Other urls found in this thread:
>end of the barrel tapers
Looks like you'll get to keep the ammo too.
/k/ here
a lot of guns are like that
Buckley does it again
That's an insult to buckley.
How are either of these wrong?
How many of these does he make a week? If it’s less than five he’s an actual fag.
These are terrible. No wonder he has to shill here.
Who is this and why is he so /pol/tard ?
>tfw unironic /pol/tard but hate Stonetoss
At least Garrison can draw. This guy is just a lazy fag who steals low effort jokes for his sameface drivel.
Russian collusion is like nonsense that resulted in an expensive ongoing investigation with literally nothing to show for it but pilpul charges that probably are getting dropped. All for the sake of distracting retards.
Well yeah, if he wins in 2020 he's going to run for re-election in 2024.
>if he wins in 2020
Stonetoss sucks just because he does the same jokes over and over.
I’m saying this as someone who’s close to his political beliefs
I thought /pol/ hated StoneToss.
anyone who doesent like stonetoss is just seething
/pol/ supports the most Israeli cum slurping elected official in American history so I'm safe in saying they don't understand what they hate anymore
We hate pretty much everything including each other and ourselves.
He has a lot of genuinely clever stuff, but it gets offset by the ones that are just blatant xenophobia.
>pol is a collective
>if you don’t like the shitty sameface comic you’re just mad
>He has a lot of genuinely clever stuff, but it gets offset by the ones that are just blatant xenophobia.
>he doesn't hate xeno scum
Outside of the obvious /pol/ bait horseshit that we all know mods ignore, why is this artist so clearly allowed to get spammed on Yea Forums?
Because he's the best candidate out of all the the politicians running by far as evident by the fact that retards itt can't even name a better candidate especially democrat ones.
>He has a lot of genuinely clever stuff
Who are you quoting?
>but it gets offset by the ones that are just blatant xenophobia.
thats based doe
Because anons always bite the bait. Same with Assigned Male, if it gets a reaction and people crave (you)s they’re gonna post it.
Dangerously based and deadly redpilled
>being this blind
holy shit ur dumb
WH40k fags should be round up and beaten to death with GW rulebooks. Keep crying, wargaming faggot.
this is unironically true
bikers are the worst people on earth
It's pretty parched in here
Post Water Comics
As some retard that rarely gets out from his shithole, why cyclists are considered insufferable?
try going outside in a big city
They're healthy in public and take up some space on the road.
That's it. Americans don't like being reminded that you can get to places without a car.
id rather fuck bob than sally desu
It’s the failure of the parent if they let this happen.
Why would anyone support him when he's just fucking over americans. The midwest is fucking collapsing thanks to his trade war and the exemptions they gave to gas companies on ethanol.
They lobby for shit that no one but them uses (despite being a fairly small portion of a city, they have bike lanes on busy streets)
They then don't use those bike lanes.
They ignore stop signs/lights
They slow traffic
They ignore pedestrians
And then they are self-righteous because they bike.
But mostly it's the 'rolls through stops' thing.
Cars and pedestrians respect stops, but not cyclists
this is true
Because what is a barely noticeable temporary inconvenience to American manufacturing is completely and utterly destroying China, and better for Americans in the long run.
Where's the fucking joke, nazi?
It's destroying the midwest which is the backbone of his constituency.
Question for leftists I know lurking this thread. How do you defend the actions of more extremist trannies who are genuine creeps? Don’t say they don’t exist when shit like Jessica Yaniv was supported by human rights committees.
Not looking to bait but actually want to know. /Pol/fags don’t respond I want to hear from leftists who defend them not people who share my opinion.
he cute
we have way more regulation than we did under the British, but we're not run by an empire across the sea anymore so I guess there's that
Amazing, that's exactly the opposite of reality.
I don't understand, machine guns would easily wipe out unguarded artillery that's true, what point is being made here
Yeah, but look at the british now. They have it even worse.
Do we know what stonetoss looks like irl?
Net Neutrality and censorship are two very distinct topics.
This really, unless theyre triggered because it reminds them of Shmorky
>It's destroying the midwest which is the backbone of his constituency.
It's almost like it's not "destroying the midwest". Do you even know why we're in a trade war with China, beyond "orange man bad"?
why is destroying China good for America? Sounds like some zero sum dumbfuckery
What xenophobia
Who is better? And don't just say 'everyone', surely you have an example
Wouldn't be surprising if he was a shitskin
Yeah, he posted this pic of himself on twitter last week.
Why yes, we do.
>Because he's the best candidate out of all the the politicians running by far
Enjoy dying for Israel, buddy.
Maybe. Ill vote for him if he gets the spot. Not sure I can vote for some of these other candidates
Keep dreming commie user, you are last the Point of being funny and making me angry i Just feel bad for you guys now
>implying that's not every candidate that ever has or ever will be allowed to run for president of the United States of America
You either die fighting for Greatest Ally, or you die fighting Greatest Ally's enemies due to "responsibility to the international community to intervene to stop human rights abuses" or some dumb liberal bullshit.
