Channel The Movie TRAILER

>Channel The Lucky Gem, left by her best friend must find new friendship after reconnecting with her past.

Watch the trailer:

Attached: channel_the_movie_trailer_still_03.png (785x440, 193K)

Other urls found in this thread:



The hype is real , thanx user

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Wow, as an user who has not worked on this project from the start I can say with 100% certainty that this has absolute promise. I can tell from a mere glance.

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you're doing blessed work


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Yep. I'm stealing this clip.

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This is your brain on discord

>even bought a domain
really? interesting choice

The mad lads are actually doing it. Finally we’ll be as good as Yea Forums when they made that porno.

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> Yea Forums when they made that porno.
nani the fuck

this is gonna be the best fucking Christmas ever

>Yea Forums when they made that porno.

Wait wtf this is a thing?!
Man i wish i could've helped i've been just editing and drawing stuff to entertain anons, any way i can still help? im descent with after effects, premiere and photoshop

Attached: as one.gif (700x400, 2.68M)

or as some might say..

>no voice acting
That's worrying


We aren't done with the work yet!

Official Team Discord
Definitely need someone with after effects experience.

I feel like human scum saying this, but
Join our discord.

Just google baneposting porno

We have VAs but no lines have been recorded yet. Casting isn't totally finished yet though.

shit i forgot all about that


Do you at least have script writers? Revisionists? How about Storyboard artists?... Do you need any?

Edit this
>Don't you want a (you)?

Attached: spinel pennywise.jpg (1280x1810, 347K)

>3 months to 2020
>still pretending to be epic anonymous legion on 4channel

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>he says while posting lmao drink bleach cringe culture memes

>Don't you know? Making OC is cringe in current year.

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You can tell something has quality and promise to it off the fact that the site barely fucking loads

I can't get the movie trailer to load. Is there something I'm missing here?

Ahh Nice!
Joining in about an hour or two just gotta finish one last request from other boards and im ready for action.

You can just admit you need more femanons.
I'll join later when I have time

I haven't been this happy about something on this site for years.
Bless you movie user and godspeed in doing what needs to be done.
We will make channel this boards mascot if it's the last good thing we ever do.

>this Christmas
Requesting Channel in Christmas colors iso she looks like a mistletoe.

Attached: 992E559A-D54A-4716-9CE0-580A6C572E03.jpg (631x630, 88K)

The site is loading slow

Yes, but we need more! Check the discord!

these threads are fucking painful to read

>Channel using her stretchy arms to put a misteltoe above user.
if that isn't a request made specifically for pearl user i don't know what is.

in what way user?

Attached: spinel while anon is at work.png (680x680, 313K)

Spinel is basically a dog.


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Spinel is basically a dog you can fuck.

Yeah except wanting to fuck Spinel isn't morally wrong

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alright ill let this transgression slide for now

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Spinel as a dog would be a dachshund.

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>"yoah happilly evah aftah!"
boy am I glad she dropped that godawful accent after the introduction.

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dubs of Speenie dog

A more accurate version. Dog Spinel would have floppy heart shaped ears too.

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The way this cuts off hurts my soul

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I am more hyped for this than the original movie

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You wanna piss your pants/shit and cum for spinel?

I'd shit for spinel to piss and cum at me

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No user I'm not a freak, I just want her to beat me within an inch of my life and tell me how worthless I am, just like every other normal person.

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Whys the liquid yellow?


Piss drawer

>maybe shit and cum
since when is this /fit/?

no ty, I am on nofap

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Oh what fresh hell is this?

>Spinel uses her injector to end the world
>Channel uses her piss drawer to end the world

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fuckinf furryfying everything
I like it

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Germans will understand

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>still no coomer

That one is too shit, it would turn the piss injector sour.

Based and caninepilled

Will this just be a recolor, or will it have custom dialogue?
What will the editing be like? A youtube poop or something else?

She's a good girl.

it's been posted in the next thread and i came back to praise you. nice job user, that's the cuestest shit.


>Pink Diamond/Rose was always just immature and did whatever she wanted regardless of the consequences and what other people thought
I skipped quite a few episodes here and there. Do the Crystal Gems acknowledge this at all?

Custom dialogue. High quality editing. Basically a new movie. Expect 4K release.

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Can i mirror the trailer on my YouTube channel?

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no, faggot.there's already a channel for it.

What's the channel? Can't find it anywhere on the website

Someone give me the “don’t you hate that show”

You madmen actually did it. Mother of god...

yeah i'm gonna have to ask what channel because the sites media player is fucking ass.

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why is she green?

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She da illest, bruh.

Ancap Channel?

Thank you

Of course!

Ok thanks. I just thought it should be on YouTube.
Here it is

This is brony level autism

No, Brony stuff at least have high skill stuff and is not FOTM tier
This is a fucking recolor presented as new.

MLP was a fotm that became fotdecade
I’m not ruling anything out

people complaining that something popular being talked about is unprecedented or as bad as the mlp days are retarded

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I'm proud of you faggots, take it one step at a time mates.

>NPC Amethyst

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It won't get done the fucking Discord has a "FemAnon" Role that's how you know it's gone to shit.

I assume that's for voice acting?

Hell yes my fellow enlightened poster, I hate females as well

they need people for re dubbing you fucking idiot.

Yeah, but I wouldn’t want a target on my back like that...

just redpilled

I'm honestly surprised this little bit of OC got such a good reception.
Half of Yea Forums hates SU and half loves it, unless I missed something. Yes, I watched the movie.

so you want traps then?

