C10udy with a Chance of Meatballs

10 years have passed. What's your opinion on the franchise?

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The first one is the best one, the second one was not as good but had a lot of interesting designs with the food monsters, and I don't acknowledge the cartoon series.

Needs more lewds.

The commentary about how one single industry closing can ruin an entire town was pretty based, teaching some facts to kids about how economy is frail.

This. The first film was really great, the second film was pretty great, and those are the only entries to the franchise.

First film is pure kino
Second film is held back a bit because of overuse of puns, but it was a serviceable sequel.
The cartoon happened.

Sam is cute, and should show off more ass cleavage. Just saying what all of you are thinking.

I actually dislike the second film. First is animated kino though.

come one , you gotta appreciate the wacky animation at least.

>that steve jobs parody

The first film should be in everyone's Yea Forums top 3 films. Second one is also a must-watch. And the cartoon is... like, it's not even entertainingly bad, it's just plain boring.

The series is not even boring either. It was just plain bad.

It's supposed to serve as a prequel to the first film before Flint created the food machine, yet it completely destroyed all the continuity the first film had.

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just like Penguins of Madagascar?

Nothing could be worse than the Monsters vs Aliens series.

Liked the first one
The econd one had its moments
Positive overall

First one is 10/10
Second one is slightly worse story-wise but the never-ending food animal puns are great and the setting in general is really pretty

The most kino thing about the second one was they made her hotter

I absolutely love the film, don't care about the cartoon.


visually creative,
jokes probably don't hold up

God I hate that Flint design.

Only watched the movies, frickin' love the first one. One of the few cases where 3D CGI didn't make me cringe and make it forgettable.

>Its been 10 years already
Oh, God.

I read the children's book when I was younger and liked it, thought the first movie was good but skipped the second.

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That's the power of making designs that aren't just 2D but with shading