Toonami Ratings for 9/14/19

On October 5th, Dr Stone will air two new episodes. The bonus episode will cover the slot left vacant by Genlock.

One Punch Man S2 will be joining the lineup on October 12th. Timeslot yet to be decided.

Toonami will be running a sendoff marathon for DBS on September 28th. One new episode of Super will air at 11pm, the rest will be reruns. The finale of Super airs the following week.

Demon Slayer will be joining Toonami on October 12th. Timeslot yet to be decided.

Last week was nothing special, good nor bad. This week, despite long standing tolerance, the audience starts to falter on Genlock, with a sharper drop than Super from normal, as well as a spike when Dr Stone starts. Thankfully we only have one more episode of that to get through. Other highlights, Bort lost to his dad and Lupin lost to MHA reruns.

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 687 0.33

11:30 gen:LOCK 396 0.19

12:00a Dr. Stone 409 0.19

12:30a Fire Force 349 0.18

1:00a Food Wars 318 0.16

1:30a Black Clover 294 0.15

2:00a Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 280 0.14

2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 292 0.15

3:00a Mobile Suit Gundam: Red Comet 265 0.15

3:30a Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 236 0.13

4:00a My Hero Academia 237 0.13

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Other urls found in this thread:

So how long until they rerun super and where will they put it?

I give them a week.

Dr. Stone scientifically dabbing on the rest of the schedule.

>the audience starts to falter on Genlock
took long enough

If they do rerun it hopefully it will be when the MHA reruns end and it will go there.

Super isn’t going to rerun on Toonami. It will continue to be slot filler on normal AS though

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Current Series End Dates:
Dragon Ball Super - October 5, 2019
Gen:Lock - September 21, 2019
Dr. Stone - February 1, 2020
Fire Force - January 11, 2020
Food Wars! - September 5, 2020
Black Clover - TBD
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - TBD
Naruto: Shippuden - March 9, 2024
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - October 5, 2019
Lupin III: Part V - November 30, 2019
My Hero Academia - November 2, 2019

Boogiepop on Toonami when

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>Super, Gen:Lock, and Gundam ending in the next few weeks
>Demon Slayer and OPM joining on the 12th

any hints as to what will fill the 3rd slot?

Cross your fingers for Blue Exorcist.

I'm guessing either JoJo Part 5 or Super reruns.

Mob S2

>people came back for Dr. Stone then left for Fire Force

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Chode Clover humiliated again. 6th week in a damn row. By based Gen, Food Kino, Fire Force, and Stone Bro. Kek.

Plus Based Naruto almost got the same numbers. What is the excuse this week faggots?

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Realistically, a rerun. Maybe Super, maybe Megalobox, or maybe Mob season 1 (with season 2 replacing OPM in January).

Or they could surprise us with Mob season 2 and not announce it until less than a week to airdate, like with season 1.

What rerun would you hate seeing the least? I'm talking post-revival content only.

Kill la Kill

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Just in time for GenLock’s creator (who was apparently fired months ago to be outed as a narcissistic asshole who was almost single handily driving RT into the ground.

Promised Neverland

will gen lock go down as the worst show ever on modern Toonami?

yes, its somehow worse than PTE

Yes. Bort is a close second.

All I remember was that he was crappy as Sanosuke in the Kenshin OVAs

In recent memory, definitely. But Tenchi Muyo GXP, Sandwhale and Me, Samurai 7, Tokyo Ghoul, and Beware the Batman are stiff competition in terms of the worst.
Pop Team wasn't that bad

>Video is 1 hour and 6 minutes
Can you please summarize your feature length movie?

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>Samurai 7

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Super into Genlock: Lose 42.4%
Genlock into Stone: GAIN 3.3%
Stone into Fire: Lose 14.7% It burns
Fire into Food: Lose 8.9%
Food into Clover: Lose 7.5%
Clover into Boruto: Lose 4.8%
Boruto into Naruto: GAIN 4.3%
Naruto into Gundam: Lose 9.2%
Gundam into Lupin: Lose 10.9%
Lupin into Hero: GAIN 0.4%

Current Records

07/06/19: Super into Titan: Lose 49.7%

11/24/18: Boruto into Super: GAIN 54.8%

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notice how the toonami promos refer to genlock's "season finale" instead of series finale


I could live with a klk rerun

They did the same for Pop Team Epic.

isnt genlock pretty much dead now since RT is downsizing?

Any rerun

rt lost like 50 out of 400 employees

Guess they are going to need to whip the animators extra hard for s2.

That’s why I linked the tweet chain.

Basically the video is this person confirming the contents of this summary after having interviewed 4 RT employees.

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>Naruto shippuden March 9th 2024
Jesus christ why not just air it faster to finish it? You're already airing the sequel that has to deflate a lot of the "tension" building in the series

Part 5 Or Kaguya-Sama

RT will be fine.
75% of the lay offs were from the live action department and a lot of the rest were people who pretty much only had jobs because nepotism.

That being said, GenLock season 2 is 100% not happening after this just happened For those not in the know or can’t read context clues, Gray is the ex head of animation and the one who created GenLock.
Apparently he also siphoned off funding and resources from other productions to fund his autism project that was GenLock.

Team Four Star canceled Bojack Abridged.

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They have advertised lots of shows as season finale. The truth is, they don’t know 100% that there won’t be another season. But let’s be real, Genslop just lost most of its staff and more layoffs are coming. It’s done

Thank god, genlock is probably one of the worst things Ive ever watched.

Toonami never differentiates between seasons if they go directly into the next one


>wanting two slots eaten up by Naruto
Fuck off

I legit would rather they just remove slots than waste everyone’s time with reruns.

Clovercuck will never respond to you and will ignore all negative things to Black Clover. Hey, shithead, the elf arc's animation is fucking shit for what's considered the best arc in the series, Chimera Ant arc sends its universal critically acclaimed regards

You got a sauce on that?

Demarco confirmed the top 5 requests would be on Toonami with the next few months. If OPM and DS count as two, they have to replace Gundam with something new to fit 3 more shows before years end

>no responses
>resorts to samefagging

>It's your movie next gohan

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I'm more interested in their December Dragonball videos they probably won't do either.

It’s like 99.9% chance it won’t come back. Unless there is an official confirmation there won’t be more, Toonami covers their ass with “season finale”

>Can't backlink

Now I'm all for Cloverfags getting a slice of humble pie after all the non-stop Gucci cash money shit they talked months ago but they long settled down since then, so what's the point?

