Should cartoons teach patriotism?
Should cartoons teach patriotism?
Better than them teaching how to be a homo
>thinly veiled Raven thread
As long as you don’t post Beast Boy, that fag.
Who's patriotism? Your patriotism or mine?
Why should they?
Towards our greatest allies in order to become the United States of Israel? Yes
Cartoons shouldn't teach anything, educational cartoons blow.
Teaching kids to love your country and want what's best for it is never a bad thing, of course this means teaching them that this also means not letting bad shit your country does go unpunished/accepted. If you truly love something, you'll criticize it for its own good and betterment.
It should teach them how to be more intelligent. Patriotism can blind someone to problems that need to be fixed, since nearly all patriotism is just fiery rhetoric that lowers the level of dialogue and twists any attempt to fix America's issues as an attack.
Fix that salute then we can talk about 5 spangle banner star posts user
Yes, but only if they teach the right type of patriotism.
Fuck you Cyberchase was legit
Mine, obviously. Yours is wrong because it isn't mine.
This. See Bush 43's use of patriotism to justify the War on Terror (Afghanistan and Iraq) for the bad side of blind patriotism
No, it is more important to teach why communism doesn't work and is intellectually bankrupt.
should be a middle ground, be proud of your country and your fellow culture and man. But also realize there's some glaring problems stuff that could be fixed. Not in America though somehow our worst qualities (Obesity and sickness) were beaten out by fucking Mexico and Afghanistan somehow.
>Write and pass a bill eroding people's 4th Amendment rights
>Call it the "Patriot Act"
Sasuga, establishment Republicans.
Based and redpilled
Absolutely. They should also encourage people to think beyond the false dichotomy between Democrat/Republican and especially Capitalism/Communism.
The only true position is the Third Position
Depends, is there a story to tell about patriotism that would be entertaining? Funny? Impactful? Something that would make use of the medium? Something to differentiate it from dull propeganda?
It really depends on how you implement it, It should be what this guy said
The best part about this is that all these characters are actually Canadian.
A eagle in the canton would be neat if we ever come to the point that there are too many stars on the flag.
The Pentagon apparently pays well if you put in some pro-USA propaganda in your shit. They could use that money to make the show better.
But since they aren't, there's no point and it only dates the show in the long run, so no.
First we have to figure out what the hell anyone means be patriotism nowadays. You're likely to be called a fascist (some people think patriotism if synonymous with fascism) or "not a true American" or some shit if you're not doing it right. .
No. Shows that encourage patriotism/democracy
should be banned (pic related). It's brainwashing.
TTG does frequently make fun of American things like football, wrestling or imperial units. Robin's patriotism is the most intense of all Titans - to the point that you can't treat it seriously anymore.
If your country doesn't inspire patriotism through its deeds and its servitude to its own people, it doesn't deserve patriotism.
i always got the feeling that there was originally going to be context for Professor showing up in a butcher's outfit, because outside of kind of fitting the song it really doesn't make sense
lol nah just keep adding more stars. I want to see what a 1776-star canton would look like
always been curious how episodes like this are received by kids outside of the US
Aren't you guys already brainwashed enough in Murrica, with the pledge every single day at school and flags in every house? It's honestly cringy
Cringe, mostly
Also one of the most parodied thing about the usa
What said
No, they should be episodic, but not "LOLRANDUM". Honestly, do something like original Looney Toons, pepper in some educational shit about the random ass area they happen to show up in, and dont push any bullshit. No patriotism, No racial/sexual pandering, no politics. Basically I just want a watered down Animaniacs I guess.
Good looking flag, just kinda gives off an SS vibe for some reason.
But the girls went full anti democracy there
probably because that eagle is way more similar to the eagle on the nazi seal than the American one
>no patriotism
>no politics
rewatch the show dumbass, it's full of both in many shorts
>Looney Tunes
>no politics
user, I-
>Nobody fucking gets rid of it because muh catchy name
Boomers really are the worst.
