Cursed episodes

Cursed episodes

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Are they any different from fetish episodes?

only when the fetish is good

>episode ends with an pony entity defending pony deedee
>deedee's friends and Dexter realize the importance of other people's freedom and let deedee go free
>Episode actually ends with pony deedee riding into the sunset

Never gave it much thought when i was younger, but i burst out laughing when i watched it recently for the whole "and then deedee lived as a free pony for the rest of her life. The end"

dimwit dexter

>that KND episode about the eye crust desserts

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Pssh, you call that cursed?

This is cursed

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And snot filling. Can’t forget about that bit

That isn't the shoe gnomes episode

I had nightmares because of that one

>written by Seth Mcfarlane

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Any body swap.

he wrote all the eps with johnny hooking up with animals/anthros

>that episode

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Based Mcfarlane


Uncomfortable fetish connotations.
I read this book as a kid called "Jiggy McCue and the Toilet of Doom" and it's what gave me the fetish before I even knew what an orgasm was.

There's no scat in the book, btw. It's a computer game about Man-Eating Toilets that somehow causes him to make the switch with his (female) best friend.

The werewolf one?

All the episodes of Flapjack.

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Sneed's Feed& Seed

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Is this indicative of nusponge? If it is, it can burn.

Paul Tibbitt was forced to add that scene in in other to appeal to another demograpic

Not really.
The worst it really gets other than this and the splinter episode are overly detailed faces.

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Why would the kids be making fun of Iggy in bunny pajamas MONTHS after the fact? Real kids would laugh it up for a week and move on. to the next funny thing. At least Gerald wasn't watching Arnold's humiliation. True friend right there.

does Adult Cartoons count?

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sensible chuckle

Transspecies propaganda

The episode where Gnomes worship Deedee's feet

i found the they hate men joke funny

fucking dexter man
>that episode deedee gets really dirty and is confused as a baby sasquash

Dexter was never good retards

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Fuck off you 15 year old chode choker. This is why youre failing in algebra 2.

I hated that fucker so much.

Reminder that the Skipper episode was before Madagascar

>Using Eddy's middle name episode instead of the phone one
Good, the phone one was actually pretty funny and people get stupidly bent out of shape over it. Eddy's middle name episode had all the same problems but ramped up way higher and without even being a funny episode. Easily the worst EEnE episode IMO

>Kevin forces Eddy to make out with Edd

Was he a closet homo?

What skipper episode?

The one you posted retard, Eddy's middle name is Skipper

yeah that's why he was in hell

What problems does the phone episode have? Even if it was pretty out there, it was still funny.

Edd was a cunt.

Phone was atleast watchable even with dick Edd.


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