>turns out he's an Israeli shill
>"u-umm all politicians want me to die in a senseless war, dude, trust the plan"
Guys don't be ridiculous, Israel is an overpriced pet project and you don't have to die for them unless you willinglly join the army or its 9/11
>> not "destroying the midwest"
are you retarded. of course it is. A significant portion of our agriculture especially basedbeans and corn aren't used for sustenance farming. Basedbeans are exported to china and corn is used to make ethanol to be mixed in gas. The policies the administration has forced, has been destroying the lives of those people. Yes, China needed to be held accountable for it's theft of IP but this was not the way to do it.
>He has a lot of genuinely clever stuff
Why are you talking like Trump has engaged in conflicts on behalf of Israel? Yes he's Zion Don but when it comes to dying for Israel Trump hasnt really offered them much blood compared to others. Nobody foces tou to die for Israel and Trump hasnt started any conflcits for them, so you saying that seems a little off point.
I’m fucking sick of the hate bicyclists get.
>Don destroying soi
>barely noticeable
So you really do have to be delusional to support him, huh?
Is that true? Can we get some numbers?
>Why are you talking like Trump has engaged in conflicts on behalf of Israel?
All that's really changed is that America has increased trade with other asian countries.
Meanwhile, the commie's economy is in complete freefall.
>Why are you talking like Trump has engaged in conflicts on behalf of Israel?
Because he has engaged in conflicts on behalf of Israel.
...why is that redcoat trying to take guns away from the French? Is this a brexit thing?
Im not trying to defend Trump but he hasnt killed more Americans for Israel or escalated any conflicts really has he? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I prefer hehe silly. At least the art was cute.
not based
No because other countries don't need millions of pounds of animal feed. Also, excess corn is only usable for ethanol and the exemptions have crippled those farmers. The fact is that trump's policies have been hurting his base the most. I wonder how fucked they're going to be if they actually vote for him again.
They're doing fine, as evidenced by the fact that they're doing fine, and not "completely destroyed", but thanks for your concern trolling in favor of literal communists.
>I care more about owning the libs then I do about americans
>if you care about the socioeconomical future of your country you're a hypocrite
I didn't vote for Trump though?
Just a quick google result.
> China made up $5.9 billion in U.S. farm product exports in 2018, according to the U.S. Census. It’s the world’s top buyer of basedbeans and purchased roughly 60 percent of U.S. basedbean exports last year. Westhoff estimated that basedbean prices have already dropped 9% since the trade war began last July.
> From September 2017 to May 2018, basedbeans exports to China totaled 27.7 million tons. That number dropped by more than 70% to 7 million tons during the same nine-month period in 2018 and 2019, according to an analysis by University of Missouri.
> But farmers have already been suffering the repercussions since the beginning of August when China — the fourth largest export market for American farms — suspended purchase of U.S. agricultural products in response to the tariffs' announcement.
> Appearing on MSNBC, North Dakota wheat farmer Bob Kuylen provided a dramatic example of the trade war's effect on American agriculture, citing $400,000 in losses since Trump took office.
> "We lost pretty much all of our markets since Trump took over," Kuylen said. "Older guys like us, we built up equities all our lives. Most farmers are land-rich and cash-poor, so we'll take out loss loans and stuff against our land and go backwards on the land that we paid for. But there's a lot of young farmers out there who don't have equity and I worry about them, because they're not going to be able to withstand this."
Oh boy, /pol/posting time
Shut up bikecuck
We don't defend them. And we call them out on their shit and try to "cancel" them when hear about it.
Then wear some fucking normal clothes and not look like an enormous fuckface when you ride your bike.
Are we allowed cannons now? They are way more powerful. Pretty sure if we were someone would have made me aware with a stunt.
I will say, the normally dressed commuter on a bike gets a bad rap. But it happens because other normally dressed people on bikes (college students especially) don't obry traffic laws and switch from sidewalk to road whenever it suits them and often ignore stops.
However: Cyclists, dressed like that comic in those faggy speed suita, especially (as a Vermonter and a Canadian) FRENCH CANADIAN cyclists are the scum of the earth. They leave water bottles and trash anywhere outside of stores they stop at, crowd the road, are ridiculously self-righteous, and blow by en massr at stop signs. They make no way for cars ever, even when you're stuck on miles of winding road and can't safely pass them. Fuck hobbyist cyclists.
>"National rifle association: LOL deal with it."
>Bitch and moan and coerce local government into spending millions retrofitting streets with bike lanes
>Roads become narrower, lose parking, sometimes even entire lanes
>Traffic becomes a fucking nightmare
>Ride in the middle of the road or up on the sidewalk anyways
My town has a bridge road in it. It used to be a four-lane with a pedestrian walkway on each side. Then the cyclists petitioned the council to add a bike lane on each side. Then they petitioned for a second bike lane for overtaking other cyclists. Then they petitioned for wider bike lanes. Etc. Now it's a two-lane, even outside of rush hour the average crossing speed is
> How do you defend the actions of more extremist trannies who are genuine creeps? Don’t say they don’t exist when shit like Jessica Yaniv was supported by human rights committees.
