The Fate of Jor-El and the House of El.
"The Unity Saga" Conclusion!
The Fate of Jor-El and the House of El.
"The Unity Saga" Conclusion!
Just read it, the same usual awful that you've come to expect from aa Bendis title.
Finally Bendis writing the Legion beyond that one spread. Let's get it started.
So is DC just letting him write his own little Batman continuity?
I'd just like to apologize to fans if your member got cucked.
My favourites Dawn Star, Shadow Lass and Phantom Girl made it out fine.
Adam probably shouldn't know about that.
Then again, I kinda thought they stopped time during the end of the last issue or something so that other people wouldn't see them do that.
Press F to Pay Respects
Just get this asshole off of Superman already, DC. Fuck's sake
Is this really how Bendis is going to do this.
This is the best Superman has ever been in a long time
Also the best selling title on digital :-)
Please do not post images during a storytime
>Jor El is finally gone
Thank god
Bendis what's going on with Mon El please tell me, if you didn't just have a phantom zone plot I wouldn't ask.
Also who's Jon's aunt I don't get that joke from Wildfire
Thanks for reading.
Batman: Jimmy Olsen:
I didn't spot Lyle/Invisible Kid. Or is it Jacques?
Bendis is killing Superman more than Doomsday.
There was no need to age Jon just to do this story desu
And even so: all that work by Johns to restore the OG Legion, dust
Why would half of these people agree to that? The Dominion is there and their favourite past time is invading and mass murdering people, including other people who are also there in that very audience. Is no one going to mention that?
(F)uck you, Bendis.
Yeah, this, I don't really understand. Unless there's going to be two separate LoSH? Even Snyder used the Justice Society in a really good way.
Pretty decent issue actually.
... aunt?
I think they just told Johns to go fuck himself and let Bendis do whatever Bendis wants, a policy which always led Marvel to trouble.
OG Saturn Girl literally disappeared from the timeline during Doomsday Clock. Which makes all of her guest cameos since rebirth extra weird.
>does creating genetically enhanced war monsters sound like he's from a different generation or does it sound like something we deal with all the time
What kind of comparison is that.
I think they mean Supergirl.
Yeah, and I'm not exactly sure how that even works with Doomsday Clock. It can't be non-canon, as everything in Rebirth, even ongoing, has been leading into it.
I didn’t ask for this
Me neither. People keep saying that one of them is in the preview art, but I doubt it.
>they just told Johns to go fuck himself
Is Bendis really THAT powerful?
I guess. Wildfire isn't boning Dawnstar then?
I thought I spotted one in some of the promo art a while back but I'll be fucked if I'm gonna go pore through that.
Snyder said it was non canon
He managed to regularly duck editorial oversight at Marvel for years when he wasn't half as big as he is now.
A rare exception is when he killed Scott Lang in an issue of Alias. Johns (writing Avengers) lost his shit and they made Bendis roll it back to a Purple Man illusion a month later.
Bendis got his way though. He killed Scott again in Avengers Disassembled not long after.
I hope Zoe Quinn fucks Bendis and MeToo’s him to suicide.
Thanks user, for me Dragonwing is missing sadly.
This whole run just felt like an excuse to write the Legion.
I'm pretty sure Bendis just wants to write big Events and "reinvent" old characters.
Where again? Because the current ongoing actually works WITH Doomsday Clock, with them not being part of the future anymore.
>"We’re all working in one big tapestry. What Geoff [Johns] is doing in Doomsday Clock is definitely going to inform what we’re doing here. And think what Brian [Michael Bendis] is doing with Millennium is part of a big story that we’re trying to coordinate with,"
But clearly that was not Johns' intention for the original Legion in Rebirth, for them to get dusted in a random panel with no real purpose.
I hope so. After DC screwed over Sejic on Justice League Odyssey, he deserves to be thrown a bone and allowed to do whatever he wants elseworld.
Do we have names for these 2 yet? Thanks!
That's also true, but we're talking about Bendis. He has a, "I'm autistic and don't play well with others", bumper sticker on his car & resume.
What I can't understand is how even DC is desperate enough to just let him coast now, at what is the downslope of his comics career even before he jumped companies.
Pretty sure promo material indicates this is Projectra (left) and Vi (right).
Sandy ghost girl below them is Nura/Dream Girl.
>**Nrama**: So does this tie in to Doomsday Clock at all? Because we’ve seen the seeds of the Justice Society returning in Doomsday Clock.
>**Snyder**: Not really. I mean, Doomsday Clock really is its own wonderful, incredible story. The kind of light connection between them is just that, what Geoff and I talked about was because Doomsday Clock is kind of running at its own pace and in its own kind of continuity, what I didn’t want to do was bring the JSA back before he had a chance to reintroduce them as a concept in issue #10.
