to achieve immortality by copying their minds into machines and being absorbed into Phalanx.
>The mutants have achieved a form of immortality by copying their minds into Cerebro and then a clone host.

>Nimrod expressed regret for not being able to reconstruct the mind of everyone, including that black-brained one in the vat.
>Xavier wishes he could save everyone who died in Genosha before he had his backup system in place.

>Cypher is the heart of their system, and already infected with the TO virus.

I think those are very intentional. If I were to hazard a guess on the timeline it would be:

>Sinister still betrays them, Krakoa is possibly still destroyed, but with Moira's warning those are minor setbacks. The mutants win and baseline humans go extinct. (Except for that zoo we saw in X^3)
>Nimrod is created, as seems inevitable. But this is a Nimrod friendly to mutants, and all aboard the "immortality via memory copying" train. Nimrod starts trying to retrieve the memories of any mutant (human?) who ever died.
>A thousand years of peace. They tinker with the clone bodies until they all turn blue, for some reason. Moira is alive throughout all that, very very happy that it worked
>Something goes wrong with the Phalanx plan. Moira resets.
>We are now in 616 proper.

>was Nate on that list of Omega mutants back in issue 1?
he is too strong for Krakoa.

No, Makerbro... it’s over. We lost...

Anyone noticed that we basically enter the DBZ-tier resurrections? Anyone knows if Krakoa has any magic balls?

yeah, but the sight of naked sniktbub ruined the x-perience

Did the Neos get revived or is Marvel sweeping them under the rug? What about those Mutant/Deviant hybrid kids from Almost Reno?

This story’s going to start impacting the rest of 616 starting with Incoming though. Invaders even referenced Krakoa.

Wolverine's adamantium isn't connected to his DNA

probably not pure enough yadda yadda. remember that mutants are genetic supremacist. they are right wingers after all

For some.

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Is this the first time Wolverine has seen Jean fully nude?

>i actually will be disappointed if they don't go into the whole Ship of Theseus aspect of it.
They won't.

It's further ridiculous with the Cuckoos, who are already clones to begin with, who are now "immortal" because they have clones of clones.

It'd be kinda cool if these muties were impostors and the real ones were out there.

That would require somebody to remember or give a fuck about the Neo, one of Claremont's biggest flops.

notice that he doesn't look at her, so I guess that he never had seen her nude

>Remember in "Clone Conspiracy", when it was repeatedly hammered down that the clones weren't clones, but the originals resurrected?
With in some cases dust from their corpse.

A clone is a clone is a clone. It's literally a rebuilt body using a genetic sample. It's not like they were Frankensteins. The soul was original but the bodies were clones. Essentially the process was quite similar to the Inheritor's system.

I very much doubt that "Xavier" isn't Maker. It certainly isn't maker himself. It HAS to be Maker's clone. Has to be. Wolverine wouldn't just go into a cult. He has way more world experience than most if not all of the X-Men.

I wonder how these muties cope with the fact the two mutants they don’t control, Franklin (Humans) and David (no allegiance), could do what took them all this effort, effortlessly.

616 Wolverine fucked AoA Jean Grey, does that count?

It's so Malcom X.
I think the premises are interesting even if they must be seen in the Marvel context and not from my point of view as a reader.

it's not a fucking movie! also, at least he tried to do something new instead of reusing magneto and sentinels

All of these alternate futures will never happen. No matter how hard an artist pushes for it none of these events will ever have any true status quo changing impact. Just look aarons thor, none of the shit that happens there lines up with HOX.

The real ones are dead.

Those are all "Ben Reillys".

no, because it's not 616 jean grey

So with 3 issues left to go do you think anything will actually go wrong? Or will that be saved for the ongoing?

Why it HAS to be the Maker? What is so "Maker" about him, other then the fact that he wears a helmet?

Is he stretchy? Does he have Maker's personality? Does he have the Maker's goals?

I'm thinking X3 Nimrod is about to dab on the blueskins

Are we taking bets on how Krakoa is destroyed? High Evolutionary just drops an asteroid on them because immortality=stagnation=bad?

it's supposed to change the status quo of the x-men the way morrison's run did

>no, because it's not 616 jean grey
she is 616 jean grey

So by "break all the rules", Moira meant "fuck death"?

Can't destroy all mutants if we keep making clones of them, right?

no she isn't

Maybe she was trying to post on Yea Forums.....

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You're confusing Jean with Rachel. Only Rachel works on the "every version of me ever is still me because i remember all my doppelganger lives" mechanics.

>Can't destroy all mutants if we keep making clones of them, right?
I mean, you can. Repeated revival damages the soul. If you kill them enough they start going insane.

>Only Rachel works on the "every version of me ever is still me because i remember all my doppelganger lives" mechanics.
Couldn't Kamela do that with a power tweak?

I haven't read that. Was there anything more than a name? Because if not, it can be explained by Krakoa playing some role in 616 proper.

I don't understand what you mean. Of course those futures will never happen, if Moira resets one more time at the end like I think.

Friendly reminder that:
1. Absolutely NOBODY gives a fuck about the X-Men anymore.
2. Yea Forums actively wants ALL mutants characters murdered as brutally as possible and their corpses raped.
3. Hackman's saga is gonna flop hard and should convince MarLEL to never publish a mutant character ever again.

So Angel still has the metal wings even though he no longer has blue skin, cool.

>I mean, you can. Repeated revival damages the soul.
Clones are the owners of their own souls. See Ben Reilly and Peter Parker, Madelyne and Jean Grey, Hate-Monger and Hitler, etc.

The X-Men you knew are dead. We are now reading the adventures of their clones.

So why did they not send One of the strong ones like Mags to the station since nobody Can die anyway?

What I'm trying to say is that marvel always pushes these things as "its 100% going to happen bro". It gets grating to have that happen in nearly every event.

>Just look aarons thor, none of the shit that happens there lines up with HOX.

Isn't that supposed to take place millions of years after the Phalanx shit?

>Kurt's smile

Fucker knows exactly what he's doing

Seems pretty explicit to me.

Are you really expecting the X-Men to not show up in any other books for the next several years? Even with the Incoming teaser? Because that’s not happening.

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Based Wakanada.

Why didn't Proteus destroy Mother Mold from Earth?

It's the way Hickman rolls. It has never been explained why Dr. Doom could fight against the Celestials, but the much more powerful Franklin Richards need a boost to have a chance. Or why Franklin is powerful enough to remake an infinite number of universes, but not powerful enough to stop one incursion.

But it works. He writes like this and everyone loves it. Why stop now?

>See Ben Reilly and Peter Parker
Ben Reilly was revived repeatedly through cloning to the point where it damaged his soul. It was kind of a major assp- I mean plot point.

>The X-Men you knew are dead
Jean can revive herself at will. Why wouldn't she just possess her clone instead?

Proteus can’t warp stuff he can’t see. He’s not Wanda or Jamie Braddock.

Here's your best Marvel writers bro

What are they planning?

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Ewing looks like garbage, what the fuck?

He used to be less greasy.

It seems pretty explicit, but it's vague enough to fit a Krakoa that's not the same as the one we've seen.
>Are you really expecting the X-Men to not show up in any other books for the next several years? Even with the Incoming teaser? Because that’s not happening.
What? Of course not. Where did that come from? I expect the reset to happen at the end of the HoXPoX run, and then we get to explore Moira's new plan in 616.

It won't reset. You're in denial. These are the X-Men now.

There's not going to be any reset. This issue even cleared up how some of the ongoings are going to work.