I don't? Nothing prevents someone from holding similar political views to me AND being someone I dislike. I'm not obligated to rally behind someone else just because they vote the same way I do in a fucking two party system.
Not everyone who supports the left is a tumblr transexual in the same way that not everyone who support the right is a nazi. We need to stop reducing political movements to their most extreme and distasteful examples.
But we do need to recognize when a particular element is in our midst. Tumblr transexuals are drama queens, but honestly its not like they are dangerous. No country has ever gone to war because of transexuals, and frankly its hard to imagine any kind of reasonable cause and effect that could lead that to happen.
The same cannot be said for runaway nationalism, which is a demographic that the Right is currently embracing for polling bumps and absolutely HAS been shown to be dangerous and destructive by history. So trying to portray the two as 'equally bad' is naive at best and intentional obfuscation at worst.
I don't get it. Don't conservatives usually trust their police&military? I'm not american btw
China's pretty screwed overall:
Most of us are doing just fine, thanks. Definitely voting for Trump again if the best the Dems have to offer is Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Colonel Sanders.
>quick google result
>manipulated search results from people behind an engine that already dislike the current administration
But declaring your place a "gun free zone" just means "open season on shooting cucks".
Anywhere else, there's at least a reasonable possibility that someone else there is concealed carrying, and might offer actual resistance.
Why are these threads still up? They break three rules:
/pol/ outside of /pol/
Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums
>a good chunk of /pol/ is supporting one of the biggest Israeli shills on the planet
It’s kinda mind boggling how this timeline has panned out.
I don't think you've ever actually read the rules.
This comic is the new shredded moose.
All American politicians are Israeli shills, but we allow you a choice between two flavors of shill:
Classic Shill shills for Israel, but they also lower taxes, reduce federal regulation, and push for increased border security.
New Shill shills for Israeli, but they also increase spending, promote worker's rights, and expand social programs.
You're welcome.
Based Mackay cartoons. Filibuster Cartoons/J.J. McCullough is also good.
They remind you that being fat and unhealthy is a choice.
I fucking love water
>Anywhere else, there's at least a reasonable possibility that someone else there is concealed carrying, and might offer actual resistance.
A thoroughly disproven myth. Active shooters don't get stopped by bystanders with guns, the bystanders with guns prioritize getting the hell out of there instead of acting out some vigilante power fantasy. Fewer than 1 time out of 20 has a bystander with a gun attempted to intervene in a mess shooting, and fewer times than even THAT were they actually successful rather than just ending up a statistic.
this one is actually good. fuck california
>Nazi uniform
epic my man, being retarded must be fun
Every shooter that didn't commit suicide was stopped by a good guy with a gun.
i don't get this one
They're like locusts.
Only if you are counting cops, which I wasn't. Hence why I kept saying 'bystander'. Gun control arguments are never being applied to police forces, so acting like the police doing their fucking jobs is somehow a supporting data point for there being a valid reason for non authority figures to walk around armed is just deceptive.
I'm not aure a year old post before new sanctions and tariffs is valuable information, desu. Too much has changed since then, we're looking at a different ballgame entirely.
I think its because the blue ranger is black, so like, white ranger, torches, kkk, ya get the point
>Red Power!
>Pink Power!
>Blue Power
>White Power!
Remember that guy that got fucking blown away by the cops because he had a gun near an active shooting. He had it out because he was trying to stop the real shooter.
>a valid reason for non authority figures to walk around armed
Shall not be infringed.
>Pussy Hat guy is incredibly obese
It fits. I've met people that look exactly like that.
Look in the background - there's police line on the door because of a shootout.
Didnt a few of "the Squad" get into a lot of trouble on being anti-Israel/antisemitic justfor saying stuff that amounted to not finding Israel if they were just going to Jew over their neighbors and try to influence our politics?
So really, pol is fine allying with Jews now as long as its conservative. And given big business and the wealthy Jewish multinational groups are typically economically conservative... pol just wants it's own version of sorobucks
but he's yellow
>says they have guns to fight corrupt governments
>complain about corrupt government
>guns remain unused
Can someone explain this to me?
>but he's yellow
No, he's not.
>A thoroughly disproven myth. Active shooters don't get stopped by bystanders with guns
The FBI estimates 55-80 thousand defensive gun uses by civilians a year. In 2018 there were 27 active shooter incidents listed by the FBI. Five of these incidents were stopped by civilian intervention - three by armed civilians with a concealed weapon, two by unarmed civilians who tackled the shooter. Active shootings where civilians intervene statistically result in *substantially* fewer deaths, especially in incidents where an armed civilian is involved.
why are right wing cartoonists so unfunny? most of these don’t even have punchlines.
>this thread
It just turned into /pol/ real quickly
Nobody wants to "go first".
oh never mind, wasn't up to date with their color schemes.
