What does Yea Forums think?
Birds of Prey official poster
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She had only one job
Who thought this was a good idea?
I liked her old slutty SS costume more
Looks like an incompetent woman made it, so I guess it appeals to the film's target demographic perfectly.
Fangirls and coomers loved Suicide Squad Harley because she was trashy but also sexy. WB is gonna learn what happens when you take your shining sex symbol and turn her into a 9 year old ladybaby who looks like she dressed herself in a Goodwill dumpster. And FUCK all those other casting choices too.
literally the worst poster ever made
which is fitting because it's for the worst movie ever made about the worst comic book character ever made from the worst comic book company ever made and the worst studio ever made
Already a thread under the "Yikes" name
Oh, sorry. Didn't see it.
As many people involved in this project have read any Birds of Prey comics as characters who are like their comics appearance appear on this poster.
Literally DCs captain marvel with how much feminist shit its forcing itself with
It sure is for the birds.
That is an insult to what you find in dumpsters outside a Goodwill.
Looked like complete mega ass. But I'm good at Photoshop so I fixed it.
This poster reminds me of those creepy poorly-done fetish photoshops on Deviantart for some reason.
extremely underrated
It looks like the costume designer and the poster artist had a bet to see who could design the ugliest thing ever made.
Unironically better
I like it.
Get me the fuck out of this miserable timeline NOW. I beg you, almighty Creator, release me from this rift into better more lively seas.
Test Footage: youtu.be
Trailer: youtu.be
Easiest way to get out is to do the thing your parents secretly hoped you would do years ago
I think it's cute. :)
It's a miracle you can think at all
Well, I AM drunk.
This shit looks like some crap I would've made in Blingee when I was 8 minus the obnoxious glitter fills
when did media companies decide that clownpunk was a real thing
why did media companies decide that clownpunk was a real thing
lmao what the fug
Looks like they're going for the five-year-old girl market. Worked for Disney.
With an R rated (for violence, no male-gazing) movie?
Fat chance.
Remember when people thought Sony was the worst studio?
That looks awful.
You know what this reminds me of?
Something you'd see from some cheesey mid 2000's romantic comedy.
I mean for fucks sake the antagonist literally looks like either the eventual love interest or the gay best friend.
Honestly? No.
Even the worst Spider-Man movies are about equivalent to the top DCEU films.
Is it just me or is DC and Warner putting most of their hope in Joker compared to this? This whole movie feels more like some reluctant obligation.
>Looks like an incompetent woman made it, so I guess it appeals to the film's target demographic perfectly.
doesn't need to be sexist, fag incel
Looks like it's going to be suicide squad 2.0, except maybe even worse.
at least we still have the cosplayers
It's legitimately bumming me out that /ourguy/ Ewan is in this.
It's a complete waste of Ewan. Hell, it's a complete waste of MEW as well.
>Juicy Smoliet's sister as Black Canary
Come on, if is not Bruce Timm or some animu shit, this costume looks mostly like shit
I'm not trying to defend this. I just see this as a chick flick. A movie that I shouldn't even bother being interested in so I won't get mad about how awful this looks.
Needs more birds. Somebody get the Vulture from that webm that's going around in the Dark Crystal threads.
You have no proof
People: "Warner/DC can't do nothing worse than Suicide Squad. It's impossible."
Warner/DC: "Hold my beer."
I can't believe how shit it is, unreal.
fabric > spandex
>Warner/DC can't do nothing worse than Suicide Squad. It's impossible.
You talking about justice league
This movie is trying really hard to be cute and girly, but to me it looks like balls.
And if the plot leaks are accurate, fuck it all to hell.
It's a DC movie, I can't believe people DIDN'T expect it to be shit.
Margo Robbie got some dry ass lips
> 2 Mickey dollars have been added to your Disney passport
She looks 10 thousand better with the classic costume
>People: "Warner/DC can't do nothing worse than Suicide Squad. It's impossible."
>Warner/DC: "Hold my beer."
Never underestimate Warner
Have sex
this is a bad photoshop right
>harold the duck
wrong company
>no duckman
0/10, fail
I've seen a lot of women thinking this movie looks like shit
It joins the list of terrible posters for cbms
Sionis is supposed to be a closeted fag if leaks are true so it fits
reject modernity
return to jester costume Harley
Pic obviously unrelated
The concept is good, but it looks like they took a real guy's face and superimposed it on a drawing.