My thoughts exactly, all Magneto or Polaris needed to do was get the ship close and they'd have solved everything.

Hickman and his entire worldview is America. So to him: Iran/Russia/Brazil are bad because they don't suck America's dick.

Xavier would never subject any mutant to a cult. Xavier would never do ANYTHING that has occurred in House of X. If anything, Xavier has always been against this sort of thing. This "Xavier" is a clone. Magneto is in a dream made real.

Maker has done similar things before, as it wouldn't be his first time doing such a thing.

Russia does, they don't want another rival on the geopolitical stage. The rest, I agree.

I suppose we'll see about that.

>Xavier would never subject any mutant to a cult
What, exactly, do you think the X-men is? Y'know, the group of child soldiers raised to fight and die for Xavier's "Dream."

>So why did they not send One of the strong ones like Mags to the station since nobody Can die anyway?
How many times do they have to lose an island before you realize they should probably focus primarily on defending the island?

Lotta absolute dumbasses itt lately. If you want off Hickman's wild ride, please go. The Rosenberg run is still there for you to reread.

So what happens when one of the mutants they need for this process bites it in an event? And by one of the mutants I mean Tempus since she's already shown a willingness to tell the timeline to get fucked to fix shit.

I'd say 27 deaths in rapid succession and remembering the grueling process of death each time while also going through Jackal's kinda janky cloning process is pretty different from the Krakoa revival system with all of its redundancies and reality warping.

No one sucks american dicks like Bolsonaro, though.

Honestly, I think Hickman just took names out of a hat and went with it. It's not really important.

I mean, Storm would never behave like a cult-leader, either. But she is, now. Is she the Maker, too?

How about all the flashbacks that have been leading to "House of X". Are they false? Creations of the Maker? Was that actually the Maker in the past?

Do you have any reason to believe that this is the Maker other than "Xavier is wearing a big helmet"? If Xavier wasn't wearing Cerebro, do you think you would believe that he is actually an evil Reed Richards?

Solicits and previews show the X-Men still on Krakoa, a bunch of mutants who were dead in 616 still alive again, and Xavier still in the same costume and still hanging out with Magneto and Apocalypse.

Face the facts user.

He devoted himself fully to his role. No time for exercise or showering when you have to read every Marvel comic ever written as research for your funny books.

So, the question continues. Does Hickman wants us to see the X-men as the villains, or, he simply wants us to see THESE x-men as the villains, so the actual ones, in the "real/final life" timeline that'll start in the uncanny run will contrast the current ones and make right choices?

Yeah, totally 1:1. Great observation, champ!

Reddit is right there, buddy.

They'd just restore a lost member of the Five like anyone else

You'd have to get all of them at once to really make a difference. And they probably have backups ready for that too

Ah yes, "Reddit," the hottest insult of 2013. He's fallible, but your criticism just isn't up to par.

So they've basically turned the mutants into Inhumans, right? Isolated cult like society with a strict hierarchy centered around a sociopathic asshole with headgear to focus his power whom they basically worship living on a floating island while relying on a strictly controlled process for their continued survival that they will defend with x-treme prejudice.

Sorry Tommy, unlike you we aren't on leddit by choice, not for being too retarded even for them.

What choices have they made that have been “wrong”?

Scott spelled it out in the first issue. They got sick of being genocided. It's that simple.

Elixer can revive them as well as himself, they're always together now like a family.

Franklin was able to recreate the multiverse using Molecule Man and the Beyonder powers Doom collected after ‘sploding them.

He wants us to see mutants as a society unbound by such notions as heroes or villains. Nation building leaves no room for rigid morality. Also like half the villains that showed up towards the end of the issue as the "worst of the worst" had already been on X-teams in the past so I don't see how this is at all different from how it usually plays out.

What have they ACTUALLY DONE that's explicitly evil, more so than their standard MO? Resurrecting themselves? As if mutants didn't already have a revolving door when it came to death. Blowing up a sentinel and killing some human supremacists in the process? That is, at worst, X-force behavior. Building a nation? It's just Utopia or Asteroid M or Genosha all over again. Giving amnesty to explicitly evil folks? The X-men have always allowed mutant villains to join their team so long as they agree to stop being evil.

The closest thing to an evil act was Emma using her powers to influence some politicians to side in their favor which she did of her own volition and is completely in character for Emma. Even then, the end result was just that the small handful of governments that were against it abstained from voting instead of voting no, and got Krakoa recognized as a sovereign nation. Morally dubious, maybe, but not evil or villainous. If fucking LATVERIA gets to be a UN recognized nation, then why can't Krakoa?

Trusting Xavier. This is the dude that tried to get Cyclops shot through the back of the neck by Hawkeye simply for becoming too powerful to control.

Hope is a power mimic, she could cover a role long enough to get a lost member back if needed

X^3 has to be a continuation of X^2. Nimrod the Great from X^3 is the AI Nimrod the lesser made in X^2 its why he wanted to stick the hound mutant in the bath in the first place. And second Nimrod the greater is working on that hound we saw go into the bath in X^2. So much shit has to go the same for that mutant to be in that Nimrods bath.

Cheapening the concept of life with rez abuse, acting like a cult high on acid, brainwashing people that disagree with them, setting the success of their nation state above their individuality, being species supremacists.
Only an idiot would think any lashing out marginalized people do gets excuses because they're marginalized.

They are eugenicists which was born in left wing universities. They are just honest left wingers.

Synch and Mimic are also mentioned as possible replacements.

>If fucking LATVERIA gets to be a UN recognized nation, then why can't Krakoa?
Because Krakoa is a mutant nation, and Yea Forums wants ALL mutants to be exterminated as brutally as possible.

No. Shes lite on fire multiple times phoenix style consuming her clothes at least that.

He isn't even a fucking mutant. Why would they let him help with this shitshow?

There are a bunch of reason why a bunch of them shouldnt be ok with this. Yes especially wolverine. I wonder if Xavier is reprogramming them. Or at least doing mini Moria memory dumps. But if so they should be way less hippy and more militant.

For that matter, Doom has always been one to treat muties and humans equally, why did he oppose?

It must be utterly exhausting to be around you in real life. No wonder.

>X^3 has to be a continuation of X^2.
X^3 can't be a continuation of X^2 because X^2 stopped existing once Moira died. Those Moira's lives don't keep going after she dies, the whole thing ends.

Honestly the phoenix might show up with its hard on for evolution. Thats why it came in AvX just to remove the Wanda block.

>Doom has always been one to treat muties and humans equally
He manipulated Wanda into genociding mutants.

it's been repeatedly established in Marvel cosmology that if a dead person is cloned, their soul naturally returns to their body. you only get a new person if the one who was cloned is still alive.

Does Moria get to be cloned also and still keep her powers going?

Treating LATVERIAN mutants equal to LATVERIAN humans. Under Krakoan law, all mutants are Krakoan citizens first and foremost. Why would Doom be OK with Chuck basically claiming ownership over Doom's mutants? Also, the primary point of contention is that any and all trade relations centers around the miracle drugs. Wakanda and then Wakanda Economic Bloc rejected because they have their own miracle drugs. Doom, likewise, has too big of an ego to accept the Krakoan miracle drugs instead of just making his own.

Phoenix should have a talk with Thor Girl about who's in charge of what.

Pretend to be a strongly subdued and persecuted minority Pretend that your country doesn't even recognize basic rights and want to kill you. (So, In short pretend to be black or gay.)
From this point of view, there is the will to seek a religious identity that has nothing to do with the existing one. Aggressive attitudes are also a natural consequence of constantly feeling threatened. Sure, maybe you have dangerous powers and so it is perfectly understandable that someone is nervous in your presence, but from your point of view "it's an unacceptable limitation to your potential".

