Did they fuck?

Did they fuck?

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All the time, but only platonically. Marvin wants a relationship but she just wants his dick

>Hearing Marvin’s retarded voice talking to whatever this queen must sound like.
I am both amused and...cringe-ified?

I guess? They were dating for a while but this is a kid's show but then again this was a more adult oriented kid's show. There's a good possibility that she just dated Marvin to fill the void by not having Dodgers and Marvin was fine not getting any.

It’s Dick Dodgers or nothing for her

>and Marvin organized increasingly elaborate dates to try and bed her, only for each to fail in a ridiculous and improbable way.

Of course, she's the Queen. Everyone gets to fuck the Queen.

Wait, do you guys not fuck your Queens?

He wishes.

Well, we can but ours is old and no longer a looker.

>to whatever this queen must sound like

A gift for the uninformed one.


>Daffy’s face
Jesus christ, is he still salty about doing vaudeville with Bugs.

Anyway, shit that’s good.

naw, she only wants that sweet Earthling exploding spiral dick

Did Bugs Bunny ever appear in that show ?

He just knew she was singing about him.

And I just have to add, that in order to try and beat her he used a machine to reach back and time and swap his voice with Tom Jones.


This show was magical.

I guess I could put this on my bucket list.
Thing is, I thought her being Martian was just a meme. I first thought she looked like someone from Samurai Jack.

Nope, Martian women are just sexier. Plus I think her design was partially inspired by Dejah Thoris, to add to the pulp sci-fi theme.

Of course

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I realised recently that they removed his little shuffle walk for this show.
Not a huge deal but there was a lot of character in that

>no longer
She was never r better than a 6 britbong

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She fucked him with a strap-on

No. The queen is too pure and perfect, and Marvin is too pathetic.

when will they learn

just imagine you and your hot female boss in a sauna

Did she duck?

she definitely got QUACKED

just rewatching it and this show had some crazy hot girl

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I believe just a mention of him

They were saving it until their wedding night.

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The show had a weird way of making Dodgers both completely oblivious at times and incredibly skilled at other times. So Dodgers either never has sex with her or he casually destroys her pussy and plays it off like it's nothing, likely talking about a time he tried to get into acting without detailing how that relates to his prowess in bed.

I'd actually love one of those h-games with dodgers as the main character just cause thats the exactly how I see him too

Of course not.

Why do you think he was so attached to her? He wanted it but she was so thirsty for possibly the stupidest man in the system.

No, unfortunately.

She made him wear a duck bill and talk with a lisp.

Is he wearing tight leather pants?
What even the hell was this show?

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The only situation i can imagine.

Crazy thought
She's technically a virgin
She didn't fuck dodgers because they didn't have a proper wedding night. They were clearly sleeping in separate beds before that.
She didn't fuck Marvin because they were also saving it for marriage, and also top kek manlet
She's a Queen, so it's both politically irresponsible and improper for her to fuck around with randos
She only had her female servants pleasure her, but was never with a man

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A six now was a seven back then. Standards of beauty have gotten a little overwhelming.

One of the best shows CW ever made.

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She probably fucked Porky as the plot twist

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