History of the Marvel Universe #3 Storytime

History lesson time!
Last month's thread:

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Smiling green man is here! Also Sue doing what she often did best back in the day: getting caught.
And in the corner, ANTS.

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First appearance of Spidey...

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... And now we're officially in the Heroic Age.

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Hank and Janet meet and become the ill-fated duo of Ant-Man & The Wasp... More like Giant-Man.

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Avengers #1 and X-Men #1, folks.

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Second appearance of Magneto in this story lesson, now officially as a mutant villain, and of Cap's return from the ice.
The wording here is vague, but in here Waid mentions Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as part of the Brotherhood, and THEN he says he claims "corrupt mutants" as its members. Make of that what you will. I prefer Wanda as a non-mutant

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Daredevil and his (justified) awful sense of fashion strike for the first time in the Marvel Universe... And the first brush between Grimm and Banner under their monstrous visages.

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I do wonder what's the deal here, as Wanda is stated to have broken from Magneto's influence, but her status as mutant isn't clear. It must've been left intentionally vague.

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The Royals make their entrance! Another mention of the Himalayas event where the Eternals helped them move (referenced in #1).

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>First appearance of spidey
>It's a crotch shot

Glad they're showing he's one of the og heroes of the new age.
With the thousands of heroes running around today I don't think casual readers are aware he's supposed to be a veteran among veterans, being a hero 24/7 since a kid.

And this amazing splash page here gives us the very first appearance of Mar-Vell, aka the OG Captain Marvel!

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And now, the first time we break from the story and return to the narrator. And an interesting tidbit for whatever's next in the Ninth Multiverse.

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>on issue 3
>it's actually starts to cover the comics

I can't believe how much deep lore retcon bullshit they accumulated over the years.

The Kree/Skrull War takes place and the Defenders gather for the first time.

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And here we have the Illuminati, with Black Bolt joining the rest of the heroes for the first time.

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Issue 2 covered the golden age stuff

Street level galore.

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Black Widow and Moondragon, veteran Avengers, first show up here.
>this wouldn't be allowed in current marvel because sjw propaganda etc etc

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You know what this is...

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Wow, they referenced Mantis and the Cotati marriage.

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And as we return to the X-Men... There's an important event to take place with them in the next page...

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... The Phoenix Force takes Jean Grey as its host in the Phoenix Saga!

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And that's it for this month! Coming up next: The 80's and 90's! (with a dash of 70's in there).

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>your parents
I forgot for a second this was all being narrated to Franklin.
I wonder if more people will be confused.

And now the research material for the issue.
These pages were recently referenced in Fantastic Four #14

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A few panels to use as support in case anyone objects to Namor being Asian in the MCU...

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I haven't read about Astra before. X-Men expertise is needed here.

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This page serves as a reminder that the Fantastic Four were the flagship book and that *everything* stemmed from them.

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First appearance of Mar-Vell, and second of Eon's in this History.

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That first panel is one of my favorites from classic F4: Kirby doing his mixed media collages. Also some of the Golden Age heroes in that last panel in the corner.

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The Illuminati, retroactively introduced earlier in the chronology.

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>working well together
Oh boy is galactus sugar-coating things

It's my wife Brunnhilde!

>Original costume
And don't you forget it, folks. The SJWs wouldn't allow this these days!

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Damn sexy Nomad.

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Oh, there’s Jack and Stan with their ridiculous top hats,

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The Phoenix! Accurately portrayed in all of its cosmic glory in the critically acclaimed "Dark Phoenix" movie.
Anyway, that's it for this month.

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Thank you user
I wish the whole series had been a more datailed story of the pre-FF Marvel Universe
All this issues, while gorgeous, mostly told things that have been told too many times

I liked the teasing galactus is doing, but yeah, these events have been highlighted many times

Will they somehow insert the Sentry in all of this?

Is that Norman in the bottom right?

Haha yeah, that's J. Jonah Jameson, Peter and Norman in the back.

>The one that broke the Silver Age

Thanks Rodstvow!

I'd buy it if my LCS was ordering it.

