Who’s your dad’s favorite band?

Who’s your dad’s favorite band?

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the beatles

Jose Jose

Who is my dad's favorite band? No they're not.


animal collective, neutral milk hotel and swans

Talk Talk

Pink Floyd or Rush


the ramones

How did your dad produce children with such a low sperm count

limp bizkit when dad vibes came out he played it on repeat for 2 weeks str8

My dad really likes Black Sabbath. I love my dad.

BASED dads

Black Sabbath

he likes death grips too, he only listened exmilitary though

the old 97s

is that ted mosley


Who's my dad's favorite band

pet shop boys

Same. He cried for two days when Neil Peart died

The Dan

Who's my dad's favorite band

The Beatles but he mostly listens to 80s alternative bands.

Who's my dad's favorite band

Probably The Clash if I had to guess.

Neil Diamond
Carlos Santana is a close second

ICP whoop whoop

Steelyard Sugartooth McDan

Beach boys, Rolling Stones, Kings of Leon lol

But really he loves 90s clubland and garage kek


Uriah Heep, or maybe Supertramp.

don't know about bands but my dad likes the exact same shit i do
we can usually agree upon some nu metal or industrial or grindcore playlist in the car

El Último de la fila

depeche mode

My dad doesn't like music.

real kids know...


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Talking heads

Band? Zeppelin.
Guitar player? Randy Rhoads.

Depeche Mode or ACDC but only Bon Scott era

No idea. Fuck him.

Oasis, Radiohead, the Wolfe Tones too

gg allin
he left my family when i was 6

thats not a father, thats the pedo from next door

Thin Lizzy

REM. Every single time he takes a shower he puts on their greatest hits CD

Don’t know. He’s a fag. My mom likes Depeche Mode though

Do you reckon you look a lot like the mechanic or the plumber?

so anything disco or george michaels

Led Zeppelin

talking heads or prince. he liked metallica but i think he thinks they're kabal or whatever.

faygo'd and woop-pilled

>that pic

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this, I've been trying to get him into Beach Boys but he's a complete boomer and doesn't get them

My dad says Pablo Honey is the only good Radiohead record and he bought it at tower records in 1993, but after that they turned into pussy rock

>after that they turned into pussy rock
did you inherit his stupidity?

I know his favorite three albums are Rising by Rainbow, Angel Dust by Faith No More and Dark Side Of Teh Moon. He has never told me his absolute favorite

I don't agree with him no
If you're referring to my grammar who the fuck cares its Yea Forums

good. your grammar is shit tho

You just know.

Radiohead are personally one of my favorite bands desu and In Rainbows, OKC, HTTT are my favorites by them. My dad's just a rockist clown who unironically likes shit like Kid Rock

>kid rock


Yeah, that sounds about right for someone who thinks Pablo Honey is the only good Radiohead record.

used to be the eagles, now i think it's joe bonamassa

he owns a bunch of random cds and was obsessed with buying them up from the goodwill for years. the best ones he has are sonic youth, cocteau twins treasure, blur, flaming lips, and pinkerton. its mostly dadrock and forgotten 90s alternative though besides that.