Who was the best character in this show?

Who was the best character in this show?

Only season one

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 21K)

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The fat boy

My choice is:

Attached: download.jpg (76x257, 5K)

Gwen. She was that character who went far beyond a one-dimensional stereotype.

Though after season one her character was sort of ruined for bullshit love triangle shenanigans.

Attached: gwen crying.jpg (479x271, 18K)


Who was the best character in THIS show?

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Heather every season
even 4


Danny Devito

He's the best character in everything

The crazy one

Sorry about the wait on the new chapter, School's a bitch



Attached: Heather_(Not_Quite_Famous).png (1366x768, 819K)

this but unironically

No problem, school is starting where I am too.

Beth hands down.

Attached: 400px-Beth_Front.png (400x907, 298K)

She was hot.


For me, it's Mr. Coconut


Attached: latest[2].png (816x2268, 106K)

based zekechad

Attached: Ezekiel.png (264x706, 109K)

For me it's Duncan

Anyone got a link to this? I lost mine when I switched computers.

What's Jerma doing there?

I gotchu mang

Thanks, friend.

The cameraman.