Bad block = clover shined
good block = clover hanging in there

Clover might be the new one piece with the upcoming shows tho

I really hope Part 5 is the last time we see Lupin on this block.

>He doesn’t know about withholding (you)s

>he doesnt know about part 6

I guess that explains how they could afford Michael B. Jordan

One Piece was actively losing viewers every week. Clover holds its audience share, why people expect it to beat the shit before it is beyond me

I can see this opinion after Part 4 which was mostly hit or miss and forgettable but Part 5 is currently the only show that makes me wish it was next week already when it's over. So I can agree to an extent if it's wacky Lupin but more serious adult Lupin can stay.

Considering it’s swift move to the deathslot, and frequent loss to a rerun, I don’t think le faggit man will be allowed to get any more. Same with Gundam, he was certain it would air at 1am. Programming said fuck that

thats a shame they've been setting him up for years

Hes actually a gen:lock shill, just ignore him.

Jojo dub isn't even close to done yet, the anime only ended last season and they've NEVER released a Jojo dub faster than 7 months after the last episode aired in Japan.

It took DeMarco 3 months after Kai ended to rerun it. I'd imagine he'd do it in the same amount of time. That or run GT.

The dub doesn't have to be done, but it has to be a few months ahead of Toonami. They were still dubbing SC and DiU while they were both running on Toonami.

>Team Four Star
Who? I think I remember somebody with that name. Didn't they used to make videos?

Do people actually still watch tfs? They havent been funny in years.

>Cancel their anticipated DBZ Abridged movie (the only reason their retard fans sub them), because they "couldn't make it funny"
>Shill their unfunnier shit (JoJo summaries, lame-ass Office ripoff documentary, and DBZ Shorts) extensively.

DBZ Abridged is dead.

They're still funny, they just take themselves way too seriously since they started making a living off their content. Also they now hardly produce any worthwhile content, they just churn out tons of low effort vlogger shit that is now 90% of their video library and starting lots of new abridged series projects when they know all anybody cares about is DBZA.

>They're still funny
>they now hardly produce any worthwhile content

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But the previous shows outperforming it is supposed to happen, user. Anyway, with my computer finally back up and running and soon to upgrade the RAM in a crap laptop I got, here's last week:

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 764 0.38

11:30 gen:LOCK 452 0.25

12:00a Dr. Stone 400 0.21

12:30a Fire Force 349 0.19

1:00a Food Wars 299 0.17

1:30a Black Clover 259 0.14

2:00a Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 267 0.14

2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 241 0.12

3:00a Mobile Suit Gundam: Red Comet 233 0.12

3:30a Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 224 0.11

4:00a My Hero Academia 221 0.11

No comments this time, really. Kinda odd for Fire Force to do just as well as last week, but a slightly lower demo. Unfortunately, Chad Clover bros, looks like we won't be getting that coveted 1am slot anytime soon.

Do you have bad reading comprehension or what? They are still funny, but they rarely make anything funny these days because they're too focused on trying to make enough money to stay in business. Ironically them becoming full time content creators has led to them making less good content than ever.

>they are still funny
>but they rarely make anything funny
So they aren't funny

He should have said started, because it’s not going to start until those BDs drop

>they are funny
>except not right now because they don’t do anything funny
And anyway, they were never funny. They make a couple cancerous DBZ memes and people think they are the peak of comedy.

>On October 5th, Dr Stone will air two new episodes. The bonus episode will cover the slot left vacant by Genlock.

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Nice to see Dr.stone getting some pretty decent numbers and showing gen:cucks the door.

Inb4 Primal airs on [as] regular, flops worse than an average Toonami night, then gets put on Toonami in the rerun slot by Demarco anyways to spite Genndy

Like they have a choice now?


>Hating PTE

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yeah its ganna flop
>its going to be in theatures before cable
no fucking shit its ganna flop

Reminder that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of all time, WORLDWIDE!

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I mean the entire reason they need to play catch-up is because of the stupid Super marathon, so it’s not that based

Grow up Jeremy, you're 30 years old you balding faggot, act like one

You wish. He's an MHA shill who keeps trashing on anything not MHA and is unilaterally hated on Yea Forums. The whole Hunterchad nonsense? That's him. He loves making fanbase wars but his most hated series is BC.

I'm pretty sure it's just running in some LA area art houses for a few days so it can qualify for an Academy Award nomination.

>gen lock
>being seen by anyone who saw even basic ass Hunter
Uhhhhhhh, I think that shill dude might be living rent free in your head. Btw, where tf is Part 5 Demarco?

Jojobronies are such fucking cancer. Literally incapable of doing anything but whining about where the next season of their garbage is at so they can proceed to never tune in for it

Imagine the shitposting.

Thankfully Demarco doesn’t get to make the choice, Toei does. And they aren’t going to be giving GT any unneeded exposure

Gundam's not going away anytime soon since it's the 40th anniversary with the Legendary movie on the way, Sunrise is going to want to keep the brand fresh abroad.

>lupin losing to the reruns
I hope Demarco has the sense not to get another run after this one.

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Dimension W. Or Deadman Wonderland, if we haven't already.

Food Wars is currently the best show on the block.

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Still though, Toonami doesn't have any other recent Gundam series (with a dub) they could air except Build Divers, and that's tame enough to air on daytime CN (if they still ran anime). So we won't be getting any more Gundam for a while.

>Toonami doesn't have any other recent Gundam series (with a dub)
>All these Gundam series getting tv cuts coming to Toonami
>The one Gundam series that would resonate most with the Toonami crowd (all action, none of the IBO melodrama) is completely MIA
>The one that's already dubbed and broken up into eps, that were later turned into movies

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Nobody gives a fuck what Sunrise wants. AS isn’t going to keep throwing money away on garbage people don’t want

Also zero politics*

Also has pretty great animation

Narushit and Borushit are far worse.

Gen lock is like if every episode of PTE was just the female portion.

So? Fucking autistic cucks follow that or care.

>Tenchi Muyo GXP
It was bad for the time.
literally just 5-minute shorts
>Tokyo Ghoul
Only season 2 was bad, but still doesn't come close to Gen:Lock
>Beware the Batman
kid show filler at 4am

Aren't some of the episodes too short to fit the time slot?

T4S was never good anyway.

They just can't "remove" slots. AS has to rerun SOMETHING at 4am.

Patterns are only true until they aren't.

