Is it okay if a show or movie is "offensive"...

Is it okay if a show or movie is "offensive"? People have been complaint about It 2's homophobic scene even though it happened in real life and was put in the movie to reflect the true horrors of reality. It seems people want to see "deep lore" shows like Steven Universe without actually facing controversial topics.

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Kind of depends. If something is just being edgy and offensive just to be edgy and offensive then there's kind of no point. It's just unpleasant for no reason. However if a creator is trying to say something about an unpleasant topic, then they should have full license to broach that kind of stuff, even if it does make people uncomfortable.
And if you are the kind of person that does have triggers, you should realize that you're an adult who is responsible for your own media consumption.

We Bare Bears had a racist joke and most antagonists were non-white.

>Is it okay if a show or movie is "offensive"?
The goal isn't to be offensive. Even comedians that do stand up aren't trying to be offensive but attempt to be controversial or contrarian to enhance the sting of a punchline. Or at least the good ones. There should always be a purpose for something and being offensive isn't a good one. Also there's going to be something that will offend someone. People get angry over the smallest things. Just look at Cyberpunk 2077. There's a new "controversy" every week.

I'm also reminded of when Kate Leth was on Hellcat and she tweeted about not using a villain because she remembered they were a rapist or something. When your villains aren't used because they did something evil is when you need to stop writing.

I watched It 2 with my husband and found that scene jarring, especially since my first reaction was to whisper "look honey that's us". If they were going to add a hate crime I would have preferred it be tied into a bigger thematic purpose rather than "the real killer of gays are supernatural space clowns" or to grease in the opening. +it felt disconnected from his MO of specifically targeting children. Everything Bev went through was more unsettling honestly, don't know how people can glaze over her life horror and focus on the rest, it takes me out of the moment

>We Bare Bears had a racist joke
What was it?

Yeah that opening scene was pretty shitty and added nothing. Plus it kinda felt as if Pennywise had weird hangups about gay people instead of all humans in general, because killing one and pestering the other is not exactly statistically sound. Should've left it at the second.

>When your villains aren't used because they did something evil is when you need to stop writing.

Most offensive thing about It remakes is how boring they are.

Unpleasant topics don't exist solely for making your fiction appear deep, sometimes survivors of horror and trauma want to express themselves in a way that you might not see the point in, or even assign blame to.

This. The scene wasn't badly made or tasteless, but it could have been more tightly connected to the narrative. I know Pennywise isolates the loners of a society and manipulates fear, ignorance, and insecurity, but I was still kinda jarred by the scene.

Been about a decade since I read the book, but did Pennywise incite the attack so he could isolate Adrian, or did he literally just smell blood in the water and pounce out of opportunity. I couldn't tell in the film

The black bear couldn’t get a cab and got sad about it, then the panda called him a nigger.

>someone get this elderly Korean lady out of here
>dude, I'm 10!
The joke being that Koreans shrink.

I mean… I don’t think any Korean people would actually be offended by that. I find Asians in general Have a pretty good sense of humor about them self… Unless they’re like 20 and went to Berkeley or some shit like that.

Pennywise is literally a bully, and occasionally seems to use human bullies to "flush out the game" so to speak, choosing targets that are already emotionally vulnerable and isolated. He seems to wanna eat kids that aren't gonna be missed by the town.

Georgie said he only had one friend that wasn't his brother
Beverly was being abused by her father and was a social pariah
All the Losers were targeted by Bowers
Patrick was a creepy bully
Birthmark girl said her classmates were mean (feelsbadman. I didn't want her to die. My sister has a portwine mark)
Skateboard kid was just to fuck with Bill

Yeah that was the one really messed up scene out of both movies. Skateboard kid was a distant second and nothing else really hit me at all like those two.

Everything in the world offends somebody. That's the way it has always been. Only way to avoid offending people is to never do anything, never say anything, pretend you don't exist.

Movies, shows, games et cetera need to only fear offending one category of people, and that's its actual target audience. Whatever it is. And the only reason for that is that they'll go away if you piss them off, and then you'll be without an audience. See: Star Wars, etc.

>Movies, shows, games et cetera need to only fear offending one category of people, and that's its actual target audience.
Did you just step out of a marketing class? Some of the best works aim to offend the typical target audience: Watchmen, Evangelion, Shrek.