So what do you do if your country doesn't even consider you a human being?

>Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.

As a rule we are used to seeing people acting in this way as terrorists or dangerous extremists who threaten our peaceful status quo , so if you are not part of the minority, you will find this a bit disturbing. Violent and aggressive methods in fiction are never seen as correct and X-men are behaving extremely aggressively here.

it is a very extreme change that needs to be seen where it will lead.

user. He lied to protect his waifu.
True, plus this whole deal strengthens Krakoa and why would Doom want another nation to have strength? Plus, he ain't need the meds either.

>it's been repeatedly established in Marvel cosmology that if a dead person is cloned, their soul naturally returns to their body
What story established that? Why wasn't Thor resurrected when Tony made his clone?

Based Hackman stripping all the mutants from their personalities to write his fanfic and muh charts.

user, look at how fanatic/creepy he has them act. Look at the fact that this isn't the current lifetime, it's a previous and as always, failed one.
We know where it leads.

It is 616 though.

mystical god shit

The X-men all got naked in front of a crowd of thousands.

He never told her to wipe muties, also he lied to protect to wanda.

Most recently? Scarlet Spider had Death herself explicitly confirm it, and in HUNTED, Dr. Strange confirmed that the Lizard's son, who had died and was then cloned by The Jackal, had his original soul.

You sure those are not feathers? Hard to tell with artistic license and all.

Villain X-Men are fucking awesome

Rightclops was the shot in the arm the series needed, and the radicalization of the mutant race will be cool as fuck if they don't back down once they integrate with the rest of the marvel universe

Too bad that will inevitably happen

How can I ask maker to clone me a subservient Jean for my personal needs?

Everything in here is 616. All of Moira's lives.

It's different for Gods. They don't have souls in the traditional sense since they're the physical manifestations of myth and faith made flesh. When the Asgardians all die, the Ragnarok Cycle just causes them to resurrect anyways. In the very case you're citing, their souls had already just went and inhabited human hosts.

>Morally dubious, maybe, but not evil or villainous.

Brain fucking politicians and is a pretty explicitly evil act

Its just an excusable evil if you think Krakoa is the mutants only option

I’m not sure how I feel about this whole weird mutant ethnostate cult thing, it’s really jarring to me. The fucking naked goopy ritual and Storm acting all weird in particular was really off-putting.

>stripping all the mutants from their personalities
And their clothes.

Both pretty recent garbage. Hickman most likely had a hand on it.

Why Thor's clone didn't resurrect Thor? Why Gwen's clone didn't resurrect Gwen? Why uncle Ben's clone didn't resurrect Ben? Why Jean's clone didn't resurrect Jean?

Why Apocalypse didn't resurrect when Genesis was created?

No it isn't. "allow us to be free so as to better survive your attempts to kill us"

>Brain fucking politicians and is a pretty explicitly evil act
If an evil person intends to do something evil, or a non-evil person intends to do something evil on behalf of an evil person, then is it evil to stop them from doing that? If you're going to argue that it is, then you're making the argument that the X-men's psychics should never use their powers. How many times has Jean had cops "forget the X-men were ever here" or similar cases of using psychic powers to manipulate authority figures into thinking what the X-men wanted them to think.

Reminder that all the normie mutant folk got to gang up and touch the naked X-Men, and this probably broke into a big orgy. I mean, who wouldn't take the chance to fondle Jean's perky breast, caress Cyclop's long and girthy dick, or stroke Nightcrawler's slippery tail?

>I’m not sure how I feel about this whole weird mutant ethnostate cult thing, it’s really jarring to me.

Did you miss out on Rightclops? The radicalization of the X-Men has been a consistent theme for a long time now.

>Both pretty recent garbage. Hickman most likely had a hand on it.
Canon is canon, and Hickman wasn't even working for Marvel at the time that Scarlet Spider was happening.

His is now according to the charts.

I'm getting really sick of Marvel not reading Marvel.

Thats literally the point. Its almost like mutants falling to hubris, just like humans, because they essentially *are* humans is the longest running theme in all of Xmen.

I think psychics should use their powers a lot less than they use them.

If "resurrection through clones" is such a natural occurrence in the Marvel universe, why did they need Dr. Strange to confirm it for them?

Why has that happened only with two character (one of which is already a clone that doesn't share the soul of the original), while dozens of clones before them were not considered "the originals resurrected"?

>Why Thor's clone didn't resurrect Thor?
See: Or, an even simpler explanation, it just wasn't a good enough clone. It was like half robot.

>Why Gwen's clone didn't resurrect Gwen?
It did. Peter is just in denial, because he's firmly anti-clone.

>Why uncle Ben's clone didn't resurrect Ben?
What Uncle Ben clone?

>Why Jean's clone didn't resurrect Jean?
Because Jean wasn't actually dead at the time. Remember, Jean's actual soul and body were in the cocoon in the ocean while the Jean that died was just a copy created by The Phoenix.

>Why Apocalypse didn't resurrect when Genesis was created?
Same genetic material, but that was a different case. In all these, the body is a general replica of the one they had when they died, or near about, including memories and the mind (hell, this is also the case with Madelyne). Genesis never had Apocalypse's memories. Fantomex used Apocalypse's genetic material to create a genetic copy that was raised from baby to childhood completely differently. Different memories and experiences since birth.

In these cases, we have a perfect genetic copy including the mind. Not just the same genes. This was the case for Ben Reilly, for The Lizard's son, for these Krakoan clones, even for cases like Tony Stark or Captain America or any of the dozens of instances where this very conceit was used to revive characters in the past.

This is shit and isn't X-Men. It's really embarrassing how much you are all lapping it up. Fuck. Austen's run was more in the X-Men spirit than this dreck.

I agree, but that's a problem that's been inherent to the X-men since day 1. They almost never have a roster without at least one psychic, many times multiple psychics on the same team. It's not a new moral deviation from the X-men that Hickman has added, just more of the same.

The only real reason that prevents me from side with them, although they have every reason to want to build a homeland without humans is the "we are the new Gods".

This triggers me more than it should, not for this religious, but because it really is delirium that cannot end well.

>Just classic Magneto

Yes, but with Xavier who seems to agree. It will not end well, absolutely.

>the entire mutant population got to see Cyclops’ cyclops

They were already cloning themselves in order to try and replace their sisters. No idea where they got their sisters minds I guess they had a copy.

>why did they need Dr. Strange to confirm it for them?
Because it was a Spider-man comic and Peter has always been a real asshole when it comes to clones.

So are they going to have Wolverine undergo the adamantium bonding process again? r is he going to go feral again like in the 90's?

It seriously looked like some Eyes Wide Shut level shit.

They do feel very Inhumany. Less monarchy more kool aid though.

The ends don't justify the means. Altering someone's personhood or interfering with their ability to choose using their minds will forever always be wrong.

He's a mutant in the same way that Mr. Sinister is being given leniency as a "mutant."

Enjoy your kool aid.

Shouldn't Nightcrawler be VERY against this?

>Peter has always been a real asshole when it comes to clones.

it was just one of the most disastrous moments of his life and the clones brought nothing but misery to him. It's justified

Then, again, this is a problem with psychics in general. What Emma did is what she's always done, and isn't really any different from what Jean or Betsy or Xavier or Rachel have done countless times in the past during their tenure as members of the X-men or X-adjacent teams. Hickman and HoX didn't invent mutant telepaths using their powers to change people's minds or influence their behavior.