- The Ewing guy

>tfw you'll never breed Scarlet Witch as her brother

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Since when is magnetos name max? I thought it was erik lenshier or something

It got retconned

Which sucks because Erik Lensherr is so much better than Max Eisenhardt

holy fucking shit how did they make each page look so fucking great? It's somehow stylish yet traditional. Like a perfect fucking fusion of House Style and Something Else

it's so weird how now you can't even imagine Sue and Reed not being married.

Why retcon a fucking name?

Wasn't it also Magus or Magnus at some point?

So Waid created a fictional SEA war for Marvel's war veterans to have fought in but didn't explicitly settle Stark's origin there as well?

As things are, it was retconned but then retconned back again: currently story has it that "Max Eisenhardt" was the new name Erik Lehnsherr effectively adopted when he remade a new life for himself in Eastern Europe, as Waid's wording supports.

>Pym has the smallest piece of the page
It is the little things, literally.

This page has a lot of FEELS going on, Richard has been with Galan for the longest time, he doesn't want their connection to end but Galactus (look at his face, damn) knows his time has come.

At the time the Great Intellicence told Rick he has a great potential, i guess it couldn't be more right.

Thanks Rodstvow, i'm really loving all of this.

All I remember about Astra is that she's responsible for the young Magneto clone called Joseph.

FIRST time, Galactus?
What about that one time during the middle age, when you where force-fed by Galileo?

let's remember Jan used Hank's psychotic delusion as a way to marry him.

Galactus isn't looking too hot

>Spidey's is the biggest presence in this cover, being to carnage and venom.
>Issue 1 had multiple,small panels showing Galan's transformation, the same with Steve Rogers in issue 2 and this issue was FF-focused.
>All of them took most of the cover's space.
>Next issue is Spider-man-focused.
To hiiiiiiimmmm,

Well that eventually helps explain why she's green

Thanks OP, I've been loving this so far

I wonder if the Bloodwraith is going to get any mention when they reach slorenia.

He did, check the notes

>an international crime boss
Dodging around the Fu Manchu thing, huh?

Good stuff as always. Thanks OP

So Marvel is officially acknowledging that Dark Phoenix was NOT really Jean.

Makes me wonder if we're going to see Franklin in Immortal Hulk #25

> Though they fought evil as bravely as the avengers ... forcing the x-men to operate largely outside the limelight.

wow so the way their going to do it in the MCU is canon after all

Most likely for legal reasons, Shang-Chi started out as a novel.

>Ho Yinsen
>Stark becoming iron man in Asia retconned into being in the Middle East (for obvious reasons) screwing up a lot of character development and story tie ins
>still have him fight Mandarin, who isn’t Asian, but white, not in Asia, but in Miami. Also no rings.
MCU recreated this well but also dropped the ball by not having any correlation to Asia
All Golden Iron Man was the best imo I honestly don’t know why as it looks so silly.

>So Waid created a fictional SEA war for Marvel's war veterans to have fought in but didn't explicitly settle Stark's origin there as well?
I guess that was also done to Reed, Ben, Fury and Punisher

I think the same, I also think some of the Krakoa stuff in HoX/PoX will figure into this, and there's plenty of time to put it on a script. My idea is that the X-Men have been coming and going from the island of Krakoa (which changes locations) into specific locations on Earth for recruitment, kinda like a Harry Potter thing, with the "Academy for Gifted Youngers" as a portal to the place. And they've remained hidden from sight by keeping all the overt use of abilities in Krakoa while Xavier brainwashes the parents of the mutant teens after the give them into adoption. It already would put into question the morality of it, but at the same time it would keep the attention away from their endeavors until they choose to reveal themselves.

Um, user, this series retcons everything involving Vietnam into being about Siancong. Tony no longer got captured in Afghanistan.

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>Max Eisenhardt
>not Erik “Magnus” Lensher
>taking the name “Magneto”
>First comic he was called Magnus the whole time
Wtf is this shit
>Wanda and Pietro are mutants and evil
I’m ok with this

>hating Daredevils fashion sense
Why would anyone do this

Wanda and Pietro are mutants. Quicksilver also has a great character development and team progression

>Jameson in the bottom right yelling at Peter Parker

I sometimes forget there was a time the Avengers were just those four idiots

Franklin is going to become Kang or become a superbaddy, maybe he fucks Krakoa up

what an awful beard

It's amazing that people on this board still keep using the meme of "Marvel also does reboots" when series like this prove that their entire history is canon (and never stopped being).