Then run some of their crap comedies that they can run for free. Don’t overextend Toonami just to fill time, especially when it’s proven that the longer Toonami is padded with reruns, the worse it does overall

Viz only dubs over BD footage. That’s not a pattern, it’s a fact

3 more days. At what point did this shit start meaning so much to me? I almost feel like it's holding me back in life but really that's on me.

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>genlock will be gone after this week
Just 22 more minutes of suffering to go

>Toonami will be running a sendoff marathon for DBS on September 28th. One new episode of Super will air at 11pm, the rest will be reruns.

This is so stupid. They hardly ever run new episodes during a marathon. Why start now?

What about the Fujiko-centric one with tons of nudity?

So.. is meatmeat just a backround character? I thought she was in the OP

anons i dont think i can make it another toonami night

>Sunrise is going to want to keep the brand fresh abroad.
Which Toonami doesn't help with. The brand peaked in the west shortly after Wing then faded into irrelevancy. Gundam has been ratings black hole and forcing it constantly doesn't change that

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She was the earliest girl in Souma's harem but the author was hooked on the
>I wanna make a haughty blonde tsundere fall for the ragtag plebeian MC
trope, so she never got much development with Souma. Also, he had no idea how to make that trope work in the context of his story, so he wrecked it in the last two arcs to make that pairing just barely plausible.

Why is Lupin III even on Toonami? It's not a good anime, it's not an adult anime, it's not even animated 50% of the episodes.

I'm sad to hear Genlock is dead. The worldbuilding was nonexistent, sure, but I want to know who Chase is going to fuck on the Genlock team.

shipperfags are the worst

>shits on Gen:lock
Do we like him now?

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>Aren't some of the episodes too short to fit the time slot?
Yeah, that's true. If I gave enough of a fuck about Gen:Lock I would know how they worked around the length for that but hypothetically speaking they could probably fill the spare time with some music vids.

Too bad it was the worse episode featuring Megumi. I wanted to fap and be hungry.

Genlock didn't know what kind of show it wanted to be. Was it supposed to be Pacific Rim, Evangelion, or Tomino Era Gundam?

ok, i see the BD argument pop up all the time, but how exactly is it relevant here? by the time DiU ended here (mid-june), the first 20 eps of GW were already released on BD, which is a big enough buffer for them to have started airing the GW dub immediately after DiU ended. obviously that didn't happen, but the point is, why would they have to wait for the final GW BD to release in japan, to start dubbing and airing it here? seems foolish when they could have it ready to air much earlier, without any concern of going too fast for the BDs

VIZ likes to take their time when it comes to dubs, don't question it.

why didnt you protect her smile?

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Easily the worst girl in the entire series.


she's worse than animal piss and oats girl.



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Pop Team Epic
Sym-Bionic Titan

>*lifts you up by the head*

wat do

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Enjoy the tiddy window

Black Clover feels weird. It's like battle Shonen on autopilot.

This is your moral support for your squad.

Any questions?

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If you make Shinra's wife cry he'll orbital drop you.

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We all know that Demarco is gonna depend on the DB fans again soon enough. The real question is how long before he falls back on them again?

Genlock didn’t have any short episodes, just long ones. The solution to that was to cut stuff

My hope is that Kai was a learning experience. If the DB isn’t brand new, the Dragonfags ain’t gonna come back and watch it.

Shinra is quickly ascending to Asta levels of chad

And it keeps growing. Hibana and Tamaki are the only ones who want his babies.

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Fuck you

He somehow got muff diving on him, stepped on by a brown goddess and saw her underwear

1: If they already paid for the license, then they don't need to pay again to air reruns.
2: You don't have to watch the reruns.
3: Reruns at 4am have no effect at how well every program before it does.

At least you're not my asspull academia

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Holy shit I wish I was there for that thread

Except they do. It’s been proven countless times that when Toonami is short and rerun free, it does better overall

Yeah I still enjoy it

You sound gay.

Konosuba when?

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To much tiddy and ass jiggling for Demarco

I still say this scene shoulda been 10-11 seconds tops.

No. Her getting beat to near death in front of kids while the priest telling her he'll be with her till the end and screaming like an autist shoulda been 10-11 seconds. That shit went on for about a good minute.

how else are you going to introduce someone as a villain after spending 21 minutes of thinking its some other guy?

Should have been longer and more detailed. Too many of the hits happened off screen

One of the best shows in the block

Don't worry, they were so proud of the scene that they'll show it again next episode.

It's good and I can see why people like it but I really watch it for Noelle, Yami, the Black Bulls broing around, and the odd Sakuga ep

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>Black Bulls
They're okay, but I just wanted Asta and Nero go on adventures in the next big arc or to have Noelle and Zora tag along with them to make way for new characters.

Thoughts on Charmy?

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So what are the chances we get Sword Art Online Alicization Part 2 or Re:Zero?

>Sword Art Online Alicization Part 2
When it gets Dubed, unfortunately.
You knows. We know the up coming shows are the top 5 most wanted but we don't know what they are.

Re: Zero was rejected because the episode lengths can get up to 26 minutes without OP/ED credits.
The dub is mediocre anyway.

Is it wrong that I liked Eugeo as the protagonist and wished Kirito wasn't there.

How do I achieve Tsukasa mode?

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be in a shounen that was thought of drunkenly overnight and pitched to a studio on a saki stained napkin

Wen Bojack being never is easily in my personal Top 10 Anime Betrayals. Unabridged looks like it'll be cringy in the bad way, and their JoJo Part 1 summary was a massive disappointment. I'll probably enjoy DBZ Shorts, though.

No, It's agreed on that SAO can be good as long as there is no Kirito.

>Alicilization Part 2
Guaranteed to come next year
The opportunity to grab it presented itself years ago but it still has a decent chance. When the first seasons for Dr.Stone, Demon Slayer, and Fire Force end it could be a nice filler show.

We could be having MHA right now, Bros....

Why funi gotta do us like that....

I miss Ochako...

100%, and ironically, 0%

>source: my ass

We probably are, just not as a simuldub premiere like Demarco wanted

Ah i cant wait to see how Megumi and Souma btfo horse ass guy this coming Saturday

I don't know why I did this.

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You realize it's a manga adaptation right?

>Only season 2 was bad
So weird to see people say this until I remember nobody here watched it while it aired in Japan and got the BD ver on Toonami.

sorry i meant sake.

Alicization is guaranteed next year, we might even get it by December of this year since it's starting its premier in Japan next month.

