The creator of one of the most successful ongoing cartoons started out doing cringe OC invader zin fanart

>The creator of one of the most successful ongoing cartoons started out doing cringe OC invader zin fanart

Is there any other exemple of Yea Forums creators who have well known blunder years? I think this kind of thing is kind of cute.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that rebecca sugar is hot

Attached: 5A2C852B-D0D6-4CD5-8D45-D33D3C0507F9.jpg (384x588, 264K)

>Gir holding a gun

Attached: 1566753694264.png (387x290, 88K)

I didn't realize a human being could have Pearl's proportions

Attached: rebecca-sugar-cartoon-network.jpg.jpg (488x651, 86K)

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well there's two who cut short their web comics. Ian stopped RPG World and, I still get upset thinking about it, hiimdaisy stopped their Persona 4 comic at the shadow teddy fight to do Cucumber Quest

I find this sort of thing endearing. Rebecca's a good, if odd egg.

Attached: 974218_v9_ba.jpg.jpg (1080x1440, 358K)

people with curly hair should all be euthanized

I hate them so much

Attached: rs_lead_rachelsugar-0eb09ebb-0250-4f53-9cdf-b700ac8c3aa3.jpg.jpg (1401x788, 238K)

Reminder that Rebecca Sugar fucked Dib.

Attached: RebeccaDib.gif (326x252, 72K)

literally /ourgirl/

This. It's also been known about for years. I don't really get why people are getting caught up on it now when people have been posting about it here for 5 years already, mostly with a sort of "neat to see that she actually made it" sentiment.

I'd hit if she wore a bag over her head.

Reminder that your posting an edit some user did.
Pic related is the original picture.

Attached: EF95CA2B-DEE7-4DD0-9C4E-DB122226D218.jpg (588x588, 100K)

Steven Universe is just as cringe so it's not surprising at all.

She looks like if a black man was a white woman

Not like she’d look any better with straight hair

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She looks like an ape with down syndrome

The Rose is subtle ain't it?

Still looks good.

Can someone please post the ed edd and eddy gay stuff? I need it.

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Dana Terrace, creator of upcoming Owl House, spent a large portion of her high school years bitching about wannabe anime artists and then made an anime rip-off as her first show.

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>website filled with porn and people creating porn
>this person who drew porn is bad because they drew porn
are you people fucking retarded

Sucrose's mom can get it.

That is pure Neanderthal dna good god

I feel like a lot of Yea Forums creators had dweeby fan years like this. Without being kind of a sad comics and cartoon fan at some point, actually going into comics and cartoons as a career is just stupid unless you have big family connections to take advantage of.

It's only cute to you because she's a woman.

OP here. No, it is cute because she made it, it is nice to know someone who is major professional in the industry was once a retard posting crappy fanart online.


im mostly shocked that she shipped herself with dib. he was my favorite character back then but not even i wanted to fuck him. dib is for zim anyways





So long as I get to have Tak.

Rebecca Sugar is a Cringe Cutie

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Wait the girl is supposed to be her? She fantasized about getting put into chains and kidnapped and presumably raped by aliens? Weird girl.

>Sugar has an alien abduction fetish
I knew the conveyor belt sequence where Steven's being prepared for the human zoo seemed suspect.

She literally made a magical girl show. Fucking wow.

bewitched did it first

Everyone starts somewhere
>I think this kind of thing is kind of cute.
I agree. There is something endearing to it all.

Is this the new Zim thread bois?

Becky sugar more like...becky salt

She's cute

anyone who makes ed edd and eddy porn is going to be weird

Rape is literally the most common female fetish

And she cast Ryoko as the mentor.
Hypocrite or not, she's got good taste.

This ones my favorite. It’s so self indulgent like most of the fanart I used to draw when I was the same age

based becky

i'm amazed. most artists stick to complaining about one heterogenous art style, but she's apparently gunning for all of them
at least she didn't get molested by john k.


>brain tumors
Wow what a bitch. You know I survived a brain tumor and so did someone close to me at one point, really fucked up our numerological systems. Gross she uses that as an insult.

no one is smart at 18

If Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader is anything to go by, most adults are not school smart when they get older.

Literally triggered.

andre the giant's incel son

Ian wrote an ending for RPGWorld into OK KO, it's a whole episode

>That’s a man, baby!

hiimdaisy stopped cucumber quest. it's dead now.

>Wapanese of America
>Rips of Ryoko, Cubone, and Little Witch Academia

Fucking kek.

Looks like Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. Jermaine is better looking though.

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Becky is cute. I'd date 15 year old fanart drawing becky

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Welcome to Yea Forums

this is the only photo where I thought she looked cute. she looks like a star of some fox show about a quirky nerdy girl learning to loosen up.

It's the haircut

Nothing of value was lost.

>that my shit don't stink attitude
Goddamn. Does Dana still have that holier than thou type of way about her or is she an actual decent human being now?

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She's still like that except she sucks industry cock now. Literally. Alex Hirsch is the reason she was able to advance so far so fast at Disney. Both of them brag about giving to charity and post receipts on Twitter.

Oy vey....

Kind of reminds me of Fistroman.

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If you need to brag about how much you give to charity, you are not really a good person.

>lol, I suck, but they suck more
>look at their shitty artwork, then look how much I improved, lol
What an absolute cunt

>A bitch before a job
>A bitch after a job

Different type of bitch, still a bitch.