Fuck you he’s hot

The Defenders really were badass. All of the individual members are independent, powerful, and important in their respective fields. Namor isn’t my favorite, and I know I might get shit for this but trade out Valkyrie for GR and you have a heavy hitter team.

He might become something like the Phoenix Force, i always thought he would become the next Galactus but with what has been teased in IH i'm not so sure anymore.

>Siancong veteran Frank Castle

I think people are simply ignorant about whats is the difference between reboot and relaunch (the latter involves the brand, not the universe the stories are set in)

Defenders was never really about "wow zomg so stronkkk" to me. It's about the team really not working well with each other and pulling through anyway while fighting magical/dimensional threats. Nighthawk is one of my favourite members and he's weak as fuck compared to the rest

>Shang and Danny kicking together
I smell a team up movie soon

they aknowledged that in the 80s, user

nobody cares about SHIELD

>breaking up Vision and Wanda again
>Mantis getting married
That’s nice

What they certainly do is retcon a thing or two in there, but it's always with the mind of keeping things streamlined. That's the job of a competent editor to make, which are rare these days but I guess that still falls on Brevoort (who's obviously the editor here) as the keeper of canon.
Yeah, basically this. For example, Hickman's Secret Wars was a relaunch disguised as a reboot, because in universe we were told the multiverse was remade which in any other company would mean they could've started over, but in real life all titles simply started anew with the previous backstory largely untouched.

Yeah, but recent writers ignored it and acted like it was the real Jean. Like in AvX.

>Alpha Flight
>Hulk vs Wolverine
>New X-men
Important panel, wanting a Canadian superhero movie portraying the top and left panels in this page would be great

So spidey came before most of the other heroes then

What a cunt, then she hated him after the slap even though he was clearly schizophrenic

Next time Phoenix!! That's basically my favorite Marvel period after the Stan/Kirby/Ditko era, like 77-92

>That Beast panel

Rodriguez is so fucking good!!

yes, it's also (roughly) by creation too

>Wtf is this shit
it was later revealed Magneto's birth name is Max Eisenhardt, and he took the alias "Erik Magnus Lensher" after escaping the camps.

Seriously why can’t we get a Shang/Danny KungFu Movie

I have that Morbius floppy, man that was such a kickass arc

Magneto was always Erik Magnus Lensher. Idk why they’re making him sound more German

>siancong retcon
I guess with that they can have it be at any time desu

Retconned more like it. Also checked for binary repeating numerals.

what do I have to sacrifice for another Ka-Zar story with a good artist

Look at that Frank. That's the face of the man that enjoys what he does.

>Um, user, this series retcons everything involving Vietnam into being about Siancong.

I keep telling you, this retcon first appeared in John Byrne's retelling of Iron Man's origin way back in like 1988. It wasn't extended to involve the Punisher and such back then, it was just Tony, but the seed was planted there.

I like how this page highlights the shared universe.

As it says here, she was retconned in as an early brotherhood member who fell out with Magneto, to explain why she created his clone, Joseph, to fuck with him. It really came out of nowhere.

>Wow, they referenced Mantis and the Cotati marriage.
The wedding of Wanda and Vision is an important moment in Avengers history that gets referenced a lot, Mantis' was married at the same time, so all of those references also show her marrying a tree.

It baffles me that for all the years there was a Dark Phoenix tpb around, there wasn't one of the Phoenix origin. I never got the story (in colour) 'til the Masterworks tpb in 2010.

>the Immortus wanted Vision to marry Wanda so she couldn't have children retcon
Some people seemed to misread that retcon as him mind-controlling them, not sure the wording here will stop that.

Will Franklin be a part of House/Powers of X I wonder, even just tangentially.

The artists Marvel grabs from Spain have all been stellar for the most part. Page layouts are fun but still have a strong sense of clarity.

Blue Marvel was included, but Bob isn't as of now. Really makes you think.

Did they retcon Sin's Past out? Because it certainly looks like it

>The SJWs wouldn't allow this these days!
Because they look stupid. And are you forgetting what year this is?

Sure, it's [CURRENT_YEAR], where men are emasculated and aren't allowed to be successful, why do you ask?