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She's sadly not relevant at all after her intro, she only gets one more cooking appearance I think. Souma and Megumi are more central characters, with the Polar Star Dorm gang being regular supporting characters that show up frequently, especially in the earlier parts of the story. Erina is also a major character and she only gets more... central. Her assistant too. The Aldinis get a lot more screen time than Nikumi does, becoming about as commonly recurring as the Polar Star Dorm gang later on.

There's 2 or 3 other important characters who haven't been introduced yet that end up becoming very important, plus the other Council of 10 members and some other antagonists.

Aniplex doesn’t turn dubs around that fast, it’s for sure gonna be early next year

Because Dragon Ball as a whole is the lifeblood of Toonami, and since they're probably not going to get OG DB, GT, or Super 2, they want to give it a proper send-off.

I always liked him over John Gen:Lock

Dragonball is more like a cancer considering most of its fans refuse to watch anything else Toonami offers

So are you guys showing for the marathon to at least have a comfy shitposting time?

Lel no fuck DB

The solution to that was to cut stuff
You mean there's actually more of it?

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No, I meant why would they premiere a new episode right before the marathon when they could save it for the next week and keep Super on the schedule for another week?

You could say the same thing about most of the overhyped shows on the block.

Not sure if it killed interest on Yea Forums; they still have threads about it.

Just in the first episode. I think the other long episode was resolved by simply removing the OP entirely

But you can’t, because no other show brings such a massive audience that leaves immediately when the show ends

Marathon shitposting times are pretty comfy, I'll be there.

Probably yeah, won't watch the whole marathon though.

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>Vic case fell apart
>MHA season 4 soon to disappoint
>Yea Forums is still garbage as ever
>ultrasound tomorrow might force me to curb my drinking
>Braves bats are cold
Hahaha this sucks man

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When it rains it pours. I've finally begun to harden my heart to it and keep it cool. I think I hope

No. We haven't had one in a while so I forgot the feeling of wasting a week wageslaving with a marathon being the reward.

because i like it

At least Gen:Lock is as good as cancelled.

I sometimes wonder what leads to the creation to stupid shit like Gen:Lock. Writing a comprehensive story shouldn't be hard.

what was with the overanimated crying in fire force

The guy who created it was so full of himself that he actually thought he was creating a masterpiece. So much so that he started taking money from other projects to fund it.

The studio knew who the waifu of the series was and decided to give her big moment since her actual effort doesn't happen until part 2 of the series. Also they plan on animating the most kino scenes in Fire Force.

I can't wait for pic related to go down.

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is nimbus a living thing

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Think you could fuck it?

Forced animation exhibit A. I don’t think I have ever seen a worse case of forced animation

nimbus is the wingman

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>Forced animation
Classic, I love that bait
Based ex-Shaft animators

I still think that eating gif from Luck and Logic takes the cake on forced animation

Where else would I be on a Saturday night? I'll probably just watch the few episodes I actually liked and spend the rest of the time catching up with my backlog though.

Pure kino

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What's Ochako doing there?

find a flaw

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Yuno's cumdumpster


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Not real.

She's not my wife.

I'll have it on in the background but I'm not gonna pay attention to it or probably to the threads very much.

Inept at cooking, basically serves utter slop and can’t follow a simple recette

Don't you have a failing restaurant to run?

too plain

I don’t have a restaurant at all, and neither do you because your are a tasteless failure. If I did have a restaurant, I would model it after the one Shinomia runs, it’s the model of perfection, I didn’t get a restaurant in France’s biggest district with flavorless slop, that’s for sure. Plus, he is also a really good looking guy.

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No, because you have to be pure of heart to touch it.

whys he such a DICK

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I heard you guys serve really good horse ass

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Check the ratings yourself dumbass. Trim the reruns and the whole thing spikes

Yeah, when they're at the front, dumbass.

Nope, at the back too

Either you're stupid or you think I'm stupid. Are you actually trying to convince me that you refuse to watch shows you like at 11 or 12 because there are reruns on at 4?

The first hour usually fairs fine regardless, but everything after that sees a visible increase in viewership when dead weight reruns are kicked off. The block feels like less of a chore to sit through entirely when it’s not bogged down

go back to bc

>15 year old girl with tits bigger than her head
Next thing you know we'll have lolis with fully developed bodies

lol no
The underwater temple arc was the only decent arc this show had but then it spiraled downwards immediately afterwards so

Will this at least be fun? I hear on top of the shoddy animation, it cover a kinda dull point too

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It’s alright, not as good as s1 but decent.

Kind of, not really.

It probably will be fun since it's still ONE, but Mob Psycho is superior so seeing that beforehand might dampen the enjoyment of S2.

If we do get MHA S4 at some point, it's kind of a bummer since I never watched the end of S3 after it was deathslotted and don't really feel like watching it on my own time.

Not surprised. Women in restaurants suck at cooking.

That's your own fault.

so toonami just implodes after dbs ends, right? or does it not matter because db fags only come for db and don't contribute to the numbers for the block


Toonami should've tried harder to find a long running show those retards or at least the regular AS audience will latch onto. They dug their own grave

Name one which Toonami hasn't aired that isn't Fairy Tail. They've otherwise aired all the potential long runners.

The ladder. Toonami will likely do better with DBS gone since the first show can be paired with Family Guy

Dragonball fans hate anime. There is no show they could have got that would have retained that audience. DBfags are a cancer to the block

Thank god gen:lock is over this week

IGPX was pretty shit even though everybody seemed to lap it up.

Here's a fun fact for you: Only a few weeks ago, we got to the episode which aired in Japan the week Toonami returned in 2012. We're still about a year and a half out from getting to the point Japan was at when Toonami started running Shippuden back in 2014.

one last week of turning over to syfy to watch futurama as well as their own low budget shows they are producing akin to trying to horn in on the late night stoner audience that adult swim has

Thank God gen:lock is dead forever.

>mfw even RT-fags are cheering the creator getting kicked to the curb because of how shit he was.

I really liked the micro series, shame the full series was a CG nascar pile of ass.

Only reason people gave it a pass was because Toonami made it

Buttholes. Complaining DBZA is getting in the way of the professional work when it was the foundation of what they've done.

It’s one of my favorite parts of the block. Black Clover isn’t original, but does a lot of things better than other battle Shōnen (side cast that matters, based main character, likeable if stock characters) that I can’t help but love it.

The only ones I have any respect for are the ones who took their experience from DBZA and applied it to going out and getting real voice acting roles. It’s cringe as fuck to hang onto DBZA forever and try to make your career out of it

If Toei wouldn't DDOS their entire operation any time they release a new episode, they would probably be more inclined to continue it.

