DIsney won't make live-action versions of Pocahontas, Tarzan, Hercules & Hunchback

Rejoice, Yea Forums.

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Is it because the main characters are human?

Gonna need a source on that, buddy boy. Tarzan makes sense due to the Burroughs estate and Pocahontas is a touchy subject, but why wouldn't they do Hunchback and Hercules?

Live-action Hunchback is already in the works with Josh Gad.

What? I was positive I heard that Hunchback was getting a remake a few months ago.

Probably because they don't want a new Disney Hercules to get in the way of Marvel Hercules.

hunchback is one of the few disney movies that would probably benefit from a live-action remake
as long as they don’t pull another beauty and the beast, which they probably will

Cast Esmeralda. Remember, green eyes are MANDATORY

they've already announced hunchback haven't they? and Pocahontas is getting rumored.

They did but it probably got delayed because, well you know

>won’t make live action Pocahontas
Thank fucking god lorararararalooo win for us redskins

Supports pedophilia

Supports incest

Religious tones

No idea actually. Animal Abuse?

I just need to be sure Hercules won't happen so we can get a Marvel Hercules movie without executives canning it for potential confusion.

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Hercules and Hunchback have already been announced. And yeah they're never touching Pocahontas again.

Don’t all of them potentially involve race mixing though? Disney loves that stuff.
>Native American x European
>Euro x Gypsy
>Mediterraneans are a Chex mix of colors
>make Tarzan black

Can't blackwash the movie, ooga boogas will get mad.

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no, i dont know

They're making a live-action version of Hunchback right now.
There's a decent likelihood of Hercules and Tarzan adaptations. They won't touch Pocahontas with a 1000-foot pole.

I thought Idris Elba got cast as Quasi?

Well legally, they can’t remake Tarzan.

Hunchback is getting a remake.

Why do blacks get so asshurt when you show Africans as Hunter-gatherers.
All humans were at that state once, and Native Americans wear it with pride

they...did make... a live action tarzan...retard

Exactly. How many of those are white dude on ethnic chick? Half of them, but they can't race swap Tarzan because "Racism" and if they swap Herc to someone the US left doesn't consider white then it's going to damage the narrative, because it becomes a definite thing of actually being a racist dick to everyone involved openly at that point.

You're making things up to get angry about.

You fuckers really don’t understand how Matoaka was the first mmiw of the US or give a shit about other people’s history/race if you’re mad over Pocahontas not getting a live action version. Especially since her tribe asked Disney not to remake it.

>Tarzan is white
>Tarzan has dreadlocks
That would be cultural appropriation

Hunchback is coming and he's black or something
Non-Disney though

Reminder that Tarzan is literally supposed to be white. It’s part of his character.

Just making him an African tribal kinda ruins his whole character and story
Also I can't imagine a lot of black people are going to be happy when he starts shacking up with the gorillas and shit

tarzan got made

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