I guess that's indirect official confirmation to the mystery, that Sentry's past and origin story really were fake all along.

right after the mini that literally confirms almost all of it? yeah, right

I just went on the wikipedia and realised both Javier Rodriguez and Marcos Martin are from Spain. Are simplistic, early comics-inspired artstyles with creative panels and imagery the trend in Spain ? It doesn't seem like it could be a coincidence.

That Goblin on the right could make a great reaction image if edited properly.

Dude. You're bing full of shit if you're that insecure

>what is sarcasm

>fought selflessly
now that is a huge goddamn lie, for a good while after his debut Peter was still trying to find a way to profit off being Spider-Man, just while also stopping crime(indeed the latter was often being done primarily in an attempt to accomplish the former)

He wanted money to provide for his old aunt and for himself.
Nothing wrong with being a hero and making money.

which is ironically not all that true at all, The Avengers faced plenty of public criticism in their early years while the X-Men actually had a decent amount of both public and government acceptance for most of their early existence, indeed widespread public hatred of Mutants basically didn't exist till the 80's

In that same page it says he was egotistical and apathetic towards others, which is true, and there's that famous issue where he meets the F4 for the first time and wants to apply for membership, then bails out when they tell him it's not a paid job.
So yeah, to claim he was always selfless would be a lie, but to claim otherwise would imply he had barely any growth during that period. Next issue will touch upon him more given that he's on the cover, regardless. The turning point was already seeded, anyway (Gwen Stacy).

>Shang-Chi started out as a novel.


Shang Chi was always a comic character

Scott visited the FF in one of the early issues, he said if Franklin wanted the door is always open

Fuck, i meant Fu Manchu.

They aren't going to have time to mention every single story, a thing not being referenced here doesn't mean it's been retconned away. Waid is probably treating Sins Past the same way Slott did and refusing to mention it at all.

What part of Peter's life do you think they're going to focus on, Rodstvow? My prediction is the symbiotes, so we get a cool spread of the black suit.

Clone saga and symbiotes for sure. They already mentioned Jackal in the corner of Gwen Stacy's page, so they're likely going to pick up from there. I wonder how much of the symbiotes they'll cover and if they'll include the Knull retcon, though.

I just found out that people who don’t read comics are only now, a month later, bitching about last issue and siancong.

They could’ve just used the name they gave him in secret avengers, Zheng Zu.

It is funny that the only mention of Sins Past in the recent history was from JMS himself, saying that he regrets it

King Baby is trash.

Sarcasm, on the internet. Oh, you better believe that’s a paddlin’.

shit argument, it's not about a story but about a character

Every time I look at Scott, I can’t help but hear him screaming Jean.

Just realized that if this covers the bronze age, then the one after that will cover the current age, which means we don't know what the final chapter will be about (could be 2099 stuff though).

Ending on 2099 would be weird.
Are all the 2099 stories even on the 616 universe?

>mutants sitting while every besides Reed stands
And they complain about oppression

Probably stuff like MC2. Killraven's future, 2099 and then Guardians of the Galaxy, that kinda stuff.

IIRC, 2099, Killraven and the original Guardians of the Galaxy are still "likely futures"

I wonder if they acknowledge Second class just chronological how the story was published or not.
They cant dance around Vulcan later on.

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As of the later time they were used, yes. Changing the present directly changed the 2099 future.

They are set in different universes but it is one of the possible futures the comes up more frequently

Yeah the OG Guardians will definetely get a reference, MC2 would be surprising, it is a future too close to the present.

Thanks Rodstvow. I noticed that the story of Thanos with the Cosmic Cube to be suspiciously absent, considering its cosmic scale. With the recent movies in mind, I wonder how far he'll be stuffed in future issues for synergy. The next one could possibly kick off the next big fight with him. Considering how Spidey might be the next centerpoint, I hope they include him and Ben saving the Avengers, Warlock, and the universe in the process. That along with the Phoenix were from 1977.

SHIELD gets acknowledged and then doesn't like every other issue in here.

Or at least it did in the first one.

MC2 is completely impossible

2099 is still "likely", though keeps getting less likely as we get nearer to 2099

the Martian Invasion that spawned Killraven is still VERY likely

The Guardians future is actually now IMPOSSIBLE: Vance is Justice instead of becoming a cosmonaut

>I noticed that the story of Thanos with the Cosmic Cube to be suspiciously absent,
Same as Magus... I think they'll either will be covered later, as background for the Infinity Gauntlet affair(which by itself is much more important than just Thanos losing the first time) or they'll start the next issue with it

Edited how?