You're retarded. None of those were offensive to the target audience, nor did they attempt to be. All three were worshipped from day one.

Not him, but they were all more or less spiteful parodies allegedly

Watchman rips on Silver Age comics
Evangelion rips on otakus and harem stuff
Shrek rips on Disney

People think that controversy just means "pisses people off." It means it gets people to debate and rethink. Mark Twain was the king of controversy, and one of his most controversial jokes was when Huckleberry Finn's first act of willful wickedness was helping a runaway slave.

This. Challenging the audience, refusing to pander and running the risk of pissing off the target audience should be encouraged.

>Evangelion rips on otakus and harem stuff
Not really, it was just Anno's version of Ultraman but got drepressed and stole the ending from Devilman.

Are people still upset a fucking eldritch spider creature that devours children and feeds on fear was mean to gay people? Seriously?

It's more like it felt exploitative for no good reason, at least the first scene. The one with Bill Hader's character was fine because he was preying on his fears and insecurities, while the first one had the gays beaten up senselessly, then the one who actually stood up to the bullies almost gets drown only to get eaten by Pennywise. It's not even a bad scene objectively speaking, but it's tonally off... Normally Pennywise lures his victims into his dark place then eats them, not does whatever he did.
Not trying to read much into it but frankly it did bother me when I saw it, the rest of the movie was fine to me.

It felt weird in the book too. Might have been better if gay couple is attacked, one of them runs off after to be alone, Pennywise eats him. It's also weird because Adrian is a confident adult man, not a child. Maybe Pennywise got less picky.

Personally I felt like the decisions about Ritchie's character were fine, but could have been less tacked on.

If helps, the assault happened in real life and most of It was written in a coke fueled blur. King said he genuinely doesn't remember writing the sewer gangbang, and regrets putting it in.

It's intended to show Pennywise's influence on the town and how its worst elements are amped up to 11. It's why the local bullies aren't just into pantsings and stealing lunch money but are straight up murderous psychos.

In the book Pennywise periodically incites atrocities, sending otherwise normal people into fits of murderous hysteria. Its not the only time Stephen King has used the idea, it recurrs in a few of his books that involve evil infecting small towns.

the problem is that nowadays people are NOT thaught to improve themselves, to face their own problems, but that they are ok the way they are, and trying to overcome their issues is something that would not be true to themselves

it's not just that people consider themselves as unique snowflakes, but social media brainwashed everyone with thinking that everyone has to be listened, but when every single people on this planet has a voice, the result is not a beautiful choir, but a white background noise

this is just a new niche market big companies are exploiting with bland and boring movies

I think my favorite example of that is Needful Things.

Isn't the show creator Korean?

>expecting people who watch IT Chapters Jump Scares and Jumper Scares 2 to have read the book.

They're just upset it spoils their headcanon that Pennywise is also a gay and fucking The Babadook.

The final truth/logical endpoint of the "consideration cult" (trigger avoidance) is this.

It doesn't matter how mentally ill,fragile and unstable you are; there is always going be someone worse off than you, who is "triggered" by things even more innocuous,benign and petty than you are, and that person will "require" even more baby-proofing of reality by setting the bar of "acceptability" even lower, and consequentially, making reality even more dull,bland and boring and offering no outlet for the negative feelings brewing and bubbling in the minds of billions every day, thus creating even more mental illness that needs to be "coddled and considered".

A problem that is creating itself. An ouroboros of pain.

This will keep happening until this "consideration" starts impeding and destroying basic essentials like water/food production,mobility and infrastructure, at which point it either will be met with violent retaliation, or it will be allowed to continue until everything collapses and we all die in a polluted,disease ridden sludge.

What if the show has trigger warnings in the beginning?

Just kidding, but usually you know if show is going to be like that. This really isn't about being offensive, it's just plain old "stop liking what I don't like".

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In defense of Kate Leth, in what way would a villain with a history of rape be congruous with the tone of her Hellcat run?

He says that about a lot of things, but no one is that high on coke for that long. Tommyknockers is pretty much a big sci-fi allegory for his drug addiction.