>I think that’s similar with other characters that he’s going to be using in Doomsday Clock as well.
>So there’s a nod to each other in that regard. I wanted him to be able to have the JSA as an idea, and have that first appearance in Doomsday Clock.
>But in terms of the continuities linking up, Doomsday Clock is a very special and inspirational book. We’re all amazed, I think, at how good it is. **But its effects are relatively self-contained to itself.**
>return of the super sons
Ah shit. Jon's gonna give Damian shit for all the times he got told he was too young to be a teen titan, isn't he?
Welp, that makes Doomsday Clock pointless
People say they're in the space between Element Lad and SG here, if we're thinking about the same thing. But I'm not seeing it.
What the fuck is Brainy doing
Ironically Scott became popular due to MCU.
>Also the best selling title on digital :-)
Since digital is a fraction of physical that doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment.
What was even the point of bringing him back?!!!
Why does this feel just there? Like this was supposed to have a huge emotional impact but doesn't.
To age up Jon.
I don't know Everything Bendis writes seems like it's just there.
"United Nations in space"
"let's recreate the most toxic and useless organization ever made and think it will do anything"
It's not the UN in space, it's the Justice League in space. Idiot.
Nah, UN in space is right. They don't have a higher authority pushing them around on where they can and can't go, unlike the JL (specially shown recently with Young Justice) where the UN secretary can tell them to sit there with their thumb up their ass.
It feels like Jor-El was sent back a bit too prematurely
>sejic au
oh god my body is so ready
A) to age up Jon and for some reason Bendis used Jor-El.
B) or Bendis thought something big was gonna happen with Doomsday Clock and decided to bring back Jor-El like King did with Bendis. And now that DClock is pointless and irreverent, decided to throw him away.
C) a little bit of both
>Jor-El has brown hair
>Lara is blonde
>Superman has black hair
Did Jor-El get cucked?
Huh. I thought the spinny band things were just a Krypton thing.
Bendis didn't really have any good explanation why Superman and Lois suddenly trusted Jor-El at the start of his run. In fact he made it even worse when he revealed Jor-El was crazy. The entire storyline makes no sense if you've read Jor-El's prior appearance during Rebirth.
kara why are you sassy today
I'm pretty sure bendis said a upcoming issue would feature thomas wayne and jor el meeting now that they are both alive in continuity..I wonder if he was lying or if it will be a flashback
Thomas: You're - you are -
Jor-El: Yes.
Thomas: You're his father. The father of the Kryptonian.
Jor-El: I am. And you --
Thomas: I --
Jor-El: You are Thomas Wayne.
Thomas: I am.
Jor-El: The father of the dilettante.
Thomas: Bruce.
Jor-El: The Batman.
Thomas: So.
Jor-El: So...
Thomas: Here we are.
Jor-El: Yes.
[continue for 15 pages]
>Jon died on the way back from the future
It's gonna happen.
So this is the designated Bendis Superman thread? I'm just about to start reading Man of Steel. Wish me luck, lads!
>"Excellent hands!"
Acting like Dr.Fate
Is Bendis implying some Doctor Who-ish wibbly/wobbly where past Jor-El knew Kal would unite the planets after he was abducted by the anomaly? So that's why he took Jon into space with him to set up the whole loop and ensure it would happen?
it's a good read
mfw this run
I say Space UN is right since they can have actual laws were the don't go around bombing and go to war and shit. All they need is a head leader that can get shit done. Plus a military force consists of diferent species from different planets can help since the Green Lanterns ain't doing much
Who are these people again? I know some of them
Is this trying to riff on birthright?
This bit is actually good
Lois' sister?
>Didn't see the invisible kid
word balloon podcast
Wait, what?
They still haven't explained what really happened when Krypton was destroyed
Isn't this incredibly irresponsible from them? Paradoxes and all?
Either that or it's an established loop that they're fulfilling.
This is actually good.
Did Jax-Ur make it?
If they make her hyper-competent and take away her infatuation with The Joker then it'll ruin the fucking character.
Ugh. I hate raceswapped Garth & Ayla, I hate fat Brin, I hate inverted-color-scheme Jo, I hate on-fire-all-the-time Dirk.
Most of all I hate how Bendis writes everyone with the exact same annoying voice.
Just imagine what the actual LoSH comic will be like.
Anyone plan on storytiming the Lex Luthor comic this week?
you do
This might be THE biggest "FUCK YOU, SUPERMAN FANS!" page that Bendis has done yet, and that's saying something.
This is one of the worst comics I've ever read.
