I just got invited to my mom's Cleveland Show 10th anniversary party this month...

I just got invited to my mom's Cleveland Show 10th anniversary party this month. How will you guys be celebrating Cleve's big 1-0?

Attached: cleve.jpg (500x519, 34K)

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Fuck you, nigger.

For a brief second I thought he was wearing Luffy's strawhat but I'm just a fucking dumbass.

Your mom does not honestly do this

It's kinda hard to watch it now that comedy Central owns the tv rights

I'm gonna sit in my bathtub and shout NO NO NO NOOOOOOO haha only real clevebros will get this one

Kaizoku ode WHAT naru?

Attached: li6rbafuiaburfkhhtqj.gif (635x405, 72K)


Rude man.

My name is Cleveland Brown, my name is Cleveland Brown. My name is Cleveland Brown, my name is Cleveland Brown. My name is Cleveland Brown, my name is Cleveland Brown. My name is Cleveland Brown.

There's old friends and new friends and Cleveland Brown.

There's old friends and new friends and Cleveland Brown!

Attached: ok.jpg (323x270, 32K)

Wtf? Why would your mom, who I presume is over 50, care about some cartoon? Even if your black, Cleveland Show really isn’t much to throw a party over. Was it that special to her?

It's nostalgic to her.

Signing a petition to ask them for a new season.

In what way?

It is ten years old. Aren't you nostalgic for ten years ago?

Good post user

Attached: 1567539547718.png (240x280, 112K)

I'm going to fap to big tiddy ebony porn.

>implying black people enjoyed this show

But why the Cleveland Show specifically? Does she watch cartoons often?

Some black guy who never met another black guy enjoyed the show.

Damn I remember watching this premiere back in 2009 after one of the new season 13 king of the hill eps. I remember unironically thinking the bit with Peter trying to catch road runner was funny, but that's all I remember.

This is not funny in retrospect

Donna has plenty of thicc, Ill give her that

It's cute

>Cleveland Show 10th anniversary

Attached: youre tearin me apaht tippy.jpg (400x300, 27K)

Hey that might actually be his last name.

Show got pretty good after it found its footing. More enjoyable than Family Guy at the very least and has better characters. Sucks it got canceled when it was good. Family Guy is pulling the same ratings it pulled when it got canceled.
They fucked her up by making her wear a wig. The show didn't know who it was marketing itself to.


Why is it so fucking hard to find decent Roberta porn?