No. The right thing to make on movies is ALWAYS put the leader as black or woman, with the exception when de leader is shit, because like that, it will be a white man. Also, bad guys always are going to be white, except if they kinda have a point but took it to far, that way, he can be black.

Maybe write the story to not be something a 5 year old would read. I mean she dealt with a villain putting bed bugs in everyone's bed.

It feels like some people have actual issues while others just want to feel offended. If someone wants to feel offended you'll never get it right.

It's because It is meant to be a metaphor for all the hate and ugliness that lurks behind a small American town. That scene is based off an actual murder and was one of the primary influences in the story. It's literally the entire point of It as a character.

But user Pennywise is an LGBTQA+ icon, he's gonna marry the Babadook and making him into an antagonist is a really regressive choice

I will never understand why or how that got pushed.

>my first reaction was to whisper "look honey that's us".

I mean she used known mass child muderer Arcade in an issue so I don’t see why a rapist would be any worse.

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Just because it's offensive to you doesn't mean it's offensive to me, and I have every right to enjoy that movie no matter how much it upsets you. You don't have the right to keep things from me. Shut up and don't watch if you have a problem.

Jesus that's cringey as fuck

>main antagonist of a piece of fiction
>acts like a bad guy
>people are upset that they were bad

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we all how Kate doesn't want to upset anyone.

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>every time something is one of his books is problematic.
"I was coked up at the time"

the villain can be black if he's a cool villain, but we have to know that white racism made him evil in the first place.

"I don't need to break out the list again, do I?"

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Put down the fork, fatty.

What list?

It's sadly more in character than the abomination that was Avengers Arena.

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Internet was a mistake. People aren't meant to be forced together like this.

If I'm sensitive about something, I can ask my friends not to mention it, and they would probably oblige. But the world will hunt me down and expose to it anyway.

people are allowed to approach controversial topics, people are allowed to react to controversial topics, people are allowed to defend what they hold dear. It's a conversation, and I'm pretty sure the only direction we're all heading in is the path forward, so long as we keep holding meaningful conversations.

Hopefully that'll lead to the realization that at the end of the day, the fucking big wigs are still raking in money for their stockholders because none of those fuckers give a shit about this nonsense bickering from the peons below. Eat the rich.

What's the issue? I'm interested in seeing how the rest of this comic looks like. I'm utterly dumbfounded in how bad the art is

I don't think anyone actually considered Pennywise to be gay, those were memes. It was exactly why everyone made fun of that one article that said "maybe Pennywise isn't the ally we thought it was?", because duh how the fuck was he?
Technically Babadook was also another meme, but at least that one was an original character.

British shows have trigger warnings at the beginning, and some of them at the end. For instance there's an interesting show called Southcliffe about a veteran in a small town that snaps and goes on a killing rampage, and at the end of the show during the credits they advise those who might have felt distress while watching it or if they were having similar thoughts to sell counsel (and they even give a phone number). The show isn't even that extreme, but it's pretty bleak.

Trigger warnings immediatly turned into a giant meme because it's an idiotic concept driven by entitlement and ignorance.

Mostly agree, however if some TV show or comic book puts a Trigger warning on it, that is nothing to be upset about, because the warning isn't for you, it's for someone else. It doesn't hinder your enjoyment of the story at all.

Go talk to some PTSD riddled veterans and tell them their panic attacks are driven by entitlement and ignorance.

Of course, you won't do that, because you're a pussy. You only want to bully women.

I mean, it was jarring how forced a gay romance was at the very start of the film sure, but it bothered you because it felt exploitative?

How about the scene where It floats down and sings a song to Bill Hader "Ha haaaa I knowww you're gayyy, yessss I know you're gayyyy. Your secret is youu'reee gayyy XD" Parodies of themselves.

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I once got banned because I was racist. Like on fucking Yea Forums getting banned for being racist. That's bullshit. Mods are snowflakes. Yea Forumsmblr even more so. Let me try a joke. What happens when 2 negroes meet? They call each other nigger.

>Horror movie shows something horrible that invokes an actual human feeling.
>People complain about it.
>"Horror movies are just rollercoasters where a spooky clown pops out suddenly, makes we scream and then I laugh 'cause I got surprised!"

veterans with PTSD weren't going around telling everyone what they can't have in their books and classes and movies. They coped with their issues like adults instead of turning it into a way to control other and cry for attention.