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I think it's left vague cause they know it's going to be retconned back so they are Mutants. Probably waiting for HoXPoX to finish to do it though

I'm surprised they skipped right over Ultron and just have Vision there. Seems a pretty bad oversight

Wow. He's on a real name basis with Galactus.

Hickman just doubled down on them not being mutants. If the MCU does have a black Magneto, the comics will probably leave Wanda and Pietro as humans.

Where's my Moon Knight boy?

Just this for Galactus? I was expecting the center of a spread page.

Marvel keeps trying to push Morbius as a great character and not a forgettable Spider-man enemy. Decades and they haven't learned.

took me a second to remember that
even after remembering Franklin, it took the rest of the page for me to remember he was talking to Galactus
I think I got confused by the recent Doctor Strange and Eternity conversation

glad Man-Thing showed up

Adam Davis created character that was used as a scapegoat for creating Joseph once editorial decided that "No, Joseph wasn't magneto after all!" and shot down Seagle and Kelly's pitch that he would be revealed to be Proteus cosplaying as Magneto after Moira restored him to life in a spare Magneto clone body she made in secret.

She was a retroactively added member of the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and Davis, not knowing he was going to be fired within a year, also established him as a figure in Nightcrawler's past as set up for a future storyline. She created Joseph to kill Magneto because of a falling out that they had and then vanished.

Astra was SUPER fucking unpopular with fans. So fucking unpopular, that editorial basically ordered her killed off off-panel at Apocalypse's hand during the Twelve storyline. Furthermore, the 2001 X-Men Forever mini-series undid the entire "Astra was a member of the Brotherhood" retcon by stating she was just a pathetic groupie Magneto was leading on romantically to get her to give him alien tech to build Asteroid M and that she rage-quit after Toad was recruited but before Magneto officially reached out to recruit Mastermind and Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

She ultimately resurfaced decades later in a Magneto mini, where she recreated Joseph and had him leading a team of deformed clones based on Magneto's brotherhood and Magneto proper beat her again.

that's a neat trick johnny, but now it smells like burnt hair and seaweed in here

Marvel 2099 technically can't happen because of Americop's death eliminating the existence of his grandson Punisher 2099 and the fact that Doom 2099 is something that Marvel is super reluctant to address outside of cameos due to the fact that Marvel cucked out not stating outright that Doom 2099 was Doom when he was presumed dead in the DeFalco FF run alongside Reed.

Also, as it stands, Spider-Man 2099 has all but officially been divorced wholesale from the original 2099 canon and for all intents and purposes exists in his own little pocket universe version of the 2099 verse with none of the other 2099 characters running around

Morbius was super popular in the 70s due to him being the first "vampire" character in the Marvel Universe (Marv Wolfman, while Tomb of Dracula was being published, made a huge deal about not letting anyone else use Dracula save for cameos and a Dr Strange X-Over which IIRC was cowritten by Wolfman himself).

Also, he was the only spin-off from Midnight Sons debacle that actually sold and outlasted all of the other books in the line.

People think it was mind control?

2099 is Earth-928

Morbius used to have a successful ongoing

People who don't like that Wanda married Vision have used the retcons about Immortus' involvement to claim he was controlling them, which isn't true.

Wanda isn't in any comics all the way through to December. Her last appearance was in April.

They have nothing planned for her at all.

>no Jennifer Kale
no cool

Nothing about Logan and Guardian being cousins?

You just wanna see hot blonde jailbait in a metal bikini.

Attached: 189417-91486-jennifer-kale.jpg (400x647, 92K)

who doesn't

but she's a cute witchy bitchy, bitchy witchy
could be Marvel's Zatanna

I wish they would do a "Strange adventure" anthology again where you can have Morbius, man-thing, bloodstone or other monster heroes stories. A full series is too much if you dont have a vision were it should head.
So having this, you can make good stories and than change if the arc is done.
Maybe something like a common goal but every character has a different story alone. Than after 12 or 24 issues they come together to defeat the common threat?

A maxi would be cool, but even something like the one-shot they did about the Monster Unleashed would be nice.