I wonder how mutants with human families they keep in contact with feel about this, like most of the New Mutants.

Attached: GuthrieDrama.png (1061x443, 1.09M)

You know what i want to see, since the X-Men are being sketchy as fuck? Some GODDAMN POLIGAMY. Give me some actual harems.

>Because it was a Spider-man comic and Peter has always been a real asshole when it comes to clones.

Clones brought back the green goblin, peter can hate clones all he fucking wants

Not like they can't still visit and spend time together. Krakoa seems to be able to teleport people all over the place, and I don't think Krakoa is anti-internet or telecommunications from what we've seen.

Hell, Sam Guthrie doesn't even live on Earth. He's off on Chandilar.

So are they just ignoring Jean Grey/Phoenix power level stuff, or did the Dark Phoenix saga not happen in this universe? At her "peak" she is cosmic level or greater.

This is something that I doubt they will address in any meaningful way, but this would be great to delve into

Isn't that already implied in the Sinister Secrets?

>are they just ignoring Jean Grey/Phoenix power level stuff
As of her resurrection in The Return of Jean Grey, she fully rejected the Phoenix and thus doesn't currently have any of the power boost from being a phoenix host. So she's not at her "peak."

>did the Dark Phoenix saga not happen in this universe
This is 616, user.

>At her "peak" she is cosmic level or greater.
She died last issue because of 3 small-time Sentinels.

Hickman doesn't give a fuck.

Did they explain how charles survived getting killed by cyclops?

yeah, but its time travel fuckery with the iterative life cycles altering time.

Which doesn't really matter since we're in the Moira X timeline, which is the 616 we've always known.

There was stuff about Logan plowing some guys wife.

While the wife's husband fucks another woman. Not really polygamy so much as swinging, but still.

Logan's probably gonna get together with Madelyne Pryor while Scott stays with Jean.

He was brought back in Soule's Astonishing X-men like 2 years ago now.

If there’s one thing Xavier doesn’t give a shit about it’s the well-being of kids. Especially the Guthrie kids.
Poor Icarus.

The what now?

Xavier's consciousness was still "alive" because of a "Black King" or something, so Fantomex gave his body for his mind to live in.

Did you miss last issue?

how come no one is talking about this dead sexy suit?

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>not knowing who the Shadow King is
Big yikes.

Do the mutants have memories of their previous deaths? Like Professor X does a backup until their very last moment of life?

Overall, do Nightcrawler and Wolverine remember being incinerated?

Kurt literally died and then BAMF’d his way out of Heaven; I think it’s safe to say his faith is shattered at this point. I really wish they’d address this fact, though.

Because it ruins the dumb as fuck "h-he's actually The Maker!" theory they cling to because there has never been a Reed, regardless of universe, that had anywhere near that amount of style.

The 616 we know has Emma as black king. This isn't it.

Yeah, Shadow King, such a famous character.

Which she presumably stopped being in the time skip between the end of Rosenbergs run and the start of this one.

Yes? Yes, the Shadow King is very much a famous character. He's arguable Xavier's archnemesis and has been a major villain at multiple points in Claremont's run. Even if you've never read a single comic before, he's the main villain of Legion.

Kurt is really in desperate need of some screentime. They’ve basically done nothing meaningful with his character since he came back and there’s still a whole bunch of loose ends they never tied up. But from what I can guess they probably never will.

As proven by her appearing as black king on covers. Which life is this? 9 or 10? And we know there's probably an 11th coming too

10. 9 was the Apocalypse/X^2 timeline.

I don't like how they stopped coloring the hair on Beast's head darker than the fur on his face.

No, the backups are updated every week I think. So the clones probably have no recollection of their deaths or the events leading up.

>Why Apocalypse didn't resurrect

He cant. He is an Eternal and they apparently self resurrect.

The futures with sinister betraying them is for this one, right?

Does this mean they're breaking up again?

Attached: WakandanDivorce.jpg (600x541, 143K)

They kept trying to make him seem extreme but it always ended up seeming reasonable in the face of the threats. This HoX stuff is just weird.

Yeah I wouldn't go on suicide missions and let a clone of me take over and fuck my gf after I die. The idea of it makes Prof X more villainous which I'm okay with it.

Btw, It could lead to a good whodunit mystery where a mutant is murdered and their clone has to figure out who did it. Kind of like the book/TV show Altered Carbon.

The only appeal of this is that its diffferent. And weird up till now I assume this was not 616 and would dump into 616 at the end.

proteus is a reality warper, easy peasy

It’s morally ambiguous brainlet. They aren’t villains or heroes, you’re supposed to feel conflicted about what’s happening.

based reed is going to have his son dab on the mutant scum down the line

reminder powers of x only goes to year 1000
in hickman's avengers, franklin is still in his prime, 50,000 years into the future and there are 0 mutants alive as they have been put down like the cultist dogs that they are

Holy shit, the X-men dumped her off somewhere because they couldn't be bothered to take care of her.

We did in the last thread.

Verdict:/fa/ as fuck.

The suicide mission had backups from the last second. Weather or not they remember dying if left in the air. Thats why Jean and M needed to keep the psychic link to Xavier up.

Things seem to be going too fucking well for our protagonists, the X-Men. The story is basically gathering interest solely because of the twists. What's the worst that can happen in the next few issues? Because I guarantee that it'll happen. This story needs some conflict

This is sad.

reminder, that emma CHEATED the vote, and therefore the entire legitimacy of krakoa is based on a lie

based captain america and the avengers are going to dab on the mutants when this gets out

brazil isn't bad, hickman has a boner for sunspot, so this is probably going to be addressed down the line for bobby

iran, north korea, and russia also make sense, not because of the whole usa-worldview but because they are totalitarian regimes who depend on absolute control to remain in power. the krakoan drugs would immediately diminish their domestic power


Fuck. This guy is annoying.

I don't feel conflicted about brainwashing or cult fanatics. There are red lines. Crossing them for suvival's sake ain't making this grey.


doom is a massive hypocrite, never forget this.

doom would only treat latverian mutants equal to latverian flatscans. also, he's not an idiot, he can just steal the drugs from another nation and try to reverse engineer them. doom accepting the treaty would admit that they are a nation of his equal, and he would never allow such a thing kek

My biggest headscratcher from this was how Hope's part of the resurrections was described. She's not a power ENHANCER, or hasn't been before. Is Cortez still around?

Cap and the Avengers have no reason to object. Mutants here just want an officially recognized homeland and be left alone. Only if they start acting like Erik Killmonger then they will become a problem.

So here's a question, how the fuck will this resurrection thing interact with Moira's powers?

This is status quo establishment, conflict comes later.

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Apparently, all she did was forced the Russians to abstain rather than veto the whole thing. I personally see no problem, fuck the security council and their veto power.

Rosenberg brought Cortez back from the dead and immediately killed him off again.

t. mutant scum

everything hickman has wrote in his marvel run is connected and hard canon. in X^3 the humans/machines try to ascend to the phalanx.

49,000 years later the machines and ultron rule earth. obviously something goes very wrong. more than likely the blue elder that is absorbed is an xavier copy and the phalanx rejects it or implodes or retreats back to another galaxy

Don't the muties ever wonder if humans are right? How dangerous arent omega level mutants on their own. Now imagine if you have a bunch of them teaming up. Even the low power level ones are dangerous as fuck especially when grouped up.

Wait, isn't the x^3 future the one where nimrod changed sides and humans are in a zoo?

it is very likely that this is the birth of a new Wakanda/Latveria that will become an integral part of the Marvel universe for a very long time.
A point where to concentrate all the mutants so that the "outside" world does not become too different from ours and at the same time, a place that the X-men will have to protect and manage in the coming years.