Both sides like to assume the police and military serve them. Republicans as Goose stepping boots keeping order, Democrats as means to control Republicans.
The truth is the average Cop and Grunt don't give a shit as they aren't in the job for Politics really, and as long as they get paid and are treated well into retirement, they aren't going to join hard on one side or another. It's hilarious to see /pol/ and lefty/pol/ think they'll pick a side in their Civil War, when all that's gonna happen is the National Guard is going to slap 'em both and shove em in cells.
They're spam, too. Jannies don't give a shit.
Why hasn't this gotten pruned but the one with the actually funny right wing comic did?
>Republicans as Goose stepping boots keeping order, Democrats as Goose stepping boots keeping order
When planning a revolution, PR matters a lot, ESPECIALLY when you're planning one in America.
That being said, politicians doing things that benefit companies isn't good enough for a large-scale uprising, as that isn't exclusive to any government.
Realistically the only time you can get an uprising going for real is when your rights are being actively trampled, and I mean secret police-tier trampling.
That will garner foreign support, which guarantees funding and weapons.
the right can't meme
>daily /pol/ threads
>eh, whatever
>popular show involving animation and puppets
>banish it to Yea Forums!!!
Every fucking day this thread is here and every fucking day Yea Forums responds to it and I wonder now if it's because all the tumblrtards here really can't help themselves or what
>73 IPs
You people are just fucking stupid. Hide the fucking thread and don't respond every fucking time it gets posted you mentally retarded Yea Forumsumblr dumbfucks.
The only way to stop threads like this is to confront them.
Same reason people have massive trucks despite many of them rarely hauling anything or people deliberately getting testosterone shots despite pretty much all the science showing most of them dont benefit from it.
It's all a dick measuring contest under a different guise.
The number of guns actually used for hunting is a small fraction, and you dont need 20 to defend your home. Besides, more accidental or self inflicted gun deaths happen each year than the number of incidents of guns being used to defend a home. So its safer not to have one.
I'd never try to take your rightful guns away, but I kinda judge it just the same as someone who balloons up to 500lbs. It's your right, but it's probably worse for you longterm.
>holding a gandhi sign
>artist doesnt realize hitler was a huge proponent of indian independence
you do it first, you're a terrorist
they do it first you're a freedom fighter
Stonetoss in particular isn't trying to be funny. He is trying to be offensive. Because controversy gets him more clicks than humor does.
Why would I defend any extreme? People are assholes and I don't need a party or political ideology to know it.
Why do people claim to be fine with legal immigration, but then cut the total numbers allowed legally or fuck up the process and then claim existing channels should be illegal? (All of these have happened in this admin)
Seems like it's not really the legal or illegal things that people get salty about, but the immigrant thing.
False. Doesn't matter when you do it or what you do it for. What matters historically is if you eventually win.
The point is that you can't argue that guns have become "too lethal" over time for civilian use if lethality was a non-factor in 2A's creation, which by all logical evidence it was if the Founding Fathers were willing to give private citizens access to friggin' artillery. Compare the damage of any modern machine gun you want against the effect a direct hit from a 12-pounder has on the human body, and then tell me lethality ever came into the equation with 2A.
There is a difference in corrupt governments where your society has legal rights to change the power-holding members wholesale, but won’t, and corrupt governments that make it legally impossible to change the power-holding members.
Guns will always give you rights. No government can occupy its own Nation should its people be armed. The threat of armed insurrection by a given people will always prevent power from centralizing indefinitely.
Sounds like a problem caused by not enough people cycling.
That explains why he has 3+ trans comics that have basically the same non-joke
helps with your PR in the present
Is this shit serious?
Punctuation is a thing
Because a lot of those "legal methods of immigration" as absolute bullshit, like "finding some way to get into America just in time to give birth to your anchor baby."
Generally people support immigration if they marry someone here, or if they fulfill some sort of employment niche that Americans cannot fill themselves, such as highly skilled occupations, or at least be wealthy enough to be a net benefit to the economy.
Democrats just want to flood the country with useless illiterate spics, because turning all of California into a homeless shit filled tent city isn't nearly good enough; everywhere needs to look like that.
An unused gun is as deadly as a non-existent gun. The US government doesn't fear the US people because the populace is all too in love with past rebellion to ever have a future rebellion.
Being okay with some people immigrating to your country according to a country's need for immigrated talent doesn't mean being okay with anyone and everyone immigrating because your country is nicer than theirs. It's not even a race thing, I don't want millions of germans pouring into my country because they like it better here, regardless of what their lives are like.
I can't even enjoy the irony anymore. Now, it just sickens me.
The original founding fathers were libertarian shits who threw a tantrum because they had to pay a single tax to finance a war that they caused by being retards. But they've convinced most of current America that they were gods among men fighting back against the evil tyrant British Empire.
That would be one thing if it wasn't the direct influence of said country that caused the issue. The destabilization of central and south america is directly the fault of our own fucking policies.