>flags in every house?
My family is mostly military and I don't think I've seen a flag at a single one of their houses. I only see flags at houses where the vets are really into letting you know they're a vet.
only when its during presidents I like (Bush, Trump) and not presidents I hate (FDR, Obama)
I'm ok with it as long as its let known prior to airing so i can change the channel before my kid gets indoctrinated
Patriots are homo though
I understand this is a bait post but it just makes me think that there are people out there who still like Bush and for the life of me I can't understand why.
Post-91 echo chamber happy families who fear communism and link Bush Sr and Jr. There were people genuinely affected by the death of Barbara Bush as if she was some high-profile aristocrat.
It made me think I was american until I was like 7
Not teach, but it shouldn't be shown as a negative.
cartoons have been pushing globohomo agendas real recently.
its why cartoons are dying and japanimation and manga are on the up and up
True freedom is school ending at noon
Reminder that this exists.
Literally what, every normie agrees that anime is on the decline since at least ten years. Before the rebirth of shonen around four years ago, anime as a whole was seen as a degenerate artform for overweight incels foaming over sniffing their sister's panties
And that "good strain", shonen, is the most globalist/liberal thing ever. Goku and Naruto beat up tribe leaders, family patriarchs, space capitalists and traditional angel samurai code guardians. Which is kino.
underrated post
story comes first
Really? Whenever I visit some friends in West Virginia 3-4/5 houses have a flag hanging outside
Or I guess of then nation that produced the toon
Made me realize patriotism was a bad thing desu
>Teaching people to be proud amerimutts in a mongrelized consumerist factory
>Hehe funny 4Kids video
Everybody and their mother knows that exists. Try finding something more obscure like this.
Anime is actually more popular now than its ever been. Sure the quality of each one is getting shitter. But the genre itself is now socially acceptable. I’ve seen kids outside school wear shit like Boku no Hero Academia or Jojo. The only people still watching American cartoons are neckbeards or very small children. I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney ends up buying localizations of certain manga. They did it with Miyazaki films and Kingdom Hearts after all.
Absolutely. Even Joker can teach the young 'uns about loyalty to one's country.
Learn to spell whose right before asking if your partiotism is worth teaching. Though would you prefer "you're patriotism" instead?
Parents should.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Shame too many people will dissect this as "ha! See, [my political party] SHOULD get mkre representation". But good summarization.
Cartoons teach kids about tolerance, sharing, and love.
Any shitty country who asks for your patriotism is not going to be based on any of that.
Patriotism is a fat meme so you're willing to die for porkies new yacht.
Fuck the state, teach kids about bread and not putting up with bullshit. Don't teach them to be proud to die to a toaster and some firecrackers in the desert. If you're a patriot you're a stupid cuck, your county gives less than a shit about you.
So in conclusion, no, they should not. They certainly try to anyway.
Most countries that arent the US or really weird ones like North Korea don't have much patriotism at all, it is seen as cringy and/or fascist.
Most countries suck, in part because they have nothing to be proud of, because they consider loving their own country to be Nazi fascism hitlerism, therefore never do anything worthwhile as a country.
It sounds like a nice idea as a recruitment slogan, but it typically only causes people to act like assholes. It's just used to justify behavior that would be otherwise inexcusable.
No, because it only encourages snowflakes and nutters to be brainwashed sociopaths and go around being brain dead idiots that refuse to acknowledge just how shitty America is and only make the problems even worse. Not to mentioned most of the politician would rather swear loyalty to Israel and their apartied racist agenda were America is being controlled by them
Besides, America is not even in the best position anymore. Sooner or later, America won't be the No1 superpower in the whole world. That will soon be China
Pretty much this
They should teach critical thinking and reason.
The merits of the nation itself should inspire the patriotism. If it's not worthy of it, that person should work to make it so.
Boy do I love the place I happened to be born, it's so much better than the places I wasn't born
Tons of countries are happy and proud of their country. Most just don't feel the need to shove it into every product they make. That's only a few hadnfull, biggest offender USA.