How much tumblr Mpreg is this goldballs s hit gonna lead to

What’s with Quentin’s rectangular pants?

>Moria won't reset at birth this time
Why? Is her power going to WAIT for a clone to be (re)born?

they grant asylum to maniacs and psychopaths like sabretooth, eventually they will come into conflict with somebody like cap, who hickman has written as a strong paragon of making sure justice comes for ones own actions. he fought tony til the bitter end for the illuminati's sins.

cap never believes in the bigger picture as being justification for current transgressions. because you can't build a better tomorrow on a lie of corpses, shady shit, etc...

also there was the conflict with reed and cyclops in issue 1, historically the avengers ally with the F4 over the x-men first, there will be a conflict way down the line, more than likely revolving over franklin. tony and cap will align with reed, all but confirmed

business casual.

Other mutants have been shown to have fairly useless powers before, AND he was making use of his power before this anyway.

it's a veto for a reason, it automatically tables any discussion of said issue, she might as well just had russia vote yes, it's the same result.

the funny thing is, will putin execute the ambassador for fucking up and replacing her, or did emma have her have to make a strong argument back to moscow lel

>tfw your gold balls were actually gold ovaries

Since souls are real, maybe the souls transfer to the husks to be reborn and Moira's powers wait for the soul to be free? Fucking hell, comics are weird.

Franklin Richard has raised the issue a couple of times, I don't know if other mutants have ever done it. Unfortunately, but this is the fault of the writers too much intent on making cool scenes, rather than reflecting on the implications of the powers, in most cases the Mutants are extremely irresponsible.

They believe that only because they are born with the possibility of doing something, then they are fully entitled to do that.

Shouldn't the Muslim lady be against standing butt naked in front of everyone?

No because religion is only set dressing in comics.

I think the writers sometimes just forget Kurt exists.

This is just brutal.


the librarian nimrod drone that is floating around the blue guy who has cerebro's logo on his face tattoo. that blue guy is more than likely an older xavier mind backup. it's not coincidental at all

Attached: xblue.png (1024x768, 953K)

we don't know what kurt thinks yet, i'm sure it'll be addressed

we get the cardinals later on that have kurt's body but are super pacifist, it's possible that is the ideas that kurt later adopts after seeing moira/xavier's plan eventually blow up in all their faces

They just need a teacher to show them how to use their powers ethically.

Attached: J'onn.jpg (1085x1920, 615K)

That's why he's made them into canon PASTS.

Depends on how much the cult behavior goes. Xavier might do some "encouragement" that they shouldn't spend time with human relatives.

She's worlds worst muslim.

Attached: 1604196.jpg (1263x480, 902K)

I would love it if none of this is manipulation or bullshit, and it's just mutants having had enough and doing what they should have done a decade ago.

>Why Apocalypse didn't resurrect when Genesis was created?
He wasn't dead, everyone on Earth thought he was dead, he was actually in space with the Celestials.

Congrats on shaving those plot points down to the most generic synopsis so you can compare them to sound smart.

i'll just read his mind and figure ou-ARHGHHGGHRGGGGH

>doesn't wear hijab
>no one even knew she was a muslim in-universe for years
Yes, truly such a devout muslim lady would honor-kill herself for such shameful behavior

she's french-algerian/euro muslim, hardly burka saudi shit muslims

unironically this

Happens to Xavier quite a bit. If you think about it, J'onn is the perfect foil to Xavier.


Austen still killed Skin and I’ll never not be mad about that.


External. Not Eternal.

Nigga the X-men were fucking created by two Jews. You’re literally consuming Jewish media just by watching/reading anything X-related. Same with pretty much all capeshit.

>they grant asylum to maniacs and psychopaths
Meaning they're keeping said maniacs and psychopaths out of America.

It turns out Rosenberg was killing characters for pretty much the exact reason everyone figured he was killing characters

And Xavier's been some kind of fashionista?

>has to sperg out with JIDF posts every time someone uses multiple parentheses
And (x5 are the serpent-men marker, not the jew one

Shadow King is the behind-the-scenes ultimate boss villain of X-Men.

Where's Moira X? We haven't seen her in the "present" yet

sabretooth killed a shitload of people in new york city, he will face justice or ben will put his big rocky fist up scott's ass

Not a very good lecturer, either.

So can we expect a new PAD x-factor book in wave 2 after today's mention of requiring mutant investigators in the future?

X-Force is taking care of that, their mutant CIA now.

I didn't know Hickman was based.

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Who else did not expect Goldballs to be I AM UNTO A LAZARENE GOD

Gold balls as never funny.

Gonna need those details, user.

Attached: Screenshot_20190918-140646_Clover.jpg (1134x633, 410K)

They were selected to die, user.

The mission was suicide by design.

I think the construction of Nimrod is a recurring event, such as how AvX occurred in life 4 as well as the current one.

It does seem to be heading that way.

Isolation from family and friends is pretty typical for cults.

I wonder if he texted Miles and Ganke.

"Hey FYI the balls are eggs."

Okay right away, I got a problem with this whole cloning thing. Sorry if this has been answered but I'm not reading through 300+ replies.

How does Wolverine get his adamantium back in a totally new cloned body?

We don't know yet.

This whole run is a ploy to get Jean naked.

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They should rename him Golden Goose.

>Xavier's master plan allows him to see every single mutant in existence naked
The absolute madlad.

I wish they had pursued this plot point further. Why is age gap romance and pedophilia so frowned upon?

Wait a minute, the Bible taught me that "know them" is old-timey speak for "have sex with".
I'm getting Sodom and Gomorah flashbacks here.

Power gaps user. A 27 year old dating a 12 year old is shitty.

It ends with everyone rushing to touch the resurrected mutants.

But very hot and entertaining.

Is Evan Sabahnur still alive?

I can't believe that I get back from work and someone is still arguing that cloning doesn't count as resurrection.

There are still people that insist that Captain Hydra is the real Steve Rogers and the Captain America running around now is just a fake copy.

He was last seen in Apocalyse and the Extracts.

It just occured to me: We're told by Destiny that Moria only resurrects ten or eleven times. So the happy ending of this story is Moria arranging not to resurrect because she finally got a timeline that she considers positive.


It's not a twist if people have been saying since even before HoX/PoX began that the first pages we saw signaled that Xavier was somehow capable of resurrecting mutants (and that random posters' favorite dead character could now come back).

Does EVERY resurrected mutant have to go out naked in public? Poor Rahne.

I can't wait for a "the real X-men show up and say...What the hell?" arc, though I suspect that won't happen.

the problem is the way the events took place.
Skull had deliberately asked Kubic to lobotize Steve, so if Kubik replaced Steve with a copy she did it in a completely arbitrary way (aka out of her ass).

These contradictions stem from the fact that Spencer probably really wanted to delete Steve for Falcon, but Marvel must have told him that it was an incredibly stupid idea.

Both Storm and Nightcrawler would never accept this. Storm especially.

These are the true X-men.

Reminder that in the "Renew Your Vows" Spider-Man's What-If-ish book the Professor X created a mutant cult and mind-wipe the entire human population into accepting the mutants, and that Wolverine was totally A-OK with this, taking this opportunity even to finally marry and impregnate Marvel Girl since Cyclops left the X-Men in disgust over the whole business. The book treated Cyclops as if he was the villain for not following with the mass brainwashing "for the greater good".

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So does this make Goldballs everyone's mother?