Is this the single worst issue of Superman that Bendis has written yet? I think it might be.
When was Red Lantern there?
They've been there the entire time for some reason, along with L.E.G.I.O.N.
>Jor El created Roger Zaad
Did i miss when this was revealed or what?
Anybody realized we just lost a Jor-El Superman & Tomas Wayne Batman team-up!? The Super-Dads, the Super-Bros, and the Super-Sons. We're talking about 3 generations of Batman and Superman team-up now gone
Seriously, fuck you Bendis for costing this!
it's been horrible
the art was nice though
sick burn Zod
>this is why Bendis killed Super Sons
I already knew it when Bendis was starting, but it feels extra shit.
literally black lightning
i need to speak with the man with the red suit about what Bendis gave to survive that infection
Prime stop with this shit.
because its the anniversary coming out soon, and they want sales...
I am convinced that Bendis is Lex Luthor in secret
Nah, Lex can actually function when he's not thinking of Superman.
Bendis dont think this trough.
Just like his "do the united planets work" scene. Funny that they instantly take their word as true while every legion member is humanoid or have a skin color you dont see under the prominent aliens.
>does the united planets eork?
>but i dont see any thagerians with you
>oh, that. Yeah we had to kill them all to force peace
Noone asked why none of their race were prsent!
Just a minor thing, but feels a little bit sloppy, since its an introduction of the legion to us and the ambassadors of all planets.
Jor-el create to No-Doomsday/Hulk Kriptonian Villain??? When???
>legion issue with no legion but roseþ character
>superman issue introduces legion
Thats pottery. But why? To boost Legion sales? To boost this issue with a "first time introduction" issue?
Yeah, the whole scene is just bogus in every way. You'd also think that someone would suspect that this may very well be a set up, seeing how convenient it is.
And if nothing else Vril is right there and can probably hear that they're calling Brainiac 5 by name, if he didn't already notice that he's wearing Brainiac's symbol on his head. Shouldn't he at least say something about that?
I agree. The introduction of the legion felt a little bit old school like 60s or 70s style.
I feared more from Bendis. The only thing is, not much happens and Bendis timetravel shenigans asspulls to create a ex machina.
Yeah that was pretty cheesy. If doomsday wasn’t gonna count anyway they should have let Geoff use the legion
I fucking hate how they've never acknowledged Superman Last Son, even if it's non-canon in this timeline, this Superman lived through it. Chris is literally right there.
>tries to fuck with johns writing plans at marvel
>now fucks with johns writing plans at DC
I dont know how johns react to this, but i would be pissed that Bendis gets his will and fucks with my writing.
Good point. They have a villian with them and dont ask for a proof that they are from the future.
It all could be a brainiac setup.
Dont overreact.
But user, with the Multiverse back. That Super-Dads story just happened with Hyper Crisis.
So is this the same Kara that teamed up with a Legion team. Or did Rebirth wipe that away?
Very unclear. Didn't she also have a annual or something where she and brainy hung out and had UST?
>The Super-Dads, the Super-Bros, and the Super-Sons
Fuck. I wanted to see that
Bendis said he is writing this like it's the first Legion appearing in continuity. We've also seen in Doomsday Clock one of the past legions outright getting erased.
SuperBoy vs Batman 666
Metropolis Fall
But what about this version. We have both Batman and Superman with both their sons. Now with the introductions of their dads it would have been a superhero team up that would have all three generations at odds against each other ideology on what they view as heroism. Each of these characters are grown in different generations. So it would have been fun to see how they can act and work together
Hell, the dialogues of both Jor-El and Thomas Wayne would have been very interesting to see. As both are somewhat similar as they value family more, but have different methods and viewpoints on how things should be done.
It would be ineresting to see
please die of cancer
What if we add Hippolyta to this mix?
Okay I hate Bendis and some of the others too but let's calm down on the hate train. Ultimate Spider-Man was great.
Sounds like the cover of a silver age story. The super parents vs the justice league.
>Your chances of wining drastically go down
It was. It had good stuff, but went down hill later on. Hell, they should have given us a Ult. Peter X Ult. Jessica romance. They even mentioned a kiss was going to happen
Then introduce Miles, which he's good at first, but then later written him as another Peter Parker with the same villains and cast and everything. Never made anything interesting with this character and his title went downhill on sales
Bendis starts good, but went down badly. He's shit that deserves to rot for his failures
So I guess Saturn Girl and Jon are going to end up fucking.
Huh? What do you mean? They pretty much had a issue that made Jor-El to be a "Eco-Save the Planet" Nut because nothing was actually wrong with Krypton and then not!Doomsday blew it up.