"Trigger warnings" was a concept created by college student to be assholes.

There's nothing forced at all about gay romances, get over yourself.

did she get death threats from the twitter mafia (formerly tumblr mafia) ?

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Imagine publishing this and charging money for it. And then people over the age of 5 actually purchase and consume it.

"Fridging" is such a retarded concept. Like, I get being mad if say they raped Wonder Woman so Superman would get mad and beat up her rapist, but revenge plots are a core literary device that have existed for centuries and beyond.

>Wow, I can't believe they fridged Thomas and Martha Wayne just to give Bruce some motivation
>Yikes, they could have had Like join the Rebellion WITHOUT fridging his aunt and uncle like that
>Way to fridge everyone at the Red Wedding, that's pretty #problematic and #gross

It's the hero/heroine's story, not their spouse's. Characters get killed off, this raises the stakes and injects drama and tragedy. It's literally one of the most basic narrative devices but these people always need to start reeeeeing because "sumthing bad happun to womun"

The difference is if a veteran has PTSD, they'll just stay inside on 4th of July and not go see movies about war.
These people would propose no one else is allowed to celebrate 4th of July and the war movies must be banned and/or censored.

It's the difference between someone with peanut allergies not eating peanuts and someone with peanut allergies campaigning to have peanut butter removed from store shelves entirely.

Same reason they cut that scene set in the 1600s where Pennywise eats a baby. It sounded fucking awesome and atmospheric and horrifying but you don't want your horror movies to be upsetting or scary.

Yeah, I consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to horror movies, and I can always see the scares coming, but the birthmark girl fucked me up. Had me mentally cheering when they killed Pennywise

Because netflix accidentally tagged the Babadook as an lgbt movie, that's it

This isnt Yea Forums for fucks sake

That shit was the best scene in the movie desu
>takes its time so you feel bad when the kid dies instead of "AW YEAH HERE WE GO BABY!"
>fixes the problem in the first one where Pennywise is too fucking scary to effectively lure in kids, shows he can act sympathetic and sweet to get what he wants
>slowly builds up to a scare you know is coming, but is still shocking when it happens

Same with the bit of him talking to Bill Hader. I wanted to hate Pennywise more, and the moments where It feels like a real malevolent consciousness with a character and personality are the best moments, compared to SPOOKY CLOWN SCARE ME.

>Gay Community (tm) brands the physical manifestation of mental illness and child abuse as an LGBT icon
I feel like none of them really thought that through beyond "teehee what if funny monster had pride flag".

>This is what millennials consider "racist"
God this generation is full of huge fucking pansies.

>Go talk to some PTSD riddled veterans and tell them their panic attacks are driven by entitlement and ignorance

Those aren't the people whining about being triggered. The whiners are 20-something white college students from upper middle class background who have literally never experiences a real problem in their entire lives, so much so that they think being slightly upset by something is traumatic.


>Just because it's offensive to you doesn't mean it's offensive to me, and I have every right to enjoy that movie no matter how much it upsets you. You don't have the right to keep things from me.

Put it better than I did.

Based and redpilled

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Like his novel Cell and the In the Mouth of Madness movie that pays homage to Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft?

Technically you're not supposed to be screeching about niggers and dropping /pol/ infographics outside of /pol/, but nobody seems to follow that rule. I'm glad you were banned though because at least Hotpockets did his job for once.

Pennywise had just woken up and grabbed the first snack he could find, which happened to be a gay man in the river. He doesn't give a shit about what humans are or do, to him we're all just food.


That's because the original conception of Women in Refrigerators was based on how the writer handles the events, not the events themselves. In your case, having Wonder Woman raped to motivate Superman is a fridging because her role in the story is as a plot device who has no agency over the aftermath of the rape. Wonder Woman is a character in her own right, but only exists to motivate Superman by the tragedy that has befallen her. So going by your list, Thomas and Martha Wayne aren't fridgings, they never existed as characters in the first place. Owen and Beru are fridgings, especially in context of the prequels. And the Red Wedding is not, as it is essentially a bunch of characters losing hard.