Voice acting role
I've no problem with girls in discord it's only when you bring attention to it that it becomes a problem, that implies they matter more than anyone else.
Sorry the FemAnons here won't fuck you.

So a neutral “Voice Actor” role would be better?
Or just the character name?

I say neutral voice actor role is better, it already exists, FemAnon is just unneeded, I've seen it done to death on every goddamn server I go on, and that just causes bullshit.

You go on some weird servers, I’ve never seen it once

Why are you people so fucking annoying?

I mostly go on Lucid Dream and MLP servers, I know the lewd servers for /ftt/ had a female role.
>Degenerate on my 4channel?
It's more likely than you think.

Well, sometimes it goes by a different name. Like “moderator”.

this is getting out of hand

this project already looks like a disaster

>Well, sometimes it goes by a different name. Like “moderator”.

Attached: elf laughing at manlet.jpg (540x360, 93K)

so who are the other characters besides
channel, stvanon, and amethpc

i tried with that last name

wtf I like channel now

In the name of equality there should be a “sausage haver” role as well

Wtf, you idiots are actually cooperating on something?

I thought Yea Forums was the one board that could never agree on anything

Okay what the fuck is this.

this started at least 2 weeks ago, user. lurk the Channel threads in archive

how about AmethNPC?

Truly excellent.

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>not Channel

Attached: JAZZ FOR YOUR SOUL.png (1019x870, 322K)

Thanks friendo.

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Who’s voicing Channel?

>Amethyst's face instantly switching from NPC to normal
I'm sold

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>Tries to show what Yea Forums was like 'back in the day'
>Screenshot of a popular show's controversial finale

can confirm, dachshunds are throwback.

Attached: dachshund.jpg (720x525, 124K)

I don't understand you're point and I think you misunderstood mine. Does a conversational popular show that just got a movie after a long hiatus not warrant the amount of discussion it received? And anyway, It's been 2 weeks since it aired and apart from this retarded channel thing she currently only has one thread with 3 replies.

>Channel The Lucky Gem
oh you're just taking the piss nao

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im retarded and said you're instead of your and conversational instead of controversial

You still taking auditions? I wanna throw my hat in the ring if you still need male VAs

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There's making OC and then there's slapping paint on an existing thing and saying "I made this".

nobody made those, THEY made those


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There’s a fucking movie! I want to watch it now!

Production's a shit-show don't bother.

though their job might be easy because all they simply do is edit a preexisting animation, this might take up to at least late November to be finished
inside info? thanks, anonymous

If you voted her yesterday, you only voted her for round 1
Vote Spinel!

>No lines for VAs to read, had to improvise
>Guys who did nothing but shitpost and spam Vocaroos get parts
>nobody's fucking writing, just shitposting and fucking around with story ideas
>editfags not expanding to animation, just editing frames save for one or two
Some user mentioned FemAnon being a role now, which is cringey when you think about it.

You know what user? You're right! This is horrible. We gotta fix a bunch of this shit right away.

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now you're just basically describing the usual Channel threads having fun, but that's just a Channel thread and they're just a bunch of anons that, like you said, shitpost. Even if the actual team isn't doing their job seriously, at least they're having fun doing it and,as it seems as I lurk these threads, the OG Channel anons aren't really looking forward to it. So I was basically telling to be realistic about it and not be hyped/zealous for this shit speaking as someone who had have fun shitposting along in the Channel threads.
I don't know about what's "cringey" about having a FemAnon, but I sort of get where you're getting from this, but do you still care to elaborate?

tl;dr: I don't care, this is a thing now

>the OG Channel anons aren't really looking forward to it
How would you know that?

>the OG Channel anons aren't really looking forward to it
ye ok

Attached: ChannelEdit1Fix.png (483x527, 202K)

meant for

>How would you know that?
>it seems as I lurk these threads

Maybe I'm wrong, though, or may have misinterpreted their sentiment(s). Besides, who am I to tell how/what they feel? You're free to check it out yourself and decide for yourself what's actually going on there.
Satan blessed and checkedpilled

Actually the script should be done this week.

I'm one of the OGs, and I'm excited as shit for this man

Do you guys still need male VAs?

Either tripfag or go back to user.

oh goddamnit we're doing this again aren't we

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so you've been told this before, and you didn't listen?

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no, ive had someone mimic the blessanon title before, thats what im going goddamnit about, ya mook

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at no point prior to this, has anyone ever told me to
>either tripfag or go back to user
so, kinda hard to listen to something never said

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Maybe use a trip then

crawl back to where you came from tripfriend

why crawl when i can yeet myself there :D

I am a faggot and belong in reddit.

now you've just given way your obvious falsefagging identity

Heard that story over and over again.

So what's /pol/ going to do in the movie?

Lynch some of the black residents of beach city in the backround during scenes?

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/pol/ is an arcade machine you get (You)s from.

But it also needs to inflict violence on non-whites.

Maybe it could eat any niggynogs that walk by

oh god no youre tempting me with a musical number

How the fuck didd this happen?

Ah, someone wishing to know the origin story, let me begin from the start
>Now then boys, girls, and a gentlemen, sit back as i tell you a story, a story as warm and comforting as a mothers kiss, or is it? Now then once upon a time-

It just did. Spinel was cute so we needed a green four leaf clover Spinel.

Lucky trips of truth

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Lucky numbers for a lucky gem.

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the luckiest gem

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Is this going to be a lot better than the original?