Natural born citizenship is the foundation of America, to abolish it would be to spit in the face of our founding fathers ideals.
Are you pretending to be retarded or is it genuine?
Even low skill immigrants tend to improve the overall economy of a nation due their needs for products and their labor sources. Most economists would argue that, and historically its well supported. The problem you have is a cultural one.
That's just wrong though. People dont support the skilled legal ways. Some countries can take decades on average to get a skilled worker into the US on average due to the system.
>angry British hands typed this post
your government is already captured by big business and you can't do shit about ti with your pea shooter except blow your own brains out
so shut the fuck up
Sounds like you hate the constitution there buddy
I don't see it.
You and that comic are conflating two very disparate definitions of lethality.
A canon is not any more lethal than a handgun or getting hit by a truck. A cannon doesn't make you any more dead than any other weapon of cause of death.
The difference is that a cannon has severe logistical constraints limiting its use and the reload time on it means that a single guy with a canon is a large threat for the first shot, and then you have a LOT of time to run up and beat his ass to death before the cannon is a threat again.
A modern handgun is more lethal than a revolutionary war cannon because while the canon does more destructive damage, it ultimately cannot kill as many people as easily as a handgun can. You would have to line people up in a row waiting to die for the cannonball to hit enough people that it could even hope to kill as many people as a handgun in a given window of time, and even then the cannon likely still loses.
The problem is that the economy isn't the be-all-end-all of a nation. What good does it do for the "economy" to be improved by immigration, and GDP to raise, if wages are suppressed and the cost of living is raised?
>USA statistics.
>Natural born citizenship is the foundation of America
Yeah, as way to make freed slaves Americans, not to make illegal spics "americanos".
then you deal with wage suppression by passing laws that benefit unions and unionizing, raising the minimum wage
and with rising CoL by passing rent control, universal healthcare etc
It's funny that suppressing wages and raising the cost of living actually makes things worse for the rich. If they paid their employees more there would be more money circulating, more people would buy their shit, and they would get richer. It's purely out of spite.
That's very big misunderstanding of the timeline of America.
>stopping non natively born citizens from heavily exploiting a gray area of a law to unrightfully migrate to another country is 'spitting in the face of your founding fathers'
Press S to spit, everyone
That's a much more fair argument. I'm not American, so I can't speak to that, but being the cause of destabilization in that region does open up a discussion of what should be done to help it.
Good goy, bring in all the immigrants you can to fuel the capitalist machine, it makes money so that means it's good
Inorganically shifting the cultural (and voter) demographics of a country by bringing in large numbers from groups who multiply faster than a host population is a bad idea in the long run, and care must be taken in crafting immigration policy that both isn't hateful or overly permissive
This explains why american patriotism feels like a cult.
>leave your home and head back to another country, then we’ll stop putting you in the camps
>this is in your best interest
>Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.
His shirt changed color for no reason.
It's not a grey area user, it's specifically designed that way.
Natural born citizenship did not start with the 14th amendment, dummy.
Literally the only one of his ITT with a good joke. Ironic it's the one where he calls himself out as a faggot.
so good PR helped them get the people following them?
Gave me a sensible chuckle.
>It's funny that suppressing wages and raising the cost of living actually makes things worse for the rich.
Imagine, after the financial crash, thinking that the material economy and the monetary economy are the same thing.
Go back.
Wow, Reddit did THAT?
Yeah so did his hair cut and where he was
I don't get it, is the kid someone who demands a third bathroom?
It kind of is. Those negative things you mentioned are short term signs of a long term weak economy. The economy is basically an aggregate of the trade and wealth of individuals. People just prioritize short term growth at times. Immigration is associated with long term permanent growth
Oh hey, theres that cultural/racism argument I already predicted. See, it's never about legal vs illegal. It's about any immigration with you KnowNothings
No retard because that just bumps them. If you ignore the fucking thread, it will die with no replies. It's not hard, you're just retarded.
>MAY I use the restroom
That's literally me
Sup Stonetoss?
>Immigration is associated with long term permanent growth
Just dragging people from the third world is a short-term plan. Long term planning is encouraging the fertility and culture of the people you already have. All immigration does is out-source reproduction the same way they out-sourced manufacturing.
It angers me that to this day people still don't understand what Net Neutrality is/was
You should always bump Stonetoss threads and reply to Stonetoss posters.
>Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?
>with literally nothing to show for it
Uh, several people ended up getting indicted and sent to prison due to the findings related to the investigation. They simply did not find concrete evidence of direct collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign that coukd be proven to be criminal. That doesn't annul the fact that Trump and his people directly lied about numerous things while covering up things, like the repeated lies and denials related to the Trump Tower meeting where Trump himself wrote his son's initial official statement about it, or people in the administration denying that they met with any Russian officials during the campaign (Jeff Sessions), Russian operatives trying to worm themselves in to influence the campaign like that Russia onions chick that got caught, or that the Trump team were completely open and willing to collude by welcoming foreign countries to give them dirt on Hillary.