I enjoyed it so much I planned out my own prequel to it based off of suggestions from these threads and /u/ to cope with the fact that people don't care for it all that much.

If TFS would stop profiting off of stolen content Toei wouldn’t be inclined to DDOS it

Black clover is 100% shonen tropes and it knows it, which is probably its greatest strength.

Anyone who fucking likes black clover watched the actually new episodes instead of the old as fuck ones toonami airs

10 weeks old is hardly old as fuck

There's only one BD left.

Then explain OPM Season 2. We're going in that shit with no BDs.

They don't monetize the DBZ Abridged videos.

For the new episode, then I leave.

Maybe? I mean, it is only DB Super.

Basically just remove the first ratings. Nothing will drastically change.

Viz is dubbing the BD footage

>they don’t directly monetize it so they aren’t making money on it lmao
>conveniently leaving out all the DBZ rip-off merch they were selling

The current second show will likely do a lot better since it will be paired with FG. So I’m expecting the entire block to do slightly better simply by not starting so unrealistically high

What professional work do they even do?

18s TFS VA and the dude that does Ainz in Overlord is from TFS, they both have multiple official roles at Funi

Mommy dearest syndrome

>Shinra smiles whenever he's nervous
>all the while people think he's being a smug prick he's actually extremely uncomfortable and having a bad time
I kinda like this character quirk better than your typical flustered crybaby reaction

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not enough good porn of her desu

Black Clover in general has a major porn deficiency. Which is odd considering it’s popular enough that it should be getting all kinds of content

So why wouldn't they have already started dubbing the GW blu-ray footage long ago?

the only one pornable is veronica and she does it well enough herself

So how long will they make us wait to tell us what the third new show is?

They honestly have done everything but straight up say they're done with abridging DBZ but they know they can't say it. Essentially they're holding their fans hostage. "Yeah we may release the next episode in the next 10 years, but check out our shitty side project and let's plays!"

It has its moments but yeah it got bad. The Cell saga especially since they got super high huffing their own farts.

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no new show

super rerun
kept at the first slot

Demarco already indirectly confirmed that’s not going to happen

Why do I have a strange uneasiness about the direction Dr Stone is going to go? I feel like it’s a cracked vase full of water, and any second it’s just going to smash to pieces.

I have never had this feeling with other shonen garbage. Black Clover for example, I went into with rock bottom expectations, so really the only path I left for that was up. On the flip side, I went into Fire Force with high expectations that it has delivered on thus far, but I also believe with time my interest in it will trail off, as will the quality. I’m not sure how to describe Dr Stone, I went in with some expectations because of all the hype it was getting, but I just can’t pin down why I’m expecting it to fall apart

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It actually has been getting pretty meh in the manga, actually think I might drop it.

They'll introduce more people,become lesd focused and then fall apart. Unless it does the near miraculous,but NOT impossible,job of having lots of characters and still making you give a shit. Then again, I DID just pull this speculation out of my ass.

Let me ask you this, how many times did you hear about Fire Force or Dr Stone prior to this July? More than likely, the answer to this question is literally never. Fire Force is a shonen stuck in some obscure not Jump manga, but Dr Stone actually is in Jump, and it’s the worst performing one of the current active series by a long shot. The simple fact is it’s just not a good series. The “hype” you saw was all shills. Yes that term is often misused, but Jump has no qualms with using shills to give undercard shows a head start. It worked for Black Clover so they have reason to try. Notice how Dr Stone was able to trend multiple times during the day before it started, but now that it’s actually airing it seems like no one gives a fuck?

You aren’t wrong. Dr Stone started out on weak footing, and just pisses it all away almost instantly. I honestly don’t understand how it hasn’t been flat out cancelled yet

Where did the Fire Force hype come from then?

A bit more of a natural way, by showing a bunch of normies at a con some of the best animation in the series. That’s a surefire way to get people spreading the good word about the animation quality, which causes people to tune in. Trouble is, those normies are like Demarco clones. As soon as it started establishing itself as a fanservice oriented show, normie internet evaporated instantly.

Unlike Dr Stone, Fire Force will be able to coast along with its mediocre story with its animation quality. Dr Stone isn’t very action oriented, so it can’t rely on animation to save it, not that it has shown anything too standout yet anyway

If you truly are just pulling this out of your ass, it’s hilarious how on the mark it is. i hope you all haven’t gotten accustomed to the “main” cast

>They'll introduce more people,become lesd focused and then fall apart.

sounds like that show the last man on earth

I don’t remember BC getting shilled at all, in fact I remember it getting shit on relentlessly.

It was shit on, but Jump was shilling it aggressively regardless. They really wanted it to take off because they were desperate for another “big” series for them to focus on

I miss Philposting

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I don’t. This slop was such a bore

Animeonly, but so far more people are introduced but it hasn't lost focus yet I guess. Tsukasa is put on the back burner while they just do science shit.

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>Will this at least be fun?

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Eureka Seven. I had my chance 7 years ago but I actually want to watch it now.

We already got a rerun of Deadman Wonderland in 2015, but honestly I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Don't worry, Toonami will solve this problem by not airing it.

DeMarco said they will have announced every show in their current top 5 in the next coming months.

In July, he said the top requests were for "Dr. Stone, Mob Psycho S2, One Punch Man S2, JoJo S5", while not specifying any specific new titles.

In November of last year, it was Goblin Slayer, Lupin III Part V, Violet Evergarden, Golden Kamuy, and Banana Fish.

We know there's no chance for Violet Evergarden or Banana Fish due to licensing with Netflix/Amazon (and Banana Fish not having a dub). We got Lupin part 5, which leaves Goblin Slayer and Golden Kamuy. Goblin Slayer is too rape-y for DeMarco, and dropped almost completely out of existence in the public eye after airing.

I'd say Golden Kamuy and Mob season 2 are the most likely candidates for the next new show we have.

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ok looks nice
oh shit what the fuck


>oh no that fight with two literally who characters didn’t get the entire budget how could this be

>literally who

There's no way MHA season 4 isn't on the current top 5, and I doubt Golden Kamuy still is.

Golden Kamuy fell out just as fast chief. And there’s no fucking way the ratings black hole people avoid weekly known as Lupin was a top 5 request. That entire November list reeked of lies.

We have no clue what their current top 5 chart is. Jojo makes sense because Jojobronies are relentless, but I would see that taking a slot in November instead since Viz takes their time to actually do a halfway decent job. Since we have one low priority slot to fill for the Oct 12 schedule, I could see that being Mob since it’s long past dub premiere status. I’d say at the latest that would air before Bort, maybe a little higher if they feel risky.