At least Orochimaru seems to have actually reformed, I doubt that Mister Sinister has.

That's not how Storm would act. At all. Nor Beast.

Something fucky is going on here.
How do we know that's even the real Storm?

The vest is embarrassing, is this a high school prom?

We don't. Both cloning and Mind control are possibly at play here.

Is Beast still a SWORD agent? Why the fuck does anyone still trust Beast to do a damn thing?

Even if it was accurate, it's all in the execution brah

Reminder: all four of those panels are the same character

And Cap should never have put his private revenge against Stark while the world was at crisis, but Hick did it anyway. I also hope that there is an explanation, but I believe they are the real X-men.

>Nimrod Xavier

to think.

>Both cloning and Mind control are possibly at play here
If Marvel is actually self aware enough to have Xavier actually be the villain, I'll be shocked.

...wait, if Xavier becomes a villain, does that mean Cassandra Nova was an anti-hero all along? She, Xavier, and Onslaught should have a fight to the death over who's the worst Xavier.

Ask Professor X
It's blatantly obvious that Jean and Scott have been psychically altered.

it seems fair, after so many years of characte assassinations, let's put Xavier out of his misery with an irredeemable Bang.

Did Hickman write any of the FF out of character during his run there?

>Rosenberg brought Cortez back from the dead and immediately killed him off again.
He brought four of the Upstarts back from the dead, because Emma's plot needed Cortez for it to work. He never explained how they were alive. The X-Men weren't surprised they were alive. Then he killed them all again.

Rosenberg is such an unimaginative hackjob, he's like a child

It's more like why do the X-Men still trust Beast since he picks everyone else over them when it comes to things like this every time. My only answer is because "I need Muh OG X-Men"

So are the X-Men also going to bring back their dead villains like Mastermind, Avalanche, Vanisher, Silver Samurai, and the Marauders?
We already know they'll resurrect Vulcan.

Which villains will take the opportunity to change and redeem themselves?
Which villains will go all-in on joining Xavier's cult?
Which villains will continue to act like villains and ruin everything for everyone?

>ED BRISSON (W) • Flaviano (A)
>Cover by ROD REIS
>While the original New Mutants are off in space, the rest of the youth of Krakoa begin to make the future they want to live in. First up – Armor’s outreach party, seeking young mutants who have chosen not to come to Krakoa.

And dropped






Hickman addressed this in an interview. The first year or so is going to be a lot of wins to build mutants up, and then major conflict

Wow that's lame, I wanted the former X-Babbies, not the current ones.

>hinting really fucking hard at telepathic suggestion
>cult status
>infinite army of muties
>immediate access to all of mister sinister's knowledge on genetic manipulation
Definitely not Charles.

It's not even a matter of ego

basic strategic thinking shows it's an easy thing to change a miracle drug into a substance that a population becomes dependent on, Doom is just thinking ahead to what the muties are obviously plotting

a better question is, why is Namor being such a bitch and accepting the miracle drug, Atlantis wasn't on the reject list

I wonder if anyone notable actually said fuck no to the cult.

Namor's a mutant and been an X-Man several times, why wouldn't he recognize the mutant nation?

Everyone is OOC, but I think it's this fully submissive Cyclops that's creeping me out the most. He isn't even acting like a crazy cultist like the others, he is just simply submissive.

Dudes like Apoc being around aside, mutants aren't going full separatism. They established early on that non-mutants can come to Krakoa or go through the Krakoa gates, they just have the be given a pass first.

he is a mutant, his people aren't, as a king he should have renounced his throne if he was going to side with the muties and not drag his kingdom into it.


No one is in-character, the "science" of it is a joker, the "politics" of it a bigger joke, and the exposition is beyond ridiculous.

Any other writer asking the readers to pretend that cloning is a groundbreaking original idea would be panned, not praise, much less praise as the best writer alive.


>No one is in-character
That's the point, they're barely even trying to hint at it. They almost explicitly said in the dialogue between Emma and Charles that this is psychic manipulation.

>That's the point
I don't see how.

> They almost explicitly said in the dialogue between Emma and Charles that this is psychic manipulation.
They were talking about the people at the UN.

>I don't see how.
That's how more than one sentence/post works.
>They were talking about the people at the UN.

>I don't see how
it's pretty blatantly clear there is some fuckery going on. The characters not really being themselves is a plotpoint

Please don't dedicate a huge portion of the book to this, I just want Chamber and Mondo shenanigans.

These weeklies will end soon and no, it will not be revealed that the mutants are being manipulated by Xavier, on the contrary, they are doing it because they want and this off-characterization will be their new characterization.

What will you do, then?

>What will you do, then?
Nothing. I get that you're embarrassed for having missed the obvious, but forcing an internet argument isn't going to make you seem more competent.

>I get that you're embarrassed for having missed the obvious
The "obvious" being the "fact" that the X-Men are being mind-controlled by Xavier, right?

Here's the thing: I bet whatever you want that they aren't. They are all on the plan by their own volition and this trash characterization of them is just their normal characterization under Hickman.

call hickman a hack?

>I bet
Great, but who cares what you think?

He knows you can’t stick with a person who joined a cult.

Wait, why is Tempus with them? Last I remember she was stalking Scott to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

It doesn't say.
It's likely Xavier learned of her, found her with his powers/cerebro and then either convinced her / made her a deal like he usually does with people, or mind-influenced her, like he also does with people.

>The X-men have always allowed mutant villains to join their team so long as they agree to stop being evil.

and how often has that worked out?

does noone make shoes in beasts size, or is just opposed to them?

Why is everyone shitting on the mutants as if they're a real danger? Humans threaten the destroy the world multiple times a week and no one make a thread about them.

Professor X promised to lent her a Cyclops clone all for her own.

Just Sunfire and Rogue I think.

The ones that completely stuck?
>Dr Nemesis

The list of X-Men villains who went good guy for a while but got reverted to bad guy status is quite long.
Magneto can't make up his mind.

I just want Xavier to resurrect Tarot

can't accept a treaty with krakoa when your kingdom is a bunch of pebbles on the bottom of the ocean thanks to t'challa

Attached: 14321412414.jpg (428x510, 32K)

Everybody, let's laugh at this faggot thinking he's hot shit

Tarot's been alive again for a while.
She showed up in Spider-Man/Deadpool #11

You know, maybe this is why Destiny saw that the 10th life could be her last one. Last in that, instead of her going back in time again on her death here, her soul gets dragged into the gold balls instead.

Attached: 32432w41351.gif (334x251, 1.67M)

I guess you didn't read the "Sinister's Secrets" from the power of X #4 where its revealed Sinister had already replaced the Sinister that Charles brainwashed to help them with a different Sinister and is playing along for now.

Now i realize that after all these years this is the second picture i've seen of Hickman, always seen this same one otherwise kek.

Attached: file.png (842x960, 1.13M)


He's missing th western villain boots and white gloves to make it work.

Attached: file.png (932x1500, 1.48M)

But i don't care about the Xmen.

Not out of character but I thought he was noticeably weak when he was writing Sue.

>Literally created artificial human
>Straight up jacked another fag's body to make himself younger
>He stopped doing his fucked experiments

You are some special kind of retard, arent you?

>Five mutants work together in a flawless fashion to create a simple clone, something that has been done for years with much less complicated process
>Wolverine can grow his fucking Adamantium back for some fucking reason

Attached: what6.png (540x406, 238K)

But they said sorry

What's Rogue doing anyway?