The fact that they lied and tried to cover up shit and to shut down the investigation is the reason people thought there had to be something into it because no innocent person is that fucking stupid that they would repeatedly get caught in lies when talking about it.
But if you are making those new people citizens, it isnt outsourcing. Nice try
This. Even though the investigation didn't confirm and proveable collusion, the fact that there were SO MANY near misses on that, and they did confirm that Russia reached out to the Trump campaign multiple times to try to attempt such collusion, proves that the investigation was warranted. There very easily could have been more going on there, and the biggest takeaway from the investigation was that the only reason Trump couldn't be nailed for collusion with Russia was because no one in Trumps campaign ever trusted him with important enough decisionmaking that it was his choice to make.
Because you can play the "I'm not racist" card by claiming you just hate illegal immigration.
Everybody knew it was bullshit because it was a dumber conspiracy theory than Alex Jones could come up with while smoking bath salts. The fact that the media and mainstream democrats quadrupled down on that insanity is both disturbing and hilarious.
Lmao what's the next excuse, keep em comin
more gold but this isnt the super sentai version
How is bringing people in from elsewhere not out-sourcing reproduction? This means you don't have to worry about family-supporting wages and costs, because such things will happen where it's cheaper, just like out-sourcing manufacturing. Why, for example, have high-quality and affordable education, when such education will be done elsewhere cheaper (and let's be honest, of a higher quality), and you can bring them in after the fact?
But it wasn't insanity. Russia provably did interfere with the election, Trump himself was just not provably complicit in that interference. People have gone to jail over this, its not like it was all smoke and mirrors.
>some facebook ads
>for both major candidates
>A modern handgun is more lethal than a revolutionary war cannon because while the canon does more destructive damage, it ultimately cannot kill as many people as easily as a handgun can.
>Fire handgun randomly into a crowd
>Statistically, 30% of shots will be lethal
>3 kills, 7 injuries for a 10-round mag
>Fire cannon randomly into a crowd
>>Fire cannon randomly into a crowd
> data doesn't exist because this has never fucking happened
sort of proves the point, doesn't it?
user, unless you hide the cannon really good after lugging it into your location you'd still have to get people stupid enough not to see a 2-3 foot cannon ball and run out of the way.
For things that had absolutely nothing to do with "drunken slavs hacking our election".
To even call it "smoke and mirrors" would be giving it to much credit, because that would imply even the illusion of legitimacy, when there was no reason to believe he would be a "russian puppet" in the first place, as if he's some kind of KGB secret agent mastermind.
The thought of a school shooter setting up a cannon in the main hall and waiting for a crowd while nobody notice it's hilarious
>Don't worry it's just for a historical renactnent
>A canon is not any more lethal than a handgun or getting hit by a truck.
>A modern handgun is more lethal than a revolutionary war cannon
You say this, but I'm pretty sure "prohibitively longer prep-time" isn't going to be the argument that persuades any anti-gun advocate to allow private use of heavy iron.
Considering all he's been doing for russia and how he wanted to make business deals in to russia. This isn't nothing. The man has lessened sanctions and tried getting russia back into the V8. Calling him a puppet would be retarded but he's certainly trying to be way to friendly with them.
Because he considers China to be America's primary antagonist. He's right
Being tough on china doesn't mean you get into bed with russia. Especially not with the shit it's doing.
>Natural born citizenship is the foundation of America, to abolish it would be to spit in the face of our founding fathers ideals.
>Naturalization Act of 1790
>Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.
The Founding Fathers opinion on birthright citizenship was that children of citizens were citizens from birth, but children of aliens weren't until their parents became naturalized.
stonetoss is essentially pure concentrated shitpost in comic form, anyone that can't appreciate this isn't a true user
>but children of aliens weren't until their parents became naturalized.
Wrongo buds
China is beating the US economically, so they should get all the attention while we should make up with Russia, who actively invades neighbor countries...
It's a joke about schoolteachers (usually elementary school) being picky about the grammatical use of "can" vs. "may".
He re-branded from Red Panels to Stonetoss exactly so not EVERY comic would be expected to be political.
He hasn't done shit for Russia.
This only comes off as even more insane when you remember Israel.
If you didn't believe in clown world before, you have no excuse not to now.
The bill is right there - you can read the text for yourself. Please point to the part where the Founding Fathers say "anyone born on US soil is an automatic citizen"
>what he's doing for russia
Like what
Grammar Nazi joke. A lot of elementary school English teachers are picky about correct usage of words like "less" or "fewer", "can" or "may", etc and will have a handful of at-the-ready jokes to lob at kids who use them "incorrectly".
Well... uh... he... um... you know... uh...
China is gaining military strength and is becoming stroppier with nearby countries all the time while Russia is likely to become ever weaker due at least to poor demographics (they're dying off like most European countries).
I just wish they could pick a real reason to complain, because the neocon behavior is bad enough but for some reason people put all chips on some russian alliance they cant explain
The part where that's only about resident aliens that already have children and doesn't mention children born within the united states during their residency.