And if you think other countries don't make amazing products you simple just aren't paying attention.
The only nutters running around are antifa commies who hate America.
Everyone else loves the 4th of July.
This, as long as they teach that communism is evil.
>The only nutters running around are antifa commies who hate America
Left-Wing Extreamists who take things too far,or Right-Wing Terrorist who kills people out of paranoia?
I live in Australia and their patriotism is almost on par with America's.
>Liberals are so fucking cucked that calling someone a nationalist is an insult to them
I for one think we need more AMERICA cartoons
Is a literal 3rd world country and always will be
>Is a literal 3rd world country
It was. Now it's more advanced and appears more like a 1st world country. America however is appering more like a 3rd world country. They've never even bothered to put money in constructions and improvements on streets or housings. It's always military this and military that. This is why America is failing
>leave apartment
>die of smog poisoning
>throw all your trash in the ocean
>have zero (0) scientific or technologic innovations, rely entirely on corporate espionage and forcing companies to give up trade secrets
>currently getting utterly wrecked by U.S. sanctions
>I’ve seen kids outside school wear shit like Boku no Hero Academia or Jojo
So Shonen stuff. Shonen is good.
>The only people still watching American cartoons are neckbeards or very small children
This is saddening but this is what happens when you make "neutral" cartoons. Only journos love it. Children used to watch cartoons for the borderline violences and anthro pelvises and adults still watch them because they can recognize the subtler meanings. It's more respected for an adult to love in-your-face Spongebob than artzy edgy soulless crap like Madoka Magica
>Doesn't realize what year this is now
Keep seething you cuck. America is a failed trash state that's on the verge of becoming a 3rd world country Live is Shit S A and die there
Fuck craige of the creek.
Using terminologies like 3rd world is why America is retarded and literally doesn't want the 80s to go. But Chinese and Saudis, every new emerging country is full of the same mentality of burger munchers, boom boom I love my country.
America might be going away, but nu-Americans are coming in mass.
I like the idea of replacing the stars with a eagle bit not that design
Dude I love America and im extremely glad that you'll stay in europe or whatever mystery country you are from.
Your rage on an anonymous forum is sneeeeeeeeeeed
My country right or wrong was cringe to watch. Like you can love a flag.
There was one old comic about Daredevil or Spider Man where Captain America was once asked by a general if he was loyal to the US government and he touched the flag and said “I am loyal to nothing except the dream.” It was clear that CA wasn’t loyal to the flag either but the values and dream it represent.
That’s probably the best Yea Forums related way to explain why I reject patriotism.
>t. Communist Fatbody that couldn't enlist
Do they really do that though?
Redpilled, based, & blessed
>fucking Mexico and Afghanistan somehow
Both American colonies...How?!
Better than teaching about trannies, fags or how to fucking subvert the west with degeneracy
Based and Strinerpilled.
Obviously you'd want to teach kiddos responsibility for the communities they live in. Otherwise you're raising ungrateful individualists who only seek personal gain. If their current place of residence runs into some problems they won't stick around to fix them but simply move away to leech off another community built by the hard work of its inhabitants.
Based and freedompilled
what's the difference?
Patriotism? Sure. Just not of this American 'Big tanks, big trucks, big money - USA rocks!' variety. It's a twisted caricature of an admirable notion of caring for your homeland and fellow countrymen. It's easy to "love" your country when you only leech off its great success, built by previous generations.
Will you still love it when it struggles and help it recover?
b a s e d
>If their current place of residence runs into some problems they won't stick around to fix them but simply move away to leech off another community built by the hard work of its inhabitants.
People move out when blacks move in, because that's not a problem they can fix.
Yeah fuck Steven Universe.
You always have the option to move out if you don't like the direction of the country you're in, nothing about that is selfish unless you're delusional enough to think you alone can fix everything.