Don’t forget the wildcard for early November will be MHA S4. The memes about it not coming should have stopped immediately when they went out of their way to accommodate a partial rerun that just so happens to end the same time the dub would be far enough ahead for a Toonami run

This is kind of a troublesome promise. Demarco assures us the entire top 5 list will be on the block, yet doesn’t tell us what the list is. So there very well could be high request shows being skipped here and we won’t know any better.

Man,I liked that show at first. Dropped it after they went to California or something
What the fuck happened?

>Why do I have a strange uneasiness about the direction Dr Stone is going to go?
Rape Namek 2.0

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thought of you all.

If there's nothing better on I guess.

Probably two weeks from today

Gal Cleaning?

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Hey I forgot about this series. Is it still ongoing?

Yes. I enjoyed it. Generic but very fun.

Who is Veronica?


>This is kind of a troublesome promise. Demarco assures us the entire top 5 list will be on the block, yet doesn’t tell us what the list is. So there very well could be high request shows being skipped here and we won’t know any better.
Isn't entirely a bad thing, fad anime being skipped is perfectly fine.

So what show currently on the block do you hate the most BESIDES gen:lock?

No it ended after a real shit part.

Bort and Bort's Dad.

>BC characters are so good that nobody wants porn of them
Meanwhile in my homo gaycademia

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My Hero probably, will never get the fellatio around it.

That's one hell of a cursed image.

That’s not what’s going to happen though, we are still getting fad anime, just any that offend le faggit man’s gentle sensibilities will be passed

Probably gonna have to go with Bort. It just comes off as an after school cartoon desperately riding the success of Naruto. The fact that it will occupy a spot indefinitely also factors into my opinion


On his AskFm where he confirmed the top 5 requests would be on the block with the next few months. If we assume OPM and Demon slayer are two of them, only way to shove 3 other shows on before years end is by premiering 3 shows on the 12th of October and 2 in November

>he doesn’t know

Does anyone else stay up this late and watch these reruns? Man sealab went down hill.

I actually don’t, a quick rundown would be appreciated

>series is not that popular to start with
>but gal stuff is an easy sell in recent times so it catches on a little on the internet
>time passes and people quickly realize the series can never be more substantial than a doujinshi so interest starts to fade fast
>author panics, puts “plot” on hold and ramps up the fanservice
>little spike of interest, but still nothing that will cause long term interest to stick
>ok time to introduce a graphic rape to my comedy series
I don’t think I have ever seen a series heel turn that fast, nor have I seen a crowd of fans do the same. There are two paths of speculation. One, the editor said he was being cancelled, so he went full madman. The second, the editor was forcing him to continue the series based on a false and failing sense of success, and he was willing to do anything to get it canned. Nobody knows because he had to delete his Twitter after that chapter dropped because the ass ravaging it caused was so severe

Lets be honest, it never started high up the hill in the first place

How long will Toonami last?

>just any that offend le faggit man’s gentle sensibilities will be passed
Ergo any isekai not named SAO can get fucked. Fire Force managed to pass but the hype around it probably made them look past the ecchi stuff. I don't mind fad anime pick-ups if they're beneficial to the ratings like Fire Force and Dr.Stone have been thus far though. The only issue I have with them especially the shonen ones is that they just make the line-up look predictable.
Hopefully long enough to air Boogiepop They're in alright shape now but will definitely struggle until the next DB show, and the new original shows probably won't bring in much viewership 2021 is my bet.

Only one show can replace DBS.

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>STILL the second highest rating on the block

You're running out of time to apologize and frankly, you look a fool.

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>STILL the second highest rating on the block
>11:30 gen:LOCK 396 0.19
>12:00a Dr. Stone 409 0.19

You sound like a retard.

>>the second highest rating on the block
>11:00 Dragon Ball Super 687 0.33
>11:30 gen:LOCK 396 0.19
>12:00a Dr. Stone 409 0.19

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I'm coming to like Dr. Stone, it's like someone combined Don't Starve Together and Terraria (almost) into an anime.


Daily reminder that GenLock season 2 will NEVER happen unless RT just sells off the whole IP.
In part because the creator got fired for being an absolute shit Head of Animation who stole money from other projects to fund his GenLock autism, but also because the animators outright refuse to ever work on a season 2 as a result of the aforementioned shitty behavior.

Good things really do happen.

What will happen to RWBY?

Likely continue on since it’s the only RT thing anyone cares about

Fire Force slipped by because they needed a show NOW and didn’t get a chance to look into it

AS insider here,

I’ll bet you are wondering what the other show we have on deck is. So let me ask you this, what is the BIGGEST show in the upcoming season that we could pick up? We knew we needed to stack the deck pretty hard with Super leaving, so we did what we had to do to pull off this upcoming schedule. This last announcement is really going to blow you guys away, and probably confuse a few too. I will say this, actions we took earlier in the year were directly responsible for us being able to pull this one off. So if it doesn’t make sense at first, just know it fell together this way because of what we did

What’s the show

The animators sound like a bunch of whiny bitches. I mean they couldn't even do good job making animations in the first place, so they shouldn't be allowed to work on anything really.

Toonami gonna get caught up then?

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Why are they taking a break?

We have a delay next week, so I think we will come back to where we started

Happens for most shows that aren’t a direct simuldub. Since it’s episode 12, Japan may be taking their mid season break so Funi is taking the opportunity to stop as well

Not entirely, but since we're only taking one week off for a marathon while Japan is taking two weeks off, this means we'll end up being only ONE episode behind next month rather than two.

Makes me wonder if the real reason for the Super marathon is because Toonami was alerted to this delay in advance.

Hero Aca season 4 is a no-brainer

If they could air it without all the filler episodes then yes, that'd be nice.

This week! Maybe! If I don't fuck it up!

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Where do you even buy quail?

Butcher shops

Probably get better since this fucking guy is no longer literally funneling money and personal away from the show for his own autism project and company paid trips to Japan.

I mean it’s hard to do a good job animating shit when your head of animation is constantly approving and unapproving shit on a whim, moving people between projects constantly, and firing anyone who speaks up.

Apparently the fucking Nano-smoke shit in GenLock (you know the Union’s fucking calling card with a bunch of particle effects and shit) was a last minute fucking addition to the show. Possibly only added in the last few months of production.
At least that’s the story according to one of the animators who’s come out of the woodwork now that all this is public to call the dude a dickhead.