She annexed my heart.
A little on-the-nose.
>Constantly run lights
>Constantly switch at random between bike lanes, sidewalks, and vehicle lanes
>Constantly refuse to signal
>Constantly go the wrong way down the street
>Constantly weave in and out of traffic
The list goes on.
>due to the findings related to the investigation
Yeah, embezzlement and the like. Nothing related to Russia.
Gun control wont stop gun violence ever. Most humans dont want to shoot people for fun so theres nothing wrong with letting every adult who is not mentally ill and I mean legit mentally ill not meme mentally ill like the school shooters then let them have a gun to protect themselves with.
I like this.
Funny thing is, they do all of this and yet are the same people who bitch that drivers are always almost hitting them when they're the source of the issue 99% of the time.
I say this as someone who loves bicycling, but I detest most other people who do it as more or less a identity.
Real quick user, where'd that embezzled money come from again?
burger is not my first language, someone explain this one pls
Carrion is another word for carcass and it sounds like "carry-on"
All that matters is the ammo fits through the taper, maximises accuracy and gives round less places to go but forward
Carry-on and carrion are pronounced the same except for a tiny pause between the two words in the former.
Carrion refers to the bodies of dead animals in the wild.
stonetoss is a comic
>educate yourself bigot
>literally looks at the most recent crime news in a black minority city
>its nothing but black on black crime
I have free will and I chose to post in this very thread
There is not a single legal case in the books dealing with whether or not children of aliens born in the US qualified for automatic citizenship before the 14th Amendment, nor is there a single example in US history of the child of an alien being granted citizenship without their parent being naturalized prior to the 14th Amendment. Even alien wives of US citizens weren't granted automatic citizenship after marriage until after a law passed in 1855.
The Founding Fathers' intent is clear from the laws that they wrote and passed during their time - if you were born to a citizen, you were a citizen, if you were not born to a citizen, you were not a citizen until your parent became one through naturalization.
Again he's been weakening sanctions and trying to get russia into the V8. All the while praising him.
Deterrence exits. The point of an armed populace is not that they're constantly shooting politicians but that politicians won't try to tyrannize them because it's too risky.
This one I absolutely don't get.
Me neither
You really think a Canon has never been used against a grouping of people? Really?
eventually they all will have their bikes stolen anyway
It's neat that Shen learned something from the criticism and mockery this comic got.
>You really think a Canon has never been used against a grouping of people?
Assault with a deadly camera?
Reminder gun control is how the Soviet Union happened, dont ever let them take away your guns or you will be gulaged. Including all of all of you stupid white leftist.
I probably convinced two of my discord American friends to vote Trump, shared memes and shit and I'm from Brazil.
Could we say that the American election had Brazilian interference because of me?
The fucking US gov. Influenced candidates everywhere in the world since forever, fuck this snowflake country, Russia can invest their ads anywhere they want in social media, it's a American problem that they created this monster called facebook and poisoned the whole world with it
4channel should be the one place in this mad world to understand that Russian collusion is bullshit. Russian collusion is Pepe memes. Pepe memes are Russian collusion. Trump had a mysterious campaign that spammed the internet with pictures of cartoon frogs. Since it wasn't Israel, it must've been Russia.
The reports of people around Trump getting jailed and fined are just general fuck ups that nobody usually cares for, not even the perpetrators.
>There is not a single legal case in the books dealing with whether or not children of aliens born in the US qualified for automatic citizenship before the 14th Amendment,
Why do you think you can just fucking lie about this? Lynch v. Clarke, 1844 which is 22 years before the 14th Amendment, was a case before the Supreme court about just this issue. And guess what they found user?
>The leading case, Lynch v. Clarke[48] of 1844, indicated that citizens born "within the dominions and allegiance of the United States" are citizens regardless of parental citizenship. This case dealt with a New York law (similar to laws of other states at that time) that only a U.S. citizen could inherit real estate. The plaintiff, Julia Lynch, had been born in New York while her parents, both British, were briefly visiting the U.S.
This one confuses me. What’s the message? Everyone is doing it so it’s not that bad? But wouldn't that mean that today’s migrants are fine, too?
It's also how Venezuela happened. Big gun control push about ten years ago "to reduce crime" and now they've got a socialist dictator who re-rolls the government every time opponents are elected.
100$? try like 300-500
Blacks are animals, what else is new.
Russia collusion is butthurt that Trump actually won the election, if Trump lost you wouldnt hear shit about Russia collusion involving Killary. Fucking google literally censors anything that puts Trump in a positive manner and only shows you fake news clickbait bullshit too. Trump winning must have really steamed their asses.
There is no reason to have an AR-15. I'm not okay with all of the guns being taken away. I am fine with some of them. Don't give me some slippery slope argument. Semi-Automatics don't really have an every day use.
You are literally retarded if you think that. Tons of western countries have a lot more strict weapon laws, with no gulags in sight.
People change when they touch the dirt of different country, is an argument point people use for not taking illegal immigration seriously.
