Far From Home Deleted Scenes

>the population at large in the MCU is fully aware of the circumstances surrounding Thanos' snap


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God that's fucking surreal. I knew they were aware of Thanos since civvies knew him by name, but apparently they're also aware he accomplished it via a jewelry-powered space glove made by dwarves and that's nuts

That big fucking NOVA is such a tease.

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They've seen aliens attacking three times now. There'd be no point concealing the truth or twisting details to make them more plausible.

>A Paul Greengrass film

I'm sorry, what the fuck would that be like?

So is The Snap a dramatization of Infinity War or was it like a documentary of how fucked the world was after the snap? If the former who the hell was cast as the Avengers? Is this the timeline where Tom Cruise got the role of Tony Stark? I wonder if he go nominated for an Oscar

It's NOVA the PBS program.

Alien life isn't that farfetched of a theory, but magic (for lack of a better term) gems that could alter reality on such a scale would've been a hard sell had everyone in that universe not witnessed it firsthand

>Deleted Scenes
that scene was in the movie though, when they are on the plane

Is it surreal though? There's this perception in a section of the fanbase that if a world-altering event the heroes deal with happens and it isn't like, in a big city, that there's no way the general public could find out what really happened. As if the press wouldn't go to the heroes afterward to see what the hell happened, or that every single one of them would stonewall. Professor Hulk is like a popular public hero now, he's gonna get questions and probably be willing to give answers about what happened.

Yeah but it's still Nova. You can't tell me they weren't aware of the similarity.

This is some top-shelf desperation.

>even in the MCU the MCU is popular.

>The Snap
>by Paul Greengrass

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Black widow confirmed that she and the remaining Avengers were working with the government's of the world to keep the peace. Endgame featured a support group in which cap openly tells civilians that "thanos should have killed them all" if they don't make something of the world

Why would the world not know what happened?

It's not surreal at all. Half the universe died and was brought back years later. It would have to be explained in full

>You can't tell me they weren't aware of the similarity.
I can.
They weren't aware of the similarity.
Because the only thing they were trying to make it similar to was the NOVA TV show.
Not your retarded notion.

Here's an actually deleted one

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Fuck you man, just fuck you

>ywn have a relationship like this.

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So Spider-Man is the bitch in every relationship he has or what?

There was absolutely another Snap Dramatization that didn't go as well released the same year, like Deep Impact/Armageddon.

>The Snap directed by Paul Greengrass
So it's United 93, but with Thanos?

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I could see that being a thing. I wonder if they considered getting actors to play Thanos during the reenactment. I imagine it would be like the rules concerning portrayals of Hitler in films, where you're not allowed to make him look sympathetic

I'd love to see some Texan guy in a thor outfit shouting NO! As Thanos snaps



that's so cute

Spider-Man fought Manfredi crime family in a deleted scene

im glad they remembered selvig. waititi kind of chucked him.


has sony and disney fixed their shit yet



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Yeah the blips jokes were pretty funny

No. Sony is still being greedy

based sony

>Life is like a box of chocolates, half should be thrown out.

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And Matt Damon as Iron Man

cute but now i'm sad

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Ignore the people telling you otherwise. Meticulous detail is paid to small things like this, they don't pick random show titles for no reason. It's an Easter egg at best, but absolutely intentional.