Jim Lee drew like 8 horrible pages and his name is in front of all others. So easy when you are the boss.
That came out of nowhere? Why even get rid of the character suddenly?
It felt like Bendis didn’t know what to do with Jor-El and said fuck it
Not the first time, but I agree with Zod.
Nothing good has come from him since the moment he showed up wrtten by Bendis. Fuck him.
>Bendis: Goobye, plotline. I no longer need you!
Remember, he was originally brought back as Mr. X. He was part of Rebirth. Remember he was the one who saved Tim Drake from being killed in Tec?
All this amounts to is Bendis undoing that and worshiping at the altar of our one true god, status quo.
Because it feels like a monkey paw. Sure, we got a nice moment, but the cost is more than the payoff.
I just thought that was meant to reassure Kal's parents that in that moment when they were filled with uncertainty, that their effort to send their son to the stars, not only succeeded, but benefited the universe.
...wait, LoSH is now tied to Jon. But will it still have ties with L.E.G.I.O.N?
>The Return of the Super Sons
Based on how horribly he has written Damian in Leviathan, this is the last fucking thing I want. I'd rather he just ignore it than ruin it which is all he'll do.
So Bendis strenght is to set things up? Wasnt he notorious to forget or shit on continuity?
Must be hell for editors or whoever works with characters he uses.
user, i've been reading supes since 1984 and this has been one of the worst runs
did'nt dc say the were oing to show more of that lois lan lex luthor subplot from issue 13.
Superman #13 - Supergirl #29....
Clown Car
Timberwolf ginger and Lightning Lad black? Weird flex Bendis.
He's not wrong, it's definitely around Austen level
I bet she’s next to die. You know Dc is sliding back into their “No Parents!!!” Policy, when Batman can’t even have Alfred anymore.
The older one from Doomsday Clock is the Pre Flashpoint version.
This version is younger and therefore is the one native to the current continuity.
The older Saturn Girl was erased because she didn't have anything tethering her anymore after she realized Superman truly didn't remember her. Which honestly makes sense if Superman's memory of Saturn Girl is completely different now.
That's my takeaway/headcanon at this point
See, that would make sense, but I think they established that all possible futures exist thanks to hypertime. Braniac was collecting them recently.
Also our Superman is the Superman from 1982(?) so that shouldn't really be an issue
Whoever said this was Bendis' way of getting rid of Jon, they called it.
>The Return of the Super Sons
I don't want this
Dude. I want this
This makes me hate Bendis even more
They say and what they do is nowaday totally different.
>Saturn Girl fucks the entire legion
>Wildfire tries to fuck brainy's not-girlfriend
your job can't be hell if you don't do your job.
He's still going to have to write him though
Beefy MEL is just wrong.
Read Superman: Reborn. His memories are merged and rewritten now to incorporate the majority of both continuities, and are very confusing to him at times.
And just because she dissapates into Hypertime doesn't discredit the theory, it actually makes it stronger cause you know Saturn Girl will be back by the end of the story and will likely become one with her younger counterpart.
She doesn't need to merge. She can become her owns seperate thing, ala Hawkgirls.
That would be cool to have an adult Saturn Girl in present day who gets a new hero team to join.
fair point.
After a Levitz run, before Zero Hour, Giffen actually aged everyone five years onwards. They were getting older and dealing with more mature threats, but they were apparently planning on ramping up. Zero Hour made them reboot though.
Yep. It’s an Elseworld.
No he didn’t. After Reborn this Superman got folded into canon and lost some stories, such as Last Son.
I’m pretty sure Mon-El is going to become an actual Superman descendant
But Mon-El is already born, he crashes on Earth in the 20th century and chills in the PZ for a 1000 years.
do all Phantom Zoners receive reparations or only Zod and Ursa?
So basically they destroyed the legacy of Jor-El for no real reason since he is dead anyway. Still irks me that Jon is the one who "founded the LoSH" that has always been kind of a defining trait of Superboy/Superman. Oh and everyone was right that Bendis was getting rid of Jon through the Legion much like Supergirl. Bendis needs to leave comics alone and stop stroking his ego. Can't wait for all his OC's to start infiltrating and ruining other comics.
Genetics are a little more complicated than that since there is a thing called recessive genes. But knowing Bendis it wouldn't surprise me if he eventually goes that route if he isn't stopped or leaves the corpse of Superman comics alone.
When did they bring the elseworld line back?
i want young jon back 2bh
Not to be a total characterfag, but I'm not a huge fan of Brainy messing up the first thing he does. It doesn't bode well for his future characterisation.
When the hell are they kicking Bendis? His numbers are low, aren't they?
Sales jumped up by 12k with July's issue. May have been because of the LSH