No, because it's in the interest of the current population to prevent their replacement. It's just saying "but whites did it to Indians" isn't a counter-argument.
If that were true fox news wouldn't be up on google searches when you do general searches on the news.
Without a semi-auto how am I supposed to protect my children from the roaming death herds of wild hogs, city-slicker
>Russia collusion is butthurt that Trump actually won the election
See also the noise about the encouraging/fantasizing about electors betraying the voters in the days immediately after the election. It's been one long tantrum by people who think they deserve power (which is reason enough to reject them).
>There is no reason to have an AR-15.
How am I supposed to kill deers?
Oh dont worry they will get their white asses gulaged in a couple of decades notice how many communist shills are in white universities nowadays? Tick tock tick tock just keep consuming.
All news media hates Trump though for simply being against the leftist agenda for wanting to stifle the invasion of America by mexican people. Not like Obama being a warmonger piece of shit or Bush being a warmonger piece of shit.
does stonetoss draw good porn?
cool cartoons and comics thread and great moderation
>Because what is a barely noticeable temporary inconvenience to American manufacturing is completely and utterly destroying China
No, the trade war isn’t ‘utterly destroying China’. I do t know where you guys are getting that shit from but stop.
All modern firearms are semi-auto.
>5 comics about trans suicides
We get it, you want people to forget about the time you thirsted over Prat
Ah, so you are saying that the whites committed atrocities against the Indian when they colonialised the US. I gotcha.
>those lips
>Free market determines the value in the Marketplace of Ideas! You can't tell private corporations what to do!
Choose one.
As I understand it, Fox News wasn't taken seriously decade ago. Their popularity is more to do with the general decline of people's trust in news overall.
Fair enough, you got me. I forgot about Lynch v Clarke and will concede there was one case on birthright citizenship prior to the 14th amendment.
That still does not invalidate the clear intent of the founders established in the US Constitution and acts passed by the 1st US Congress.
>Oh dont worry they will get their white asses gulaged in a couple of decades notice how many communist shills are in white universities nowadays? Tick tock tick tock just keep consuming.
No we won’t you delusional fuck.
Conservatives are pure evil (as Yea Forums makes obvious) and deserve death rather mere censorship
Ah, got it.
Hunting rifles.
Why would that be the message of a stonetoss comic? It’s not a position I’d expect him to take.
That's not a free market, that's a oligopoly
Thats what those stupid russian fucks decades ago thought.
>(they're dying off like most European countries).
Not their chaddest demographic groups.
>being horny for a fucking stonetoss cartoon
2A is not about hunting or hobby shooting.
>covers up violent black on white crime
>thinks they have the right to call others evil
Maybe you don't understand him as well as you think you do.
maybe you should have done a better job explaining nigger.
>That still does not invalidate the clear intent of the founders
Except it doesn't invalidate it because it follows with what they laid forth, as is the job of the Supreme Court. They looked at the laws laid fourth by the Founding Fathers and came to that ruling and that ruling has been the base for multiple rulings on citizenship.
Do Americans remember when they tried the same shit and got their asses wrecked by fucking leafs?
That was just a failed conquest. People like Jefferson thought they'd be welcomed.
That's the main reason why you hear about "Multiple shooters" in the initial reports. Most of the time they're plain clothes officers who have their weapon on them. Bad guys don't wear a big sign or a hat saying "I AM A BAD GUY WITH A GUN."
They are illegal immigrants. The United States is not their home.
>The communist scam in a nutshell
>Bankers finance shills to promote class warfare
>gets morons to kill their aristocracy
>promise morons they will no longer starve again kek
>said morons become absolute slaves to the bankers who steal all the money in their country
>the communist virus begins to spread until it has enough idiots to create an army to force its bullshit on unsuspecting countries
Were America to go communist everything next to it will also go communist meaning eventually South America would go communist too.
I believe pic related to be Stone Toss' "Bike Cuck". He normally knows how to get people angry with his antics, but here he's just being a sad virgin.
Based I say
Do you think it is possible to establish a government with absolutely no corruption? If people revolted over every little thing we wouldn't have a society.
Much of South America has been on-again-off-again pinko for ages. Fat lot of good it's done them.
He’s trying to equivocate mostly theoretical unrecorded/unknown territory disputes amongst the indigenous people with out and out meticulously recorded genocide and stealing of native land by people from a completely foreign land that are directly responsible for the death of 90% of the native population through a variety of means.
I mean, if I yell at my wife, that doesn’t therefore make it ok for someone else to come along and beat my entire family to a pulp with lead pipes but here we are.
his only comic that spawned several hilarious edits was pic related tho
The Dobson edit is the peak of this comic's offshoots, followed by the giantess on.
Ooooh, NuChan won't get it.
>he wants to marry a whore
never saw this one, post it
>2 November 1997
What does jailbait have to do with it?
Bruv I wanna fuck Cortana
Ironically Bixby is better than those other assistants, no one gives it a chance because of the retarded name though.
He deleted this comic.