>tfw my older brother who was in the british army is some kind of anarchist communist living in greece now
what happened bros he used to be my idol, he still even makes jokes about blacks and asians but obsessed with communism
There's a 100% chance someone convinced him to fall for the tranny meme.
The main character is straight and in a hetero relationship you dumb faggot. God bless American education.
We don't do either of those things
no hes not a tranny and we still joke about them, pretty clear he looks down on them but he has no idea of racial community and when i showed him stats about jews he just kept joking about how kikes are the master race and whites should bow down to them even though we're both English
Oh hey its that picture that proves jews are hundreds of times over represented as mass killers
holy shit this is insufferable
That's what makes it a responsibility. If nobody cared about the state of their country it could become a playground for moguls, warmongers and tyrants (same if they are uncritically nationalistic). Obviously you can't do it alone, therefore the participation of many others is necessary, preferably before things get really bad.
Nothing wrong with being a political refugee either. They too tend to love their countries even though they hate the current leaders. They pass that memory to their descendants so that they could go back and maybe help fix things. Not all countries stay fubar forever.
That is an American thing, american
>blames American education on being ill-informed on a gay cartoon
So, it turns out America's education system is working just fine
Oh yeah because a picture proves it and not something tangible like long term statistics with consideration for other facotrs you impressionable fucking retard.
Indeed, and what better way to show national unity than our stars becoming greater, becoming our national bird?
I personally don't see how, but it *is* supposed to look intimidating.
Good enough.
What does that even mean?
At least we actually have better healthcare, and actually invest in our infastructure and make people's lives better than your shithole of a country. America is an embarrasement to the rest of the civilized nations across the globe
Don't forget the end-boss for Bleach being Angel Hitler who is desperate to become God.
Nah. Patriotism comes with not being a cunt and caring for the community. If you mess that one up you'll never have patriotism
>The only true position is the Third Position
Please enlighten me user on the prnciples of this correct position. Also even though political beliefs exist on a pretty broad spectrum, in America Dem/Rep is the only dichotomy, if there is a policy change you want to enact you have to use 1 of 2 of these parties as a vehicle.
Swede detected
so SU and yaas slayshit
As an American Exceptionalist, I agree with this user.
I’m not even American and I agree
>What does that even mean?
I think he's saying that regardless of what happens to America in the future, the influence they have had on other cultures ensures that their mentality/ideologies/etc will continue to live on in those other cultures.
what state is the middle star?
Not him, but are you Chinese, yourself?
I am sorry that you aren't allowed to tell us about how terrible your country really is, what with living in a legit dictatorship and that social credit madness. If you can legally do so, you are welcome to immigrate to our beautiful United States of America.
they already do.
CA is dedicated to pilfering citizens for money in a racketeering scheme, not improving their lives.
Unless you consider child prostitution an improvement, chaim.
That would literally be propaganda and after all this time spent on Yea Forums it is my understanding that propaganda is bad.
steven is a ftm tranny
>propaganda is bad
>reads captain america comics
yikes leftist mentality
Cry harder on Yea Forums of all places.
>beautiful United States of America
Not him, but you mean an utter piece of shit of a country that's just another dictatorship disguised as a democracy that goes to war all the time with your fake-ass freedom bullshit? No thanks. Who wants to live in that dumb? No thanks. I'm fine where I live rather than live in your uneducated dumbass paranoid terrorist filled nation
Drown in your propaganda mentalist you inbred
I don't like this meme of all propaganda being seen as negative or media being bad for the sake of presenting an ideology. Because if something puts forward or enforces an ideology it is by definition propaganda, which is most media we consume. The problem becomes when propaganda enforces bad ideas or tries to make excuses for institutions violating human rights
its called tinkle down economics
Those heckin nazis and their evil pledge!
What right wing terrorists?
Your pic show leftist or unaffiliated people
>better health care
Yeah its easy to imagine that your healthcare is good when you have to wait in a bread line for so long
Interesting question, because it ties into the larger question: Should anyone teach patriotism?