Good luck. You may need it.

Maybe if the animation staff wasn’t so lazy and entitled, they could accomplish the tasks I give them. The guy is a great director, and all these reports are fake news from salty animation staff that doesn’t know the meaning of a hard days work

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Usually shows take a week off, but 2 is a bit strange. Maybe buying more time to edit because of Kyoani? I wonder if they are still doing that.

aw yeah bobobo-bo bo-bobo is coming back thanks to the english blu ray release this december

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>local news mentions area 51 raid
>one guy mentions Naruto running
>news lady keeps saying "narwhat narwhat?"
>"is that the name of the town?!"

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I think they are just at mid season in Japan, it does seem like an extended break but it’s not an unbelievable one. The only time table Funi has to adhere to is getting whatever episode Toonami is on dubbed before that Saturday, that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be an issue.

That’s kind of the trouble with Toonami airing simuldubs, Toonami has a good chance of running into unexpected break periods. 12 episode shows like AoT can usually muscle through to the end no problem, but any longer than that and a delay is inevitable

I know is a low effort larp, but I have also floated the possibility of an MHA simuldub premiere, but I think every season of MHA thus far has run into a delay halfway in, and Toonami would have to take that on the nose. Having the 2-3 week delay is what saves them from having to make schedule changes

Many anime do not take a break if they are 2 cour, they just keep going to the next cour with no stops. Sometimes they take a break, but it's not "usual", it's just not uncommon.

So starting this Saturday, we have a new Pre Toonami schedule

8:00 Kai/Super
9:00 Bob's Burgers
10:00 Family Guy

on 10/5, the DB hour goes away.

This will really help the block be in a good starting position ratings wise from here on out.

Thats kind of the risk reward with doing this. It's not the worst thing in the world if they have to run a rerun occasionally if they can actually get dub premeires. It's not that much of a disaster or hard to schedule.

>bobs/FG lead in
Watch them fuck this golden ratings ticket up by rerunning Dragonshit at the start

is this because of the annual hour loss to CN?

Is that still a thing?

It happened last year.

Tbh it should be permanent at this point. AS has never been able to get any value out of that hour because it’s so early. Their best show there was KotH, and that’s gone forever

Everything is fad anime with you guys.

Another 5 years at least.

>practically guaranteed the second highest ratings by airing immediately after Super
>can't even do that

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>what is the BIGGEST show in the upcoming season that we could pick up?
How should I know? I don't watch anime outside of Toonami.

>this means we'll end up being only ONE episode behind
Yeah, there's no way Funimation will be able to keep up with that.

>on 10/5, the DB hour goes away

demarco has to stuff that super rerun somewhere

I saw KotH at 6am today on CC. Why are they treating it like shit?

They only wanted because AS had it. Now that they have it they don't want it.

My definition of a fad anime is if it's highly requested on Demarco's list during the season it's currently airing, then drops like a stone and gets replaced by the next hot show, then it's a fad. A good example is Goblin Slayer, and to add onto that shows that are consistently there like Mo and Jojo aren't fads.

so are we getting mha s4 or not?

>CC is literally THAT kid


whatever this is

guys im demarco's coffee boy

the 3rd show is vinland saga

So i know this is a longshot but i figured id try-last week there was a (commercial)? With David Tennat speaking with various cuts of anime,he was talking about how its hard to do the right thing when you are constantly reminded how bad things are happening all the time that you see via the news,etc. Anyone know what the hell im talking about? It was relativly early in the night. The speach was amazing and id love to see it again,can anyone help me out with this?

Here you go user:
You can usually find all the night's promos/bumps within a few hours of airing on CabooseJr's channel.

Hell yea guys,genuinely--thank you. To anyone who missed it,do yourself a favor and watch it.

>watching liberal propaganda
no thanks

Real AS insider here.
The new show is Fairy Tail.

I forget, did Shinra say there were no bones in the fire from his origin story?

Thats really how you see it? To me its just a message to try be a decent human,even if its just small things. Basically saying we have potential for great things. Sorry you gotta bring those gay ass political ideas to a 1 minute video.

Why do people suck David Tennats dick so much? Dude is a pretty meh actor.

Im not saying hes anything special,but you gotta admit his delivery in that video is pretty good. Hes not really acting just speaking

I think so, or at least no bones of his little brother.

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Well, now I know what I'm saying tomorrow night when it comes on...

You do realize that wasn’t for that video, right? It’s just some speech lifted right out of Genlock over a bunch of anime clips

Sailor Moon (Crystal or Classic) or STU

>classic sailor moon
would this bump naruto out for longest runner?

Dr Who

>something new
>lists something not new
Nice literacy jackass

Sailor Moon will never happen because Hulu paid Viz a SHIT TON of money for exclusive rights to have it be streaming only.

Also, Crystal was widely reviled (to the extent that they pretty much said "Fuck it" and killed it after adapting the Bureau of Bad Behavior season).

And the Viz dub cuts may be uncut, but it's pretty soulless as far as losing all of the DIC music and all of the extra character depth given to the cast in the US dub.

No shit

This is LARP. All the "big" stuff airing next season are sequels, and some of them already on Toonami.

Seriously, next season is looking bland as far as sequels go, hoping some of the newer series are good. Psycho Pass 3 will at least be good for a laugh probably, but otherwise it's a low energy season for hype unless you're a MHAtard or SAOfag. Ain't nobody excited to see more Food Wars, Chihayafuru is fine, but not great, and I'm pretty sure SDS is still Netflix'd into oblivion. Also nobody was really clamoring for more Psycho Pass, the response is more of a "nice I guess".

Attached: top nine most hyped anime fall 2019.jpg (1505x897, 392K)


Do not open the image
It is just a cat.

I know this is might be off topic. But a few minutes ago my heart started racing at the thought of being drunk in approximately 19 hours from now on Toonami night around Food Wars and thought I would share now.