It is not Rogue, it is Evan a mutant who controls time, bitch literally went back in time and made it so that this one fag's parents never met so he will be "unborn"


Just the right word FANFIC

Almost everything has been entertaining or good and each number got a few great panels but still something feel odd

And you addresses well,get some Emma.
(Sorry English like third language)

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>Creators Brian Bendis
I see.

Which is an issue. Because 10 or 11 times means probably 11 after some tension when they win. I think. So how the hell can this 10th life be 616 and it seems to be so because of advertising for crossovers with different comics.

Was Wanda right about the X-men?

So if the blue alien with the symbol on his cheek is xavier and nirod the great is the child of nimrod xavier that would make sense kinda,.

No, fuck the pretender

So I still wonder what happens when Moira dies, if she dies's while The Five are still around.
Does she get Rezzed? Does this break the cycle? Does Xavier step in to prevent a rez? If she does get rezzed, does it actually spawn a second Moira reset path?

>not bringing a character back to life so they can rape his or her character endlessly

good luck


The only time The Pretender was right is when she was in the grave.

Is Wanda the satan of this cult

No she just shouldnt be alive. We can throw Bishop in the same hole also.

I haven't been keeping up, why is she called the pretender? Also did Marvel ever go through with making her and her bro not mutants and Magneto's children?

They are currently revealed as non mutants which is probably where "The Pretender" comes from. It popped up in this run of HoX/PoX in a chart.


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Quick Silver looks real retarded there

Quicksilver honestly always looks retarded.

now that Marvel has the rights to mutants back when are they going to retcon this?

What is inside matches the outside.

When they run out of other ideas. Remember the Marvel movies still have her and wont want to change things without a story reason. Wanda in the movies got her powers from infinity stone exposure I think it was at least implied.

when Wanda feels like re-warping reality

just make to so the infinity stones create mutants, easy. Wanda tries to recreate the mind stone to bring vision back, backfires, stone explosion creates more like her, media dubs them mutants.

Isn't that already explained in the chart saying Proteus gives the bodies any additional abilities and changes that the character has undergone throughout the years that they originally didn't have in their conception?

The Five are Hope's Horsmen

Proteus - Famine, His power drains and starves out his host body to nothing.

Pestilence- Elixir , Has the power to give people diseases

War-Goldballs, literally a factory of Warriors

Tempus- Death, what is at the end of everyone's time and she is shown aging people in this series

Are these our Horsemen that Apoc will keep before the Originals are revealed?

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Wonder if they'll get their own series.

There's no way they actually prevented Nimrod, if anything they might have created a more agressive and actually fucking insane version that will see humans as a threat because they attacked it before it even was online.

Mother Mold will make its own version of the mutants that died at the station

Doubt Apoc is gonna have any horsemen for a while because of the upcoming Excalibur.

AH FUCK ME, Hopepocalypse sounds awesome.

Excalibur is dealing with magic and otherworld, it'll magic, it might tie into the Krakoa and Arakko split, Apocalyse and the OG Horsemen

Were the Lights Hope's first Horsmen?

Imagine if all the villains was Krakoa as the end goal of all the conquering and thriving and chilled for once while all the super heroes went out of their way to continue trying to save and protect the outside world causing the outside world to rev-up the Sentinel project again?

Goldballs is a stretch. It's a copy of her four lights bullshit she fucked up that was supposed to be the vessel for the Phoenix. The rest is cool though if she goes bad when this is toe up.

How Babylonian, a tower to heaven. What happens when Celestials and The Builders show up? Or do the Phalanx represent the only Gods X-men subset get to face, no Avenger's threats, no Eternals, no significant Inhuman interference in the Moon. No Asgardians, no Asgard?


i mean, hes not wrong. theyre clones with scanned minds from cerebro

You say that until he goes full mother of champions and starts hatching mutants on his own.

its amazing the damage bendis has done

Fuck yes, Everett is back Hopefully Angelo too. Mis amigos.

Pretty much, though apostles might be a better term to describe them.

I really think they should start explaining where the hell are the other heroes and villains that isn't a mutie. If they were wiped out by the superior mutants, then just fucking say it. Or is this event actually not important enough for anyone else that isn't a mutant to care about?

>The list of X-Men villains who went good guy for a while but got reverted to bad guy status is quite long.
As is the list of X-men heroes who went bad guy for a while but got revered to good guy status again. Just as most X-villains have joined the team at one point or another, most X-heroes have had a stint as villains at one point or another.

In fact, of the ones that were revived in this issue, Nightcrawler is the ONLY ONE that has never at any point been a villain. Wolverine, Jean, Cyclops, Angel, Monet and Husk have all had stints as villains.

Fantastic Four were in like the first issue. HoXPoX are just laying groundwork for the ongoings, establishing new status quo. Serial storytelling never gives you all the answers at once, definitely not at this stage in the game. If you're into it at all best you can do is relax and enjoy the ride.

Well, for one, it's not an event. That aside, I don't see how they're at all relevant to the story being told. Why should an X-men comic have to devote panels to "and this is what the Avengers think about all this."

And even then, the Fantastic Four showed up.

It's already referenced in the Invaders, probably just your standard "they are busy with other bigger problems". Also actually we just saw the F4 in the first issue.

Y'know, they map a lot better onto X-man's horseman than Apocalypse's. Considering X-man is her uncle/alt-universe version of her dad, his horseman would be the better point of comparison if you insist on mapping them like that.

And anyways, it's just a retread of the 5 lights from Generation Hope, right down to the brain washing as a side effect of her powers.

The Builders are all dead, and the Celestials explicitly want the mutants to propagate since they're meant to protect the planet until the baby Celestial in the Earth's core matures enough to be born. Not sure what you're on about with the rest of your post though. we're 10 issues into a mini series whose sole purpose is just establishing the new status quo going forward.

There's plenty of time in the dozen ongoings springing out of this for the X-men to do proper superheroing.

Daily reminder that Rightclops has never been a villain

You're a teacher's pet aren't you?

Plenty of instances of villains being absolutely right about everything. The Maker did literally nothing wrong in Ultimates. He was still a villain though. By the end of AvX, Cyclops was a villain. Justified? Absolutely. But when you have all of the world's heroes teaming up to stop you right after you just killed Professor X, you're a villain.

Mutants were the victims of AvX not the aggressors, and Xavier's death was self defense while under the Phoenix's thrall

Going by what the guy is saying from It can either mean that these events are happening at around the same time as Invaders, in which case you can say that most of the heroes and public are more concerned on if Namor is gonna be launching more nukes, or if its already been going on before the latest chapter of Invaders(they had a timeskip recently) then the mutants haven't done anything really worrisome or at least not one that has affected the public much.

>I've thought for a while this was Moira's tenth live,
How fucking retarded are you that it took you 8 issues to figure out something that was explicitly stated in the third issue.

You fucking speed readers never cease to amaze me me in how you manage to constantly lower the bar for human intelligence.

earth was the victim of avx cyclops and his incompetence and not knowing the whole picture

Right, but by the end of AvX, all the mutants were also against Cyclops. Badly written as it was, the last issue was X-men + Avengers vs. Cyclops.

>Xavier's death was self defense while under the Phoenix's thrall
Well, yeah, you can put most of the blame for what went down on The Phoenix. You can do the same thing for Jean Grey. But when Jean went dark phoenix and started devouring planets, that's some fucking super villain shit right there regardless of the circumstances absolving her of the sins. Likewise, it's hardly Angel's fault that he did some really horrible shit while he was Archangel, and Husk's period as a villain was due to mental health issues associated with her powers, and Monet's stint as a villain was because of being merged with Emplate, and Wolverine's many stints as a villain is usually because he's being controlled in some way, like when he was the horseman of Death.