Patriotism argument:
>Pros: fosters love of country, sense of duty and community, encourages a desire to fix national problems and give back to the nation
>Cons: potentially fosters xenophobia and nationalist supremacist thinking, also potentially fosters willful blindness to flaws in country's workings or solutions other countries may have to them
Anti-patriotism argument:
>Pros: Allows for more objective, scientific streams of thought on national governance, seeing it more as a political organization than a true national home, more open to changing procedures and techniques for the sake of efficiency
>Cons: A nation with no sense of duty to country is a nation with a severe lack of identity, causing dissolution of its communities and encouraging selfishness, loneliness, and in-fighting as people place local or individual values over those of the population as a whole
It really depends on what you think nations are or should be. Both sides have their value, and both can be absolutely disastrous if taken to extremes.
>America is no longer #1, China is now #1
>ok but China is a fucking shithole
>No no America is a shithole, [my country here] is a civilized nation
I sympathize, but you must understand the world is complicated, and forces aren't easy to change. Just understand that america is very different from [my country here] and faces different problems and situations. If you just see it as "us but retarded" then you can't really understand the situations with which America grapples.
Keep being in denial dumbass
>Your pic show leftist or unaffiliated people
Heheheheheh. Wow you are braindead as you are delusional that you would believe that Right-Wingers can't be terrorist. Or would you rather not be reminded of all the gun shootings and attempt bombings being done by Right-Wingers. Namely what the pic shows. Keep living in your bubble dumbass
No that crap is what caused us to get into both world wars.
Why bother when they don't try hard enough to end the bullshit. It's only now that they're strting, but won't save the US from becoming a racist terrorsit infested shithole that would bomb and murder people just to get thei point across
They're sellouts and slaves that don't deserve shit unless they earn it. Which they haven't, and will take a number of years before they do
only for America USA USA USA!!!
>Shonen is good.
>Being this much of a normalfag
You're only borderline better than waifufags.
I like that anons switched from bitching that jews won't allow WMBF realationships in media because it has a striaght white man "colonizing" a non-white into just bitching about litterally any interracial relationships
>Normalfags are bad
What are you being patriotic for, and what does that mean in terms of dictating your actions towards others?
Agree, i wouldn't move to the US if they paid me too, people there are crazy, run around with guns like they're toys, shooting happen every two second, and honestly all that patriotism is so cringy, tone it down, it's frankly embarassing for the rest of the western world.
US: shouts Usa Usa Usa while they run around banging their head on stuff
Other countries: sorry for the spastic country, it was dropped on Its head as a kid.
Cartoons should not teach anything.
your political beliefs are caused by your desperate need for an authority figure
This has Savino all over it.
Factually correct.
I'm not sure I'll ever understand what Utonium meant by this. So is he against freedom? That doesn't seem very American.
>shonen, is the most globalist/liberal thing ever
Battle shounen are notorious for not having a lot of strong female characters and instead making them sexualized. And the most popular shounen right now, One Piece, has an organization called the "World Government" as villains with a revolutionary group that wants to destroy them as heroes. Doesn't sound very globalist or liberal to me.
This, patriotism means many things to many people, but I think there's common ground to be found in this definition. Teaching kids to simply blindly follow the government and other such powerful organisations will only create a generation of bootlickers. Personally I'm a localist, so I'd argue that this approach should also extend to teaching children to aspire to improve and take control of their local region and its affairs and not just their country, as what benefits the central government may not benefit them in a local sense.
You're absolutely right user. What America has is slavery through god awful wages, while the Bill of Rights either has been watered down or completely ignored.
Thats why the only true form of freedom is economic freedom
Fascism is the right way. Above statement has been paraphrased by Oswald Mosley
To love one's country, to see it served proper, to hate all damn foreigners and faggots, and breed as many whites as possible?
Absolutely, yes.
No. Patriotism is a mental illness and nationalism is it's terminal phase.