>wednesday night accidentally started reading up on SCP entries
>then some lets plays
>and then youtubes of some SCP entries and shit
>thoroughly creeped out
>thursday morning had waking dreams about my garage
>day was normal otherwise
>thursday night had repeated short dreams about various things that can be SCP tier but not the actual entries right now
please note i woke up between each of these
>my old world of warcraft physical security key telling me when it was safe to wake up or not with each press
>my nintendo ds with etrian odyssey inserted constantly giving out bloody screams of incoming death, opening it caused a reflection of various mutilated characters appearing behind me
>this leather pouch of silver coins my grandmother gave me was never ending but the more i took out the darker it got outside
>nintendo switch turning on in the dock with fierce deity link in that little window from the top of the dock and partial screen popping out and pulling it out had a bloody smiling 1986 link using fierce diety head as a puppet on a stick and reaching for the power button caused fierce deity to animate
Even now, friday into saturday I am sitting here at 3 am kinda scared to go to sleep and I know my cat is making noise downstairs because mice move in this time of year and going downstairs to check up on her and her not being phased by a flashlight being shown on her and shes just looking up at mice is totally normal holy shit my fucking keyboard tray is moving around more and more is this real

alcohol tomorrow during the block might be my end
if any of you are actually real and not truman show stand ins i want to let you know that your illusion of good times for 6 or so years are apparently the best timetoo long

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God I fucking wish we were that lucky.
Unfortunately that probably wasn’t even in the top 5 because the anime community at large has shit taste.

Doesn't matter because it's locked down by Amazon. Whoever is acquiring anime for Amazon has really good taste, it's just unfortunate they have no idea how to market their shows to a wider audience.

He obviously means MHA S4 which you memelords have been saying wouldn’t happen. Not saying the larp is real, but I do believe MHA is coming

is it true? ultra instinct abandoned after the tourny?

its not abandoned, just benched. in the Broly movie Goku briefly tries to use ultra-instinct but just goes SSB instead, likewise in the manga Goku has yet to figure out a reliable means of getting back into the ultra flow-state he achieved against Jiren that triggers MUI,
Super DB Heroes has him activate it every time he badly loses a fight but Heroes is basically Z movie tier.

Rest assured that by the time they eventually catch up to EoZ like Toriyama intends, Goku will be able to use Ultra Instinct at-will

It’s not like it matters. It’s going to be cast aside as a scrub powerup in the next series since Goku will need another power level to ascend to

To anyone still awake for whatever reason, Samurai Jack is on right now and its the techno episode. Jack is fighting mecha sound dude in a mud pit with all the kids watching
I know I seen this in the animated version of The Dark Knight Returns
But this Jack episode came out before that
But the comic came out in 1986. Was this fight scene in that comic?

>Also, Crystal was widely reviled (to the extent that they pretty much said "Fuck it" and killed it after adapting the Bureau of Bad Behavior season).
They're adapting the rest as movies....but they hired back the old character designer this time around. I think Toei acknowledged how much they fucked up with Crystal given how big the Dragonball revival has been so this is them making some sort of an effort to redeem themselves.

Who's this titty beast with the cute fang?

>It worked for Black Clover
No it didn't. Its been underperforming and nobody really gives a shit about it which is even more embarrassing since TPN and Kimetsu are outselling it and garnered more attention and acclaim despite the latter initially selling less than it. The main problem with Stone is that its just not for everyone and this how nothing to do with it being action orientated but more so that its general concept is not very interesting to most people and the fact that much like BC it had a false start and doesn't truly begin until Senku ditches those two retards.
>Fire Force will be able to coast along with its mediocre story with its animation quality.
Discussions of it has gone way down since the end of Hibana's story arc and petered out with Tamaki being a regular.

>Discussions of it has gone way down since the end of Hibana's story arc and petered out with Tamaki being a regular.
Sadly and hilariously true, the new ep thread on Yea Forums has been up since yesterday and only has 136 replies right now.

And also I don't believe it's being dubbed. Same as Dororo and Banana Fish before it.

Well to it's defense, it is near the end of the season so people might be more excited to talk about the shows that ended. But no that's really fucking bad. I've seen shows that were hyped then slowly died, and this is really really bad. Threads are ghost towns.

People on here called it predicting that once viewers saw how mediocre the series is the hype would die. But I doubt anyone saw it happening so abruptly.

>more so that its general concept is not very interesting to most people
I feel like the stats contradict you here, while the anime isn't breaking any records it's doing pretty well, especially given how low budget it feels sometimes with the animation.

That sounds amazing
Wish I got to see that unfold

That's not true

Also that's wrong

Black Clover went from total unknown to moderate seller, so yea it worked. It didn’t take it to #1, and no one expected it to.

I thought it would at least reach to about episode 20 or so before interest really fell off. As someone else said, I figured the animation could carry it some extra distance but apparently not

Oh god there's so much to do

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Holy shit Starship Troopers is on sci-fi, haven't seen that movie in ages. Also, another Starship Troopers anime when? Maybe if Rooster Teeth made a Starship Troopers series instead of gen-cock I'd actually care a bit.

>electric stove

Rooster Teeth can’t even make ends meet

May the gods of /cock/ be with you

Can’t believe this thread is still up

we have to make like 45 more posts

Then reply to me with this man's name.

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Costello from that [as] show about video game war

Can't believe Stone is the show in the first half of the lineup with an actual rise in numbers. While still in the shittiest part of the story, too.

Does anyone else here get their anime only from watching Toonami?






This was stressful

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I haven't been downloading anime recently so yes.

No, I keep up with a few seasonals occasionally and watch other shit I want to. I just watch Toonami out of habit and I like shitposing here.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.54_[2019.09.11_11.38.49].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Give it a little time, it’s still cruising along with its hype period

did you ever make a terrine

Don't get me wrong, I love the manga (show is decent to good), I'm just surprised since I didn't think that many people would enjoy it.

Mereoleona from black clover

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Yes. Fuck I didnt even watch OPMs2 and various others just to watch it on Toonami.

No, if I hate myself enough I might make one in 2 weeks

do they ever make the ultimate pizza or hamburger in food wars

Yes to both, but neither will be soon. Hamburger is S2, pizza is S4 I think?

>Eureka Seven. I had my chance 7 years ago but I actually want to watch it now.
Why not just watch it online?

This thread is STILL up?

See you fuckers in a half-hour.

We didn’t get any fresh news to complain about this week

Your new wife.

Do you accept?

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Shit tier waifu

Nah, she's pretty alright. Certainly better than Asuna or that tsundere from Black Clover.

Someone make the fucking thread already god fucking damn

People can wait until 8:00 EST. That's not that long.

and get banned for image dumping or spamming right before the block?

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>this thread is still up
Has this ever happened before? I can't remember, it's been so long. Usually a janny kills the thread by Friday.

not sure if legal

this gumball anime scene is pretty fetishy

Thoughts? I know it cant compare to the original, but isn't this one a good to?

there are none

This thread is still around?

Bumping cause what the fuck is even happening.

Even in death, Gen:Lock user is still mocked.