But what makes someone a "superhero" or a "supervillain" is what someone does, not why they do it.

You consistently give birth to as many mutants as Ma Guthrie and everyone's going to be looking at you like a mutant from a long time ago when hiding it was the primary motivator. Where hiding it has been the primary motivator for a hundred years.

Based Hickman for pissing off faggot beta oribitors in this thread.

Good guy Pockylips should make Genesis, Holocaust, Chamber, and Blink his horsemen.

>The Maker did literally nothing wrong in Ultimates
Didn't he murder a bunch of people including his own family?

>But when you have all of the world's heroes teaming up to stop you right after you just killed Professor X, you're a villain.
He killed Professor X because Xavier was trying to mind lock him so Hawkeye could put an arrow through his neck. By that point he had done nothing wrong. They were just trying to kill him for having the wrong kind of super powers. Self defense isn't evil and Xavier is an asshole that should have stayed dead. Him dying the way he did was pottery.

>Didn't he murder a bunch of people including his own family?
If you want to get technical, that happened in Ultimate Power, not Ultimates, and he wasn't "The Maker" yet by that point.

Wasn’t he killed there?

I mean the his own family part. The Maker himself has absolutely killed countless numbers of people. Dude single handedly blew up every planet that had an incursion with 1610, not to mention nuking Washington DC, genociding the Asgardians, and paving over half of central Europe.

Character histories aren't limited to single stories. It doesn't matter what it happened in, he's still a fucking villain because of what he did. Rightclops has never been a villain because his actions were always fucking justified.

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if these clones are brand new bodies quick grown why does wolverine has adamantium. why does scott still need his visor his new body should have the same head injury
hackman went into such deep detail but fucks up the easiest details

They're grown in part with reality warping. You want fucking stupid, I refer you back to Massacre still having his brain damage and metal plate in Dead No More.

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>why does scott still need his visor his new body should have the same head injury

Note that the new Scott body didn't need the visor until after Xavier restored his mind into it

ok but it was never his mind that was the problem, or consiousness rather it was a physical injury. they cant just fix that for him when flash cloning him

it kind of was a mental problem too. i remember he was several times visorless in Morrison’s run due to psychics

Chthon is the villain in WandaVision, which is why Cebulski is rumoured to have put on hold plans to reverse the retcon.

Regarding Wolverine's adamantium, it's simply, he'd a flagship mutant, his revival husk is already bonded with adamantium, Magneto can do the job and they have resources for it

So yeah Logan clones are kinda limited.
>would they bound more people with adamantium?
No, this shit is kinda poisonous, you need a good healing factor to keep it up. In fact, even Wolvies healing factor is a little bit nerfed because he is always busy being used to keep itself healthy with the adamantium.

Adamantiumless Wolverine has a much stronger healing factor but he's much more vulnerable to physical damage (in comparison to being almost indestructible) so it's always a great exchange giving up some % of the HF for the adamantium skeleton.

> Chthon seems to be the villain in WandaVision, further underlined by the announcement of Blade.
> He fills the role of evil father figure.
> Feige and Olsen made clear "Scarlet Witch" is a title with meaning. The title only has meaning in mystical terms, outside of that its just a superhero codename.
> Wanda is in Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness, a mystical story.

Terrible fan fiction

Charles is trying to communicate the worthlessness and danger of attacking mutants. He's getting out ahead of the very purpose of mutation itself.

Unless they don’t.

>Be a mutie
>Your life is literally in the palm of the goverment
>If you are naughty they can just make a new body, alter your SAVE file's memory and input them in
>The current you would then be erased without any trace of being ever existed
>Noone would even know about it too since the top dogs are composed of high level reality warpers and telepaths
>Everyone is gay too

>Be an American. Think you are hidden by the masses and that no one has any reason to give a shit about you.
>Find out that there are 2 billion Chinese doing God knows what on the other side of the planet. Design a video game or a comic book of a cartoon of a mop design to compete in the capitalist economy where any individual can come up WHITCH a bright unique idea and compete compete compete.
>Find out your video game has been pirated and copied, find out that Limbs the White lion has already come out, find out that a Chinese guy already owns a patent on the top you spent days trying to invent.

Attached: jennifer-lawrence-mop.jpg (640x674, 89K)

>ok but it was never his mind that was the problem
Actually, it was retconned in Whedon's Astonishing X-men that the problem was always just a mental block created from the trauma of the incident. So yes, his mind was the problem.

Read the thread, X-fags confirmed for joining the cult and denying it's a cult.


Remember when Death Herself (in Marlo Jones’ body) had a heart-to-heart with Ben Reilly ? If not , you DIDN’T read the comic , you willful ignoramus!

That’s 9.

616-Mimic is NOW. All of his Alt-Reality versions are mutants anyway

Peter David’s Scarlet Spider 2018 series , and GODS cannot be cloned 100% like D.C. Kryptonians

God, I hope not. PAD’s writing has gone to shit.

Because that is exactly what happened.

Damn, son. It took you six weeks to figure that out?


Gwen WAS Resurrected , Ben WAS Resurrected 27 Times , Jean was Regenerating in Phoenix Cocoon when Sinster created Madelyne , Apocalypse was in Space with Celestials when Clan Akkaba created Kid Apocalypse , who Fantomex killed and resurrected again anyway by cloning

Why do you think Sinister only clones Marauders one batch at a time ? The one time he cloned multiple clones of Marauders at the same time , they were mindless (Kyle & Yost XForce)

Doubt Poccy is so desperate that he would stoop to having some bitch ass Horsemen like that.

>Last life
Destiny specifically told her she only gets X runs. Which means that she is probably going to get killed as a baby in her next life. Or so that is what she would be afraid of.

Destiny saw all of her possible paths to a degree.

Feminazi Sourgraping and White Knight stupidity

He died in Age of XMan deathmatching Omega Red. So , both of them probably are stuck there with LifeSeed Nate

Necrosha Survivors . 616 Blink and Cyclops mentioned announced it at the end of the story themselves . Why does everybody forget that ?!

Is age of Xman even canon

Bollsyet , James Robinson retconned this already by making their bio-Mom the “1st Scarlet Witch”, “Natalya Maximoff” , Django Maximoff’s sister , who suspiciously looks EXACTLY like Magda Lensherr did , and her babydaddy/their bio-Dad is still suspiciously “UNKNOWN” and NM (now a ghost) reveals to Wanda that “He” literaly killed her

It should be , they ran the whole thing from the Return of XMan (to 616) to the Return of the Xmen (to 616) for over half a year !

Apocalypse notoriously passes weak mutants through the Black Vortex or the Siege Perilous to push higher on the I'd mjtation's potential. He did it with Taliban and use to do it all the time assisted by Mr Sinister.

You misunderstand.

They're not bitch ass muggas because they're weak. They're bitch ass muggas because they're bitch ass muggas.

I have not read a single X-Men comic since Messiah Complex. What's going on in X-Men bros? Is it good again?

Attached: messiah-complex.jpg (600x934, 114K)

At the very least, its not shit.

But if you're comparing it to the post-AvX X-Men, its fucking divine. Its like drinking water after dying of dehydration.

So the original versions of Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Nightcrawler, etc are all permanently dead and now on they will be replaced with clones?
fucked up

Excuse me its totally not brainwashing, they just feel happy all the time (but not in a drug way!) Are worshipped as messiahs and never are apart . Nothing sketchy at all!

Seriously Iove how the charts slowly get more personal with the details "The Pretender" "No more" "Look at what they've done" etc