Is Wonder Woman a virgin?

Is Wonder Woman a virgin?

I need to know. I’m writing a paper.

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Not really
But you probably are

>Is Wonder Woman a virgin?
Are you?

*sniff* yes.

No, she's had lots and lots of kinky lesbian sex.


That doesn’t count.

didnt she fuck trevor and superman?

>Steve Trevor
not in anything good

Pre-Crisis - both Earth-2 and Earth-1:
The Earth-2 version eventually married Steve Trevor and birthed a daughter.
The Earth-1 version had A LOT of normie boyfriends on top of Steve Trevor, since he kept on dying on her.
She was an eternal virgin despite falling hard for both Superman and Batman, and having a string of casual boyfriends. She just had a very luck on getting the guys into actually dicking her.
The New 52:
She and Steve Trevor, Superman, and possibly Batman - Ask Geoff Johns - did the nasty, but then shit got erased.
She and Steve Trevor are currently doing the nasty on a consistent basis.
She's pretty much a baby factory for Superman.

>She's pretty much a baby factory for Superman.
also statistically she's probably evil

I wonder why DC has never got any backlash for their habit of making Wonder Woman, their biggest feminist icon, an evil bitch who always thirsty for Superman.
Usually, evil Superman stories explore his motives but Wondy is always a crazy bitch for no good reason.

I know the Injustice games got some flak for their Wonder Women, but yeah, you'd think for all the 'evil justice league' variations that exist there'd be some more variation in who the remaining good ones get to be, but it always seems to either be Batman or just the good Justice League from another dimension

how old are you?

DC used to be of the mind that Wonder Woman is nothing but Superman with tits, so she could be used as an auxiliary character in his stories. No different from Lois, Lori, Jimmy, or Supergirl.

She's usually implied to be one because her fans get butthurt if it's suggested otherwise.

So when is The Rape of Wonder Woman coming out?

If Superman is evil, Wonder Woman - considered by most as female Superman - has to follow suit and be evil as well. Batman gets to remain as the good guy because he fill the under-dog role.
It's the same reason why in the evil Batman stories, the rest of the Bat-Family are evil too, with only James Gordon working as a hero. Since he's the under-dog when compared to the rest of the high-gadget vigilantes.

>atman gets to remain as the good guy because he fill the under-dog role.
surely any one or two members of the league would be underdogs if the entire rest turned evil?

See, DC has this classist idea of there being a separation between costumed super-heroes and masked vigilantes. So every time you have a us vs them type of stories the super-powered Justice League members will be evil, whereas the powerless Justice League members will be the heroes.

Batman, Green Arrow, Question, and so on, will always be part of the resistance. Martian Manhunter, too, weirdly enough, and for a very fucked up reason: he's a monstrous alien, and not a perfect Aryan like Superman.

DC is weird.

>used to be

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Remember that Alan Moore's pitch where Martian Manhunter disguise himself as a dominatrix hooker and snap evil and rapist Billy Batson's neck?

Odd that they didn't have a kid in Injustice

Despite their similar circumstances, Martian Manhunter is rarely a particularly close friend of Superman. DC seems to have a rule that Superman can't be buddies with another flying brick type.
MM is usually closer to the street level types like Batman, probably because he was a cop on Mars, but even then not very close.
J'onn's only close friend on the league is Aquaman.

Lois and their baby was Superman's entire motivational factor into becoming evil.

If they did it would draw too many Kingdom Come comparisons. But don’t think they didn’t consider it

I seem to recall the implication that despite being officially a couple the two barely spent time together, let alone fucked.

>MM is usually closer to the street level types like Batman, probably because he was a cop on Mars, but even then not very close.
Martian Manhunter started as a "human" cop with mind powers that investigated crime, after all. He only really became a costumed super-hero much later in the pages of Justice League of America.

That's correct. In the first game Wonder Woman tries to reduce Superman with a skimpy dress, but he ignores her because of MUH LOIS.

it's like my japanese animu

He even started in Detective Comics

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