>Patriarchy Bad!
>British Monarchy Bad!
What a boring comic
Patriarchy Bad!
>the true villain is society treating women bad!!!!!!
What a boring human being you are.
If that's all you got from the comic, then you're a literal brainlet
>conspiracy theories that go nowhere
>"society is evil maaaaan"
>what if our dreams formed a symbol of the collective subconscious of the time? Lol a pentagram.
>all women are victims
Even moores notes at the end were a wordy way to say I made it all up
Exactly what would you expect from a comic about an investigation of a man running around chopping up prostitutes?
Not him, but I would assume that would mean that the villain was in fact the person chopping up prostitutes.
It becomes a very thin story if you don't look at what causes those girls to be on the streets and at risk of being chopped, though.
Wait til he reads V or Promethea
I might imagine that there are many reasons why a woman might turn to prostitution.
Which would indeed be a series of interesting stories, but not necessarily one connected by a similar systemic issue, except perhaps maybe money.
>but not necessarily one connected by a similar systemic issue, except perhaps maybe money.
Money and no small amount prejudice against unmarrired women in the era, I'd say.
While there most assuredly was prejudice and bigotry in that period, I'm not sure what the (actual) jack the ripper's motivation was. Considering his identity was never actually known I would hazard that his motivations might be hard to guess without knowing who he (and, some people have speculated before it was another woman, though there's nothing to substantiate that) was.
I guess it doesn't take much to undertand that From Hell is not trying to tell what the actual Jack the Ripper motivation were. Per his own words, Moore is writing how the whole of society of Victorian England could have shaped the Ripper murderer and his murders.
>Even moores notes at the end were a wordy way to say I made it all up
So what you're saying is that he wrote a story?
From Hell rules what the fuck
what he really did was basically read over 200 books on the ripper murders and the sociocultural and political events of the era and distill all that into a narrative that followed (but didn't necessarily stick to) the stephen knight conspiracy theory. then when moore found that two books contradicted each other on something, he made up some plot device that explained how they were both accurate
the notes on his book are all basically "x is according to this and that book. y is conjecture based on sources not directly related to the murders. z, i made it up because it worked for the story i wanted to tell"
the notes and scripts rule
>Moore is writing how the whole of society of Victorian England could have shaped the Ripper murderer and his murders.
That's retarded, every societies have murderers and mass murderers. Doesn't mean said society is shit else that retard Moore would've laid down his retarded anarchy larp already.
This was Victorian England where woman sexuality was so repressed that it was thought that sex was only something you ought to do when trying to have children, otherwise you were a loose woman of low morals who nobody in proper society would want to marry, and if you were a rich wife, you literally had to get a hysteria diagnosis so that doctors would finger fuck and give you an orgasm in the name of curing a medical ailment. You were the property of a man, afirst your father, then your husband. You did not have the right to vote. You did not have the right to do just about anything, unless you were wealthy or from a well respected family enough to have power to get some leeway, and even then your independence as an individual was strictly controlled by the people around you who could ruin you with a scandal if you misstepped, since social pressure was so immense that your standing could disappear in an instant.
This society also thought parents should only spend minimal times with their children, and only really socially interact with their own offspring during brief encounters during the day and then slightly more during holidays. TL,DR Vixtorian England was fucking bonkers.
Is it stated that From Hell is a kind of history book? The historical accuracy is engaging, but having the tilt of a conspiracy theory elevates From Hell from being just another recounting of the Ripper murders.
>everything was awesome back then
Apart from the voting bits everything in this post is factless hot garbage
>all women are victims
It's a comic about some guy chopping up prostitutes, did you think that wasn't going to be a message?
Wanting money?
Having vagina?
Having to decide if you work or just sell vagina instead?
Pretty sure its those three things.
>British Monarchy Bad!
Well that part is certainly true.
So, he wrote a story then
>Having to decide if you work or just sell vagina instead?
Are you considering working in a sweatshop an alternative?
>Having to decide if you work
What work, fucknut?
Remember the part where they're so poor they have to sleep on a bench with a chain across them
>what is historical fiction
There was work available to women, just not work that afforded them to live independently. Most single women lived with their families if they were lucky, or in sin/common law partnerships with men, or in grotty doss houses. Or there was the workhouse, widely considered one of the shittiest places to exist, so much so that people opted to live on the streets instead of it.
Read 'The Five' recently, about the main victims of the ripper, having not read much into the murders it was a very interesting look into the society of the time.
>Doesn't mean said society is shit
That's not what I said. The society shapes and the murderer and the murders reeflect society. That's the "point" of From Hell.
>rooting for the Hannov-I mean the Windsor
What a fucking cuck. Bongs are just pathetic, worshipping the bottomless monetary pit and Rotschild's designated slut which is the crown. Go back to your bets on the old hag's next color of hat, you subhuman sheep
Back to reading Squirrel Girl little one.
Maybe...Just maybe... hear me out on this....that the creator of this book was some type of writer of fictional works? An author, one could say.
Im Retarded: The Thread
>Women are Only Sex Toys and It Should be Legal for Men to Rape and Murder Them as They Wish: The Thread
>not hilarious
So basically/pol/ : the thread
this thread in a nutshell
also thoughts on the colored edition?
Hated it, it was much better in black and white.
Rent free
>also thoughts on the colored edition?
Useless, but if Campbell can do a quick buck with it, bless him.
He literally wrote it not to tell a murder mystery but to make some point about women being abused by men despite then being better than men (somehow) and how britain was evil. Also the "conspiracy" is that straight christian men run the world. Yawn.
>thoughts on the colored edition?
That's poor form, IMO.
I can't put it into words, but I feel like the black and white visuals help the blend into how surreal things get.